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Parrafo 1 personal information

My mame is ana maria garcia, i have 40 years old, my work is tegnologa en contaduría , my
estado civil am married, my residence tunja, i study contaduría, my hobby is drive and run.

Parrafo 2 description of your residence

● Where are you from? A-I from tunja

● Where do you live? B- I live in barrio muiscas

● Who do you live with? C- I live with my husband and my daughters.

PARRAFO3 question about of the routine

● What time do you get up? I get up at six o clock

● What time do you eat breakfast? I breatfast at seven o clock

● How do you get to work? to my work in my car

● What time do you have lunch? i have at twuelve o clock

● What time do you go back home? i back home at seven pm

● What do you do after work or school? after to work i rest

● What time do you eat dinner? i eat dinner at eight pm

● What time do you go to bed? at nine pm

● What do you do on weekends? I do run and drive and sing.

Stage 3

My mame is ana maria garcia, i have 40 years old, my work is tegnologa in contaduría , estado
civil am married, my residence is tunja, i study contaduría, my hobby is drive and run, i from tunja
i live barrio muiscas, i live with my husbandand and my daughters and a sister but son leave us
because she wiil travel to argentina,i get up at six o clock and breatfast at seven o clock because
my work is very far from my house,i go to work in my car, i have lunch at twelve ,i back home at
seven pm, where i rest for a while, at eight pm i eat dinner ,so at nine pm at night go to rest, on
weekends i like run, drive, and sing but I don’t like rock.

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