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Apnea of Prematurity: Current Practices and

Future Directions
Kalpashri Kesavan, MBBS,* Joanna Parga, MD*
*Division of Neonatology and Developmental Biology, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Education Gap
Definitions and treatment strategies for apnea of prematurity vary widely in
clinical practice and clinicians are in need of a consensus.

Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is a developmental disorder affecting most
infants born at less than 34 weeks’ gestational age. AOP is one of the most
common diagnoses in the NICU, contributing substantially to prolonged
hospitalization. Despite its frequent occurrence in premature neonates born
at less than 37 weeks’ gestation, there is no common consensus on its
definition, monitoring practices, and clinical relevance, leading to significant
variation in practice. It is also not clear how and if repeated apneas,
bradycardias, and hypoxemia are indeed detrimental to the developing
neonate. This article reviews the definitions of AOP and the current standard
of care for AOP, which includes positioning, positive pressure ventilation, and
methylxanthine therapy. We also explore some novel therapies, as well as
address controversies in initiating treatment, length of treatment, and
guidelines for discharge.

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

AUTHOR DISCLOSURE Drs Kesavan and 1. Review the definition of apnea of prematurity.
Parga have disclosed no financial
relationships relevant to this article. This 2. Review the epidemiology of this developmental disorder.
commentary does not contain a discussion of
an unapproved/investigative use of a 3. Explore various treatment options for apnea of prematurity.
commercial product/device.
4. Address the contribution of gastroesophageal reflux to apnea of
ABBREVIATIONS prematurity.
AOP apnea of prematurity
GER gastroesophageal reflux 5. Discuss treatment and discharge planning in infants with apnea of
CNS central nervous system prematurity.
CO2 carbon dioxide
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
NIPPV nasal intermittent positive pressure
SpO2 oxygen saturation
PMA postmenstrual age

Vol. 18 No. 3 MARCH 2017 e149

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Each year 15 million infants are born premature (<37 weeks’ AOP results from developmental immaturity of several me-
gestation) worldwide, and that number is on the rise. (1) In the chanisms involved in regulating respiratory control and in
United States, approximately 9.6% of infants are born pre- maintaining patency of the upper airway. The causes of apnea
term. (2) Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is a developmental can be divided into 3 major groups based on the mechanism:
condition affecting essentially all preterm infants born at less 1) central, 2) obstructive, or 3) mixed (a combination of central
than or equal to 28 weeks’ gestation and lower proportions and obstructive).
as one approaches term. Even at 34 weeks’ gestation, 20% 1. Central apnea is related to immaturity of the central
of infants have AOP. (3) The term AOP includes episodes of nervous system (CNS), with preterm infants exhibiting
apnea or breathing pauses, bradycardia, and intermittent fewer neuronal connections, poor myelination of the
hypoxemia either solely or in combination. AOP may last brain stem, and immature chemoreceptor function
up to 44 weeks’ postmenstrual age (PMA). (4)(5) One of the and response. (13) In central apnea, there is no evi-
main concerns with breathing pauses or apnea is the accom- dence of obstruction to airflow, but there is absence of
panying intermittent hypoxia, the sequential and repetitive chest wall motion. Central apnea results from:
exposure to low oxygen, followed by a rapid increase in oxygen. a) Enhanced sensitivity to neurotransmitters. Premature
(6) Ventilatory and perfusion disturbances from such breath- infants have enhanced sensitivity of the respira-
ing patterns are potentially associated with sequelae such as tory control system to inhibitory neurotransmitters
retinopathy of prematurity, altered growth and cardiovascular (ie, g-aminobutyric acid, adenosine, serotonin, and
regulation, and neurodevelopmental disabilities. (7) Therapies prostaglandin) that can lead to apnea. (14)(15)
for AOP may include prone positioning, continuous positive b) Hypoxic ventilatory depression. Repeated exposure to
airway pressure (CPAP), or nasal intermittent positive pres- episodes of hypoxia, such as might occur in an infant
sure ventilation (NIPPV) to prevent pharyngeal collapse and with chronic lung disease, can increase peripheral
alveolar atelectasis. The cornerstone of AOP treatment is chemoreceptor sensitivity in the carotid body, and
methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline) to block adenosine result in an apneic response to a brief episode of
receptors. (8)(9)(10) In addition, affected infants require con- hyperoxia. In other words, preterm infants mani-
tinuous vital sign monitoring. In general, complete cessation festing hypoxia more often tend to compensate for
of those events is required for a period before discharge. This higher oxygen levels (normal or hyperoxia) with apnea.
creates a challenge for practitioners. There is no consensus on (14)(15)(16)
the definitions and causes of significant AOP. (11) This article c) Impaired hypercapnic ventilatory response. The ven-
attempts to address controversies and provide clinicians with tilatory response to carbon dioxide (CO2) is mainly
guidelines for the management of AOP. mediated by central chemoreceptors in the medulla.
Preterm infants have a blunted or absent respiratory
response to hypercapnea. These children prolong expi-
DEFINING AOP ratory time (but do not increase respiratory rate or tidal
Apnea is defined as a temporary cessation of breathing or volume), which may lead to less minute volume and
airflow for more than 20 seconds. Apnea frequently occurs uncoordinated movements of respiratory muscles in
in preterm infants. However, defining clinically significant response to hypercapnea, leading to apnea. In addi-
apnea in infants of less than 37 weeks’ gestation is frequently tion, both term and preterm infants have a CO2
debated among clinicians. Most definitions consider apnea apneic threshold (CO2 level below which apnea is
as cessation of breathing lasting 15 to 20 seconds. Apnea that triggered) that is only slightly below the normal baseline
lasts for less than 10 seconds is considered “significant” if it partial pressure of CO2. As a result, even brief periods
is associated with a decrease in oxygen saturation (SpO2) to of hyperventilation might trigger apneic episodes.
less than or equal to 80% or 85%, whereas “significant” (14)(15)
bradycardia has been defined as a decrease in heart rate to less d) Laryngeal chemoreflex. Activation of laryngeal chemo-
than 80 beats/min or less than two-thirds of baseline. (12) receptors (via superior laryngeal nerve afferents) can
However, it should be noted that there is no single definition result in apnea, bradycardia, and hypotension. This
within the medical community for AOP. Other etiologic phenomenon is known as the laryngeal chemoreflex. It
factors for the clinical findings should be considered before is a sensory mechanism to defend against aspiration of
assigning the diagnosis of AOP. liquids. It is exaggerated in preterm infants and may, in

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some infants, be responsible for the apnea seen in DIAGNOSING AOP
association with feeding or reflux episodes.
To detect events associated with AOP, clinicians rely on
e) Sleep state. Neonates spend most of their time in
standard NICU monitoring systems that gather continuous
active sleep. Apneas are more common during active
vital sign data as well as nursing reports. (3) Heart rate is
sleep when respirations are irregular. Changes in
identified through electrocardiographic signaling, and car-
neuromodulatory inputs and generalized inhibition
diac alarms are activated if the heart rate drops below a
of skeletal muscle activity during sleep are also
set point, generally 100 beats/min. This may vary among
NICUs. Respiratory rate is largely captured with impedance
2. Obstructive apnea in preterm neonates presents clini-
probes that monitor chest wall movement. These probes are
cally with the preservation of chest wall movement.
notoriously unreliable, and without the use of capnography,
However, airflow is extinguished secondary to lack of
frequently miss episodes of obstructive apnea. (3) Pulse
coordination of respiratory musculature, pharyngeal
oximetry (comparing the absorption of red and infrared
instability, neck flexion, or nasal obstruction. (13) The
light by hemoglobin) is used to determine SpO2. Variation of
pharynx is the most collapsible portion of the upper
usage of the aforementioned monitors, as well as an under-
airway, and central regulation of pharyngeal tone is
estimation or misinterpretation of clinical findings by bed-
important for maintaining airway patency. Premature
side nursing, will influence which events are considered
infants at baseline have less rigid airways.
significant and when an infant may be discharged from the
3. Mixed apnea has components of both obstructive and
hospital. (18)
central apnea. In most premature neonates, the sequence
typically observed is an initial loss of central respi-
ratory drive, followed by recovery and delayed acti-
vation of upper airway muscles superimposed on a
closed upper airway, leading to prolonged mixed apnea AOP is considered a developmental disorder that resolves
episodes. (17) with increasing maturity and gestational age. The hypox-
A summary of causes and pathophysiology of apnea in emia and perfusion changes accompanying apnea could
preterm neonates is provided in Table 1. damage vital organs and tissues. The effects of recurrent

TABLE 1. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Apnea in Premature Neonates


Peripheral chemoreceptors (carotid body): Chest wall: Lacks stability, highly compliant, Genetic predisposition: Congenital central
Used to a lower PaO2 in utero (w30), contradictory movements in response to hypoventilation syndrome, craniofacial
increases 4 after delivery, silences hypercapnia anomalies, trisomy 21, Prader-Willi
peripheral chemoreceptors syndrome
Laryngeal chemoreflex: Exaggerated reflex, Pharyngeal obstruction: Pharynx is the most CNS disturbances: Seizures, intraventricular
vagal stimulation, may be associated with collapsible portion of the upper airway hemorrhage, hypoxic-ischemic
GERD but controversial, likely associated encephalopathy, neuromuscular disorders,
with delayed gastric emptying medications (sedative analgesics,
Inhibitory neurotransmitters: Tracheomalacia and larynogomalacia Infection/sepsis: Respiratory tract infections,
Exaggerated responses to urinary tract infections, meningitis,
GABA, adenosine, serotonin, necrotizing enterocolitis
and prostaglandin Neck flexion: Interference with patency of Cardiovascular: Arrhythmias,
pharyngeal muscles cardiomyopathies, patent ductus arteriosus,
congenital heart disease
Sleep state: Predominance of REM sleep, Nasal obstruction: From swelling Hematologic: Anemia, polycythemia
increased paradoxical breathing or NG tubing Metabolic disturbances: Hypoglycemia,
electrolyte imbalances, inborn errors of

CNS¼central nervous system; GABA¼g-aminobutyric acid; GERD¼gastroesophageal reflux disease; NG¼nasogastric; PaO2¼partial pressure of oxygen;
REM¼rapid eye movement.

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fluctuations in breathing, heart rate, and SpO2 on premature desaturation events in a NICU. There is a lack of consensus on
infants’ growth and neurodevelopment are not well defined. what constitutes a significant cardiorespiratory event. How-
Intermittent hypoxemia has the potential to activate proin- ever, most practitioners consider the following parameters as
flammatory cytokines and cascades, creating disturbances in being significant and requiring continued observation and/or
growth, bone metabolism, retinal development, cardiorespi- treatment:
ratory instability, and neurodevelopment (reviewed by Martin 1. Apnea for more than or equal to 15 to 20 seconds
et al [7]) (Fig 1). Studies examining whether adverse neuro- 2. A shorter breathing pause that is associated with bra-
developmental outcomes might be related to AOP struggle dycardia of less than or equal to 80 to 100 beats/min and/
with the inability to accurately define the severity and fre- or oxygen desaturation to less than or equal to 80% to
quency of apneic events using nursing and vital sign mon- 85%.
itor outputs. There is no direct evidence supporting such a Interventions for AOP include pharmacologic, positional,
relationship. Nonetheless, some retrospective investigations and ventilator techniques. A guideline for AOP management
suggest that increasing severity and duration of apnea during is provided here and a detailed description of treatments is
the neonatal period could be associated with worse neuro- discussed (Fig 2). Treatment should be considered when
developmental outcomes. (19)(20)(21) Unfortunately, each of apneic events are frequent and/or prolonged, when they
these publications has major methodologic problems. There are associated with bradycardia (£100 beats/min), or oxygen
are no neuroimaging or electroencephalographic findings desaturations (£80%–85%), or if the events require interven-
that are specifically associated with AOP. A major difficulty tion, that is, frequent tactile stimulation or bag and mask
is ascertaining whether neurodevelopmental sequelae are ventilation.
due to the events of AOP or whether an already abnormal
brain in a premature infant predisposes the child to have Preventive Measures
more events (the old “which came first, the chicken or the a) Position. Avoid extreme flexion or extension of neck to
egg” argument). Clearly, prospective investigations are war- maintain patency of upper airway. Consider prone posi-
ranted to further define connections between AOP and tioning. (23)
outcomes. Importantly, it needs to be established whether b) Ambient temperature. Provide a stable thermal environ-
various therapies for AOP may mitigate any potential adverse ment as temperature fluctuations can precipitate apneic
outcomes. episodes. (24)
c) Nasal patency. Limit nasal suctioning, use heated humid-
ified air to prevent crusting of nasal secretions, and use
appropriately sized nasal cannulas.
Without clear evidence of the extent of morbidity that arises d) Maintain SpO2. Supplemental oxygen should be provided
from AOP, clinicians treat under the assumption of pre- as needed to avoid hypoxia and maintain SpO2 between
sumed harm without intervention. Treatments for AOP are 88% and 94%, because hypoxia can lead to severe desat-
relatively limited and may have side effects. As such, some uration episodes.
advocate for the development of apnea severity scores to
improve and inform treatment decisions. (22) All preterm Pharmacologic Intervention
infants born at less than 35 weeks’ gestational age should The most common pharmacologic intervention is methyl-
have cardiorespiratory monitoring for apnea, bradycardia, and xanthine therapy, that is, theophylline or caffeine citrate

Figure 1. Evidence from animal and human studies showing the pathologic consequences of apnea and intermittent hypoxia (IH).

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Figure 2. Management strategies for infants with symptomatic apnea of prematurity. Intervention stratified by perceived severity of events. (Adapted
from Di Fiore et al [22].) BW¼body weight; FiO2¼fraction of inspired oxygen; SpO2¼oxygen saturation.

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(Table 2). Theophylline was traditionally used before 1995, imbalances and illnesses that alter metabolism, distribution,
but has now been largely replaced by caffeine citrate because and excretion of caffeine in a premature neonate. (31)(32)
of the latter’s once-a-day dosing, longer half-life, broader There are no clear guidelines for when to discontinue
therapeutic range, good safety profile, and elimination of caffeine. Most clinicians discontinue caffeine around 33
close monitoring of blood levels. (13) Adenosine is an to 34 weeks’ PMA or if the infant has been apnea free for
inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS, and the main mech- more than or equal to 7 days. It is generally acceptable to
anism of methylxanthine action is the antagonism of aden- discontinue caffeine between 32 and 34 weeks’ PMA if there
osine receptors in the CNS. Methylxanthines improve the have been no apneic events requiring intervention over the
respiratory drive, increase minute ventilation and CO2 sen- previous 5 to 7 days. (33) Recent evidence suggests that
sitivity, decrease hypoxic ventilator depression, and improve prolonged caffeine therapy beyond 34 weeks’ PMA may
diaphragmatic contractility. (13) These drugs also have weak decrease intermittent hypoxic events. (34) However, the
diuretic action and may improve lung compliance, especially immediate clinical significance of these events and their
in the setting of chronic lung disease. (25) In general, caffeine long-term effects are lacking, necessitating more rigorous
is recommended for all infants born at less than or equal to studies to address these concerns.
28 weeks’ gestation. Some recommend treating all infants Another pharmacologic intervention explored for AOP
between 29 and 32 weeks, because most of these infants will is doxapram. (13)(22) Doxapram is thought to stimulate
have events. Beyond 32 weeks, clinical practices vary with peripheral chemoreceptors at low doses and central che-
regard to caffeine boluses and the initiation of maintenance moreceptors at higher doses. However, a concern for adverse
therapy. Such an approach should be considered in infants effects such as irritability, hypertension, and decreased cere-
of less than or equal to 34 weeks’ gestation when there are bral blood flow has limited its use. Other less-studied inter-
symptoms of AOP. (9)(26)(27) ventions include increasing inspired CO2 concentrations,
A large randomized controlled trial has demonstrated that using oxygen, and providing red blood cell transfusions
caffeine therapy significantly reduces the rate of bron- (22); however, all require more studies.
chopulmonary dysplasia, as well as the need for medical
or surgical closure of patent ductus arteriosus. (28) Although Respiratory Strategies
initial follow-up studies at 18 to 21 months of age revealed A well-studied proven intervention targets the dynamic upper
improved neurodevelopmental outcomes in caffeine-treated airway obstruction that results in apneic episodes. Adminis-
children, (29) there were no differences when the children tering positive pressure to splint airways open using non-
were followed to 5 years of age. (30) In addition, caffeine invasive respiratory support decreases atelectasis, improves
therapy may have side effects. Tachycardia, cardiac dysrhyth- oxygenation, reduces apneic events, and significantly improves
mias, seizures, feeding intolerance, and increased metabolic extubation success. (22) To achieve this, nasal CPAP, validated
demand, leading to diminished growth in preterm infants synchronized NIPPV, and nasal cannula (high or low flow)
have been observed. (13) Treated infants should be monitored are options for treatment. CPAP improves oxygenation by
closely for the development of any of these side effects, improving ventilation-perfusion mismatch and optimizes
especially when considering dosage increases. Although the functional residual capacity; also it improves ventila-
serum concentration of caffeine is not routinely obtained tion by decreasing respiratory rate, and prolongs expiratory
because of the wide therapeutic range of 5 to 25 mg/L, it is time without affecting the ventilator response to CO2. (35)
important to note that the therapeutic range can be frequently (36) High-flow nasal cannulas also operate in a similar
exceeded even at standard caffeine doses (Table 2) due to fluid fashion by delivering CPAP; however, the levels of positive

TABLE 2. Medications for Treatment of Apnea of Prematurity


Caffeine IV/PO Load: 20 mg/kg then Every 24 h Heart rate, apnea, serum caffeine levels if
citrate 5-10 mg/kg/day maintenance therapy appropriate
Theophylline PO Load: 5-6 mg/kg then 2-6 mg/kg/day Divided Respiratory rate, heart rate, apnea, serum
maintenance therapy Every 8–12 h theophylline levels

IV¼intravenous; PO¼enteral.

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pressure they generate are unpredictable. NIPPV is an DISCHARGE CONSIDERATIONS
enhanced version of CPAP that delivers intermittent lung
There are no definitive criteria for discharge of premature
inflations set to a peak pressure delivered through nasal
infants who have manifested episodes of apnea, oxygen
prongs or mask. (37)
desaturation, and bradycardia. In a survey in which 252
neonatologists responded, 75% recommended a 5- to 7-day
Treating Gastroesophageal Reflux period of observation free of episodes related to AOP before
In some units, gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is treated discharge. (33) After this event-free period, the risk for
because of the belief that GER precipitates episodes of subsequent occurrence of a clinically significant cardiore-
apnea. The mechanism could be secondary to the laryngeal spiratory event is very low. (44) Other surveys reveal sub-
chemoreflex. However, studies do not definitively identify stantially different opinions concerning discharge criteria.
a link between reflux and apnea. (3)(14)(15)(38) Pharma- (18) Much of this variation comes from lack of a standard-
cotherapy for GER has not been shown to be of benefit in ized approach to monitored events and differences in clin-
preventing AOP. (39) Moreover, such therapy may have ical interpretation of these events. (18)(33) Although recent
adverse effects, such as an increased incidence of necro- data suggest that standard bedside monitors are far more
tizing enterocolitis due to alterations of microbial flora reliable than nurse-recorded cardiorespiratory events, (45)
from acid suppression. These therapies do not address the clinical interpretation is relied upon more heavily than the
underlying etiology of poorly developed musculature in the monitors. (33) Many experts do not “count” feeding-relating
preterm infant. (3) episodes in determining when to discharge these infants. (3)
Given that preterm infants are surviving at higher rates
Upcoming Therapies for AOP and the landscape of health-care delivery in the United
It is common for interventions for AOP to attempt to States is changing, there is increased focus on resource
address symptoms, but not aid CNS maturation. However, constraints and decreasing hospitalization times for these
there are several interventions that have the potential to infants. (46)(47) However, because of the considerable var-
elucidate ways to noninvasively bolster native CNS activity iation in practice, no concrete discharge-planning guide-
in the prevention of apnea. These interventions include lines have been recommended at this time. The prognostic
olfactory stimulation, (40) mechanosensory stimulation, significance of persistent mild bradycardia, desaturation
(41)(42) and sound stimulation in the form of music. (43) events, and short respiratory pauses that are detected by
Each has the potential to influence cranial nerves and work cardiorespiratory monitors is unclear; optimal decision
to stimulate and mature them. Large, prospective, random- making in terms of discharge from the hospital for a pre-
ized, controlled trials are needed to appropriately evaluate term infant, now past term and ready for discharge, remains
these therapies. an issue at large. (3) The most successful early discharge
A summary of interventions for AOP is provided in Table 3. program will cite apneic episodes and feeding difficulties as

TABLE 3. Interventions for Apnea of Prematurity


Positioning: Consider Methylxanthine therapy Continuous positive airway pressure Noninvasive stimulation: Olfactory,
prone (caffeine citrate) mechanosensory, sound
Thermoneutral Doxapram High-flow nasal cannula Increased inspiratory CO2
environment concentration
Maintain nasal patency Synchronized nasal intermittent Oxygen administration
positive pressure ventilation
Maintain SpO2 between Red blood cell transfusions
Management of GER

CO2¼carbon dioxide; GER¼gastroesophageal reflux; SpO2¼oxygen saturation.

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NeoReviews Quiz
There are two ways to access the journal CME quizzes:
1. Individual CME quizzes are available via a handy blue CME link in the Table of Contents of any issue.
2. To access all CME articles, click “Journal CME” from Gateway’s orange main menu or go directly to: http://www.

1. A female infant born at 28 weeks’ gestational age is now 4 weeks old. She required NOTE: Learners can take
continuous positive airway pressure during the first 2 weeks, but now is in room air. She is NeoReviews quizzes and
noted on continuous monitoring to have episodes of apnea and bradycardia. Which of the claim credit online only
following statements regarding apnea of prematurity is correct? at:
A. At this infant’s age, accounting for the gestational age at birth, apnea of pre-
maturity would not be considered as part of the differential diagnosis for this To successfully complete
infant’s symptoms. 2017 NeoReviews articles
B. Preterm infants have enhanced sensitivity of the respiratory control system to for AMA PRA Category 1
inhibitory neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, that can lead to apnea. CreditTM, learners must
C. Preterm infants have abnormally insensitive laryngeal chemoreceptors, leading to demonstrate a minimum
chronic aspiration and hypoxia, leading to oxygen desaturation, followed by performance level of 60%
bradycardia and then apnea. or higher on this
D. Central apnea in preterm infants presents with preservation of chest wall assessment, which
movement. measures achievement of
E. Preterm infants at baseline have extremely rigid airways, leading to increased the educational purpose
turbulence and decreased compliance, which causes hypoxia and resulting apnea. and/or objectives of this
2. A female infant born at 28 weeks’ gestational age is 3 weeks old and having occasional activity. If you score less
apnea and bradycardia events, with SpO2 decreasing during events to the 70% to 80% than 60% on the
range. She is in room air and receiving full enteral feedings. Which of the following steps assessment, you will be
may help in management of this patient? given additional
A. Avoiding extreme flexion or extension of the neck and considering prone opportunities to answer
positioning. questions until an overall
B. Providing slightly lower thermal environment to keep infant temperature mildly 60% or greater score is
hypothermic at 35.5 to 36.0°C. achieved.
C. Deep nasal suctioning every 3 hours just before feedings.
D. Oxygen hood to provide 100% inspired oxygen. This journal-based CME
E. Discontinuing continuous monitoring to limit interventions and check SpO2 only activity is available
once per 12-hour shift. through Dec. 31, 2019,
3. An infant born at 26 weeks’ gestational age is now 2 days old and receiving mechanical however, credit will be
ventilation. He is ready to be extubated because of low inspired oxygen and pressures. You recorded in the year in
are considering the next steps in clinical management. Which of the following statements which the learner
describes appropriate next steps for this patient? completes the quiz.
A. If the patient is not currently having any episodes of apnea, caffeine therapy should
be avoided or delayed until events occur.
B. The infant should initially be started on theophylline and then transitioned to
caffeine at 3 weeks of age.
C. A randomized controlled trial has shown that caffeine therapy can reduce the risk
of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
D. There is no evidence that providing positive pressure at this stage in the form of
continuous positive airway pressure will have any benefit compared to no
respiratory support.
E. The patient should be started on antireflux medication to reduce airway
4. A 26-week gestational age infant is receiving mechanical ventilation for the first day after
birth and then continuous positive airway pressure for 1 week, followed by nasal cannula
for the next 3 weeks. She is now 5 weeks old, in room air, on full enteral feedings, and
receiving daily caffeine. She has intermittent episodes of apnea and bradycardia,
approximately 3 or 4 times a day, which typically self-resolve. Which of the following
treatments is most appropriate for the management of apnea of prematurity for this

Vol. 18 No. 3 MARCH 2017 e159

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A. If the infant is on full enteral feedings, an antireflux medication is indicated.
B. High-flow nasal cannula with a fraction of inspired oxygen of 1.0 is indicated until
there are no more apnea events.
C. Continued use of caffeine is indicated if the infant is continuing to have events.
D. As the patient is still having events while receiving caffeine, a blood transfusion
followed by doxopram is indicated.
E. A continuous theophylline drip can be started and continued for 1 week to facilitate
symptom resolution.
5. A 27-week gestational age male infant is being discharged from the hospital after 10 weeks
in the NICU. He had apnea of prematurity that was treated with caffeine. The caffeine was
discontinued 3 weeks ago and his last noted apnea event was 2 weeks ago. The parents ask
whether they should be worried about the possibility of sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS). Which of the following statements regarding this possibility is correct?
A. The number of episodes of apnea in the NICU for preterm infants directly correlates
to increased risk of SIDS after discharge.
B. Routine home monitoring to decrease the incidence of SIDS is recommended for
patients born before 28 weeks’ gestational age.
C. On average, apnea of prematurity typically resolves at a later date than the
occurrence of SIDS in extremely preterm infants.
D. Infants born preterm with history of apnea of prematurity have been noted to have
higher baseline heart rates and lower heart rate variability in the first several
months after birth, which is similar to findings in infants who died of SIDS.
E. Hospital readmission in the first 2 months after initial discharge is linked to both
increased risk of apnea events during the first hospitalization and the risk of SIDS.

e160 NeoReviews
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Apnea of Prematurity: Current Practices and Future Directions
Kalpashri Kesavan and Joanna Parga
NeoReviews 2017;18;e149
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-3-e149

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Apnea of Prematurity: Current Practices and Future Directions
Kalpashri Kesavan and Joanna Parga
NeoReviews 2017;18;e149
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-3-e149

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Neoreviews is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication,
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