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Determining the 3-dB Frequency fL

Determining the 3-dB Frequency fL

A quick way for estimating the 3-dB frequency fL is possible if the highest-frequency pole
(here, assumed to be fP2) is separated from the nearest pole or zero (here, fP1) by at least
a factor of 4. In such a case, fL is approximately equal to the highest of the pole
fL ≈ fP2
We refer to this situation as one in which a dominant pole exists, with the frequency of
the dominant pole being fP2.
If a dominant pole does not exist, the following approximate expression for fL can be
Determining the Pole and Zero
Frequencies by Inspection
Consider first the zeros. By its definition, a transmission zero is the value of s at
which the input does not reach the output, resulting in Vo = 0. The CC1 becomes an
infinite impedance at s = 0 and thus introduces a transmission zero at s = 0. An
identical statement applies to CC2. However, the bypass capacitor CS has a different
effect. Its transmission zero is at the value of s that causes ZS to become infinite,
and hence Is, Id , and Vo become zero.
Determining the Pole and Zero
Frequencies by Inspection
To determine the poles, we set Vsig= 0. This results in the three separate circuits
shown below . Each of the three circuits can be used to determine the resistance
“seen” by the particular capacitor, and hence the time constant associated with this
capacitor. The corresponding pole frequency ωP is the inverse of the time constant.
Selecting Values for the Coupling and
Bypass Capacitors
The Method of Short-Circuit Time
In some circuits, the capacitors interact, making it difficult to determine the pole frequencies.
There is a simple method for obtaining an estimate for fL without the need to determine the
frequencies of the poles. Although the method is predicated on the assumption that one of
the poles is dominant, the resulting estimate for fL is usually very good even if this assumption
is not strictly valid. The method is as follows:
1. Set the input signal Vsig = 0.
2. Consider the capacitors one at a time. That is, while considering capacitor Ci, set all
the other capacitors to infinite values (i.e., replace them with short circuits).
3. For each capacitor Ci, find the total resistance Ri seen by Ci. This can be determined
either by inspection or by replacing Ci with a voltage source Vx and finding the current
Ix drawn from Vx ; Ri = Vx/Ix .
4. Calculate the 3-dB frequency fL using

where n is the total number of capacitors.

The CE Amplifier
The CE Amplifier
Applying the Method of Short-Circuit Time Constants
Setting Vsig = 0 in the circuit and considering each capacitor, one at a time, while short-
circuiting the other two results in the three circuits shown below. These circuits can be used to
determine the resistance seen by each capacitor and hence its effective time constant.
The CE Amplifier
For CC1
The CE Amplifier
For CE
The CE Amplifier
For CC2
The CE Amplifier

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