Rules and Consequences

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Jose Isaac Davis

Mr. Davis’ Music Classroom Rules

 M – Make good choices. This will be practiced for not only in the classroom but for life
in general.
 U – Use equipment properly. Each equipment is owned by the school therefore the
student must handle them with care.
 S – Speak when the time is right. For the student to receive all information of the lesson
there must be respect shown to any person speaking whether it is the teacher or another
 I – Involve yourself in all activities. Participation and cooperation are key elements to
monitor the progress of our students.
 C – Care for each other. The golden rule still applies. “Treat others the way you want to
be treated.” Our classroom encourages and a friendly and safe environment.

If any of the classroom rules are violated, then there will be consequences. There are levels of
consequences to ensure that every student has a chance to correct any misbehavior.
 1st Consequence: Verbal Warning.
o I will give each student three verbal warnings so they may redeem themselves.
 2 Consequence: Student-Teacher Conference/Student Letter

o Once all the warnings are met then the student will have a one-on-one conference
with me. They will be seated separately from the class and will write a reflection
on why they are misbehaving.
 3 Consequence: Letter to Teacher and Parent

o If their actions continue, then a letter will be given to their homeroom teacher and
a notification will be drafted to the parents or guardian.
 4 Consequence: Office Referral

o Anytime the situation is dire or continuous an referral will be given to the student.

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