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Light Unit Glossary

Term Definition Image

Electromagnetic Periodic transverse waves that move through a
Waves vacuum at the speed 𝑐 = 3.00 × 108 m/s. They
are produced by accelerating charged particles.

Electromagnetic The complete range of frequencies and

Spectrum wavelengths of electromagnetic waves.

Visible Light The small fraction of the electromagnetic

spectrum that the human eye can perceive;
covers the range of wavelengths from
approximately 4 × 10−7 to 7× 10−7 meters.
Normal Line An imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the
barrier or interface between two media at the
point where the incident wave strikes.

Angle of The angle between the incident wave and the

Incidence normal to the surface at the point where the
(θi or θ1) wave strikes the surface.

Angle of The angle between a reflected wave and the

Reflection (θr) normal to the surface at the point of reflection.

Law of Reflection The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of

reflection: θi = θr

Refraction The change in direction of a wave due to a

change in speed at the boundary between two
different media. The severity of the change
depends on the properties of the two media.
Causes visual bending.

Angle of The angle between a wave emerging from the

Refraction (θ2) interface of two media and the normal to that
interface at the point where the wave emerges.

Absolute Index of The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum, c, to

Refraction (n) the speed of light in a material medium, v: 𝑛 =
. The greater the value of n, the slower light
travels in that medium.
Snell’s Law The mathematical law governing refraction:
n1sin(θ1) = n2sin(θ2), where n1 and n2 and the
absolute indices of refraction for the incident
and refractive media respectively.

Total Internal The reflection of all of an incident wave off of a

Reflection boundary. Occurs when light approaches from a
more dense to a less dense medium and the
angle of incidence is greater than a critical

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