E.T. Translation

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Elliot is a 10-year-old boy looking for friends. The one he has become friendly with, has come from space!
Your hearts will race as E.T. gives Elliot a ride on the basket of his bicycle, soaring through the sky, their friendship
warming many hearts… This worldwide famous movie has now become an enjoyable picture book for families. Will
Elliot be able to return E.T. safely back up to his home planet as expected?


It was the week before Halloween –

Elliot desperately wanted to play with his older brother Michael, but Michael said no. “Come on, guys! I told you I
could defeat the monster!” Elliot pleaded. Even though he asked, Michael wouldn’t listen. “Just go get the pizza for
us” Michael said.


Elliot went outside and paid the pizza delivery man. On the way back inside the house, he noticed some kind of
sound coming from the shed. Elliot’s house is right next to the forest. Coyotes occasionally wandered into the shed.
However, it seemed like the footprints weren’t from the coyotes this time. On top of that, they weren’t expected to
throw a ball towards children.


It definitely wasn’t a coyote. Elliot panicked and went to tell his family the news. “There’s a monster in the shed! It’s
a real monster!”

“Where’s the pizza?” Michael asked. Not one person believed in what Elliot was saying.


The following day, Elliot entered the forest over the other side to look for the monster in the shed. Inside the forest
were people searching for something using a machine he has never seen before. Were these people searching for
the monster too? What would happen to that monster if he were to be found by them first? I have to find it first,
Elliot thought.

That night, after everyone had fallen asleep, Elliot left a trail of candy from the shed in the backyard into the house,
up the staircase, and into his room.


It seemed that the monster liked candy.

The next day, Elliot introduced the monster to his older brother Michael. And also to his little sister, Gertie.


Michael and Gertie experienced what Elliot had gone through the night before – the monster was kind and very


Elliot and the others were extremely excited and curious to get to know about their new friends. The monster could
pass off as a good boy.

“Isn’t it a monkey?” questioned Michael.

“I don’t really like his feet,” said Gertie.

“Our home is here.” Elliot said. “Where are you from?”

The monster pointed towards the sky. Then he used his powers and turned fruits and vegetables into a model of his
marvellous solar system.


What they previously thought was a monster wasn’t one at all! He was actually an extra-terrestrial being from
beyond the stars in space! Elliot decided to call him E.T.

And while E.T. was inside the house, the people looking for him were getting closer.


The next morning, Elliot and the others went to school. Mum was also getting ready to leave for work and heard a
noise coming from the closet. But after she opened the closet door, all that was there was stuffed toys.

After mum departed for work, E.T. was alone inside the house and thus decided to go exploring. First, E.T. quickly
became close with the family’s pet.


After that, he got something to eat. He found toys to play with and something to read. He watched the television
and learnt a lesson on how people communicated with one another on Earth.

And then he thought of a very good idea. If only he could gather everything he needed….


When Gertie returned home from school, she taught E.T. the alphabet.

“This is B. B is for Balloon.” Gertie said.

“B – …” E.T. said.

“Yes!” Gertie said. “It’s B! Good boy!”

Elliot arrived home shortly after and found E.T. inside the closet. E.T. and Gertie were playing dress-up.

“Elliot…” E.T. said

“I taught him how to talk!” Gertie said proudly.


Elliot found a box containing the items that E.T had gathered.

“Ouch!” Elliot yelped. He had unfortunately cut himself on the saw blade.

“Ouch!” E.T. said as his fingers began to glow.

E.T. touched his fingertips with Elliot’s and the wound had recovered in a flash. Then, E.T. showed Elliot and Gertie
his drawing of something he wanted to build. It looked like a radio.

“Phone, home” E.T. said.


E.T. worked on his walkie-talkie all night long. Meanwhile, the people who were looking for E.T. were getting even
closer. E.T. wanted his family to find and bring him home. But he was busy. E.T.’s body was not ready to live on Earth
yet. His health was starting to decline.


The next day was Halloween –

E.T. precisely led way to the forest in order to get in contact with his hometown using the walkie-talkie. Michael and
Elliot dressed E.T. up as their younger sister. Off they went into the broad daylight. No one suspected a thing. Some
of the children’s appearances made E.T. thought of his hometown.


Elliot and E.T. separated from the other ‘trick or treaters’, as they went into the woods on Elliot’s bike. Inside the
woods, E.T. took over when the path got too bumpy. With E.T.’s amazing strength, they rose off the ground and
soared through the nights sky.


They came across a clearing and assembled the radio. E.T. pointed his finger towards the night sky, and they sat
down to wait.


Elliot woke up cold the next morning. He and E.T. had spent an entire night inside the woods. When he returned
home, the people who were searching for E.T. were in Elliot’s house. They were scientists, and they wanted to
inspect E.T.’s body, so they brought him to the lab. They locked E.T. up in a crate.


While the scientists were busy finishing up, Elliot and Michael snuck E.T. out of the house. They gathered at the park,
riding on Michael’s friend’s bike. E.T. was placed in the basket of the bike as everyone left for the woods. The
scientists were chasing E.T.!


To not get caught, E.T. once again used his mysterious strength. Each of the boy’s bikes soared into the sky. As the
boys reached the forest, an enormous spaceship was landing!


Elliot was sad that his friend had to leave. E.T. too was sad. E.T.’s fingertip lit up. As his finger touched Elliot’s
forehead, he said

“I’ll be here……”. Elliot knew he would never forget their fantastic friendship.


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