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Purdue University College of Pharmacy CE Activities 2023

Speaker – Ana Hernandez Calderon, PharmD

Franciscan Alliance Evaluation Report
Antimicrobial Stewardship Integration in Electronic Medical Records
12/29/2022 - 12/29/2023

Objective Comments:
 Great topic
 All learning objectives were discussed and met throughout the presentation
 The objectives provided a thorough explanation of how computerized tools can assist in improvements in
outcomes in ASP

Speaker Comments:
 Outstanding
 Great delivery, easy to understand
 Spoke clearly and slides were well organized
 Great volume and speed of delivery. Effectively spoke on all listed objectives.
 The speaker was knowledgeable - the delivery was average - a little too fast to follow
 Easy to understand and spoke at an appropriate speed. Seemed to get hung up a few times on how to
explain the slides.

Explain how the content of this activity matched my current or potential scope of practice:
• Majority of users responded “yes” to matched current or potential scope of practice but there were no
responses to further comments

What new information did you learn?

 Great tips on current EPIC capabilities
 Gave me an insight as to the selection of antibiotics and my role in the ASP
 The use of outside integration into the medical record
 The additional tools like prospective audits and antibiotic timeouts as well as duplicate therapy alerts that
are available to improve clinician’s opportunities to impact their ASP
 How electronic resources help promote antimicrobial stewardship and assess the effectiveness of
 Different tools used in Epic for antimicrobial stewardship that are not commonly utilized here
 Antimicrobial stewardship integration programs
 How you can look at different areas of the EMR for antimicrobial stewardship suggestions
 Information technology role in core elements and how IT can help improve antimicrobial stewardship
 I learned about the Antimicrobial Monitoring tools that I can use for patient lists. No one had shown me
that before.

How will you address the barriers identified?

 Need more staff so we have more time to evaluate charts
 N/A - I think my site could utilize our informatics pharmacist to help ensure electronic integration occurs

Comments to help improve this activity?

 Great topic – thanks!
 Take out comment sections on slides

Recommendations for future CME Activities

 Any new guideline updates

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