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Name: J-Marked Roen E.

Amora Date: 02-06-23

1. What is the importance of technical writing in the field of business

Future work can be made easier by technical writing. In technical writing, defining
phases and procedures is common. The reader can understand how to carry out a
task or operation thanks to the writing's clarity and organization. This writing will
save you and the business time in the future when it is clear, succinct, and well-
organized. A skilled technical writer gives clear instructions so the reader is able to
grasp the duties and processes right away. The instructions will also be easy for the
reader to rapidly follow.

2. What is the importance of technical writing in the field of science.

Technical writing's main goal is to convey complex information to readers in a
straightforward manner. Technical writers must be able to convey complicated ideas
in straightforward language and give precise directions on how to use tools or
complete tasks. Writing that explains or instructs how to use a product or technology
is called technical writing. It usually strives to be straightforward and succinct so that
anybody can comprehend it and is typically written with non-experts in mind.
Technical writing can assist in conveying scientific information in a clear and
understandable manner for the reader.

3. What is the importance of technical writing in the field of technology

The rapid advancement of technology increased the value of technical writing. The
demand for technology communication among computer professions, both software
and hardware, is growing. Technical writers are required for projects in order to
successfully describe a system's design, its intricate requirements, and its user
manual. For internal workers and future clients, a technical writer prepares and
converts the information that computer professionals seek to convey into clear
written language. The necessity to simplify complicated systems emphasizes the
need of technical writing as we transition from the industrial to the information era
and as work and daily life become more and more dependent on technology.

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