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Being a little teacher is one of my best memories here at Bukidnon National
School of Home Industries (BNSHI) because as a student, it is one of my greatest
experience to share my knowledge to someone who is willing to learn and acquire
lessons that he/she can use in his/her life. By the way, I am one of the luckiest
students who where assigned to teach Grade 7 students and was tasked to
substitute Ma'am Cruz, Dulce Amor and ma'am instructed me to discussion the 2
lessons of her subject which is TVE to the following 5 sections which are Grade 7
Tulip, Marigold, Rose, and Lirio and those lessons are the “How Plants Grow” and
“Classification of Plants ”. In the lesson “How Plants Grow” I discussed what is a
plant, what are the parts of the seed which are the Embryo, Seed Coat and
Endosperm. Germination (the process by which a seed develop into a young plants),
Senescence (the process of aging which leads to the death of a whole plant or a part
of it). Also I discussed to the class the 2 Stages of Plant Growth, the first one is the
Vegetative Stage wherein as soon as the Embryo breaks out if it's dead coat and the
second one is the Reproductive Growth in which it is the stage from flowering to
fruiting. Eventually I also discussed the factors that affects the growth of plants like
the Adequate Sunlight, Water, Temperature and weather. Moreover, I discussed the
second lesson which is the “Classification of Plants ” and plants are classified into 4
categories the HERB (a no woody plant and non- permanent plants), SHRUB (a
woody plants smaller than a tree with several main stems), TREE (a permanent
woody plant that has a self supporting stem), lastly the VINE (a crawling plant, it's
body and stem are not hard enough to make it stand). So those are the lessons that I
discussed to Grade 7 students.
Indeed being a little teacher is one of my significant experience
as a student even if it is just a two days experience but from that two days I
experienced how to be in a shoe of a teacher and for me being a teacher is that easy
as we think it is, owing that everyday a teacher discusses a one topic to it's students
from different sections and it's really hard because you have to speak loudly the
whole period of time so that your students could understand the lessons carefully
that's why I really salute all the teachers around the world because a teacher is like a
candle it gives new light and hope to many students. So my experience on being a
little teacher is very memorable because I get to stand in front of many students who
are willing to learn and gain knowledge and get to share my knowledge about those
certain topic to many innocent Grade 7 students and everytime I finished my
discussion, I give quizes to them and my heart is full of happiness and love owing
that I can really see that they respect me and trusted me at the fist place. Most
especially, I am very thankful because I was given this kind of opportunity.
Additionally, they say that you are an effective teacher if your students learned a lot
from your topic and by that I think I am an effective teacher because I can see that
those students were able to answer all my questions and became active on
participating the oral recitation.
Everytime I enter a new section, there is that one thought that comes
inside my mind and it tells me that I am far from where I started so I'll just have to
keep fighting, keep on going and keep on dreaming to have a better future together
with those people who believe and support at the very first page of my story which is
my family. Based on that two days experience as a student teacher, I can really say
that it's hard to be a teacher owing that there are students who are not listening to
what I am talking but nonetheless there are also students who are willing to learn
and by that, it drives me to learn more or to do more so that I can share my
knowledge to someone who is struggling and willing to learn. So my overall reflection
about my experience is that “Education is the most powerful weapon which we can
use to change the world ” and the beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can
take it away from you. So we should remember that it is okay to be the hardest
working person in the room.
I will apply my experience as a little teacher to myself because maybe
in college I will pursue Bachelor of Education and I was inspired to teach students
and share my knowledge to someone even though I know that being a teacher is a
stressful job but aside from being stressful, teaching is fun also if you get to indulge
with your students. All of those lessons that I discussed during my two days
experience is really applicable in our daily lives as we get to see many plants around
us and it is important for us to know the four classification of plants so that we
became more aware and knowledgeable about that certain plant. All in all I can really
say that being a little teacher is one of the best memories/ moments that happens to
me as a student and I really treasure it as I grow older and unlock new experiences
that life may offer. I am really thankful that I became one of those many students
who were able to share their knowledge to someone and get to inspire others as
well. So “we should never be afraid to try new experiences because we never know
that we are capable of doing it unless we try.



I focused on teaching about Gamit ng Wika sa Lipunan in Kumunikasyon and
I told my students to copy in their notebooks some of our lessons in the 21st
Century. I can say that being a little teacher was one of the best experiences that I
had at BNSHI. It was a wonderful journey indeed and I can proudly say that I’ve
accomplished an amazing task that was given to me. It was my privilege to teach
and share my knowledge to someone who is willing to learn. Also, I am very beyond
thankful of ma’am Vanessa Blase for guiding me on what to do.

When I was teaching students, I realized that it wasn't really easy to be a
teacher. it was hard teaching students, especially those students who are noisy and
stubborn. it was hard explaining things and repeating the words that I say because
it's either they are noisy, and they didn't hear it correctly or they don't understand
what I said clearly. It takes a lot of patience to be a teacher and I can say that it
made me realize things. But above all, I enjoyed teaching, especially those students
who are participating in class and students who learn quickly. though it was hard, but
it was also fun to teach them. it was a great experience that had happened in my life.

Being a little teacher made me realize that it wasn't easy to teach different
people, explaining and reminding them what to do. But because of that experience, it
helps me with my communication skills and helps me not to be scared when
speaking in front of many people. Being a little teacher somewhat brings joy in me, I
am happy teaching a lot of students and seeing them participating in our activities. I
am happy teaching those students who are eager to learn about new things and it
gives me confidence whenever they participate and answer my questions. I am
happy whenever I see in the eyes of my students that they are happy doing the
activities or tasks that I give to them. I am proud of myself for being able to
accomplish that task and that I survived. I once doubt myself that I can't do it
because I fear of what other people thought about me, but now that I've done it, I am
beyond proud of myself. It was a great experience indeed.
I can apply the things that I've learned and the experience that I get from
being a little teacher in my daily life in the future. Especially in my strand which is
HUMSS, it was such a big help that I experience those things because it helps me
boost my communication skills and it helps me not to be scared when talking in front
of many people, which is what I need in my strand. I can also apply the experience
and knowledge that I get from here when I become someone whom I want to be in
the future. I am beyond grateful and happy to experience those things.

Mariane Mae M. Galilea
Grade 12- Confucius

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