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Test your English

B1 - B2
Questions 1-5 are B1 level :

1) You can’t see Dave now, he …….. a bath.

A. has B. is having C. had

2) We …….. when it ……… ( have a barbecue - rain ).

A. were having a barbecue - rained B. had a barbecue - was raining

3) All the restaurants were full …….. it was a public holiday.

A. so B. because C. although

4) The police think the robber is hiding …….. in the neighborhood.

A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere

5) If you …….. more, you ……….

A. don‘t practice - won’t improve B. won’t practice - don’t improve

Questions 5-10 are B2 level :

6) Why did you change the channel? I …….. that movie.

A. watched B. am watching C. was watching

7) I told John not to drive! Because he ……… a lot!

A. drank B. had drunk C. was drinking

Test your English
B1 - B2
8) If I were the president, I …….. the taxes!

A. will reduce B. would reduce C. would have reduced

9) Even if …….. them, they wouldn’t have agreed to come.

A. had asked B. would ask C. asked

10) The police searched the vehicle …….. the gun was found.

A. which B. where C. that

Answer key :

Question A B C Question A B C

1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

Correct answers < 8 —> Your level is B1 - B2

Correct answers > 8 —> Your level is higher


than intermediate
Test your English
C1 - C2
Questions 1-5 ( Grammar ) :

1) I’ve never been ……… in my life.

A. such embarrassed B. so embarrassed C. such an embarrassed

2) …….. Richard, it seems he finally made his decision.

A. Had spoken to B. Having spoken to C. Speaking to

3) If the decision …….. before he arrived, he would have been furious.

A. would have been taken B. was taken

C. was being taken D. had been taken

4) …….. the support if my boss, I wouldn’t have been promoted.

A. Because of B. But for C. Given that

5) By the time you’re my age, you …….. your mind.

A. will probably have changed B. would probably change

C. will probably change

Questions 5-10 ( Vocabulary ) :

6) I can’t help you, I ……..……………… right now.

( An idiom with “ Plate “ )

7) The government is raising taxes, but to ………………. it’s adding additional

benefits for workers.
( An idiom with “ Pill “ )
Test your English
C1 - C2
8) The journalist reported that the city was …….. crisis.

A. on the brink of B. in the region of C. on the grounds of

9) …….. travelers know exactly how to get extra discount on their bookings.

A. Seasoned B. Intrepid C. Independent

10) His grandfather often dozes …….. in front if the TV after dinner.

A. out B. off C. over

Answer key :

Question A B C D Question A B C

6 Have a lot on
1 my plate

2 7 take the pill

3 8

4 9

5 10

Correct answers < 8 —> Your level is pre-advanced

Correct answers > 8 —> Your level is advanced


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