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{© SRI CHAITANYA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. INDIA, LTC DATE: 06.01.23 PHYSICS Toric : SHM |. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of length £ suspended from the roof of a vehicle which moves without friction down an inclined plane of inclination a, is given by f 4) 2m, & gtana 5 2. Two pendulums have time periods 7 and = They start S.H.M. at the same time from *1y 2p ay 2g | EL 3) 2 goose gsina V Vasi the mean position. What will be the phase difference hetween them after the bigger pendulum has complete one oscillation I nl4 #2) /2 3) «/3 4) 3/6 3. A particle executes simple harmonic motion with a frequency f. The frequency with which its kinetic energy oscillates is : (D f/2 Qasr *3) 2f (4) 47 4. Dispiacement — time equation of a Particle executing SHM is x= Asi taken by the particle to go directly from x= -4 tox =+4is “ae az @) 7 “@s 8 5: A particle moves according to the law xsams%, The distance covered by it in the time interval between t= 0 to t= 3s is ma (1) 2a *(2) 3a (3) 4a (a 6. A bédy hung from a spring, executes vertical oscillations with period T. The body is now immersed in a non -viscous liquid having density one-tenth of that of the body. When set into vertical oscillations with the body remaining fully immersed in the liquid the time period will be io [9° 1 a) Jor 2) Jar *(3)T (a) ir 5 (2) ‘| i0 (3) 4) 5 7. Asecond's pendulum is placed in a space laboratory orbiting around the earth at a height 3R, where R is the radius of the earth. The time period of the pendulum is 1) Zero 2) 23sec 3) 4sec *4) Infinite 8. The variation of potential energy of harmonic oscillator is as shown in figure. The spring constant is ‘Sri Chaitanya vse 1) 100 N/m *2) 150 N/m 3) 66.7 N/m 4) 300. N/m 9. A simple penduiuai-of length I and bob of mass m is executing HM with amplitude A. The maximum tension in the string will be (2 2) rs \ é C+A {2 : 1) mg}——| (2) mg F4°| 3) my 4S} a) lI @) ef Z| Omar] 10. The simple harmonic motion of a particle is represented by an equation x=10sin( or) and the motion starts at t=0. When does the particle first come to rest? z x ® k a) 2 + 3) = 4) = was @ds @as @) ds 11. The following function represents a periodic motion. y=sinot+sin2ot+sin3ot. Here ‘olisa Positive constant. The time period of the periodic motion is *1)2n/0 2)2n/20 3) 2n/30 4) 6n/o ~ 12, Alarge horizontal surface aicves up and down in SHM with an amplitude of icm. if a mass Of 10 kg (whith is placed on the surface) is to remain continually in contact with it, the maximum frequency of $.4.M4, will be : (2) 0.5 Bz (2) 1.5 Hz * (3/5 Hz (4) 10 Hz 3. A particle is performing simple harmonic A panicle executes SHM ou a seoiglit fine motion along x-aais with amplitude 4.ém and ‘When te displacement of te reticle to time period 28. The minimum time taken dhe numa’ ponblest te ean, fhe muuharaal lope parilehov ion iin $54 aur 6a xm. thin bubeseetsuhie af ingests SEclccio ~4 em and back again is given by ‘The frequency of SHM is (in second’) GQ) 06sec 2a (2) 0.4 sec 2D . {3} 0.3 sec (4) 0.2 see 3) Aus:2 ay 5, Ans :3 14 1 Sri Chaitanya vsP Page 2 ‘ha ol ri Chaitanya Page 3 A body of mass 9.01 kg executes simple A paiticle performs $ HM of anplitude A F rocmneniles.ajosises abbat xe. undin..ihe slong a steaight line When it is at a distance unfluence of a force show m below, The period Sa esas dean porasoe Nevadetio eactgy of he SLM. is 2 : gers increased by an smowt Sint? due to an impulsive fexce Then ats new ith amplitide becomes : a e) m1) 0.6385 3 Va to 2) 628s a ¥5a Key:3 8) 0314s rr W 344s A mete stick swinging in vertical plane 3 about a fixed horizontal axis passing through its one end undergoes smoll oscillation of a Fora simple harmonic oscillator frequency fo If the bottom half of the stick is an . cut off. then its new fequency of small (1) frequency variation of kinetic energy is | Sccillation would become same as the frequency of oscillation (2) average Kinetic energy in one B + | oscillation is half of the maximum i toa Kinetic enerey a) f (3) at its mean position. kinetic energy is 2 Vif . minimum @ 2h (4) average speed in one oscillation is equal (4) WE fy to haif of the maximum speed Key:2 i) 20. A simple penidulum has time period Tj. The A spring hung vertically from a fixed point is point of suspension is now moved upward attached with a spherical shell of mass ‘m’ nestling BS Squailta: yin on sioke inlet seth, valet OF ase Sat. TAT a oka fe kebni sec? If new sme period is Ty then + made at bottom of the shell then time period #2 of oscillation of the spring load system tatio PF will be (1) Deereases a 23 2) tnereases @ 6 (3) finst decreases and then incieases , B) 6s (4) no change (4) 32 bet Key:3 ! 21. vse A SHM is repaesented “by passing wtV3 ce and the time period of the motion is tye The amplitude sem 3 é 3 som 2s A posticle executes SHM with time pesiod T and amplitude A. The moximua possible ’ r average velocity in inse Tis @ Key:4 23. Two particles are executing SHM in a straight line. amplitude A and time period T cof both the particles are equal. At time ¢=0, 4 and they ate approaching towards each ther, After what time they cross each other ? QQ) T3 @) T4 @) S76 4) 16 Key: 4 24. Sri Chaitanya A penduium has time period T for small oscillations. An obstacle P is situated below the point of suspension O at a distance 2 p Pe = The pendulua is released from Throughour the motion the moving sting makes suial) angle with vertical, Time after Which the pendulum retums back to its initial rest position is ar 2 az. 3 ar 3 The following figure depict a circular, notion. The radius of the circle. the period of revolution, the initial position and the sense of revolution are indicated on the figure. They. simpte harmonic moti of the x ~ projection of the tadine vector of the rotating particle P can be shown as © (t=0) T=45, = J Serene x() = acos| 4 se) = aco +5 (3 vty macos| +5] @ ww Key:4 Page 4 vsP Wave pulse on a string shown in fignse is moving to the right without changing shape Consider two particles at positions x: = LS and xy = 2 Sm. Their transverse velocities at the moment shown in figwe are along directions : (Lr positive y= suse mud positive y+ axis sespectivell (2) negative y ~ axis aind postive y ~ axis respectively (3) positive y - axis and negative y — axis respectively (4) negative y— axis and negative y-axis sespectively ‘The potential energy of particle of mass 1 kg in motion along the x — axis is given by e (1 = cos 28) J. Here, x is the mewe ‘The period of small oscillations (in second) is “ 3, A body of mass 001 Eg executes simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) about x = 0 under the influence of a force shown below The period of the S HM. is ao 2) 3 (4) Ans: 4 29. A miform dise of radius R is pivoted at point © on its cireumference. The tine period of small oscillations about an axis passing through © and perpendicular to plane of aise will be ‘Ans:4 31 Page 5 ‘A second’s pendulum is placed in » space laboratory orbiting around the earth at a height 3R, where R is the radius of the earth ‘The time period of the pendulum is ) Zer0 @ Wise @) 450 (4) Infinite The simiple hawnenis monow of 2 partite fs represented by ein seetesun 10-2 and te moten stants © When does the particle fast come to vsP Ans: 2 32 Two pendulams of time period 3 5 and 3 ‘spectively: start osciliating simuitanzously from nro opposite extreme positions. After ‘how amvch least time they will be in phase . a) 2, 33. . A particle executes SHM along a straight Line with an amplirade A The potential energy is ‘maxinuuin when its CD acceleration is minimum ©) restoration force zero G) displacement 1s half the amplirude (4) kinetic energy is zero Ans: 4 34, A particle executes linear sinuple harmomie moton With an amplinide of Sem When the Parucle is at Sem from the mean position, the ‘magnimide of its velocity 1s equal to that of Ms accelernninn its tame pernod m seconds 15 3 sie mt ae nya y Page 6 Poteanal energy ot 9 porucie of mass 0 $ kp movug slong tas oy gen as LSU — 4d here x ae um anaters then ‘which of the following 1s comast? 41) particle a6 acted upow by a coustant ‘i speed of particle js munca at xe2a0 (G1) parncla executes SEEM 8 petiod ss = 5 see ay @ ap ay 6) ea). Gey 8 Ow a 8) a) GD. GD, sad Ud Ans:2 36. A simple pendutue has tine petiod Ty, The Point of suspension is moved upwards according to the relation v=? (eet oSms: “i where y is the vertical displacement The time priod wow becomes T, The ro Ze i is (g=t0ms fy a o § mig 3 @ 5 ) 10 Blea Ams: 4 37 A simple pendulum is set up in a trolley which moves to the right with an acceleration a on a horizontal plane. Then the thread of the pendulum in the mean position makes an angle 9 with the vertical: 1) tan“! in the forward direction g *2) tan" in the backward direction g 3) tan“ in the backward direction a 4) tan © in the forward direction a 41. 42. Sri Chaitanya ‘ simple pendulum of length im is allowed to oscillate with amplitude 2°. It collides elastically with a wall inclined at i* to the vertical. Its time period will be (use g=2?) nde saySee 3) 2 sec 4) Sse Two simple harmonic motions are given by % = asinwt+acosat and 2 = asinot +—cosar. The ratio of the v3 amplitudes of the first to the second and the phase difference between them respectively are BF 3a +a) Bana 2) ana = (3) syand (a) fiaat For a particle undergoing SHM, the velocity is plotted against displacement. The curve wili be ()) a straight line (3) a circle * (4) an ellipse If the amplitude of oscillation of a simple pendulum is increased by 20%, then percentage change in the time period will be * (1) Zero (2) 10% (3) 10.5 % (411% A particle P starts (at time t=0) revolving along a circular path of radius <—m with a time varying speed 7 v=3m/s. The time taken to complete first revolution is Page 7 43. (2) parabola 45. z a A particle of mass 2kg is moving on a straight line under the action of force F=(8-2x)N. It is released from rest from x=6m. Equation of motion of the Particle. *(1)x=4 +2 cos(ot) (2)x=2+2cos(or) 3) x=4-2cos(wr) + (4)x=2-2 cos(or) The following figure shows a wave diagram at = 0 in a string. The wave equation is 4 Wine motion (1) y= Asin(ke + of +4) (2) y=—Asin(ke~or) (3) y=—Asin(or+ e+) *(4) y= Asin(ar—kx+9) A particle executing S.H.M, starting from x=-— and moves tially towards negative extreme position. Its displacement equation is (1) x= Asin(wr + 7/6) * (2) x= Asin(or + 7x /6) (3) x= Asin(or + 52/4) (4) x= Asin(ot— 7/4) Figure shows a spring (in its natural state) which is connected with mass ‘m’. It is acted upon by a constant force ‘F’, This mass ‘m’ wre vsP (1) moves with increasing velocity and decreasing acceleration till the net force becomes zero, (2) the net force becomes zero at F = kx (x is extension of the spring) (3) when the net force is zero it will have maximum velocity. * (4)all the above are true 47. A light. uniform. ideal spring is fixed at one end. Ifa mass is attached to the other end. the system oscillates with angular frequency showa in figure and is cut in half, The mass is attached between the two half. Springs The new angular frequency of oscillations is 14) Qo Ans: 4 48. A systent is shown in the figure, The time Period for small oscillations of the two blocks will be 49. Sri Chaitanya _— A simple pendulum of length / is connected (0 the ceiling of tolley mat s moving down along ‘it inclined plane + ins Its Period of oscillation is Ans: 3 Now the spring is fixed at both ends as | 50, A uniform cylinder of mass am and length / having area of cross ~ section a is suspended lengthovise with the help of a massless spring of constant k. The cylinder is half submerged in a liquid of density pA small push and release makes it vibrate with small amplitude. The frequency of oscillation is The amplitude of 2 damped oscillator becomes half in one minute The amplinade ste Sines 1 ins he gt where Vis erry © - vsP As air chamber of volume V has 4 neck area ‘of srosssection ‘a’ into hich a ball of mass just fits and cam move up and down svshour any fiction as shown When the ball ws prened down a little and telensed. ir snecutes S HM witli what tune period. (B is bulk modulus of elasticity of ait} ot o Vinv >» jeer “35 Vint » 25,)Rv ; Ba? 1 {Ba wy [Ba . mV Key:3 3 A particle of mass 1 is attached to three identical springs 4, B and (each of force constant £ a shown in figure. If the particle of mass is pushed slightly against the spring 4 and released then the time Petiod of oscillations ix anf fen F . Sri Chaitanya 54, Page 9 A toy car of miass mm is having to sami sibber fibjons atached to it a5 down ta che figue The force constant of each rubber ribbon isk and surfice is fiticuless The cat is displaced from mean position by x cai and released At the mean position the ribbons ‘re under formed. Vibsation period is 55. A solid sphere of mass an is cicbed to 2 ihe sping of force coustat stat ita roll without slipping along 2 horizontal souiace The penod of osistioas made by the sphine a o oy ant Ans:2 56. In a damped oscillatory motion a block of mnass 200g 5s suspended to & spring af force constant 96 Nini in 9 medium and damping constant 25 1 kgs The angular frequency of oscillanon of the block i rade" is aon 2) az 6 ios a vsP Ans: 1 58. Ona smooth inclined plane, a body of mass 57. A mss m_is suspended separately by two M is attached between two springs. The different springs of spring constant Ky other ends of the springs are fixed to firm 7a 3 supports. If each spring has force constant and K> gives the time - period and (> K.the period of oscillation of the body respectively . If same mass m is connected {assuming the springs as massless) is by both springs as shown in figure then time-period t is given by the relation i i. i V2 v2 M 2M ) 12 2) 20{ , “(cx) d be | ht | Nt=n+¢. Dre P | ae +h 3) an 4) 2-(2ae)* \ HP aR+B say? =H? +07? | LUTION } 2)Sol: By the time, the bigger pendulum makes one full oscillation, the smaller pendulum will make {is 3) oscillation. The bigger pendulum will be in the mean position and the smaller one will be in the positive extreme position. Thus, phase difference = 2/2 3)Sol: In SHM, frequency with which kinetic energy oscillates is two times the frequency of oscillation of displacement 4)Sok: Period of oscillation is’ Now time taken in ngolng from mean position to x= 4/2 or from x =3 to mean position comes out to be e Therefore, the desired time will be 5)Sol: Comparing the given equation with x = acosor T=4s The given time t= 0 particte is at xa= (at extreme position) and at t= 3s = als itwili be at mean positionx=0. .. distance covered wili be 3a 6)Sol:independent of medium 7)Sol ; In the given case effective acceleration gey =O => =< 8)Sol ; Total potential energy = 0.04 / Resting potential energy =0.01/ 1 Maximum kinetic energy =(0.04-0.01) -0037 tg? ogg? moat = hts 2 Sri Chaitanya Page 10 ysP | B= 006 «2500 Nim =150 N/m. te | aorben[s Em nga aw) ong =H 4 flee = mg( AVF +1) | 7 :) x = ez he —s 10i+— = I ay, tetas 3} $100.09 04 v2 tors : 2a 2e_h t For Sin(wt), Tj =—= For Sit Que), Ty == | 2ASol For Sin(wt), Tj ‘or Sin(2wt), T For Sin(3wt), 73 = 2= za. Common Time period is 2 @ | s2sop- For body to remain in contact on. =¢ 0! 4= g2arieg we 10 a 47°40 4G. 14001 -0 v-n4-¥ =J30 _ o=Vi00=3 2 sonsS 13 Solution :a= -yx@* é A 1 18Solution ; TE piped =3mw A> As KE increases, TE increases by equal amount. 1 STE TE SMa = Mare? eMor# =Mo? 19. Soiution : Initial length of pendulum = — Final length of pendulum = a! et 2 at -2 1 20 Soiution: v=——=2k a=2k=2 ms" g.,=(g+a = olution: v= a Sey =(g+a) a 21. Solution SciChaitanya Page 11 vsP 24. 25, 26. 27. 28Sol: y=5x ! x Sin3at + Feesa| y= 10[cos60°sin 3at + sin 60cos3zt] 2 ‘ 2a y=10 [sin(32¢-60°)] y= Asin(ar-g) T=—% oO Solution : for displacement am Time taken e for f ae V2 e AA eT So for travelling from +— to - Time is — (E88 4 4 2x ee This is maximum possible displacement. yon we 4V24 fn 4 . A . F Solution : They cross each other at + a «. Time taken = 7 Solution : after p, length Becomes 1/4 taviat'=2 Solution : Oscillation on x-axis begins on extreme, § = 45° = = 2a a X= acos(wt +) =a on + =) Solution : Vearricte = (Slopex Vegaye) For Vj, Slope=+ve For ¥>,Slope=-ve Vj =>—ve y-axis Vy. => +ve y-axis (cos? x sicae) Solution :u=4x cos?2= = 8 cos?x ef de F=-8x2Sinx mo? =16 From graph, slope K = Substituting the values. we get T 31Sol: Sri Chaitanya Page 12 Ussy-dSF= HE siarai F=10(x-2) a is mean position 37Sol: In accelerated frame-of ceference, a fictitious force (pseudo force) ma acts on the bob . of pendulum as shown in figure. id Hence. tan@= backward direction. 38Sol : razafe g 41Sol : Amplitude does not effect time period Ve 2 atl? amplinde. y= v 1 aso: = 2 = 342 0=Jodt=2n , 4 ; 43Sol: F=8-2% At mean position F=0 ; 8-2x = x=4m ; A=6-4=2m ‘Sei Chsitanya Page 13 vsP ee 4m Le gh pl x=4+Asinot=4+2sinat ‘ oo 44Sol: - is wave travelling in positive x-direction with same initial phase (not starting from origin) ¢, so x = Asin(wr— kx #4) 45So1 :At t=0, x--4 ~$ dsing sing => 6-7 ss ( Ia) sin} or + — | 6) 48Solution: Key = Regs (erie) Mey = a 2 49Sol: 50. Solution E thts ‘ Me Atequilibrium, — Fy + ke = Mg... (4) X= initia! elongation after giving a small-push, net upward force =k bay) + (Fy + Alg) Fresoring =~[k(x+) + Fg + Alg]+mg ~(k+Alg), {from o) kag =k + Allg a Sl. Solution: A= 46" ait (ay iy itm _1 3 _ Basse 2 ane “ye ae] = 43} 2 a hod sesolution: =—Bx AY ¢. ~aBAY xB (ay) A Vv Vv V = ap [Ba mv? = 28 ee y 53. Solution : Ifthe particle is pushed in the direction of ‘A’, then ys, = y Y= ¥c =y(cos49°) Sri Chaitanya Page 14 wee Fog = Fa + Fp cosd0° + F-cos45° =. ky (kyxcos45°xc0s40°) x2 249 apy oie egy = $4. Solution : When car displaces to either side, restoring force develops in only one ribbon (stretched ribbon) Equivalent spring constant for shown combination is K 4K,, So time pesiod tis given by (= By solving these equations we get S8Sol: Pome v Sei Chaitanya Page 15 SP

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