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AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH Faculty of Engiacering: Laboratory Report Cover Sheet ‘Students must complete all details except the faculty use part. Please submit all reports to your subject supervisor or the office of the concerned faculty. Laboratory Title Experiment Number: Due Date: 12103 + 2023 semester: img O2Q- 23 Subject Code: EEE___ Subject Name: Electvonie Device Lab“ section: Z Course Instructor: Gighwarit Banik Padkik Degree Program: GSC, CSE Declaration and Statement of Authorship: Uwe hold a copy of this report, which can be produced ifthe original is lost damaged. 2 This report is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. 3. No part of this report has been written for me/us by any other person except where such collaboration has ‘been authorized by the lecturerteacher concemed and is clearly acknowledged in the report. 4. I/we have not previously submitted or currently submitting this work for any other course/unit. 5. This work may be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. 6. I/we give permission for a copy of my/our marked work to be retained by the School for review and comparison, including review by external examiners we understand that 7. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Itis a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. Plagiarized material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. 8. Enabling plagiarism is the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarize or to copy your work [xe = ‘Student Name ‘Student Number | Student Signature | Date 1 “Tangim Moula RO- ANB T | =Taxyur Mactlenl9103-29 Group Me 2 = Barua ZR- AGBI-T] Soyo «YO 3 | Mashwas Tslam Adech 19-39469-1 1 Har 120328 4 MD, Sadeturs Rahman I6r 3606-2) $cc 1RO31 ap S| Moun Kara W-444 EI | Meng 12-03-23, ee ‘Total Marks: Marks Obtained: Faculty comments Abstract: The expeniment aimed — b design and test “egie gees using, diedeg and ea mositlor powered Bi AC and converted to DC using a full wove sectifien, “The giles teskd were OP, AND, NOT NAND and NOR, The det gned emeu't were tested and verified fess thet Sonchonaltt Bing a multmeless and 0 HD light. “The sresult demonstrated that the destaned eireutt® — aould pesfume the irtended legren| openctions, providing a proof of concept fovr bldg legte. gales asing simple eledhrone componerty The ewpenhrent eon genve a8 a useful euemeise Son ug om leasrenivag, about digdta eleetsronies and logie gel getes, Teony! “The theony cf this experimental wepont Sceuses on the baste pametple of diattal lege eroult, apeeially the fre Sendamenilal legie gates: OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, “These loge gees dome the Indding books ws more complen carta eimeuttle and ane ewusial in medewn electronic device. “The aepatt digeusses how these logie. gates ean be continueted using diedes and pesigtens, and hew the y + ean be powened using an ae sousce thect is eomvertted flo pe using Sull wave nect frem, Tre use of dicdes these efsourl dllewe Lr the enedtion of legrea\ functions while the full wave weclifien ensures a constant and gable sounee of DC power and mesigtesr in xa I figura AVF Wove Bridge mech hn The sepest also explores the imperttaree of fling and ventiying the enctonalty of tase cimeust, ag accumaey and welability ane en erucial in digrta| applicatons, Though expe simeritar| Testing, the mepovt conftms that the eonstmeted Cireuts sug successfully pesto the mended leare fun etions, Cvenall, the theony of ths seportt provides a foundation fos anden standing dart} tegie atmeurt ond thee practica) appli ecthan’. Cireutt Diagrams ; M i | | figrads ful wove Bruder pechten Fig 3: AND gate Fig 3: NOT gate Fig 4: NAND gate rail 3 ™~ Fig 5: NOR gate Apporctus i O Function genendlore @® Multimeters @ Diede ® Resist (Ak) ® Bread board @) Conecting wine @ LED tight CD exgnetton @ Geo Elecironie components wewe properly handled , ® We eiuity wene designed conmrectly Sollowing the sehematie and specifiestieng to ensure atconate wecull, “The circuits wene double checked before powering up, @- when working with ae “power, mecessanry adt peecattion” ‘Buch ag grounding | using appre poscde Sues and—en were taker and — ensusedl oineuit ed not oven loaded . DB behwe sesting the expert meri) the testing euitment wee eatiineied Yo ensure a Ceursoatt rreagune ose ; N O At te time of heating on soldering component we bad ade geictte verttlation te avoid rhailag towie — fiaames, Oat able OR Gate NOT Gete « Oeetpeit On ost =e

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