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School management means running the school along the desired

educational policies. It takes into account all aspects of the school
(policies, material and human resources, programmes, activities,
equipments etc.) and integrates them into a fruitful whole.
2. The list indicates the five main management functions of school
heads: planning, organising, directing, monitoring and
supervision and evaluating all aspects of school life
3. A business management degree focuses more on planning and
organizing, whereas a degree in general management provides a
broad background and then allows the students to focus on a
specialized area of business.
4. A Mission Statement defines the company's business, its
objectives and its approach to reach those objectives. A Vision
Statement describes the desired future position of the
company. Elements of Mission and Vision Statements are often
combined to provide a statement of the company's purposes, goals
and values
5. Classroom management is the linchpin that makes teaching and
learning achievable in the teaching learning process. It is the
teacher who plays the main role in planning, organizing
procedures and resources, arranging the environment to
maximize efficiency, monitoring students' progress,
anticipating potential problems.
6. Teachers who foster positive relationships with their
students create classroom environments more conducive to
learning and meet students' developmental, emotional and
academic needs.

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