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: & test cope 02114020 ay! FORM TP 2021200 MAY/JUNE 2021 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® COMMUNICATION STUDIES Paper 02 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. | | 1. This paper consists of THREE questions. ‘Answer ALL questions. 3. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 4. Do NOT write in the margins 5. You are advised to take some time to read through the paper and plan your answers, 6. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. . Remember to draw a line through your original answer. 7. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO, Copyright © 2020 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. es 14 Aces a ees ae 1 iz ao a 7] SECTION A MODULE 1 - GATHERING AND PROCESSING INFORMATIO! 1. __ Read the extract below carefully and then answer the question that follows. The Importance of Choosing a Career Path Today’s students have a dizzying array of career avenues not available to earlier generations. On the one hand, itis exciting to have so many possibilities, but itcan also feel stressful and overwhelming, especially with people unrelentingly asking, “What are you planning on doing with your life?” If you have no sense of purpose or direction, you could waste precious time in low-paying, dead-end jobs. Following a career path paves the way for economic security throughout your lifespan, Most people do not fall into their dream job by sheer luck. Only a sliver of the population achieves fame and fortune through extraordinary talent alone. A high school education is required for most jobs that pay above minimum wage. In 2016, Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce found that high school graduates make an average of USS1.4 million in total earnings during their workforce years. College graduates have a lifetime earnings potential of US$2.5 million and those with a master’s degree can make USS2.9 million. The path to a gratifying job with a good salary starts with matching your talents to college majors and technical programmes of interest to you. Job Satisfaction More than any other generation, 88 per cént of millennials find it especially important to work ata job that supports their career development, according to job satisfaction surveys reported by the Society for Human Resource Management. Other key contributors to job happiness include feeling respected by everyone at work and receiving good wages and benefits. Choosing a career path will likely involve postsecondary i internships or apprenticeships, which can offer assurance that you are on the right track to finding a job you will enjoy for many years. Job Security. High-paying, appealing careers are within your reach if you develop a career path and follow it. A good job can buffer anxiety over the high cost of living, especially skyrocketing rent or mortgage payments. Also, college graduates have the highest rate of employment. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that 88 per cent of college-educated adults were employed in 2016. The risk of being unemployed is greatest for high school dropouts who have a dismal employment rate of 48 per cent because so many jobs require some type of postsecondary training. Meandering about in various unskilled jobs may suit your present lifestyle but cost you later in terms of job security. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02114020/M1/CAPE 2021 = fs ; hh AD EP RTT AL PETS ee yD ADT RTT IAL TRIES od BLL = = 2g = : = & | DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA PEGE REE MY SEO AREA a r — 7 Ereedom to Retire One Day Professional and highly skilled jobs typically come with attractive benefits that include retirement plans. Retirement may be the last thing on your mind now, but more and more people are indefinitely delaying retirement because of cuts to social security and pensions. The day may come when you want the option of retiring. The Economic Policy Institute reports that increasing segments of the population will struggle to make ends meet in their retirement years, Adapted from Mary Dowd, “The Importance of Choosing a Career Path”. Retrieved from hitp://, In an essay of NO MORE than 500 words . state the writer's mai idea (no more than 30 words) + discuss THREE organizational strategies OR THREE language techniques OR any combination of both contained in the passage that may serve to achieve the writer's purpose + evaluate the credibility of the information presented. You may use the space for planning. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | 02114020/MI/CAPE 2021 [ei 2. 10 1s 2» -10- am | SECTION B MODULE 2- LANGUAGE AND COMMUNITY Read the extract below carefully and then answer the question that follows. “Gosh!” said Lloyd, “your uncle must be a real sport to let you have a gun like that. Even for borrows.” Mark made a casual deprecating gesture that implied it was all in the family but that it was a pretty good family to be in. When Lloyd left him he went into his front garden and up on to the verandah, which was shut in, protected and cool with the thick riee-and-peas vine and with the handsome cane furniture casually and carefully arranged along its length. He went in through the darkened cool drawing-room and dining-room where the dark glimmers of mahogany shone, and out on to the verandah. Here it was light and hot with glare and smelled of the hot flat-irons on the coal pot and the scent of starched, freshly-pressed white cloth. The servants were working and laughing together as they worked: Alice was ironing the clothes. Lyn was squatted ona stool with a big earthenware bowl on her lap, picking rice, her skirt drawn up over her glossy black knees and tucked primly down between the big, round, shiny thighs. Dan the garden-boy was out under the avocado tree cutting, and joining a new length of rubber hose. “Hii sab,” Alice said to him fondly. “You come home late today. Where you been?” “Ol .” he said, “I was down in the gully.” He leant the air-gun carefully in a corner and slung the satchel strap over his head. “1 went shooting,” He told them and took the birds he had shot from the now damp and blood- stained newspaper. He laid them along the verandah rail. First the three doves, close together, then the other, unnamed bird a little way from them to show it wasn’t of the same quality. “Lawd, Missa Mark, but you is a shot. You gwine shoot crocodile next. Well, four bird, all one time.” Adapted from John Hearne, “Voices under the Window In The West Indian Narrative: An Introductory Anthology, Revised edition, compiled by Kenneth Ramchand, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1980, pp. 130-131. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02114020/MJ/CAPE 2021 i sae a In an essay of NO MORE than 00 words, comment on the following: * ONE possible reason for EACH of the dialectal varieties found in the extract ‘TWO grammatical features of the dialectal variety used by Alice The effectiveness of TWO. examples of non-verbal communication evident in the passage" You may use the space for planning. PO NOT WRITE IN THISAREA: Titan aitans aan eee aistest sity GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE q 02114020/MJ/CAPE 2021 r seit 7 SECTION C MODULE 3 - SPEAKING AND WRITING Read the extract below carefully and then answer the question that follows. You are a member of the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in your town, At your last meeting, two issues dominated the discussion — the improper care of some animals by their owners and public cruelty to stray and abandoned cats and dogs. At the next monthly meeting, you have been tasked with making a presentation which will form the basis of an upcoming campaign to address the issues? In an essay of NO MORE than 300 words + using pathos or emotional appeal, outline TWO points which you would include in your message to owners who do not properly care for their animals + using logos or logical appeal, outline TWO points which you would include in your message to community members who treat stray cats and dogs with cruelty + discuss the suitability of ONE dialectal variety to be used in the messaj target audiences ig for each of the + discuss the suitability of FOUR digital media technologies, TWO for EACH of the target audiences. : You may use the space for planning. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02114020/MJ/CAPE 2021 Total 30 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. The Council has made every effort to trace copyright holders. However, if any have been inadvertently overlooked, or any material has been incorrectly acknowledged, CXC will be pleased to correct this at the earliest opportunity. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02114020/MJ/CAPE 2021 Coo re a tan ay mu Eu ranea tray PA Sep I apn SEAR BE GRABS BRORERRER BE RD NOT RITE IA Tae Rie 4 = = = : 2 a 4 bdusledd all dealt natoahlt sarasitanha cle uIMRra natin nent ee eee r ok a EXTRA SPACE Ifyou use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. Question No. 02114020/MJ/CAPE 2021 "3 2+ = EXTRA SPACE Ifyou use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. Question No. 02114020/MJ/CAPE 2021

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