HRM Act 3

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YR:SEC: 2-7 MT


1. INTERNAL SOURCES: All the sources of recruitment within the company or organization,means a
change in place of employment without any change in the position,status,salary and responsibility of
the employee.Thus the situation can be filled by transferring an appropriate candidate from the same

EXTERNAL SOURCES: All the sources of the recruitment outside the company or organization are
used for choosing higher-level staff. They act as representatives of the employer.They make all the
essential arrangements for recruitment and selection.In return for services, they take a commission or
services charge.

2. INTERNAL SOURCES: It helps you keep your best people. Promoting from within your own
bussiness sends a really strong message to the rest of your learn.

EXTERNAL SOURCES: When an organization recruits externally it opens the organization up to a

larger pool of applicants which increases its chance of finding the right person for the job external
recruitment provides an opportunity for a fresh outlook on the industry that a company may need to
stay competitive.

3. IDENTIFY THE SELECTION PROCESS: The selection process can be defined as the process of
selection and shortlisting of the right candidates with necessary qualifications and skills set to fill the
vacancies in an organization the selection process varies from industry to industry company to
company and even amongst departments of the same company.

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