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Welcome to Advance Excel Training

Good Afternoon Everyone....
we will start the session soon...
Ctrl + F1 -> to show/Hide the Ribbon
Fn -> Function Key
Shift + F11 -> to insert new sheet
Ctrl + PgDn -> go to next sheet
Ctrl + PgUp -> go toprevious sheet
Ctrl Key -> help us for do the multiple selection
Ctrl + Enter -> to fill any common value over selected Range
Alt + = -> to apply the auto sum formula
Basic Function in Excel:-
SUM, MAX, MIN, Average, Count
=COUNT(B3:I3) -> How many cells in given range that contains numbers only
=COUNTA('BigBasket Products'!A27542:J27542) -> How Many cells in given range that
contains data
Counting with Criteria:-
Countif(range, criteria)
Range -> Criteria Range -> Where is criteria
Criteria -> What is criteria
=COUNTIF('BigBasket Products'!I:I,5)
Types of Cell Reference:-
1. Relative Cell Reference -> default cell reference
eg. A2, B2:H55 etc.
2. Absolute Cell Reference -> Use $ sign to lock the cell ref.
eg. $A$2, $B$5:$H$66 etc.
3. Mixed Reference -> either we lock Row or we lock Column
eg. $A2, A$2 , A$2:H$55
Lookups Function in Excel:-
Why we need
VLOOKUP Exact-Match:-
=VLOOKUP(A4,'Member Details'!$A$1:$F$14,2,0)
0 = False -> Exact Match
Error handling in Excel:-
IFError(value, Value_if_error)
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A4,'Member Details'!$A$1:$F$14,2,0),"Data Not Found")
=HLOOKUP(A4,'Customer Website'!$B$2:$O$3,2,0)
Limitation of VLOOKUP Function:-
1. Table_Array must be start with id.
2. it will return the data for 1st match of mode is Top to Bottom
Sol for 1st Lim:-
Reverse VLOOKUP, Index-Match Function, XLOOKUP Function(Excel 2019+, Excel 365)
5 min for Practice
XLOOKUP Function:-
Error Handling with XLOOKUP:-
=XLOOKUP(F4,$E$10:$E$29,$B$10:$B$29,"Data Not Found")
Date & Time Based Function:-
=TODAY() -> Return current System Date
Ctrl + ; -> Return current System Date(Fixed)
=NOW() -> Return Current System Date with Time
Ctrl + : -> Return current System Time(Fixed)
Day#02 : 04-April-2023
Work with Text based Function:-
Joins Multiple cells data into one:-
=B4&" "&C4
Split the text:-
Select the data -> Data -> Data Tool -> Text to Column
Limitation of Text to Column:-
Left, Right & Mid Function:-
=LEFT(B2,6) -> Return the n(6) char from starting of text string
=RIGHT(B2,4) -> Return the n(4) char from ending of text string
=MID(B2,7,6) -> Return the n(6) char from middle of text string from 7th Position
Data Cleaning in Excel:-
How to remove extra space from data
Copy the data & then Paste Special(Ctrl + Alt + V) As value to source location
Logical Formula IF/Nested IF:-
Not equals to <>
Logical Function: AND, OR:-
Addition with Condition:-
SUMIF -> Addition with Single Criteria
=SUMIF(E3:E16,"yes",D3:D16) -> Total Paid Amt.
=SUMIF(E3:E16,"no",D3:D16) -> Total UnPaid
SUMIFs -> Addition with Multiple Criteria
Date & Time Based Function:-
=YEAR(B9) -> Return the year value from given date
=MONTH(B9) -> Return the Month value from given date
=DAY(B9) -> Return the Day value from given date
Calculate Past/Future Date:-
=DATE(YEAR(B4),MONTH(B4)+9,DAY(B4)) -> Return the date after 9 months
=DATE(YEAR(B4)+1,MONTH(B4)+9,DAY(B4)+20) -> Return the date after 1 year 9 months
and 20 days
Age Calculation in Excel:-
Datedif(start_date, end_date, Format_code)
=DATEDIF(C5,$E$1,"y")&" years"
=DATEDIF(C4,$E$1,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(C4,$E$1,"ym")&" Months
"&DATEDIF(C4,$E$1,"md")&" Days "
Total Working Days:-
=NETWORKDAYS(A4,B4,F3:F6) -> Mon to Fri
=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A4,B4,11,F3:F6) -> Mon to Sat -> MS Excel 2010+ , 11-> Sunday is
=WORKDAY(A9,B9,F3:F6) -> Mon to Fri
Ctrl + #(Shift +3) -> convert to date format
=WORKDAY.INTL(A9,B9,11,F3:F6) -> Mon to Sat -> MS Excel 2010+
Excel Dynamic Function:- only for Excel-365
=UNIQUE(Data!I2:I266) -> Return the Unique List of Employee
Quest & Ans
Day#03 : 05-April-2023
Dynamic Array Function E365
ChooseCOLS Function:-
Table Data Based Dashboard:-
Display Top(n) 5 Record based on sales
Display Bottom(n) 5 Record based on sales
Data Consolidation:-
VSTACK Function:-
Choose Function:-
S9 -> Index -> Based on index we get the value
Drop Down List: Data Validation:-
Data Validation:-
Advance Data Validation:-
=VLOOKUP(E9,'Ex 1'!B6:E182,4,0)
Sort & Filter
Advance Filter:-
5 Min for Practice
=CHOOSE(J11,"South Korea","Japan","Japan","Japan","USA","USA")
Conditional Formatting:-
Advance Conditional Formatting:-
Use a Formula
Text Based Function:-(E365)
=TEXTBEFORE(A36,",") -> Return the text before ,
=TEXTAFTER(A36,",") -> Return the text after ,
Day#04 : 06-April-2023
Table Tool -> Create Table -> Format As Table -> Ctrl + T
Convert to Dynamic Table
Table -> Range
Slicer -> Visual Filter -> Excel 2010+
Table Based Dashboard:-
1. Convert your Report to Table -> Ctrl + T
2. Insert one row at TOP
3. Insert Slicer from Table Option
4. change the setting of slicer
Table Dashboard
Line Chart based Dashboard
Histogram Chart:-
Security in Excel:-
Apply a Password to File
Worksheet Protection
Workbook Structure Protected
Protection with editing in few cells:-
Hide the Formula:-
Range wise Password:-
Day#05: 07-April-2023
Pivot Table: Alt N V (IMP)
Req#01: Region wise Product Total Revenue
Req#02: Region wise Product Max,Min,Avg,Total Revenue
Req#03: Region wise Product Total Revenue, % of tot Rev
Pivot Table cache -> Alt + F5
Table -> Ctrl + T
Dynamic Pivot Table
Design Tab:-
Report Layout
Work with Report Filter:-
Slicer -> Visual Filter -> Excel 2010+
Show Report Filter Pages: IMP
Grouping in Pivot:-
we can do grouping on Numbers & Dates only:
Date Grouping : Year, Month, Qtr, week etc.
Excel 2016+ -> in Pivot Table -> Auto grouping
Insert Calculated Field:-
Macro in Excel:-
1. Enable Developer TAB
2. do the required changes in Macro Security
3. Record A Macro -> Basic Report Automation -First_Macro_B2
=> How we access the Macro
-> Alt + F8
4. Assign A Macro to Button
5. How to Save A Macro
a.) Save As Macro enable Workbook -> .xlsm
b.) Save As Excel Binary Workbook -> .xlsb
c.) Save As 97-2003 Workbook
Limitation of Default Recording:-
Use Relative Reference:-
Assign Personal Macro to Ribbon -> so we can access anywhere
Day#06 : 07-April-2023
Q & A
UDF : USER Define Function
VBA Editor -> Alt + F11
1. SUB
2. Function
Function MyProduct(num1 As Integer, num2 As Integer)
MyProduct = num1 * num2
End Function
Create your own Plug-in
Save your function file as Add-in,then enable the Add-in
enable the PowerPivot Tab
File -> Option -> Add-in -> Comm-Add-in -> enable PowerPivot
Power Pivot & Power Query:-
1. Open a new File
2. Data Tab -> Get Data -> Excel Workbook -> Select your File
3. Trasform
4. Remove Extra Column(other than Table)
5. Click on Arrow -> Load More data
6. Auto detect data types. ( Data Cleanup job)
7. Remove the error from column
8. Load to connection...
Name Manager , Define Name
mem_DB -> name of Table_Array
Pivot Chart & Dashboard:-
1. Convert to Table
2. Rename the table
3. List all of your KPI(All Req)
Req#01: City wise Sales
Req#02: Fiscal year wise Customer Total Sales
Req#03: Year Wise Profit
Req#04: Fiscal year Employee wise sales & Profit
4. Solve your First Req
5. Add a Slicer (Must) -> Auto Link other Req.
6. Copy the entire Pivot table & Paste in other place and 2nd req...
7.Create Pivot Chart & Move to Dashboard Sheet
8.Record A macro to refresh the cache
9. Use code -> VBA -> Select Dashboard Sheet-> Worksheet Activate-> Paste the code
Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "show.toolbar(""Ribbon"",False)"
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
End Sub
Day#07 : 10-April-2023
Power Query & Power Pivot:-
-> Download the Practice Files-> LPU Live Group

Enable the PowerPivot:

-> File -> Excel Option -> Add-in -> Comm Add-in-> Check Power Pivot-> OK
Number of Row in Excel : 1048576
What is Power Query?
Power Query is an application for transforming and preparing data. With Power Query
you can get data from sources using a graphical interface and apply transformations
using a Power Query Editor. Using Power Query, a business intelligence tool offered
by Microsoft Excel, you can import data from any number of sources, clean it,
transform it, then reshape it according to your needs.
What is Power Pivot used for?
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in you can use to perform powerful data analysis and
create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes
of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share
insights easily.
What Is Power Pivot and Why Is It Useful?
Power Pivot is a feature of Microsoft Excel that was introduced as an add-in to
Excel 2010 and 2013, and is now a native feature for Excel 2016 and 365. As
Microsoft explains, Power Pivot for Excel “enables you to import millions of rows
of data from multiple data sources into a single Excel workbook, create
relationships between heterogeneous data, create calculated columns and measures
using formulas, build PivotTables and PivotCharts, and then further analyze the
data so that you can make timely business decisions without requiring IT
The primary expression language that Microsoft uses in Power Pivot is DAX (Data
Analysis Expressions)
Step to work with Power Query & Power Pivot:-
1. open the new excel File
2. go to Data Tab -> Get Data -> Excel Workbook -> Ok
3. Right Click on Folder -> Trasform
4. Remove the column other than Data-> Table
5. clean the data ->
a. Correct the data types -> Manual or Auto detect
b. Split the date based on space
c. Remove the time
d. Remove the error from data column
6. close & Load to...connection
7. Power Pivot -> Manage -> Create A Pivot Table
Auto Refresh after every 30 min
Data Tab -> Q & Connection -> Properties -> check
Work With Multiple Table ->
Create the Relation ship between the tables and fetch the data from other table.
1. Convert your report into table(ctrl + T)
2. Rename your table
3. Add tables to Data Model
a. select the table -> Power Pivot -> Add to Data Model
4. Create A relation ship
5. Create the Pivot & fetch the data from other table.
Power Query:-
Load the data
Clean the data
Create the Report
Errror Handling in Query
use First Row as Header
make a pivot table
Update the source data
Refresh Query & Pivot
Work with Multiple Worksheets:
Create A relation ship
1. Convert reports into Tables(Ctrl + T)
2. Rename the tables
3. Add to Data Models
4. Create A relation ship
5. Create the Pivot table
Power Query from Text Files:-
Function in Power Query:-
Count of Qty:=DISTINCTCOUNT([Quantity])
Sum of qty:=SUM([Quantity])
Insert Calculated Field(in Pivot Table)
=[Sum of qty]*[Quantity]
Fin Function:-
Dynamic Array Function:-
VStack - Merge data
HStack - Merge data
Diffrence Between Bar Chart & Histogram Chart
Show Report Filter Pages -> Report divided on sheets (Pivot Table)
Day#08 : 11-April-2023
Q & A
Power Query...:-
Fetch the data from image:-
Fetch the data from text:-
Error Handling with Date in Power Query: Date Format Error:
=VLOOKUP($A4,mem_details,MATCH(Members!E$3,'Member Details'!$A$1:$F$1,0),0)
Data Cleaning:

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