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PREVIEW ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.

Friends - Drunk Monica at her Birthday Party (B2)

Work with a partner or group. Do the discussion and vocabulary activities below.

PART I Finish the sentences below about parties. Then discuss the questions.

1 A party organized for you that you don’t expect is called a party.
2 A party for a man who is getting married soon is called a party.
3 A party for a woman who is getting married soon is called a party.
4 A party for moving into a new home is called a party.
5 A party when you dress as a different character is called a party.

Talk about a really fun or crazy party Have you ever been to a surprise party?
you’ve been to. Describe it in detail - where Describe what people typically do for
it was, what happened, and the atmosphere. someone’s surprise party.

Bonus! Someone who likes to party a lot is called a “party .”

PART II Answer the relevant questions below, based on whether you are over or under 30.


• How did it feel to turn 30 years old? • How do you imagine your life to be
• Did your life change after you turned 30? different in your 30s compared to now?
• Make a list of things you’d like to do • Is there anything you’d like to do before
within the next 10 years. you turn 30?

PART III Discuss and write some physiological or physical effects of drinking alcohol. What can
happen when someone drinks too much? How can one’s behavior change?

Do you know some different ways in English to describe someone who is really drunk?
Fill in the missing letters below. 1 and 2 are American English and 3 and 4 are British.

1 He is h mm d. (American English)
2 He is w s d. (American English)
3 He is p s d. (British English)
4 He is t ll d. (British English)
PREVIEW ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Friends - Drunk Monica at her Birthday Party (B1 - B2)

PART I Do you know the words for the following images and definitions?

A special type of gun that Another word for an

can shoot a really far “adult” is a...
distance is called a... 2
- up.

PART II Choose the correct definition for each verb / phrasal verb based on the context.

1 This party is boring. Let’s liven it up by playing some music and fun games.

to liven [something] up means... a. to make something more interesting / exciting

b. to create new rules for something
c. to invite somebody you don’t know to a party

2 It was difficult to get through the day with such a bad hangover from drinking.

to get through [something] means... a. to feel really good about a decision

b. to start something with a clear mind
c. to survive or overcome something hard

3 My son is disappointed. The bad weather ruined our plans to have his party outside!

to ruin [something] means... a. to make something better

b. to destroy or make something bad
c. to create a fun or happy atmosphere

PART III Write a definition or a synonym for each adjective below based on the context.

1 The young child ran naked around the house for a few minutes before his
mother made him get dressed.

naked means...
2 My parents were mad when they found out I drank all of their alcohol.

mad means...
3 My wife told me that I look very handsome in my new suit. She loves it!

handsome means...

PART IV Fill in the correct answers below.

1 Another way to say “She is alone.” is “She is by .”

2 The adjective for the country “Portugal” is .”

Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
HER BIRTHDAY PARTY Friends - Drunk Monica at her Birthday Party (B1 - B2)

Preview Discussion Questions

What are some topics someone might talk

about during a birthday party speech?

Do you have any memorable birthday

VIEWING ACTIVITY experiences? Describe the experiences.

PART I Write a short answer for each question according to the information in the video.

0:06 1 What does Phoebe say about Monica being drunk?

0:21 2 Monica doesn’t want her parents to know she’s drunk. What’s Phoebe’s idea?

1:05 3 Why was Joey angry with the server at the party?

1:31 4 What advice does Chandler give Monica?

1:57 5 What happens when Monica tries to stand up?

2:27 6 What does Monica tell her parents during her birthday speech?

3:10 7 What does Phoebe start to do when Monica falls over? Why?

PART II Fill in the blanks for Phoebe’s list of things she wanted to do by the time she was 30.

1 She wanted to meet people.
3:42 2 She wanted to have the perfect .
3 She wanted to go to school.

1 Why does Phoebe leave the cafe? What happens when she leaves?
2 What does Joey tell Phoebe about his heritage?
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Friends - Drunk Monica at her Birthday Party (B1 - B2)

PART I Can you explain or write what it means to give a toast and to stumble?

1 Phoebe gives a toast to Monica. What does it mean to give a toast to someone?

2 Monica is so drunk that she stumbles when she walks and Chandler must hold her.
What does it mean ‘to stumble’?

PART II Go back to the points in the video. Read each sentence out loud like the characters.

! Try to use the same tone / intonation as the characters in the show.

0:01 1 CHANDLER:

Look at that. We made it all the way across the room.
You’re doing great!”

0:06 2 PHOEBE: “
Yay, I love drunk Monica!”

0:53 3 ROSS:

You’re drunk. Mom and dad are gonna be mad!”

1:16 4 MONICA:

You are so handsome!”

3:04 5 MONICA:

And I can do anything I want! Because grown-up.”

PART III Choose the correct preposition used in the video.

1. Look at that. We made it all the way across / along the room!
2. Taking care about / of a drunk, naked girl sounds like a job for Joey.
3. Monica, just smile and don’t talk on / to anyone!
4. I didn’t even have to take off / out my top yet.
5. Hey Chandler, you can’t keep your hands off / out Monica for one second!
6. That’s one thing you can cross off / out your list. [After Joey kisses Phoebe]

PART IV Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined word(s) with the word(s) used in the video.

1 Ross says that “drunk Monica” will make the party more interesting or exciting.

2 When Phoebe found out she was actually 31, it destroyed her life schedule.

3 Phoebe wants to be alone after she finds out she is older than she thought.
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Friends - Drunk Monica at her Birthday Party (B2)

During Monica’s birthday speech, she admits to her parents...

Guess what? I’ve been drunk before. And I’ve smoked a cigarette.

The present perfect is used to talk about experiences which happened in the past at an
unspecified time. This is why Monica says, “I’ve been drunk before.” and not the past simple.
Monica doesn’t specify when exactly. To specify the exact time, use the past simple.


before once never ever already yet yesterday a week ago when I was... at 10 PM
a few times many times a few times on + [day in the past] last night, week, etc.

before present yesterday present

? x
past future past future


• I’ve smoked a few cigarettes in my life. • I smoked a few cigarettes a few yesterday.
• I’ve never smoked a cigarette. • I didn’t smoke a cigarette yesterday.
• I’ve smoked a cigarette once. • I smoked cigarettes when I was in college.
• Have you ever smoked a cigarette? • Did you smoke a cigarette last night?
• He’s already smoked 5 cigarettes today. • He smoked a cigarette at 10 AM this morning.

PART I Fill in the blank spaces using the present perfect or past simple.

1 A: Have you ever seen (you / see) the TV show ‘Friends’ before?
B: (I / see) a few episodes, but I don’t remember which ones.

2 A: (I / not drink) this kind of wine before. What about you?

B: Yes, (I / drink) this same kind of wine last night.

3 A: My wife / fall down) on Saturday at the party.

B: (I / fall down) at a party once. It’s embarrassing!

4 A: (John / never be) to a surprise birthday party before.

B: Really? (I / be) to many surprise birthday parties before!

PART II Choose two celebrities. It can be anyone (a rock star, an actor / actress, a sports star,
etc.) What has this person has done or accomplished in their life? Write sentences
using both the subject “I...” and “She / He...”.
Jennifer Anniston 1 I have acted in over 40 movies. She has acted in over 40 movies.

QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2019. For use only with license.
Friends - Drunk Monica at her Birthday Party (B2)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART I Summary. Give a summary of the video and what happens during the Friends scene.

PART II Characters. Discuss what you remember about what each character does / says.

1. Monica 2. Chandler 3. Phoebe 4. Joey

PART III Questions. Discuss the answers to the questions below.

1. What does Phoebe say about Monica being drunk?

2. What does Ross tell Monica when he sees her drunk?
3. Whatdoes Monica admits in her birthday speech?
4. Why is Phoebe upset at the end? What does Joey do when she leaves?
5. What were some of the things Phoebe wanted to do by age 30?

PART IV Vocabulary: Fill in the blank spaces with the vocabulary word used from the video.

1 When Monica sees Chandler, she tells him that he looks .

2 Rachel says that taking care of a drunk, girl is a job for Joey.
3 Chandler tells Monica that she can up the party.
4 Ross says that Monica being drunk will the party.

PART V Grammar: Explain the difference between the present perfect and past simple
studied in the lesson. Then fill in the blanks with the present perfect form below.

1 (I / never fall) down at a birthday party before.

2 (She / never be) as drunk as she was at her birthday party.
3 (you / ever eat) crab cakes before?
4 (I / steal) cake from a birthday party a few times.
5 (She / throw) a few surprise birthday parties for me before!
6 (I / never give) a birthday speech before.
7 (I / throw up) after drinking alcohol a few times.
8 (you / ever hurt) yourself before after drinking?
9 I wonder if (Chandler / ever make) a birthday cake for Monica.
10 (She / have) a few bad experiences drinking alcohol.

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