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English Communication Skills | 51199

Evaluation Period

2nd to 16th of May 2023


16th of May 2023 (at 11.59 p.m. Continental Portugal Time Zone)

Subject Areas

Human Resources: Recruitment and Selection

Intended Learning Outcomes

• Increase all aspects of the student’s communicative competence

associated with cultural awareness.

• Develop functional language, lexical and grammatical understanding.

• Consolidate the student’s awareness of correct English grammar usage

in writing and speaking.

• Stimulate the student’s improvement of self-evaluation and self-

improvement strategies.
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Task Procedure

Consider the video you can watch at the following link:

“Heineken – The Candidate”

Imagine you are recruiting for the company you created in the Glossary “Who is
who?”; in case you have not done so, refer to the one you presented in the e-
Folio A assignment.

Comment on the purpose of Heineken’s recruitment process and mention what

you would do differently and why.

Include the following topics: job description, person specifications, job interview,
CV/resumé, and skills.

Note: your assignment must have two pages + one page for the bibliography and
sources. Do not forget to cite more than one source.

Assessment and marking criteria

1. In the assessment of this assignment, the following criteria will be considered:

• ability to communicate effectively in cross-cultural situations and to relate

appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts

• communicative competence and discourse management

• solid knowledge of the addressed contents and corresponding framework

• language accuracy (appropriate use of vocabulary and grammar structures)

• use of accurate and appropriate linguistic resources with flexibility

• ability to synthesise and select elements in an approach centred on the

proposed topic

• relevance and reasoning of the arguments presented in a clear, well-organised

and original/creative exposition

• application of MLA standards in the organisation of consulted sources and

eventual quotations

• use of reliable and reputable sources/bibliography

• observation/application of 'Guidelines'.
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2. The work will be quoted according to the following parameters:

• 0 (zero) – plagiarism (one-off or extensive); use of factual information and/or

excerpts, comprehensive/encyclopedic content.

• 0 (zero) – 1 (one) – lack of knowledge of the addressed contents and

corresponding framework; evident patchwork or source-based plagiarism;
defocused approach to the proposed topic; lack of clarity, synthesis and
argumentation skills; retelling/paraphrasing; serious flaws in communicative
competence and discourse management; use of unreliable sources; incorrect
citation of the consulted sources; disregarding the 'Guidelines'.

• 1 (one) – 2 (two) – poor knowledge of the addressed contents and

corresponding framework; fairly evident patchwork or source-based plagiarism;
fairly defocused approach to the proposed topic; weak demonstration of clarity,
synthesis and argumentation skills; fairly synthetic and/or clear exposure; some
flaws in communicative competence and discourse management; use of some
unreliable sources; inaccuracies in the citation of the consulted sources;
disregarding some elements contained in 'Guidelines'.

• 2 (two) – 3 (three) – good knowledge of the addressed contents and

corresponding framework; good approach to the proposed topic; good
demonstration of clarity, synthesis and argumentation skills; clear and synthetic
exposition; good communicative competence and discourse management;
substantiated claims; good use of reputable and reliable sources, duly indicated;
observation of the elements contained in 'Guidelines'.

• 3 (three) – 4 (for) – very good knowledge of the addressed contents and

corresponding framework; very good approach to the proposed topic; very good
demonstration of clarity, synthesis and argumentation skills; clear and synthetic
exposition in a written production with no errors or mistakes; very good
communicative competence and discourse management; very well substantiated
claims; very good use of reputable and reliable sources, duly indicated;
observation of all the elements contained in 'Guidelines'.

Total: 4 marks (four marks)

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1. Write your assignment on the resolution sheet (Word document), available on

the e-Folio B submission device, and fill in the personal identification data on the
1st page (cover sheet).

2. Your assignment must consist of 2 (two) A4 exposition pages and 1 (one) A4

page with cited sources (Bibliography/Sources), written in Verdana, font size 10.
Line spacing must correspond to 1,5. The 3rd page must exclusively contain the
indication of the cited sources.

2.1. Do not change, under any circumstances, the pre-established settings of

the Resolution Sheet (margins; font type and size; spacing; automatic
numbering of pages). The cover page is not considered in assessing your

3. Save the file with your name and student number and the e-Folio identification
(e.g. João.Silva.000000efolioB).

4. Meet the deadline and avoid submitting your assignment at the last
minute (please, guard against the possibility of last-minute difficulties).
Remember you will need 10-15 minutes for the submission.

5. Only the files submitted through the e-Folio B device are eligible for

Good luck!

Susana Oliveira

30th of April 2023

Instruções e-Fólio B Técnicas de Comunicação em Inglês | 51199 de Susana Paula

de Magalhães Oliveira está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons,
Atribuição - Uso Não-Comercial-Partilha nos termos da mesma licença 4.0

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