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Demography : the study of human population

with the help of the records of the number of
1. Zoology : the study of animals births and deaths
2. Botany : the study of plants 23. Epigraphy : the study of inscriptions
3. Ornithology : the study of birds 24. Ecology : the study of the relationship
4. Entomology : the study of insects between plants and animals to their surroundings

5. Pisciculture : the study of fishes 25. Etymology : the study of origin and history of
6. Theology : the study of religion
26. Ethnology : the study of human races
7. Toxicology : the science and medical study of
dealing with poisons 27. Eugenics : the study of production of better
offsprings by the careful selection of parents
8. Seismology : the study of earthquakes and the
phenomena associated with them 28. Etiology : the study of causes of diseases

9. Sericulture : the study of silkworm breeding 29. Genetics : the study of heredity of individuals

10. Numismatics : the study of coins and metals 30. Geology : the study of rocks, soils, and
11. Meteorology : the scientific study of weather
conditions 31. Psychology : the study of human mind

12. Orthography : the science of spellings 32. Biology : the study of physical life

13. Paleontology : the study of past life forms 33. Astronomy : the study of stars
through fossils 34. Calligraphy : the art of beautiful handwriting
14. Acoustics : the study of sound 35. Alchemy : the study of chemistry in ancient
15. Aeronautics : the science or art of flight time

16. Aesthetics : the philosophy of fine arts 36. Bibliography : the study of history of a list of
books on a subject
17. Philology : the study of written records, their
authenticity etc 37. Chronology : the science of arranging time in
periods and ascertaining the dates and historical
18. Phonetics : the study of speech sounds, and order of the past events
their production, transmission and reception
38. Cytology : the study of cells
19. Anthropology : the study of the development
of mankind 39. Lexicography : the writing or compiling of
20. Archaeology : excavation and study of physical
remains of early civilisations 40. Philately : the collection and study of stamps

21. Cryogenics : the science of dealing with the 41. Astronomer : One who studies the sky and
production control and the application of very low stars
temperatures 42. Diplomacy : The art of practiced by statesman
and ambassadors

43. Feminist : One who thinks of the welfare of 68. Arboriculture : The cultivation of trees and
women shrubs
44. Physiology : The study of body/ the science 69. Pyrgology : study of towers
which treats of the body
70. Pyretology : study of fevers
45. Physiognomy : The study of human face
71. Rhinology : study of the nose
46. Pyrotechnics : The art of making fireworks
72. Radiology : study of X-rays and their medical
47. Naturalist : One who studies plant & animal life applications
48. Philander : One who amuses oneself by love- 73. Acology : Study of medical remedies
74. Aerodonetics : Study of glinding
49. Zymology : Study of enzymes
75. Alethiology : Study of truth
50. Cardiology : A study of heart.
76. Aphnology : Science of wealth
51. Gerontology : A study of old age.
77. Gastroenterology : Study of stomach
52. Speleology : A study of caves.
78. Oenology : Study of wines
53. Oncology : A study of tumours.
79. Odontology : Study of teeth
54. Anemology : A study of wind.
80. Therology : Study of wild mammals
55. Craniology : A study of skulls.
81. Sciagraphy : Art of shading
56. Topology : A study of shapes
82. Pedagogics : Study of teaching
57. Palaeontology : A study of fossils.
83. Orology : Study of mountains
58. Dactylology : A study of finger prints.
84. Ophiology : Study of snakes
59. Dedrology : A study of trees
85. Melittology : Study of bees
60. Petrology : A study of rocks
86. Emetology : Study of vomiting
61. Neurology : The branch of medical science that
87. Endocrinology : Study of glands
deals with the nervous system.
88. Dendrology : Study of trees
62. Paediatrics : The study of the illness of
children. 89. Dactylography : The study of fingerprints
63. Palaeography : The study of ancient writings. 90. Astroseismology : Study of star oscillations
64. Viticulture : The cultivation of grapevines 91. Agronomics : Study of productivity of land
65. Olericulture : The cultivation of edible plants 92. Desmology : A study of ligaments
especially leafy vegetables and herbs
93. Gerocomy : a study of old age
66. Horticulture : The art and practice of garden
94. Graminology : A study of grasses
cultivation and management
95. Hoplology : The study of weapons
67. Floriculture : The cultivation of flowers
96. Hygrology : Study of humidity

97. Kinematics : Study of motion 16. Jockey : a professional rider in horse races
98. Kalology : Study of beauty 17. Sculptor : one who carves in stone
99. Nephrology : The study of the kidneys 18. Confectioner : one who sells sweets and
100. Optometry : science of examining the eyes
19. Connoisseur : one who has special skill in
20. Florist : one who deals in flowers
1. Anaesthetist : a person trained to administer
medicine which produces insensitivity, as during 21. Astronauts : one who travels in spacecraft
an operation 22. Cobbler : one who mends shoes
2. Cardiologist : a physician who specialises in 23. Philatelist : one who collects postage stamps
treating heart diseases
24. Lapidist : one who cuts previous stones
3. Dermatologist : a specialist in the treatment of
skin diseases 25. Stevedore : one who loads and unloads ships

4. Nephrologist : kidney specialist 26. Chauffeur : one who drives a motor car

5. Oncologist : specialist in tumors and cancer 27. Drover : one who deals in cattle

6. Paediatrician : a doctor who specialises in the 28. Oculist : One who attends to the disease of the
care and treatment of babies and young children eye

7. Orthopaedist : doctor who specialises in the 29. Optician : One who test eye sight and sells
treatment of bones, spine, joint muscles spectacles

8. Ophthalmologist : doctor who specialises in the 30. Physician : One who attends to sick people
treatment of functions and diseases of the eye 31. Surgeon : One who treats disease by
9. Neurologist : doctor who specialises in treating performing operation
disorders of the nervous system 32. Dentist : One who attends to the teeth
10. Gynaecologist : doctor who specialises in the 33. Psychologist : One who studies the working of
cure of women, especially in matters concerning the human mind
the reproductive organs
34. Audiologists : One who treats deaf or mute to
11. Obstetrician : doctor who specialises in learn to communicate
delivering babies and in medical problems related
to childbirth 35. Pale pathologist : One who studies of ancient
12. Cartographer : one who draws maps
36. Architect : One who design of building
13. Choreographer : one who teaches the art of
dancing 37. Draper : One who deal in clothes

14. Curator : one who is in charge of a museum or 38. Stenographer : One who write by shorthand
a cricket pitch 39. Veterinarian : One who treats animals
15. Lexicographer : one who compiles a dictionary 40. Compositor : One who sets type for books

41. Pediatricians : One who treats problems of 62. Novelist : One who write novel
infants, children, baby ………
63. Meticulous : One who is very careful and
42. Fruiterur : One who deal in fruits particular
43. Juggler : One who performs trick by sleight of 64. Philistine : One who does not care for literature
65. Exorcist : An expert on evil spirit
44. Tanner : One who converts raw into leather
66. Aesthete : Person who loves nature
45. Pilot : One who flies an aero plane
67. Mediocre : One who is neither intelligent nor
46. Acrobat : One who performs daring gymnastic dull
68. Imposter : Person pretending to be somebody
47. Usurer : One who lands money at exorbitance he is not
69. Recluse : Person who lives alone and avoids
48. Scavenger : One who cleans the street other people
49. Conjuror : One who performs magic trick by 70. Polyglot : One who speaks many languages
sleight of hand
71. Malcontent : Person who is always dissatisfied
50. Astrodome : A transparent dome on the top
72. Cynic : One who thinks human nature is evil
of an airplane where the navigator can make
celestial observation 73. Parvenu : One who has suddenly gained new
51. Usurper : One who wrongfully or illegally seizes
and holds the place of another 74. Dandy : One who pays too much attention to
his clothes and appearance
52. Malingerer : One who pretends illness to 75. Bursar : Person who holds scholarship at a
escape duty university
76. Epicurean : One whose attitude is to eat, drink
53. Introvert : One who is more interested in and merry
himself 77. Pagan : Person who does not believe in any
54. Extrovert : One who is more interested in
78. Rebut : Opposing arguments
others 79. Butler : A man who works in a very large house
55. Dotage : Old age when a man behaves like a as a servant.
80. Bookworm : A person who reads a lot.
81. Beautician : A person who runs a beauty
56. Itinerant : One who travels from place to place parlour.
57. Evasive : One who does not take definite stand 82. Barbarian : A person who is uncivilized.
83. Astronaut : A person who travels in space.
58. Disciple : One who works in return for being 84. Atheist : A person who does not believe in god.
taught the trade
85. Editor : Person who directs preparation of a
59. Bumpkin : One who comes from a village and news paper.
considered stupid 86. Glutton : One who eats too much.
60. Poet : One who write poetry 87. Herbivorous : Animals which live on herbs /
61. Author : One who write books plants

9. Cemetery : a place where dead bodies are
88. Carnivorous : One who eats flesh. buried
89. Omnivorous : One who eats both plants and 10. Crematorium : a cremation ground where the
other animals. last funeral rites are performed
90. Graminivorous : Animal that eat grasses.
91. Cannibal : A person who eats human flesh/An 11. Sanatorium : a place for the sick to recover
animal which eats others of its ownspecies.
92. Frugivore : One who eats fruits. 12. Orphanage : a place where orphans are housed
93. Omnipresent : One who is present everywhere.
13. Casino : a place with gambling table
94. Omnipotent : One who have unlimited power.
95. Omniscient : One who knows everything. 14. Brewery : a factory for manufacturing beer
96. Orator : A proficient public speaker. 15. Barrack : a building for lodging of soldiers
97. Optimist : One who looks at the bright side of
things. 16. Mint : a place where money is coined
98. Pessimist : A person who always expects bad 17. Igloo : the house of an Eskimo
things to happen.
99. Octogenarian : A person from eighty and 18. Scabbard / sheath : a case in which a sword is
eighty nine years old. kept
100. Nonagenarian : A person from ninety years
and ninety nine years old. 19. Orchard : a place where fruit trees are grown
101. Sexagenarian : A person from sixty to sixty 20. Stable : a place where horses are kept
nine years old.
102. Septuagenarian : A person from seventy to 21. Sty : a place where pigs are kept
seventy nine years old.
22. Scullery : a place where plates, dishes and
103. Polygraph : A lie detector.
other cooking utensils are washed up
104. Solicitor : A legal advisor.
105. Spectators : A person who watches an event 23. Monastery : a residence for monks or priests
106. Samaritan : One who helps other.
24. kennel: a place where dogs are kept
107. Spokesman : A person who speaks on behalf
of a group of others. 25. Hutch : a wooden box with a front of wire for

1. Aquarium : a tank for fishes 26. Hive : a place for bees

2. Apiary : a place where bees are kept 27. Hangar : a place for housing aeroplanes

3. Aviary : a place where birds are kept 28. Granary : a place for storing grains

4. Asylum : a place where mad persons are kept 29. Drey : a squirrel’s home

5. Archives : a place where government records 30. Creche : a nursery where children of working
are kept parents are cared for while their parents are at
6. Arena : a place for wrestling
31. Cloakroom : a place for luggage at a railway
7. Morgue : a place where dead bodies are kept for station
32. Convent : a residence for nuns
8. Mortuary : a place where dead body are kept for

33. Museum : a place where ancient works are 7. Necrophobia : fear of dead body
8. Zoophobia : fear of animals
34. Prison : A convict lives in
9. Xenophobia : fear of foreigners
35. Hermitage : A hermit lives in
10. Nyctophobia : fear of darkness
36. Pen : A sheep lives in
11. Logomania : mania for talking
37. Burrow : A rabbit lives in
12. Ochlophobia : fear of crowd
38. Castle : A Noble man lives in
13. Thanatophobia : fear of death
39. Cottage : A Peasant lives in
14. Hydrophobia : fear of water
40. Caravan : A Gypsy lives in
15. Geraphobia : fear of old age
41. Web : A spider lives in
16. Gynophobia : Fear of woman
42. Hole : A mouse lives in
17. Monophobia : Fear of being alone
43. Presbytery : A priest lives in
18. Cynophobia : Fear of dog
44. Mansion : A knight lives in
19. Logophobia : Fear of words
45. Eerie : An eagle lives in
20. Anglophobia : Fear of pain
46. Abattoir : Place where animals are killed for
21. Kleptophobia : Fear of Stealing
22. Apiphobia : Fear of Bees
47. Barracks : Building where soldiers live.
23. Theophobia : Fear of God
48. Observatory : A place for observing and
studying the stars, weather etc. 24. Euphorbia : Fear of Hearing Good News
49. Arsenal : A place for ammunition and weapons 25. Ablutophobia : Fear of bathing
50. Den : The home of a lion 26. Philophobia : Fear of Falling In Love
51. Elysium : a paradise with perfect bliss 27. Herpetophobia : Fear of Reptiles
52. Reservoir : A place where water is collected 28. Antlophobia : Fear of Floods
and stored
29. Ophidiophobia : Fear of Snakes
WORDS RELATED WITH PHOBIAS: 30. Pyrophobia : Fear of fire
1. Acrophobia : fear of high places 31. Androphobia : Fear of mankind
2. Aerophobia : fear to air 32. Hemophobia : Fear of blood
3. Anorexia : fear of getting fat makes young girls 33. Ergophobia : Fear of work
stop eating resulting in harmful effect
34. Sitophobia : Fear of food
4. Agoraphobia : fear of open places
35. Agoraphobia : Fear of open place
5. Claustrophobia: fear of being to small places
36. Phasmophobia : Fear of Ghost
6. Kleptomania : a compulsive desire to steal

66. Photophobia : Fear of light
37. Entomophobia : Fear of Insects 67. Poinephobia : Fear of punishment
38. Aichmophobia : Fear of Needles and other 68. Sciophobia : Fear of shadows
Pointed objects
69. Thalassophobia : Fear of sea
39. Dendrophobia : Fear of Trees
70. Siderophobia : Fear of stars
40. Haphephobia : Fear of touch
71. Siderodromophobia : Fear of rail travel
41. Somniphobia : Fear of sleep
72. Traumatophobia : Fear of injury
42. Pedophobia : Fear of children
73. Tyrannophobia : Fear of tyrants
43. Astraphobia : Fear of thunder and lightning
74. Trichophobia : Fear of hair
44. Atychiphobia : Fear of failure
75. Acerophobia : Fear of sourness
45. Dipsophobia : Fear of alcohol
76. Toxiphobia : Fear of poison
46. Mythophobia : Fear of telling lie.
77. Topophobia : Fear of places
47. Bathophobia : Fear of depths.
78. Phobophobia : Fear of fear
48. Bibliophobia : Fear of books
79. Peniaphobia : Fear of poverty
49. Zelotypophobia : Fear of jealousy
80. Neophobia : Fear of new things
50. Tocophobia : Fear of childbirth
81. Koniophobia : Fear of dust
51. Potophobia : Fear of drink
82. Hippophobia : Fear of horses
52. Scotophobia : Fear of darkness
83. Hypnophobia : Fear of sleep
53. Acarophobia : Fear of tiny bugs
84. Febriphobia : Fear of fever
54. Blennophobia : Fear of slime
85. Eisoptrophobia : Fear of mirrors
55. Clinophobia : Fear of bed
86. Chronophobia : Fear of time
56. Eosophobia : Fear of dawn
87. Chrysophobia : Fear of gold
57. Cyrnophobia : Fear of waves
88. Carcinophobia : Fear of cancer
58. Gephyrophobia : Fear of bridges
89. Haptophobia : Fear of touch
59. Hamartophobia : Fear of sin
90. Heliophobia : Fear of sun
60. Kinetophobia : Fear of motion
91. Kakorrhaphiaphobia : Fear of failure
61. Ichthyophobia : Fear of fish
92. Arachnophobia : Fear of spiders
62. Metallophobia : Fear of metal
93. Anemophobia : Fear of wind
63. Nosophobia : Fear of illness
94. Cheimaphobia : Fear of cold
64. Mysophobia : Fear of dirt
95. Chionophobia : Fear of snow
65. Odontophobia : Fear of teeth
96. Oikophobia : Fear of home

97. Pogonophobia : Fear of beards 22. Epomania : craze for writing epics
98. Limnophobia : Fear of lakes 23. Eleutheromania : A manic desire for freedom
99. Hierophobia : Fear of priests 24. Ergomania : excessive desire to work
100. Belonephobia : Fear of needles 25. Dinomania : A mania for dancing
101. Batophobia : Fear of High Buildings 26. Methomania : Craving for alcohol

WORDS RELATED WITH MANIAS: 27. Pathomania : moral insanity

1. Bibliomania : One who has acquisition and 28. Sebastomania : Religious insanity
possession of books 29. Timbromania : Craze for stamp collecting
2. Dipsomania : A mania for drinking 30. Theatromania : Craze for going to play
3. Thenetomania : A mania for death 31. Ablutomania : a mania for washing oneself
4. Theomania : A mania that one has god 32. Aphrodisiomania : abnormal sexual interest
5. Pyromania : A mania for setting thing on fire 33. Bruxomania : Compulsion for grinding teeth
34. Hippomania : obsession with horses
6. Monomania : A mania of one idea or interest
35. Phaneromania : habit of biting one’s nails
36. Potomania : abnormal desire to drink alcohol
7. Logomania : A mania for talking
37. Opsomania : abnormal love for one kind of
8. Graphomania : A mania for writing
9. Dromomania : A mania for travelling
38. Oniomania : A mania of purchasing
10. Kleptomania : A mania for stealing
39. Nosomania : delusion of suffering from a
11. Anthomania : A mania of Flowers disease
12. Cynomania : A mania of Dogs 40. Etheromania : Craving for ether
13. Megalomania : A psychological state WORDS RELATED WITH KINDS OF
characterized by delusion of grandeur (Being
important), controlling other’s life
1. Bureaucracy : government run by officials
14. Hedomania : A mania of Pleasure
2. Democracy : government by the people
15. Sitomania : A mania of Eating
3. Monarchy : government by a king / queen
16. Plutomania : A mania of Wealth
4. Aristocracy : government by the nobles / lords
17. Anglomania : Fond of English things.
5. Anarchy : absence of government
18. Zoomania : Insane fondness for animals
6. Autocracy : government by one person
19. Technomania : craze for technology
20. Polemomania : A mania for war
7. Autonomy : the right of self-government
21. Oenomania : Craze for wine

8. Oligarchy : government by a few persons 31. Kritarchy : A government by judges
9. Plutocracy : government by the rich 32. Heterarchy : A government by a foreign ruler
10. Theocracy : government by the laws of religion 33. Hagiarchy : A government by saints or holy
11. Secular : government not by the laws of
religion 34. Exarchy : A government by bishops
12. Abdicate : To give up throne or other office of 35. Argentocracy : A government by money
13. Ambassador : A diplomatic minister of the OF PERSONS:
highest order sent by one country to another
1. Suicide : act of ending one’s life
14. Anarchist : A person who is out to destroy all
government and order 2. Matricide : act of murdering one’s mother

15. Politics : The science of government 3. Patricide : act of murdering one’s father

16. Referendum : To decide a political question by 4. Fratricide : killing of one’s brother

the direct vote of the whole electorate 5. Sororicide : killing of one’s sister
17. Rebel : A person(s) who takes up arms against 6. Uxoricide : killing of one’s wife
the government
7. Filicide : killing of one’s children
18. Executive : Part of the government which
preserves law and order and carries out the laws 8. Infanticide : murder of an infant or new born
made baby

19. Albocracy : A government by white people 9.Foeticide : the intentional destruction of a

human foetus in the uterus
20. Androcracy : A government by men
10. Homicide : killing of human being
21. Arithmocracy : A government by simple
majority 11. Parricide : murder of one’s parents

22. Stratocracy : Military rule or despotism 12. Regicide : murder of king / queen

23. Diabolocracy : A government by devil 13. Posthumous : Something occurring after death

24. Diarchy/ Dinarchy : A government by two 14. Legacy : The property left to someone by a will
people 15. Obituary : An account in the newspaper of the
25. Phallocracy : A government by men funeral of one deceased

26. Kleptocracy : A government by thieves 16. Autopsy/ Postmortem : An examination of a

dead body
27. Millionocracy : A government by millionaires
17. Epitaph : Words inscribed on a tomb
28. Paparchy : A government by the pope
18. Embalm : To preserve a dead body from put
29. Tritheocracy : A government by three gods rejection
30. Mesocracy : A government by the middle 19. Cenotaph : A monument set up for persons
classes who are buried elsewhere

20. Annihilate : To destroy completely 11. Decennial : An event which happens once in
ten year.
21. Carrion : Dead and decaying flesh especially of
22. Martyr : One who embraces voluntary death SUBSTITUTES:
for the sake of one’s country 1. Edible : that which can be eaten
23. Germicide : A substance that kills germs. 2. Inedible : unfit for human consumption
24. Mariticide : One who kill one’s husband 3. Legible : capable of being read easily
25. Genocide : The killing of whole group of 4. Illegible : incapable of being read
5. Potable: that which can be drunk
26. Amicicide : Murder of a friend
6. Portable: that which can easily be carried in
27. Felicide : Killing a cat hand
28. Pulicide : flea-killer 7. Inflammable : that which catches fire easily
29. Ovicide : Killing insect eggs 8. Inevitable : that which cannot be avoided
30. Verbicide : Destroying the meaning of a word 9. Impracticable : incapable of being practised
31. Urbicide : Destruction of a city 10. Inaccessible : a person / place that cannot be
32. Senicide : Killing old men easily approached

33. Tauricide : Killer of a bull 11. Inaudible : a sound that cannot be heard

34. Silvicide : Substance that kills trees 12. Incorrigible : incapable of being corrected

35. Lupicide : killing a wolf 13. Infallible : one who is free from all mistakes
and failures
14. Irreparable : incapable of being repaired
1. Annual : happening once in a year
15. Intelligible : that cannot be understood
2. Biennial : happening in two years
16. Autobiography : account of a person’s life
3. Triennial : happening in three years written by himself
4. Quadrennial : happening in four years 17. Biography : account of a person’s life written
5. Century : a period of hundred years by another

6. Millennium : a period of thousand years 18. Gullible : one who can easily be duped or
7. Sexagenarian : one who is in sixties
19. Synonyms : words having more or less similar
8. Septuagenarian : one who is in seventies meanings
9. Octagenarian : one who is in eighties 20. Antonyms : words more or less different in
10. Nonagenarian : one who is in nineties meanings
21. Homonyms : words similar in pronunciation
but different in meanings

22. Maiden-speech : a speech made by a speaker 42. Sporadic : something happening at irregular
for the first time intervals or occasionally
23. Extempore : a speech without any previous 43. Parole : promise given by a prisoner not to
preparation escape
24. Palatable : that which can be easily digested 44. Souvenir : a thing kept in memory of an event
25. Transient : lasting for a very short time 45. Flora : the plants and vegetation of a region
26. Eternal : that which lasts forever or is never 46. Fauna : the animals of a region
47. Bibliophile : a lover of books
27. Transparent : an object through which light
48. Crusade : a war of religion
passes and one can see through
49. Amphibian : animals that can live on land and
28. Translucent : an object through which light
in water
passes but one cannot see across clearly
50. Aquatic : animal that live in water
29. Opaque : an object through which light cannot
pass 51. Cavalry : soldiers on horses
30. Perishable: which can be destroyed quickly 52. Infantry : soldiers on foot
31. Imperishable: which cannot be destroyed 53. Elegy : a poem of mourning
54. Encyclopaedia : a book containing information
32. Malleable : easy to shape in desired form on all the branches of knowledge
33. Laxative : medicine that loosens that bowels 55. Red Tapism : too much official formalities
34. Tranquilizer : medicine used to calm or pacify 56. Utopia : an imaginary land with perfect social
35. Widow : woman whose husband has died and
who has not remarried 57. Hamlet : a group of houses in a village
36. Widower : man whose husband has died and 58. Catalogue : a list of books
who has not remarried
59. Fragile : that can easily be broken
37. Monologue : dramatic scene in which a person
60. Pedantic : one who is excessively concerned
speaks by himself
with minor details or with displaying one’s
38. Prologue : introductory part or lines to a play knowledge.
or discourse
61. Anonymous : A work whose writer is unknown
39. Epilogue : short speech or poem given at the
62. Directory : A book of names and address
end of a play or book
63. Epitome : A brief summary of a book
40. Doomsday : the day of last judgement or end
of the world 64. Encyclopedia : A book containing information
on all branches of knowledge
41. Telepathy : power of reading the thoughts or
mind of others 65. Expurgate : To remove the offensive portion of
a book

66. Harangue : A noisy or vehement speech 86. Hermit : A person who, usually for religious
intended to excite passions reasons, lives a very simple life alone and does not
meet/ talk to other people
67. Memoir : A written account, usually in book
form of the interesting and memorable experience 87. Plaintive : Sounding sad and mournful
of one’s life
88. Brittle : Hard but easily broken
68. Manifesto : A declaration of plans and
89. Monoloque : a dramatic story
promises put forward by a candidate for Election, a
political party or a Sovereign 90. Hypocrite : A person who pretends to have
moral standards/ opinions that they do not
69. Insomnia : The condition of being unable to
actually have
91. Cellar : An underground room often used for
70. Somniloquism : Talking in sleep
storing things
71. Hypersomnia : Excessive sleepiness.
92. Chalcocite : A heavy grey mineral that is an ore
72. Somnambulist : Someone who walks about in of copper
93. Hebetic : Pertaining to or occurring in puberty.
73. Somnambulism : Walking in sleep
94. Sever : To cut something into two pieces
74. Flintlock : A gun used in the past
95. Severe : Extremely bad or serious
75. Spacecraft : A craft capable of traveling in
96. Treason : The crime of betraying one’s country
outer space
97. Treasurer : an officer charged with receiving
76. Concentric : Having a common center
and disbursing funds
77. Spinster : An old unmarried woman
98. Cinematography : The act of making a film
78. Flora : The plants of a particular area, type of
99. Barbarocracy : A government by barbarians
environment or period of time
100. Necrolatry : Worship of the dead
79. Fauna : All the animals living in an area or in a
particular period of history 101. Adonis : A handsome man.
80. Pristine : Fresh and clean 102. Avaricious : One who is greedy for money.
81. Veteran : A person who has had long 102. Ambidextrous : A person who is able to use
experience in a particular field. both hands with equal skill.
82. Slacken : Reduce or decrease in speed or 103. Arsonist : A person guilty of setting fire to the
intensity property.
83. Fatalist : A person who believes that events are 104. Biopsy : The removal of tissue, cell from
decided by fate and cannot be controlled. someone’s body in order to check for illness.
84. Myopic : Lacking foresight or intellectual 105. Actuary : One who calculates premium.
106. Bigot : One who has obstinate and narrow
85. Panacea : something that will solve all the religious views.
problems of a particular situation

107. Blasphemy : Words uttered impiously about 130. Epithet : A word that describes a person.
131. Hearsay : Something heard from another
108. Amnesia : Loss of memory. person.
109. Bashful : Shy and easily embarrassed. 132. Gangrene : The decay of a part of the body of
a living person, animal etc.
110. Affidavit : A written declaration made on oath
in the presence of a magistrate 133. Complacent : Showing satisfaction with one’s
own situation
111. Ambivalent : Having mixed feelings.
134. Cantonment : A military force
112. Belligerent : Nations engaged in war.
135. Apparatus : A set of instruments put together
113. Heresy : An opinion contrary to popular belief
for a purpose.
114. Fastidious : Not likely to be easily pleased.
136. Stub : A short remaining end of a cigarette,
115. Chasm : An extremely deep crack in the pencil etc
137. Hamper : A large food basket with a cover.
116. Facsimile : An exact copy.
138. Distraught : Very worried and upset.
117. Articulate : Fluent and clear in speech.
139. Brunette : A woman with dark brown hair.
118. Gladiator : A man trained to fight with other
140. Wriggle : Move along with Quick, Short
men or with animals for the amusement of
141. Testimonial : A written statement saying what
119. Fugitive : A person who runs away from
one knows about a person's character, abilities etc.
justice or the law.
142. Quandary : A state of uncertainty.
120. Dormitory : Sleeping room with many beds.
143. Carcass : Dead body of a large animals
121. Aphonia : Total loss of voice.
144. Corpse : A dead body of a human being
122. Facade : The front of a building.
145. Hamlet : A cluster of houses in a village
123. Garrison : A number of soldiers, for guarding
a fortress, town etc. 146. Ransom : A sum of money paid for the freeing
of a prisoner.
124. Exonerate : Free somebody from blame or
guilt. 147. Ablution : Ritual washing of the body.
125. Cascade : A waterfall 148. Drown : To die in water or any other liquid
because one is unable to breathe.
126. Annuity : Fixed sum of money paid to
somebody as income in his life time 149. Resuscitate : To bring a person back to
127. Attic : A room at the top of a house under the
roof. 150. Ambulatory : Able to walk free after recovery
from illness.
128. Redundancy : Superfluity of words.
151. Diffident : One who lacks confidence.
129. Subplot : A story within a story.

152. Quilt : A bed cover filled with down, feathers 173. Dominion : An area of land that is controlled
etc. by a rule
153. Podium : A platform on which a lecturer, 174. Delegate : To give one’s authority to another.
musical conductor etc stands.,
175. Reluctant : A person who is unwilling to do.
154. Cynosure : A person or thing that have centre
176. Emigrant : One who leaves one’s country in
of attraction
orders to settle permanently.
155. Blueprint : A detailed photographic plan of
177. Wrath : Violent anger.
work to be carried out.
178. Bohemian : One who does not follow the
156. Altruist : One who helps without selfishness.
usual rules of social life.
157. Gourmet : One who likes or knows about
179. Solecism : A mistake in speech or writing.
good food.
180. Cocktail : A drink usually made from a mixture
158. Sonnet : A type of poem with fourteen lines
of one or more alcoholic drinks.
159. Ode : A poem written to a person or thing.
181. Defame : To injure one’s reputation.
160. Albumen : The white part of an egg.
182. Salvage : To save from loss or destruction in a
161. Circumstantial : Clues available at a scene. fire.
162. Borough : A small town within a town with its 183. Destitute : The state of being miserable bereft
own governing council. of all possessions.
163. Assassination : Killing or murder for political 184. Questionnaire : Long list of questions
reasons. especially for something.
164. Dummy : Large modal looking human being 185. Effeminate : A man who is quite like a
and used to clothes. woman.
165. Wreck : Something in a very bad condition. 186. Richter : Scale used for measuring the
strength of an earthquake.
166. Corroborate : To confirm with the help of
evidence 187. Annals : Historical records.
167. Chauvinism : The belief that your country, 188. Rostrum : A platform on which a public
race is better than any other. speaker stands.,
168. Rafter : A beam supporting the roof of a 189. Cryptogram : A secret message written in
house. code.
169. Ductile : Capable of being bent or pulled into 190. Cacography : Bad hand writing
different shapes
191. Benediction : Blessing given by a priest.
170. Eulogy : A speech in praise of.
192. Confiscate : To seize or take away something
171. Abbot : The head of an abbey or a monastery. as a penalty.
172. Quest : A search for something 193. Dawdle : To walk slowly, wasting time

194. Extravagant : A man who wastes his money 14. Celibate : One vowed to a single or unmarried
on luxury. life
195. Raffle : A way of making money for a charity 15. Fiance : One engaged to be married
by selling tickets
16. Orphan : A children whose parents are dead
196. Inexplicable : Impossible to explain or
17. Adolescence : State of growth between
boyhood & youth
197. Proprietor : An owner of a shop , hotel
18. Misanthrope : Hater of mankind
198. Upheaval : A great change or disturbance.
19. Philanthropist : Lover of mankind
199. Voyage : A usually long journey, especially by
20. Misogynist : Hater of women
21. Patrimony : Property inherited from one’s
200. Rheumatism : A disease which causes
father or ancestors
stiffness and pain in one's joints.
22. Premarital : Before marriage
/CHILDERN /FAMILY: 23. Gamophobia : Fear of getting married

1. Celibacy : the state of being unmarried 24. Neogamist : A person recently married

2. Matrimony : state of being married 25. Misogynist : a person who dislikes women

3. Bigamy : marrying one person while still legally WORDS RELATED WITH LITERACY ARTS:
married to another 1. Plagiarism : Literary theft, or passing off an
4. Adultery : the practice of having extra-marital author’s original work as one’s own
relations 2. Plagiarist : A writer who borrows words and
5. Concubinage : live-in relationship, a man and ideas from another author
woman living without being married 3. Ambiguous : A statement open to more than
6. Monogamy : the practice of marrying one at a one interpretation
time 4. Illiterate : One who cannot read or write
7. Misogamist : one who hates marrying 5. Philistine : One who does not care for literature
8. Polygamy : the practice of having more than one and art
wife at a time 6. Obsolete : A word or law no longer in use
9. Polyandry : the practice of having more than 7. Reticent :A person very reserved in speech
one husband at a time
8. Verbose : A style full of words
10. Spinster : an older woman who is not married
9. Indescribable : Incapable of being described
11. Alimony : an allowance paid to wife on divorce adequately
12. Betrothed : engaged to be married 10. Soliloquizing : Speaking one’s thoughts aloud
13. Bigamist : One who marries a second wife/ to oneself
husband while the legal spouse is alive 11. Tragedy : A play with a sad or tragic end

WORDS RELATED WITH GROUP OF 10. A group of followers : Train
ANIMALS: 11. A group of laws : Code
1. Bevy : A group of swans 12. A group of books : Catalogue
2. Colony : A group of termites 13. A group of rays : Beam
3. Herd : A group of swine’s 14. A group of fruit trees : Orchard
4. Troop : A group of animals or people 15. A group of beads : Rosary
5. Litter : A group of puppies, piglet 16. A group of flowers Bunch : Garland
6. Muster : A group of peacock 17. A group of listeners : Assembly
7. Team : A group of oxen 18. A group of beauties : Galaxy
8. Flock : A group of sheep 19. A group of jurymen : Panel
9. String : A group of camels 20. A group of magistrates : Bench
10. Hive : A group of bees 21. A group of people : Tribe
11. Herd/Drove : A group of deer/swine/cattle 22. A group of illness : Bout
12. Pack : A group of wolves/hounds 23. A group of smoke : Column
13. Flock : A group of geese/sheep/birds 24. A group of thunder/ Laughter : Peal
14. Flight : A group of birds 25. A group of nesting rooks : Rookery
15. Brood : A group of chickens/hens 26. A group of foxes /dogs : Pack
16. Shoal : A group of fish 27. A group of ministers : Council
17. Brace : A group of pigeon 28. A group of coolies : Strings

WORDS RELATED WITH GROUP OF 29. A group of art : Museum

SOMEBODY/SOMETHING: 30. A group of states, powers : Alliance
1. A group of friends : Circle 31. A group of goods : Stock / Consignment
2. A group of robbers : Gang 32. A group of stars : Cluster/ Galaxy
3. A group of constables : Posse 33. A group of Girls/ Lady : Bevy
4. A group of workers : Union 34. A large group of bees, insects : Swarm
5. A group of singer : Choir 35. A group of merchants : Caravan
6. A group of sheets of paper : Quire 36. A group of worshiper : Congregation
7. A group of musician : Band 37. A group of gold : Hoard
8. A group of blood : Pool 38. A group of sand/stone/ruins/books : Heap
9. A group of information : Mine 39. A group of Cars/Ship : Fleet

40. A group of boats : Flotilla 6. Ergophile : A person who loves work
41. A group of ruffians : Horde 7. Hippophile : A lover of horses
42. A group of Actor & Dancer : Troupe 8. Limnophile : A person who loves lakes
43. A group of players : Team 9. Negrophile : A person who is sympathetic
towards black people
44. A group of Directors : Board
10. Neophile : A person who loves novelty and
45. A group of cotton wool : Bale
46. A group of questions : Barrage
11. Nyctophile : A person who loves night,
47. A group of suit : Clothes darkness

48. A group of clutch : Eggs 12. Oenophile : a person who is fond of wine

49. A group of packets : Cigarette 13. Pogonophile : A person who loves beards

50. A group of soldiers : Regiment/troop 14. Stigmatophile : A person who is obsessed with
tattoos, piercings
51. A group of sailors : Crew
15. Turophile : Cheese lover
52. A group of books : Library
16. Technophile : A person who is fond of
53. A group of picture : Gallery
54. A group of arrows : Quiver
17. Thalassophile : A lover of sea
55. A group of suite : Rooms
18. Logophile : A lover of words
56. A Performing group of actors, dancers : Troupe
19. Heliophile : A lover of the sun
57. A group of soldiers : Troop
20. Pedophile : An adult who is sexually attracted
58. A group of servants, officials, helpers etc. : to children
59. A person who leaves one group, religion etc. INSTRUMENTS:
: Renegade 1. Arthroscope : instrument for examining interior

1. Ailurophile : A cat lover 2. Drosometer : instrument for measuring dew

2. Autophile : a person who loves solitude, being 3. Marigraph : instrument for recording tide levels
alone 4. Viscometer : instrument for measuring viscosity
3. Ceraunophile : a person who loves lightning and 5. Visometer : instrument for measuring focal
thunder length of the eye
4. Cynophile : A dog lover 6. Nephograph : instrument for photographing
5. Dendrophile : A person who loves forests and clouds
trees 7. Nephoscope : instrument for observing direction
and velocity of clouds

8. Audiometer : instrument for measuring acuity of 26. Lactoscope : instrument for measuring purity
hearing or richness of milk
9. Pedometer : instrument for measuring distance 27. Lactometer : instrument for testing relative
travelled on foot density of milk
10. Oncometer : instrument measuring change in 28. Orchidometer : instrument for measuring the
size of internal organs size of the testicles
11. Electrometer : instrument for measuring 29. Anemometer : instrument for measuring wind
electrical potential velocity
12. Electrograph : instrument for recording 30. Microscope : instrument for magnifying small
electrical potential objects
13. Odontograph : instrument for obtaining curves 31. Passimeter : instrument for issuing automatic
for gear-teeth tickets
14. Dynamometer : instrument for measuring 32. Speedometer : instrument for measuring
mechanical force velocity
15. Dynamograph : instrument for recording 33. Galvanometer : instrument for measuring
mechanical forces electrical current
16. Endoscope : instrument for visualizing interior 34. Galvanoscope : instrument for detecting
of a hollow organ presence and direction of electric current
17. Endosmometer : instrument for measuring 35. Alcoholometer : instrument for measuring
osmosis into a solution proportion of alcohol in solutions
18. Leptometer : instrument for measuring oil 36. Alcovinometer : instrument to measure
viscosity strength of wine
19. Epidiascope : instrument for projecting images 37. Gyrograph : instrument for counting a wheel's
of objects revolutions
20. Episcope : instrument for projecting images of 38. Variometer : instrument for measuring
opaque objects magnetic declination
21. Aerometer : instrument for measuring weight 39. Sillometer : instrument measuring speed of
or density of gas ship
22. Fathometer : instrument for measuring 40. Dendrometer : instrument for measuring trees
underwater depth using sound
41. Altimeter : instrument for measuring altitude
23. Vibrograph : instrument for recording
42. Heliometer : instrument for measuring
apparent diameter of the sun
24. Vibrometer : instrument for measuring
43. Helioscope : instrument for observing sun
without injury to the eyes
25. Focimeter : instrument for measuring focal
44. Tribometer : instrument measuring friction
length of a lens

45. Barometer : instrument for measuring air 63. Oscilloscope : instrument for detecting
pressure electrical fluctuations
46. Barograph : instrument for recording air 64. Velometer : instrument for measuring speed of
pressure air
47. Stethoscope : instrument for detecting sounds 65. Photometer : instrument for measuring light
produced by the body intensity
48. Lucimeter : instrument for measuring light 66. Phonautograph : instrument for recording
intensity sound vibrations
49. Telescope : instrument for viewing objects at 67. Phonendoscope : device which amplifies small
great distances sounds
50. Cyclograph : instrument for describing arcs of 68. Phonometer : instrument for measuring sound
circles without compasses levels
51. Recipiangle : old instrument with two arms 69. Seismograph : instrument for recording
used for measuring angles earthquakes
52. Micrograph : instrument used to write on a 70. Seismoscope : instrument for detecting
very small scale earthquakes
53. Micrometer : instrument for measuring very 71. Seismometer : instrument for measuring
small distances earthquake intensity
54. Potentiometer : instrument for measuring 72. Ammeter : instrument for measuring electrical
electromotive forces current
55. Hygrograph : instrument for recording 73. Thermograph : instrument for recording
variations in atmospheric humidity changes in temperature
56. Hygrometer : instrument for measuring air 74. Thermometer : instrument for measuring
moisture temperature
57. Hygroscope : instrument for displaying changes 75. Thermoscope : instrument indicating change in
in air humidity temperature
58. Odometer : instrument for measuring distance 76. Thermometrograph : instrument for recording
travelled changes in temperature
59. Cardiograph : instrument for recording 77. Xylometer : instrument measuring specific
movements of the heart gravity of wood
60. Rhinoscope : instrument for examining the 78. Voltameter : instrument for measuring
nose electrical current indirectly
61. Sonograph : instrument for recording and 79. Voltmeter : instrument for measuring electrical
analysing sound potential
62. Oscillometer : instrument for measuring ship's 80. Algometer : instrument for measuring
rollings sensitivity to pain

81. Chronometer : instrument for measuring time 100. Hydrometer : instrument for measuring
specific gravity of liquids
82. Chronograph : instrument for recording the
moment of an event 101. Hydroscope : instrument for viewing under
83. Electrocardiograph : instrument for recording
unusual electrical fluctuations of the heart 102. Hydrotimeter : instrument for measuring
water hardness
84. Electroscope : instrument for detecting
electrical charges in the body 103. Hyetograph : instrument for recording rainfall
85. Wattmeter : instrument for measuring 104. Hyetometer : instrument for measuring
electrical power rainfall
86. Serimeter : instrument for testing quality of silk 105. Hyetometrograph : instrument for recording
87. Eudiometer : instrument for measuring air
88. Inclinometer : instrument for measuring
inclination to the horizontal of an axis
89. Phototachometer : instrument for measuring
the speed of light
90. Spirograph : instrument recording movements
of breathing
91. Cryometer : instrument for measuring low
92. Cryoscope : instrument for determining
freezing points of substances
93. Pneometer : instrument that measures
94. Proctoscope : instrument for examining the
95. Tachometer : instrument for measuring speed
of rotation
96. Xanthometer : instrument for measuring
colour of sea or lake water
97. Tomograph : instrument for viewing section of
an object using X-rays
98. Magnetograph : instrument for recording
measurements of magnetic fields
99. Magnetometer : instrument for measuring
intensity of magnetic fields


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