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Second conditional sentences are used to

STRUCTURE express an event that could take place under

If + past simple, ...would + infinitive
specific conditions that are not true at present.

That is why we say that the second conditional

expresses hypothetical situations.
If she lived in Italy, it would have Italian friends.

If we didn't wake up early, we wouldn't be on
If I found a bag with $500,000, I would give it
time at school.

Hipothetycal questions
Give advice
The second condition is used to ask hypothetical
The second condition is used to give advice. questions, to make someone imagine what they

would do in a different situation.
If I were him, I would sell that car and buy conditional

another better. What period in history would you go to if you could
travel back in time?

To imagine life is different Give reasons why

We use the second conditional to talk about The second conditional is used to give reasons
things in the future that are unlikely or things why you can't do something.
that are impossible in the present.

EXAMPLE: If it wasn’t raining, we could go for a run.
If I had to ask for a desire, I would choose to fly.

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