Social Studies SBA

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Social Studies SBA

Topic: Drug Abuse

How can Drug Abuse Affect teenagers' Mental Health in Maloney ?

Reasons for choosing Maloney

Maloney is a small community located in the east of Trinidad .Maloney is an area with a

diverse population. The problem being investigated is “How can Drug Abuse affect

teenagers' mental health in Maloney ?” This research topic was chosen because in the

community of Maloney there are a high number of Drug Abuse amongst teenagers .From

taking drugs, teenagers can get depressed , they develop personality disorders and have

suicidal thoughts or they may even attempt sucicide .The purpose of this research is to

understand drug abuse with teenagers and see how to prevent it for the upcoming generation.

Method of Investigation

I intend on collecting data from participants by doing survey with a questionnaire containing

15 questions.

The Advantages of a questionnaire are:

. Questionnaires ar practical
. It’s and easy and affordable way to get information

Data Collection instrument

Cover letter

Dear citizens,

My name is Jenna Marie Stclairand I attend Eldorado WestSecondary School . I am doing

this survey with the teenagers of Maloney to get their input of drug abuse and how it affects

their mental health within the community. The survey will be a questionnaire containing 15

questions which will not include any personal questions and the persons willing to take the

survey will remain anonymous. The only thing I ask is for you to answer the questions

honestly . I am doing this survey for my social studies SBA and there will be a write or

wrong answer.All you are required to is put a tick in the box

Example : Male [] Female[]. Or you can write your answer in the lines provided.

Yours truly ,

Jenna Marie StClair.


Instructions: tick the box according to your answer

1. What is your gender :

Male [] Female[]
2. What is your age :

13-15 [] 15-19[]

3. How long have you been living in Maloney

More than 8 years [] Less than 8 years []

4. Do you do drugs:

Yes[] No[]

5. If yes approximately how much times do you do it

2-5 times a week[] 5 times a month [] Once a year[] Every 6 months []

Every day[] Never[]

6. Do you think drug abuse can make a teenager have suicidal thoughts or even make them

attempt sucicide

● Agree

● Disagree

● Strongly agree

● Strongly disagree

● Neither agree or disagree

7. What do you know think is drug abuse:

8.Do you know teenagers within the community that does drugs

Yes [] No[]

9.From a scale from 1-10 (1 being the lowest 10 being the highest) how easy is it to access

drugs within the community and state a reason for your answer :

10. What is the most used drug in Maloney

Alcohol [] Marijuana[] cocaine[] others[]


11. Why do you think teenagers do drugs:

Peer pressure [] Stress[] curiosity [] lack of parental guidance []

to deal with problems[] others[]

12. What do you think can stop drug abuse in teenagers

● By starting youth groups

● Better parental guidance

● Getting people to talk to the teenagers of the community

● To enforce stricter laws against drugs

● All of the above

● None of the above

13. A person can get physically/mentally Ill from taking drugs

True [] False []

14.Are there any punishments with the community for doing drugs

Yes [] No[]

15.Do you think drug abuse can affect a teenagers mental health:


Anxiety []

Personality disorder []
Conduct problems []


If other then state what it is

Thank you for participating in this survey


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