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January Somos La Palma

Luis Morera Felipe

MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN (Santa Cruz de La Palma, October
10, 1946) is a Canarian artist from
the island of La Palma, who has
expressed himself mainly through
music and painting. He is the little
brother of the six children that the
marriage of María Aristela Felipe
and Manuel Álvaro Morera had.
Two years after his birth, the family
settled in the Spanish Sahara,
where his father was posted as a
high-ranking military officer. Three
years later the family would return
to their place of origin to stay,
where the environment would mark
the artist's career, with art deeply
linked to his origins. The merit of
the musician and poet, as well as
the Taburiente musical group, lies
in the adaptation of the old popular
musical heritage to the prevailing
spirit of today so that in this way
the traditional meets modern. His
musical career develops within his
group and alone.
February Somos La Palma
Francisca de Gazmira
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN was a defender of the rights of the
Canarian aborigines and an
essential character in the
pacification and evangelisation
during the conquest of the island of
La Palma. She lived in Gran
Canaria and was captured by the
Castilians. Gazmira acted as a
mediator between the aborigines
and the conquerors. After the
conquest of the island of La Palma,
the aborigines were captured,
tortured, and sold as slaves. Their
destination was Andalucía,
specifically, Jerez. Francisca de
Gazmira couldn’t bear such
injustices, therefore, in November
1494 she crossed the Atlantic and
managed to reach the Cortes to
report the atrocities that were
being carried out against the
Canarian aborigines. As they didn’t
agree with the measure taken by
Fernández de Lugo with the
Canarian aborigines, the Cortes
ordered their release and return to
the archipelago. After that, it was
illegal to sell any slaves from La
Palma and Tenerife.
March Somos La Palma
Lorena González Orribo
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN was born in 1978, in Maracay (a
city in Venezuela). She is a film
and television actress and
comedian. She was baptised with
the great nickname of “Petite” by
Ramón Araujo, a member of the
satirical musical group El Trío
Zapatista. Petite Lorena has
performed for more than fifteen
years in gambling dens, halls,
stages, popular festivals, theatres
and televisions throughout Spain.
She has built her career on the
foundation of hard work, also
known as the “3Ts” (work, work,
and work). Petite Lorena has been
a regular contributor to various
programs of Canarian television,
and at the national level she was
chosen as a collaborator by the
presenter Pepe Navarro of "The
Pelican's smile" or "Tonight we
crossed the Mississippi", for his
Late Night Show "Ruffus y
Navarro” on TV.
April Somos La Palma
Mila Álvarez Sosa
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN is an Egyptologist with experience
in Epigraphy and the study of the
funerary texts and decoration of
the Theban Tombs. Her current
activities and research interests
are the New Kingdom, the Theban
Necropolis, and Iconographic
Study. She currently works in the
position of Director of the Min
Project, an archaeological mission
based in Luxor at the tomb TT109
and Kampp -327-.
Her interests include the activities
carried out as President of the
Canarian Association of Egyptolo-
gy and Director of the Publishing
House Editions ad Aegyptum.
While pursuing her activities in
Egypt, she’s also collaborating as
a researcher for the Archaeological
Museum of Tenerife-Canarian
Institute of Bioanthropology.
May Somos La Palma
Rosendo Cutillas
was born on August 30, 1852, in
Santa Cruz de La Palma. Son of
merchants, he was trained in the
bosom of the capitalist
bourgeoisie. He married Camila
Brava Carpintero, but after her
untimely death, he married for a
second time to Esperanza Bravo
Carpintero in 1891. He is famous
for having been the initiator of the
installation of the telephone in La
Palma; for managing to bring to his
hometown the first radio receiver.
He also worked as a master
builder doing numerous projects
that show his creative and
visionary character, such as the
creation of a road and promenade
in Santa Cruz de La Palma. Later,
he expressed great interest in
technological advances, and his
cultural concerns led him to be part
of the scientific institution called
the Cosmological Society.
June Somos La Palma
Lydia Lozano
was born on December 12, 1960,
in Madrid to a Palmero family. She
is a Spanish journalist dedicated to
celebrity journalism, also one of
the main most famous journalists
in Spain. After graduating in
journalism in 1982 and before
succeeding in television, Lydia
Lozano took the first steps of her
career in the radio field, at Radio
Nacional de España. Such was the
success of the Canal Nou
program, that private television
stations, especially Telecinco and
Antena 3, copied the format and
incorporated it into their respective
grids programming. In addition to
working as a collaborator, she has
participated as a contestant in the
jumping talent show ¡Mira quién
salta! in 2013 and guest at Killer
Karaoke in 2015. She has also
participated in Todo va bien,
Cuatro's access program. On June
20, 2020, Lydia Lozano presented
Sábado Deluxe and occasionally
also presents Sálvame Limón. In
September of that same year, she
won the Aquí Televisión awards as
a best collaborator.
July Somos La Palma
Tomás Cabrera Martín
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN was born in Tazacorte in 1943 and
was a professional tenor and
conductor. His grandfather was the
director of the Los Llanos de
Aridane Music Band. At the age of
six he began his studies at the
Municipal Academy of Music of
Tazacorte, where he studied music
theory and saxophone. In 1964,
Tomás Cabrera participated in a
regional singing competition in Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria and won
the first prize. Throughout his life,
he has met and formed a cast with
the great figures of music, singers,
directors or soloists of international
fame. The Palmero tenor is retired
but remains dedicated to music in
body and soul. At present, he is
composing a musical work on La
Fuente Santa, with texts by
Carlos Soler.
August Somos La Palma
Samuel García Cabrera
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN is a Canarian athlete who was born
on the 4th December 1991, in Santa
Cruz de la Palma. Samuel García
Cabrera is a specialist in the 400
meters and has one of the best
marks (45:00) in that race. Apart from
being an athlete, he is also an
entrepreneur and a sports manager.
Samuel García Cabrera was
introduced to athletics thanks to his
brother. His first achievement was in
2008 when he won a national bronze
medal in the 400m. Finally, in 2010,
he managed to proclaim himself
Champion of Spain. After having won
he realised that in La Palma he could
not develop. Thanks to a scholarship
that gave him the Spanish Athletics
Federation entry into the CAR of Sant
Cugat (Barcelona), where he was
finally trained as a person and
athlete. Currently, after 11 seasons
he continues to compete with the
CAR and fulfil his dream of going to
the Tokyo Olympic Games, which he
was finally able to do last year (2020).
September Somos La Palma
Manuel Blahnik
(Santa Cruz de La Palma, October
10, 1946) is a Canarian artist from
the island of La Palma, who has
expressed himself mainly through
music and painting. He is the little
brother of the six children that the
marriage of María Aristela Felipe
and Manuel Álvaro Morera had.
Two years after his birth, the family
settled in the Spanish Sahara,
where his father was posted as a
high-ranking military officer. Three
years later the family would return
to their place of origin to stay,
where the environment would mark
the artist's career, with art deeply
linked to his origins. The merit of
the musician and poet, as well as
the Taburiente musical group, lies
in the adaptation of the old popular
musical heritage to the prevailing
spirit of today so that in this way
the traditional meets modern. His
musical career develops within his
group and alone.
October Somos La Palma
Manuel Poggio Capote
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN is a famous historian born on
August 7, 1969 in Santa Cruz de la
Palma, where he still resides. Over
the years he researched various
authors of the history of painting
and the arts from the Canary
Islands. He has written and
contributed to many books, such
as The Lost Island: Memories of
San Borondón from La Palma. In
addition, he has written historical
articles, news in official journals,
informative articles, historical press
articles, and reviews. Thanks to
Manuel Poggio Capote we know
much more about the Canary
Islands. Currently, Poggio Capote
is president of the Board of Official
Chroniclers of the Canary Islands.
He was appointed president of this
board for his great work of
research and dedication to
Canarian issues. He also belongs
to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
of the Canary Islands.
November Somos La Palma
Rosana Simón Álamo
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN was born on July 11, 1989, in Los
Llanos de Aridane. She is a
Spanish taekwondo athlete
competing in the +73 kg category.
Simon, at the young age of 14,
became one of the most
outstanding athletes in the
international field in the modality of
Taekwondo. In this way, she
obtained sporting successes as
impressive as the Gold Medal in
the European Pre-Olympic
Championships held in Turkey in
January 2008 and competing in
August of the same year at the
Beijing Olympics. She also
received the gold medal at the
European Championships held in
St. Petersburg (Russia) and the
Gold Medal at the World
Taekwondo Championships held in
Denmark in 2009.
December Somos La Palma
Félix Francisco
was born on 28 September 1956 in
Santa Cruz de La Palma. He was a
poet and writer from the Canary
Islands. Furthermore, when he
went to Tenerife, was devoted to
the study of classic poets and his
passion for music. At a very young
age he founded an alternative rock
group. Also, at the age of only 17,
he won the main poetry prize of the
Canary Islands, the Julio Tovar
prize, with his work "El invernade-
ro" (1973). Later, at the age of 18,
he won the Pérez Armas prize for
his novel "El don de Vorace"
(1974). Unfortunately, he died in
1976 at the age of 19 in Santa
Cruz de Tenerife.

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