GROUP 5 - PG 106

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- Carmen Sandoval Reyes

- Contreras Monja, Silvana
- Martha Chuquimango
- Anel Portal Huamanchumo
- Valverde Villacorta Paulo Cesar
- Carlita Mauricio Ninaquispe

1. In history classes when you were at school, did you learn anything about the
Roman Empire? What do you remember?

In school history class I did learn a few things about the Roman Empire. I remember
that The Roman Empire was the period of Roman civilization after the Republic and
was characterized by having an autocratic government. The Empire controlled a
large territory that included the Atlantic Ocean, the Caspian and Red Seas.

2. Read Ten Ways to Fall. Match each ‘way’ to a title below. There is one extra title you
do not need.

I.It got too big
II.There were too many foreigners
III. It lost its values
IV. It had economic problems
V. Technology finished it
VI. Disease killed it
VII. Politics destroyed it
VIII. It destroyed its environment.
IX. Its people were poisoned
X. The Empire never fell.

3. What do you think of the theories in the text?

- I find very interesting the theories of each of them and how was the fall of the empire.

Which ones sound most plausible to you? Why?

- In my opinion, Thera la anothar theory that the Romans, as they became richer and
more powerful, became more corruct.

Which of these theories could also be about fears for the decline in today’s society?

- In my opinion, the theory “Disease killed it”. Well, just as the Roman Empire suffered
a serious plague in the year 165 AD. We in the year 2020, have witnessed the Covid
-19, having as a consequence of this disease the death of almost half of the
population worldwide

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