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To Memorize, for Math Quadratic Formula When ax2 + bx + c then The quadratic formula: X = is true.

When b2 4ac equals zero, the solution is one real number. When b2 4ac is a positive number, there are two real number solutions. When b2 4ac is a negative number, the equation has two complex solutions which are conjugates. Trying the factor method to solve quadratic equations that result from real-life problems is usually a waste of time, and thus many people. Products of Chords and Secants: In the case of a tangent, and a secant drawn from a point outside the circle, the product of the length of the secant segment and the length of its external segment equals the square of the length of the tangent segment from the point. When the chords intersect inside the circle, the products of the chord segments are equal. When secants intersect outside the circle, the products of the external segments and the whole segments are equal. If one of the lines is a tangent, one product is the square of the tangent segment. A function is something that has for every value of x exactly one answer (no more, no less). The answer for x may be the same, even if the quantity of x varies, but x must only have one answer. Parabolas Definition: y = x2 Example: y = x2 + 4x + 3 In the above equation, x2 gives the direction of the parabola. Since it is positive, that means that the parabola is positive, continuing upward on a graph from the perigee.

To Memorize, for Math

In the above equation, 3 is the y-intercept, or where the parabola hits the y axis. To solve for a parabola, you have to find the square, for the example, it would look like this: y = (x+2)2 1 Now, the rest of the parabola can be solved. The +2 in the above equation helps us find x. To find x, we merely subtract (or add) whatever is necessary to make the inside of the parentheses equal zero. In this case, x would equal -2. Now, we have the value for the line of symmetry, or basically, where the mirror would be in this equation. The line of symmetry runs parallel to the y axis, but it is still an x value. Lastly, the -1 in this equation is the perigee (or apogee). It tells us where the parabola turns around and starts heading back. To find the exact spot of the perigee (or apogee) we simply take our x value for the line of symmetry (-2) and we take our value we just got (-1) and plot them on their respective x and y axis. Where they intercept, is the perigee (or apogee). The Grid On a mathematical grid, the x value is the one going from side to side, like the sun setting on the horizon. The y value is the one going from the top to the bottom, like a telephone pole.

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