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Jagannath University

Institute of Education and Research

Proposal on:
Submitted To:
Kazi Faruk Hossain.
Assistant Professor,
Institute of Education and Research.
Submitted by:

Serial ID Serial ID
no: no:
01 B170110012 06 B170110018
02 B170110014 07 B170110019
03 B170110015 08 B170110020
04 B170110016 09 B170110021
05 B170110017

Submission Date: 13 May, 2023.

Table of content
Serial no: Topic Page no:
O1 10 title 03 - 07
02 Introduction 08 - 09
03 Statement of the problem 09
04 Objective 09 - 10
05 Rational & significance of 12 -13
the study
06 Literature review 13-16
07 Theoretical or conceptual 16-18
08 Method 18
09 Design 18
10 Population 18
11 Sample/ sampling Technique 19
12 Data collection procedure 20
13 Tools of data collection 20
14 Data management 21
15 Data analysis 22
16 Conclusion 23
17 References 25
18 Acknowledgement 28
10 Titles
Seria Titles: Types: Sourc Reference
l no: e: :
01 Causes of A Natio Kabir, F.
low Survey nal (2023).
enrollment in educ
secondary ation
science polic
group of y
rural 2010
02 learning A Natio Majumder
outcome compa nal ,
with rative educ Suvashish.
Academic study ation (2023).
Achievement polic
in y
Information 2010
Education in
03 Secondary Bristy,
science Survey Natio S.R.(2023)
group : Low nal .Banglade
enrollment educ sh
of rural ation
student polic

04 The necessity Bristy,

of mental Quanti Natio S.R.(2023)
health care tative nal .Banglade
in institution metho educ sh
:A d ation
quantitative polic
study from y
secondary to 2010
higher level
05 Suitability of Akter,
primary Qualit Natio Rahima
schools to ative nal ,(2023).Ba
ensure metho educ ngladesh
inclusive d ation
education in polic
Bangladesh y
06 Exploring the Natio Isalm,
Challenges & A nal S.M.A.,(20
Opportunitie Quanti educ 23).Bangl
s of tative ation adesh
Secondary study polic
Education in y
Bangladesh 2010
07 Teaching job Araf,A.S
satisfaction Natio ,(2023).
& it’s impact nal Banglades
on academic A educ h
performance qualita ation
:A tive polic
qualitative study y
study 2010

08 Impact of
teacher Survey Natio Tanny,S.H
training on nal ,(2023).
primary educ Banglades
students' ation h
academic polic
performance y
in 2010
a survey of
09 Effective Challe
teaching nge & Natio Tanny,S.H
method for Way nal ,(2023).
fostering forwar educ Banglades
inclusive d ation h.
education polic

10 "Assessing A Simanto,
the Impact of Qualit Natio R.I.,(2023)
the ative nal .
Education study educ Banglades
Policy 2010 ation h.
on Gender polic
Equality in y
Bangladesh" 2010


Impact of teacher training on primary

students' academic performance in
Bangladesh: a survey of teachers' perspective.

The Education Policy of 2010 in Bangladesh
recognized the crucial role of teacher training in
improving the quality of education and
enhancing primary students' academic
performance. The policy emphasized the need
for continuous professional development of
teachers to improve their teaching practices
and ensure quality education. This research
aims to investigate the impact of teacher
training on primary students' academic
performance in Bangladesh from the
perspective of teachers in light of the Education
Policy of 2010.
The study will examine the effectiveness of
teacher training programs in enhancing the
teaching skills and knowledge of primary school
teachers in Bangladesh. It will also investigate
the challenges faced by teachers in
implementing the training in their classrooms
and the impact of teacher training on primary
students' academic performance. The research
will provide insights into the current state of
teacher training programs in Bangladesh and
the extent to which they align with the goals
and objectives of the Education Policy of 2010.

The findings of this study will be useful for

policymakers and education practitioners in
assessing the effectiveness of teacher training
programs and identifying areas that require
improvement. The results will inform the
development of evidence-based policies and
strategies to enhance the quality of 07
education and improve primary students'
academic performance in Bangladesh.

1. Statement of the problem /study :

Our research problem is to measure the impact
of teacher training on the academic
performance of the students because without
teacher training we can‘t get better output
from the students.

2 .Objectives of the study:

The main purpose of this study is to know
about the importance of primary education and
teacher training education as well as to
understand how effective and trained capable
teachers can improve students’ performance.
This study is to investigate how teacher training
affects the students’ achievement in the class.08
The objectives of this study also are:

1 .To study the impact of teachers training on

students learning attitudes.
2. To examine the difference in the teaching
methods of the teachers before and after
training session.
3. To study the impact of teachers training of
organizational performance.
4. To study the perceptions of the trainees
about the relevance and usefulness of teacher
training program.
Rational and significance of the study -

The training of teachers is essential for the

academic performance of primary students. It’s
generally acknowledged that trained teacher is
a key element in improving primary student’s
performance. Unless the teacher is trained, he
will not be able to impact quality knowledge. A
trained teacher can apply multiple teaching
methods and techniques in better way.

When the teachers trained, they have better

communication, teaching strategies and critical
thinking skills. By using these strategies/skills
teacher can improved student’s academic
performance. They can deeply impact the
students, help them engage better in the
classroom, they can deliver more effective
lessons, provide students with better
explanations, and answer their questions with
more clarity and garner higher academic
As students begin to enjoy their time at school,
attendance improves drastically, reducing
student dropout rates. The Academic
performance of students automatically

Literature Review

Teacher training is essential for improving the

academic performance of students in primary
schools in Bangladesh, but little research has
been conducted on the impact of such
programs on their academic performance.

The study (Rahman et el., 2020) finds that lack

of teachers' performance affects academic
achievement, but does not measure the impact
of teachers' training on The study (Rahman et
el., 2020) finds that lack of teachers'
performance affects academic achievement,
but does not measure the impact of teachers'
training on student learning attitudes. To
address these issues, the research (Siddik &
Kawai, 2020) highlights that the teachers need
long-term pre-service and in-service training to
develop teaching techniques and collaboration
skills with stakeholders in school communities.
As well as they might have mentioned the
difference in the teaching methods of the
teachers before and after training sessions.
Additionally, the study (Khaleduzzaman and
Kafi, 2014) emphasizes the importance of
providing support to teachers to develop their
professional skills. Whereas, teachers' training
has a significant impact on organizational
performance, and trainees' perceptions, that
would be better if added
Several studies have explored different aspects
of improving the quality of primary education in
Bangladesh. Alam et al. (2021) examine the role
of Assistant Upazila Education Officer (AUEO) as
a supervisor in improving the teaching-learning
process. Furthermore, Abouda and Hossain
(2010) provide evidence that the quality of
preprimary programs in rural Bangladesh
improved over time, resulting in improved early
primary grades. Additionally, Rahman and
Ahmed (2019) investigate the B.Ed. trained
mathematics teachers possess better content
knowledge than their untrained counterparts in
Bangladesh. Studies provide insights into
factors that can improve primary education in
Bangladesh. Teacher training requires long-
term pre-service and in-service training,
collaboration with stakeholders, and support to
develop professional skills. Further research is
needed to measure its impact

Theoretical & Significance of the study:

According to the educational policy of

Bangladesh, primary school teachers are given
1 year training. And these are provided by 53
government and 2 private training centers.
Also, primary school teachers are trained in
various ways. Now the subject of our research
is how effective these trainings are on our
students. How the teaching of the teachers has
changed over the years? The framework of our
research will be the extent to which the
teachers' competence has increased. We will
receive information from the teachers through
surveys. With this we can understand the
conditions about the trainings given by the
government and by the NGOs as well. And we'll
be able to understand what kind of problems
they are facing. Based on that, we will be able
to estimate about the changes or the
enhancements will be needed later on. It will
play a special role in the development of
teaching and the development of education.
We will follow the survey method to implement
and flesh out our proposal. As a result, we can
highlight the main problems. There will be
some set questions in the data collection for
the teachers, from there we can find out what
has changed in the skills of the teachers and
how much gap there is. These will help in
arriving at conclusions following logical
principles. And through data analysis we will
understand our statistics. We will determine
the extent to which our estimates are
statistically correct. And by analyzing the data
we will determine the impact of our teacher
training. At the end we will be able to give an
idea of whether any new decisions are needed
on the current impact of teachers training.

2. Methodology

2.1 Study Type

This research will employ a quantitative

research design utilizing a survey questionnaire.

2.2 Sampling

The target population will be primary school

teachers in Bangladesh.

Use stratified sampling to select a

representative sample of primary school
teachers from different regions or districts of
Bangladesh. Determine the sample size based
on statistical calculations to ensure sufficient
representation of primary school teachers.

2.3 Data Collection

Develop a structured survey questionnaire

based on relevant literature and research
objectives. The questionnaire should include
both closed-ended and Likert scale questions to
gather quantitative data. Administer the
questionnaire to the selected sample of primary
school teachers. Consider using online survey
platforms or electronic data collection methods
for ease of data collection. Collect demographic
information, teaching experience, and
information about the teacher training
programs attended.

2.4 Variables

Dependent Variable: Primary students'

academic performance (measured through
objective indicators such as grades, test scores,

Independent Variable: Teacher training

(measured through variables such as types of
training programs attended, duration of
training, content covered, etc.)
Control Variables: Demographic factors (e.g.,
age, gender), teaching experience, educational
qualifications, etc.

2.5 Data Analysis

Perform descriptive statistics to summarize the

demographic characteristics of the sample and
key variables. Use inferential statistics, such as
correlation analysis or regression analysis, to
examine the relationship between teacher
training and primary students' academic
performance. Conduct appropriate statistical
tests (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA) to determine the
significance of the relationship.
Control for potential confounding variables by
including them as covariates in the regression
analysis Consider using statistical software (e.g.,
SPSS, R) for data analysis.

2.6 Ethical Considerations

Obtain ethical clearance from the relevant

research ethics committee or institution.

Ensure confidentiality and anonymity of

respondents by removing any personally
identifiable information from the dataset.
Obtain informed consent from participants
before their involvement in the study. Provide a
clear explanation of the research purpose and
assure participants that their participation is


The implementation of the learning outcomes

set for the primary-level students in Education
Policy 2010 is possible only through the
teachers. A trained teacher can easily and
attractively present their lesson to the students,
which increases their interest in studies, which
affects in their academic performance. We will
collect data from teachers and students by
formulating some important questions for our
research with the help of several methods.
Through our research, we will determine how
teacher training affects the academic
performance of students. To examine the
difference in the teaching methods of the
teachers before and after the training session.
To study the impact of teacher training on
organizational performance. To study the
perceptions of the trainees about the relevance
and usefulness of teacher training programmer.
By collecting all the data from the research, we
will complete the research work and create a
research paper through which teachers can
work to determine their weaknesses and play a
beneficial role for teachers.

 Hafeez, M. (2021) Impact of Teacher

Training Interest and Academic Achievement
of Students by Multiple teaching Methods.
Pedagogical Research, 6 (3), em0102.
 Rashid, Md.H,A.(2023).IMPACT OF TEACHER
LEARNING.Bangladesh Educational
Research journal, 38(4), 915-945.
 Rahman, M, et el., (2020), EFFECTIVENESS
International Journal of Science and
Research (IJSR), vol-6 (Issue-5)
 Siddik, M. A. B., & Kawai, N. (2020).
Government primary school teacher
training needs for inclusive education in
Bangladesh. International Journal of Whole
Schooling, 16(2), 35-69.
 Khaleduzzaman, Md., & Kafi, M, (2014),
Teaching Performance of Primary School
Teachers and its Impact on Students’
Academic Achievement in Bangladesh,
Journal of Education and Practice, Vol.5,
 Alam, M. J., et el., (2021), Academic
Supervision for Improving Quality Education
in Primary Schools of Bangladesh: Concept,
Issues and Implications, Asian Journal of
Education and Social Studies, vol 14(4)
 Abouda, F, E, & Hossain, K, (2011), The
impact of preprimary school on primary
school achievement in Bangladesh, Early
Childhood Research Quarterly 26 (2011)
 Rahman, M & Ahmed, R, (2019), The Effect
of Teachers' Training in Secondary English
Teachers' Practice of Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT) in Bangladesh,
Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences Vol.
15, No. 3, pp 377-386

Picture of our online meeting.

We are group 2, with members of 9 & the
members are Simanto, Rahima, Kumkum,
Fawzul, Apon, Hasan, Bristy, Tanny, Suvasis.We
got an assignment to write ten research title and
one whole research proposal from
National Education policy -2010.

We have asked to present that proposal also.

Due to weekend we arranged a zoom
conference to discuss about our assigned work
as we couldn’t make it physically.

We divided the whole policy in nine and each

member made around 2 to 3 titles, then we
choose the best one to make research proposal.
And the selected one was written by Tanny.

Then we started working in our proposal

according to our plan. Simanto made the
introduction, Rahima beautifully described the
objectives of the proposal. Kumkum worked on
why this proposal is rational and what is
significance of the proposal. Then Fawzul did the
literature review on the following topic. Apon
worked on framework along with Tanny and
Bristy. Then Hasan choose the area, population
and sample so that the data can collect from
appropriate source. Bristy worked on data
collection procedure like, how should be data
collect through the survey and interview
besides, what will be the tools. Tanny analysed
all the gatherd data to come to an end. Lastly
Suvasish draw the conclusion of the proposal.

And all members typed their part and send it to

Tanny, she beautifully assembled the
assignment and slide. Bristy assisted her.

In the end, we can say, our group coordination

was amazing, everyone was active and
cooperative. And that's how we ended up our
assignment in time.

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