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STARTER é Lt , SECOND EDITION ra sae wih Contents 4A Wall 31 A. Leathe endof the world 6B Whereare you ron? 3a B Youcavtparchere «PRACTICAL ENGLISH How do you spetit? 25 [BRAGTICALENGLISH What's the det today? 3. A We'reCanadian 36 A What are they doing? 11 B Whats bisnumber? 20 Body adifoent 13 A whatinyourbag? 40. A Intholungein Guatom 15 B tthatahae? 42 B afore thoy were star, 17 | BRAGTICALENGLISH How much sit? 44 | PRAGTIEALENGLIGH shor a banker ne? 18 A. amily and fends 45. A. Itehanged my te 20 B Thatsacoolcar 4B what idyoudo? 22 A Abadhairday 49 A What do you think of it? 24 B what dyouhav for breakfast? 1B Strangeronatrein 26 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH Wat tineis? 5 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH Would you thea cote? a 27 Mospoaks English at work s4_ A Wipofatitetine 29 B boyoutke mornings? 56 _B Fromstarttofineh STUDY (ESE) SELF-ASSESSMENT CD-ROM Powerful listening and interactive assessment CD-ROM ‘Your ichecker disc on the inside back cover ofthis Workbook Includes: ‘+ AUDIO - Download ALL of the auso files forthe Listening ‘and Pronunciation activities in this Workbook for on-the {go listening practice «+ FILE TESTS - Check your progress by taking a self assessment test after you complete each File. Audio: When yousee this symbol ((GIEEND, goto theichecker discin the back ofthis Workbook. Load the dic your computer. “Type your name and press “ENTER. (Choose “AUDIO BANK” Click on the exercise for the File. Then use the media player to listen, You can transfer the audio toa mobile device from the “audio” folder on the die, File test: At the end of every Fle, there isa test. Todo the ‘test, load the ichecker and select "Tests."Select the test forthe File you have just finished. ‘You say goodbye, and say hello, From the song "Hello, Goodbye" by the Beatles 1 GRAMMAR verb be: land you B_ Write negativeFJsentences or questions(Z 1 Pminclass 2.) Tnnotinclass2, 2 You'reastodent.(2 —Areyoua student? 3 I'mSam.E) a Rewrite the sentences with contractions, 1 LamLisa. Tm Lisa. 2 Youare not inclass 3. Youaren’t in class3. 3 Lam not Henry. 4 You're in my class.) 4 Youare nor a teacher. 5 Pminroom4.[2]) 5 Lam Maria. 6 You're Liz.[7] 6 Youare in my class. Pmateacher.E] 7 Laminroom 4, 8 You're in class 4.[7] 8 Youarenot Carlos. ¢ Complete the dialogue: 1 A Excuseme.Areyou 2 A Hello, I'm Jessica Hi, Linda. Andy? B Hi,_'m_ Steve. Are you Henry? B No, —Lmnot_.1'm Nice to meet you. B No, TmMax. — B Yes, rm Tony Anna Jones. 5A Hello. Lisa 6 A Hi Ben, 7 A Excuseme. 8 A Excuseme. Gomez? B Hi Rob. Tin room 7? my teacher? B Yes, Nice to B No, Yourein —B Yes, Pm Peter meet you, room 8. Wilson. 2 VOCABULARY numbers 0-10; days of the week a Order the letters to make numbers. 1 RUFO fou 2 NET ten 3 INNE n e 4 EON ° e 5 TEREH © e 6 OWT « ° 7 GITHE e t 8 XIS s x 9 ENVSE s a 10 OZRE z ° 11 VIEF £ e b Write the next word. 1 Friday Saturday Sunday Monday. 2 Sunday Monday Tuesday 3 Tuesday Monday Sunday 4 Tuesday — Wednesday ‘Thursday 5 Friday Thursday Wednesday 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7 Thursday Wednesday Tuesday 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress; /hi, /av, and /i/ a Underline the stressed syllable. excuse hello number photo repeat seven b GERD) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. © Write the words in the chart. Henry nice me right meet hello 4 GIR Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING §GESED Listen. Check (7) the sentence you hear. 1a Hello, 'm Tony. > Hi,'mTom, 2 a You'rein my class. b_ Youarenttin my class. 3 __a T'mnotastudent. —_b Pma student 4a Areyouin number 5? b Are you in number 9? 5 ___a_ Excuse me, whar’s your name? Sorry, what's your name? 6 a Youaren’tin class 10, b You're in class 2. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. hella /hi'lou hi /ha Pm faim Niceto meet you. _/nais tu mit yu What's your name? wats yor neim Excuse me? _/ik'skyuz mi Sorry. sar See you soon, isi yu sum goodbye igod'bar ‘Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. John F. Kennedy, US President | B=Where are you from? 1 VOCABULARY countries a Complete the crossword. Clues across 1b Complete the sentences with a country. 1 She's from London. She’s from England He's from Lima. He’s from P T'm from Lisbon. I'm from P- You're from Miami. You're from th, Un St She's from Toronto. She’s from C He's from Hanoi, He's from V- 'm from Seoul. I'm from So K You're from Santiago. You're from C 2 GRAMMAR verb be: he, she, it a Complete the sentences. 1 Ske’ fromthe United States, 3 fromSaudi 4 from Japan, Arabia 5 from Mexico. 6 from Canada, Ton fomSpain, 8 from Korea. 'b Complete the dialogues with ‘is, o isn’. 3 PRONUNCIATION jij fous, and /e/ A LE Patio From Portugat? roel i sou PReTWEN te rommerico, a GirelOthe word with a different sound, 2 A Where Oaxaca? itin Mexico? g B Yes,it : \ Gab 3A Yasmin in the Monday class? [2 Ball Seed B No,she She ___ inthe Tuesday class. 4a yourname Annie? B Not Ie Anna ¥ 2 hello photo two € Write the questions. Then answer with the information in parentheses. 1 Justin Bieber / from Canada? (¥ Ontario) Is Justin Bieber from Canada 2 Yes.heis.He'sfrom Ontario 2 Hanoi {in China? (X Vietnam) 3 she ten Wednesday Db SUITED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words No, itis’te'sin Vietnam 4 LISTENING 5 Salma Hayek rom Meco? (7 Veraeus) en 7 Ta Yes,lam. (BD I'm from Mexico. 2a WsinBrazil b No,itisnt. 4 Lishon Jin Spain? (x Portugal) 3.a He’fromPeru. b-_ She's from Peru : 4a Yes,Lam, b Noyheisn'. 5a Yes it’s great. b Yes,itsintheUS. 6 No,itsinChina, —b-No,!'maot. 5 Copacabana beach [in Braz 7 a He'sfromLondon. b No,he' from London 2 8 a Wesin Spain b Yes b AGED Listen and check your answers. 6 Toronto Jin the United States? (x Canada) iB USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. Where are you from? wer ar yu fram Where in the US? wer in do yu'es Let’s go! lets gou 7 Cristiano Ronaldo | from Portugal? (7 Madeira) § Liman Meso? (For) sak, favo tomorrow /is!maro0 famous Teimos singer sinor Practical English ‘ou spell it? 1 = THE ALPHABET 3 SPELLING YOUR NAME a Gielothe letter with a different sound. a Complete the dialogue with the words from the list. 1D BE @®D v ————— good name last you room Thank 22> L NX reservation afternoon Excusemme? spell 3A GJ K ee 4B H PZ sC F Ls 6A HJ Y 70 Q U ow 8FooT M Ss & RIERED Listen and check, Thenlistenand repeat the letters. 2 VOCABULARY classroom language a Label the pictures. zB Da ‘A Good afternoon. 8 Good? have a® " bowk— 31 1A what's yours please? B Beth Snowe, run B Beth Snowe. ‘A How do you" your” name? B SNOWE A *_you.Yourein? 1. a__ — 8d__y 8 Thank 1b Complete the classroom expressions. b_ Write the words ro make questions = en Terese eye Toner 1 How |spell/lastname — Howdo you spell our | canvou seat than plea? lastname? 1 Ghnyou taped tas pase 2. How / spel firstname : 2; sis bos peas 3 How spell cty : 3 4 How opel youcouney ; 5 How do you i? ¢ Answer the questions in b Spell the answers. 6 ro page. 1 € Look at the expressions in b.Cireldthe things students say. ‘American women expect to find in their husbands a perfection ‘that English women only hope to find in their butlers. W. Somerset Maugham, English dramatist & novelist 2 We're Canadian 1 VOCABULARY nationalities ‘Complete the puzzle. What's the mystery word? FE = l feat non sri a kee eee 3 Emma's from the UK. She's Spanish Japan.He's]e. ‘She's B__h. . Esa XY E 4 Bianca’ from Brazil. 5 a She's Brn Hess hK a 6 Meiling’sfrom China. 7 Jorge's from Peru. 8 William's from 9. Daniel’ from Mexico. She's. HesP_—n. England, He'sE__h. ShesM a. 10 Bao'sfrom Vietnam, 11 Sarah's from Canada, 12 Mike's fromthe United 13 Faisals from Saudi HesV__e ShesC—a States. He's Ama. Arabia, He's. 2 GRAMMAR verb be: we, you, they 4 Carmen /inroom4 a Write affirmativel intences, Use contractions. 5 IjelassA 1 we | from Spain Were from Spain 6 you /inmy class You're in my class 3 they /late wwe | from Mexico ‘They jin Vietnam, 8 you/ateacher 'b_ Complete the sentences with the negative [=lofbe. 1 No,T'mnot___ from Peru. 2. No,Mary _ isn't ateacher. 3 No,we late, 4 No,Dan English, 5 No, Tokyo in China. 6 No, they Chilean, 7 No,you in my class. 8 Not Brazilian © Order the words to make questions. 1 in]8/we/ Are [room Are weinroom 8 ? 2 from | Where's / he Where’she from ? 3 lass fin} 1] Are they 4 from/ Where [you /are 5 they England {from Are 6 Brazilian | Fernanda | Is 7 inj Seoul | Is /South Korea 8 name [your What's _ Match the answers to the questions in ¢. a Yes, shes 3 D No, they're in class 2. € He's from Portugal. d e's Jessica e Yes, weare, F Yes, itis a Yes, they're from London, h T'm from Hanoi in Vietnam. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress; /|/ and /t}/ a Underline the stressed syllable. Which word is different?Circloit. 1 teacher British sorry 2 Brazil coffee hotel_—goodbye 2 British Peru —-muisic_—_—Spanish 4 Japan photo Sauldi_-—_Thursiday 5 goodbye English hello Chinese 6 Mexican Canada Vietnam Saturday b GER) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeatthe words. Write the words in the chart. British chair China Portugal Spanish dictionary teacher _vacati STEED Listen and check. Then listen again and ‘repeat the words. LISTENING {G} Listen and number the pictures 1-3. GED Listen again. Write the nationalities. 1 The manis 2 Phois 3 The members of Coldplay are USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES, Learn these words and phrases. seat sit free ri Thanks! 2enks please ‘pliz onvacation fan ver keifn student 'studnt and (end) too tu (One in ten people would prefer to lose their mother-in-law than their cell phone. From 3 2006 poll of Canadians 2B=What's his number? 1 VOCABULARY numbers 11-100; personal information a Complete the numbers 1 20 twenty 7 80 Gt 215 f+ 8 AL e__ 3:90 ni__t 9 40 fo + 4'70 s_v_m 10 18 thorn s$12:_w nu 6O si_e 6 100 amr 1b Write the numbers, 1 forty-seven 4 2 nineteen 3 thirty-cight 4 Fifty-nine 5 seventy-two 6 fourteen 7 ninety-one 8 sixteen 9 ewenty-three 10 eighteen © Match the questions and answers. 1 What's your phone number? What's your zip code? b Are you single? ca What's your last name? What's your address? How old are you? What's your email? 8 8 Howdoyouspellyour __ h last name? I's Ferreira, BERRELRA, e's 493-555-3908. 1m27, 90180. No,1'm not. Pm married e's 603 Green Street. 2 GRAMMAR Wh-and How questions with be a Complete the questions. Write one word in each blank 1 A Whois Sarah Lawson? B She's my English teacher. 2A the concert? B Its on Monday. 3A Where from? B She's from Spal an you? B Imgood, thanks. And you? 5A ‘your phone number? B itse18-s55-9264, 6A ‘you from? B Imfrom Brazil. 7A Mari and Laura today? B Theyre on vacation in Boston. aA Pedro? B He's 27, oA your address? B its 47 Bank Street, 1b Complete the conversation. Write the questions. ‘A What's your name? ¥ 2 myreme on Haley, B Ae 2 8 A \ 2 B It's 64Bond Street, New York city AG 2 B 10012, A Thankyou.® B_ Myhome phone number is 784-2013, At 2 B_ My cell phone number is 203-555-847, Ay B Its bhalleyagomailcom. A Thankyou." 2 B ima at 2 B_No,rmnot.m single ¢ §QTRG) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the conversation, 3 PRONUNCIATION saying phone numbers; sentence stress Say the phone numbers. Make your voive go up and down. wast aay 1 980-230-7413 2 347-680-2919 ome at 334-571-8001 att 6 652-802-0450 1b AGERE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the phone numbers. GED bold words. ren and repeat the questions, Stress the 1 What's your cell phone number? 2 How oldisKi 3 What's your email address? 4 Areyoumarried? 5 What's youraddress? 6 How do you spell your last name? 4 LISTENING SGIRED Listen to he dialogues. GeBthe right answer. 1 What is his address? a 38Lake Street b 48 Lake Street 2. Whats her cell phone number? a 203-868-5174 b 203-868-5144 3. Whatis his fiest name? a S-HLU-H-A-O b S-HU-H-O-W 4 Whats his zip code? a 12305 b 12345 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. address /edres emailaddress “imei ‘edres hhome phone n number oom foun ‘namboy cell phone number (se foon ‘nambar zipcode zip ood! married “meri single /sigl lost lst OK jov'keu Right. (rast Really? vl (Own only what you can carry with you. ‘Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Russian author 3A—What’s in your bag? 1 VOCABULARY small things ‘Complete the crossword. Clues across} fy iG) Clues down fl & M 2 GRAMMAR a@/an; singular c Write questions and answers. and plural nouns a Writeaoran. thor howard ltsadictionary_. “Thayeglons. a ne : : * 8 ? 3 PRONUNCIATION /z/ and‘; plural endings a STEED Listen and repeat the words and sounds. ay, FS | 1 names bags zebra Ss 2 books snake students jl 3 buses classes 1b GEE Listen andGirelBnvo more words with fzl ioe watches cellphones coats gloves ID cards pieces wallets © GGT) Listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING a SREY Listen and number the pictures 1-3. b AUTRE) Listen again. Complete the questions. 1A Look. They're great B Yes, they are. But, wh, w e 2 Excuse me, mafam, W. your ? 3 Isit for me? Thanks! W. P USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. Whatisit? jwat wz 1 Whatare they? wat ar de Have /hev leave ‘lev great (grett Happy birthday! *hepi ‘border Ahat should be taken off when you greet a lady and left off for the rest of your life. Nothing looks more stupid than a hat. PJ. Rourke, American journalist and author 3B= that a hat? 1 VOCABULARY more small things ‘Complete the crossword. Clues across} a 2 GRAMMAR this / that / these / those a Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those. sos 1 _Those_are $10. B No,itisn't. 4A Are ‘your keys? 5 Look! 's Martin 6 Wow. B Yes, they are. Thank you! from English class. sunglasses! 1b Order the words to make sentences or questions. 1 these / sunglasses / Are Are these sunglasses ? 2 is What | that 3 book j isn't This | your 4 posteards my | Those {are 5 your | Are /gloves / those 6 my Jaren't/ photos / These 8 from / Where / this [is 3 PRONUNCIATION (6) and /«/ a Gireldthe word with a different sound. Be 1 hat lasses cat 2 card laptop camera 3 these those day 4 Spain Spanish Canada 5 bag map baby cat b GGIESE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 ® e LISTENING {GREY Listen and number the items 1-4. AGERE Listen again. Choose the right answer. Ties a atoy b akeychain 2 Ies a twentydollas —b thirty dollars 3 They're 2 twodollass good 4 They're a sevendollars—b tendollars USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. cute yu Thav'salot. Oe 9 lt sorry. fun ser Isthis your? iz 3s yor How about..? hav sbavt forsale for sell map ofthecity imp av 60 ‘siti Practical English 1 PRICES a Complete the prices. 1 $0.75 seventy-five cents 2 £21.99 twenty-one ninety-nine 3 $38.50 thirty-eight and fifty cents 440p forty 5 €11.60 eleven sixty 6 $182 a eighty-two b_ Write the prices. Cis] C5] 1 _ forty-five cents 2 #59 | CIM / 3 4 c ftgg j Cees ] 5 6 eA 9 7 8 2 PRONUNCIATION jor, /s/, and /k/ 4 GGIESED Listen and repeat the words and sounds. or tourist 419.95 / 1 sure euro tour > 2 nice price cell phone TK” | 5 cass creatcard canada 1b Write the words in the chart. city cute cent close coffee pence Ss S snake city. cute. © GGIERED Listen and cheek. Then listen again and repeat the words. 3 BUYING A COFFEE Order the dialogue. Waitress ___ Six dollars and twenty cents, please. What kind of coffee? Espresso, cappuccino, or latte? _L_ Welcome to Coffee House. ‘Thanks, Here's your change. ___ Regular or large? Man ___ Alatte, please 2 Hii Acoffee and a cookie, please. Here youare. ___ Large. How much ist? Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family... another city. George Burns, American comedian 4 A—Family and friends 1 VOCABULARY people 2 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives; possessive s and family & Complete the chart. a Complete the chart. or singular plural "you or boy ‘boys Me ils Tr ‘woman * E ; . friends a you child a 7 person ———— b Complete the sentences, bb Complete the sentences, 3 What's name? 4 Lookat hat. Peter's my h, Barbara's my m Lily's my d. Jaden’ 2 3 4 5 Rob's my br 6 7 8 Pim Peter's 7 That's caris great! © Complete the sentences. 1 Carmen is Diego's sister. Diego is Carmen’ brother 2 Charlotte is Peter's wife Peter i 3. Markis Angelina's brother, Angelinais 4 Richard is Maria's father Mariais 5 Anais Paulo's mother. Paulo 6 William is Megan's husband, Megan is, 7 Sarah is Michael’s daughter. Michael 8 Roberto is Luisa’s son, Luisais Look at the’sin the sentences. Check (/) Possessive or Is. Possessive Is Mark's wife is Brazilian. Tiffany's on vacation ‘Those are Amy's cats sa great cell phone. ‘Thisis my brother’s room. Jennifer's in Brazil What's your name? 00000008 00000080 Peter's son is twelve. 3 PRONUNCIATION 2, /s/, and or! a Girelothe word with a different sound. (2) |. eas amorous goes TA] a eter tind peo 2, computer 3 woman son children 4 Sunday Monday Thursday 4 GGTTEH Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words 4 LISTENING a §GVED Listen and number the pictures 1-4. bb GUTAG) Listen again. Choose a orb. 1 The girlisthe man’s a. sister bb sister's daughter 2. The womanin the picture is Tom's a teacher D- girlfriend 3. The woman's phone is a inherbag — b onthechair 4 Mia's last name is a Lee b Cho USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. Welcome to ourhouse, /welkam tu a haus b GAH Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. © GirclOthe words with /ar!. 1 morning Arabic 2 understand camera card 3 chair paper door 4 zero four babysitter _beibisttar Benice. /bi nais have (hv Oh, 001 Uh-oh, You've got a fast car-I want aticket to anywhere. From the song "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman AB=that’s a cool car! 1 VOCABULARY colors and common adjectives a Rewrite the sentences with a color. 1 MycarisDER. —Mycarisred 2 Amelia's coatisC ABLK. 3 HisbagisNOWBR 4 Gabriels Pshietis ELUB. 5 Theboardis HET IW. 6 Their houseis NER GE. 7 Herglovesare WEYL OL. 8 HishatisOGNREA. 'b Complete the sentences with the opposite ofthe bold word. 1 Ourcarisn’t small. W’s_big 2 My carisn’t fast. les a 3. Ana's ell phone isn't cheap. les, 4 His chairisn’t mew. Irs 5 Mark’s coat isn't long, Irs — 6 Their teacher isnt bad. She's 7 My boyfriend isn’t short. He's . © Complete the words. LS a3 1 Yourhatis great! a = peer 3 Havean day! 5 Mycatisvery b 6 This movieist ! 2 GRAMMAR adjectives a Right (7) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong sentences. Ie’sasmallear._ 7 I’sa phone cheap. He'sa father great. ‘They're blues pens. Their children are tals. Tiger isa cute cat He'sa man good-looking, She's a short woman, ' hi b_ Rewrite the sentences. 1 The woman is beautiful She's _a beautifl woman 2 The coats are yellow. They're _ yellow coats 3 The people are nice They're 4 The class is good. ws 5 Thehatisblack Ws 6 ‘The laptops are cheap, They're ‘The girlis tall, She's 8 The carsare fast. ‘They're 3 PRONUNCIATION 4; jar, and /or/ a Girelethe words with fo 1 old fast 2 slow good long 3 tall bad cheap 4 mother daughter son b GGTAAY Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, ¢ Gielothe word witha different sound. BEN | soar GD oor horse 2 park are Portugal 3 (card orange short 4 Mark — four — article. SVE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING (GET) Listen and check (/) the correct picture. ‘aD 5 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. German 'd59rmoni Italian “'telyan cool kul luxurious _/Iag'50r108 easy to park zi tu park safe sel important /im'portnt popular |'papyolor What colorisit? (wat ‘kalor wz 1t Haveanice day! /hiev 9 nas des He Wow! wav ‘Some of the worst mistakes of ‘my life have been haircuts. Jim Morrison, American rock singer ‘5 A—4.bad hair day 1 GRAMMAR simple present: |and you © Complete the dialogue with do or don’. 4 Complete the sentences, Use each verb once. A * 00 youhave a car,Rachel? drink have lke lve want B No, oO A On” you live near here? B Yes.I* Hive downtown, © Excuse you want a coffee, sir? A. Yes, please. © And you, miss? 8 No, thanks. 1® like coffee. ‘A They have tea.” you lke tea? B Yes,I° -Teais great. © OK.One coffee and one tea 41____downtown, 4) QURG) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the dialogue. 2 VOCABULARY common verbs 1 Write the verbs. SI cats.) drink eat have listento read speak want watch 1b Write the questions. 1A Idontt tive downtown, B _Doyoulive ___near here? 2 A Idon't want a newspaper. 8 amagazine? 3 A Idonitlike dogs. 8 cats? 4 A Idonithave a camera. B cell phone? 5A Idon't drink soda, BL coffee? 1 drink _soda, 21 two cats. 31 ‘TV inthe evening. 41 Chinese, SI Mexican food. 61 magazines. 71 anew car, 1 Brazilian music. 3 READING a Read the interview and write the questions in the correct space. ‘Are you married? Do you have children? Do you like it? Do yau wark near here? What's your name? Where are you from? Interview with a hairstylist 1 2 6 —_What's your name? My name's Jonathan, Jon for short Im fromRio de Janeiro. t's a big, beautiful city Yes, am. My wifeis Italian. Her name is Celia. She's very good-looking! Yes, we do, We have a IG girl. Her name is Bianca, She's thee ‘Yes, do. work ina IBA downtown, I's very small, but its nice. ‘Yes, | do. | work with my friends, and | speak to BIGEGF new: people every day. It's very interesting, b Look at the HGHIGHE words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. 4 PRONUNCIATION /hi, /w/, and /v; linking a Girclothe word with a different sound. owl AY | a where whet witch Vv 2 very vase want TV 3 who white hair 7 house 1 AGERE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. GIEEED Liseen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1 Doyou want_asoda? 2 Thave_a brother and he’: a teacher. 3 Idrink_acoffee and read_a book inthe morning, 4 Ilive_in_ahouse_in_asmall city. LISTENING ara 1 The woman lives isten to the dialoguesand choose a orb. a nearhere downtown 2 The man has children, a one b two 3: Thewoman TV. a likes b- doesn't like 4 The man speaks. a Spa b_ Japanese 5 The woman listens to music, a pop classical USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. hair her hairstylist salon first time hor'stalist isollan forst tarm/ magazin fr hu magazine nearhere downtown Don't worry. Wait. (weit ile hl idoont ‘wari alotof, Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like aprince, and dinner like a poor man. Adelle Davis, nutritionist 5 B=What do you have for breakfast? 1 VOCABULARY food and drink a Complete the crossword, Was hile e Io ej__-e 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress; /t{), ds’, and /a/ a Underline the stressed syllable. typical delicious tefrible—_expenisive hamburger umbrella potattoes cereal together vegetables b ATED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. ¢ GirelOthe word with a different sound. 2 cheap chef rch 3 vegetables sugar juice 4 German cheese Portuguese 5 good bie page 6 Chinese Japanese chien 4 GTP Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR simple present: we, you, they; Wh- questions a Write sentences. Use the verbs from the list. drink have listento live read want watch —_work 1 We/ Weuontanew ir 2 You work on Saturday E] 4 Rodrigoand Ana / pop music] 5 My brother and I / cereal for breakfa 6 They | TVardinnerl=] 7 My friends / downtow 8 My children { coffee(=] Complete the questions. 1A Dotheytive in Mexico? B No, they live in Peru, 2a children? B Yes, we do ~a son and two daughters. aA for breakfast? B They usually have cereal, toast, and juice. an English? B Yes, they do. Their English is very good. 5A lunch? B We have lunch at home. 6A coffee for breakfast? B Yes, we do ~ coffee with milk cae inner in Spain? B People have dinner late in Spain - at 10:00" 11:00pm. BA pizza? B Yes, we do, We love pizzal 9A ? B They workina school, They'e teachers, 1 A ? B Welivein an apartment downtown. LISTENING GESED Listen and number the pictures 1-4. <@ A ae SGT Listen agai 1 The woman likes Choose a orb. for breakfast a toast b pizza 2 The woman eatsa big a breakfast. = b lunch 3: The man likes a cereal b fruit 4 The man doesnt il a cheese b vegetables USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. simple simp wypical tupskl traditional _/to'difonl usually 'yusuoli cold /koold Tknow. jar nov! ‘That's good. (Sets gud ‘Tat looks good. de ks goa EE 1 ~TELLING TIME a Complete the times. toeleven, 1 Ie’stwo thirty 2 Ie’seight y 3 Iesten ~. What time is 5 22 iG a quarter to four. 5 Ieseleven =——- ‘me. What time is. re) Sorry. 18. know. 7 Wenine 8 Ws toseven Cs 1 GRAMMAR simple present: he, she, it a Lookat the chart and complete the AG sntences. Lis tive ina big city x tke cats 7 x Ustentopopmusic | x speak French L_* z rink tea x Z 1 Amy —docsw' live ina bigcty. 2 She cats. 3 She to pop music. 4 She French 5 She tea 6 Luis inabig city. 7 He cats 8 He opop music. 9 He French 10 He tea 'b Complete the text. Ryan is an English teacher in Mexico. He’ lives (live) in Mexico City, and he* (wvork) in a language school there. He* (not work) ‘onweekends, so Ryan“ (go) to see friends in Puebla. Ryan* (like) Mexico, buthe' (not speak) Spanish very well. He” (have) a Spanish class on Sundays, and he (study) in the morning on the bus. He (not watch) TV because he * (not understand) the shows! 6 Ae speaks English at work Find a job you like and you add five days to every week, H. Jackson Brown, Jr, American author ¢ Complete the dialogue with do, does, don't, or doesn't kim Hi, mim. Chris Hello.m Chris. Kim What !_do you do, Chris? Chris Ima lawyer. Kim That's great.” yyou like your job? Chris_Yes,1* kim * you work in the city? Chris Yes, work dawntown and live in an apartment there. kim you live with your family? Chris_No, My parents have a house in ‘asmall town, kim 7 you have brothers and sisters? Chris Yes, have a brother. Kim What ® he do? Chris He'sa student, kim he live at home? Chris No, he He lives in an apartment. at school. 2 PRONUNCIATION third person -s a GURY Listen and repeat the words and sounds, 1 has reads ebra ‘Sa eats speaks snake fzi | 3 closes teaches 1b GirelOthrce more words with /z/ and write themin the chart. drinks finishes goes ‘likes teaches listens opens __watches_works closes sal © GGG) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words 3 VOCABULARY (jobs and places of work a Lookat the pictures and complete the puzzle. What's the mystery word? ¥ AIWLY[E[R b Complete the sentences with a place of work Anwriter works at home A factory worker works in af, salesperson works in a st Anassistant works inan 0, Ateacher works ina se Awaitress worksinar policeman works on the st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LISTENING RIED Listen to the dialogues. What do the people do? Do they like their jobs? Complete the chart. Annurse works in ah ‘What do they do? Do they like it? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes /'No Lo a a 4 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. fantastic fen’ eesti practice ‘company our guide museum art (art prefer iprektas kamponi tor gard Sleep - the most beautiful experience in life - except drink. W.C. Fields, American comedian 6B=D6 you like mornings? 1 VOCABULARY a typical day 1b Write the words in the chart. ‘a Complete the verb phrases. tobed breakfast acoffee tothegym home lunch sandwich toschool dinner to work have = breakfast tobed 2d housework, © Complete the text. 4h asandwich om 'm Mike and I'm a factory worker. I work at night and I sleep during the day. I finish _ work at eight o'clock in the morning, and then * home and : to bed. 1* upat about two-thirty in the afternoon, and I* abig breakfast—eggs, potatoes, sausage, and of course lot of coffee! 1 to the gym after breakfast, then I” ashower and I* TV. Atseven o'clock in the evening, I” dinner. Then I to work again. 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress GIT) Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1 [start work at nine inthe morning, 2 Shehasa coffee at quarter afer ten 3 They havea sandwich ata cafe. 4 You finish work at six-thirey. 5 Wedo housework on weekends. 6 He watches TV inthe evening. 7g shopping 3 GRAMMAR adverbs of frequency 4 LISTENING a Rewrite he sentences, Usethe words in parentheses. a Listen tothe interview with Tony CEbthe ‘things he usually or always does on the weekend. 1 Lgetup early (always) always get up ca 2. Yasmin goes to school by bus. (usually) 3 You do housework. (never) 4 They have fish for dinner. (sometimes) 5. Andy goes to the gym. falways) 6 Iwatch TV in the morning, (never) 7 Wego shopping on weekends. (sometimes) 8 They have coffee for breakfast. (usually) 1b Look atthe chart and complete the sentences. 6 GUARD Listen again. Putan X over the things he never does on the weekend. Jen goto the gym x Ea USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. readmagazines | V wae Learn these words and phrases. watch soccer on TV | Wad “ invan ts inahurry (in 9 ‘hori getup early Ge * sitting down tsp davon 1 Diego —never goes tothe gym sandingup /stendiy ap 2 He magazines. when ven 3 He______socceron TV. then Beni 4He early. after citar 5 Jen______tothegym. before _/bror 6 She magazines. next /nckst 7 She___soccer on TV. ahout s'bavt 8 She _____early. Alife without love is like a year without summer. Swedish proverb 4 A—ife at the end of the world 1 GRAMMAR word order in questions ‘a Write questions. Put the words in parentheses in the correct place. 1 Whereis from? (Alberto) Whereis Alberto from ? 2. How old is? (our teacher) 3. Where does work? (your brother) 4 Does speak French? (Emma) 5 Do havea big family? (you) 6 Is from Canada? (your girlfriend) 7 Whatti 1e does go to work? (Isobel) 8 Are on vacation? (Tim and Julia) 1b Gireld the correct question word. 1 A @hez5) What | When does your bother ive? B_ In Sto Paulo. 2A Where | When / What do you usually have for breakfast? B Cereal, fruit, and coffee. 3A How { Who / What do you spell your last name? BOG-ARCLA. 4A What / When / Who do you do housework? B_On Sunday mor 5A How / When / Where do you go to school? B_Bybus. 6 A. How | How old What are your children? B _Jaden’s four and Madison's seven. 7A What / When / Where do you go tothe gym? B Inthe morning, before work. ¢ Lookat the answers. Write the questions. 1 _Howoldishe He's 22. We play golf on Saturday. 3 Marisa works in a hospital. 4 2 My teacher's from Canada. 5 ? Luis has meat and potatoes for dinner. 6 2 1 go to school by bus. yoo She gets up at six-thirty. 8 ike pop music. VOCABULARY common verbs 2 Complete the questions. Doyou play sports? 2 Doyoust ‘on Monday evenings? 3 Doyoug. ice sk inthe winter? Es Bie 4 Doyour friends ski or sn 5 Doyouw. alot on weekends? aoa, 6 Does she ph 7 Doalotoftouristsv 8 Do yousw the p. 2 your city? in the summer? 3 PRONUNCIATION ja, ass, and /y/ a. GieBthe word with a different sound er "1 where Gere) very ¢ Ge cw water cat clock AO, SG" | 2 how snowboard housework er 4 here there hair GD | s tate watch restaurant clock 1b AGTERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. ¢ Gireldfive more words with Jy}. or study play use juice stay university Jepen___newspaper _yes museum 4 GRTRH Listen and check. Then listen agai and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING {GID Listen to the news report. What do ‘people in the Polar Bear Club do? Choose a, b, ore visit Antarctica in the summer b swim outsid play golf in the snow n the winter §GETD Listen again. Complete the information. 1 The water is degrees. 2 About people are inthe club, 3 They doth time a year. 4 John goes toa after he sw USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. dark (dark light /last far from far fran eloseto /klous tu hot hat cold /kovlel low high ‘hau outside saut'said inside /n'sad summer winter ‘ite ‘ektfuoli lou wwintar different actually You can't have your cake and eat it, too. English proverb 7 B—You can't park here 1 GRAMMAR can /can't a Complete the sentences with You can | can't and a verb, from the list. drink eat listen park swim walk (@| [x 1 _Youcan’tpark_here. coffee here, food here. ox 3 now, 6 to the radio here. 'b Complete the dialogues. Use Can, the word in parentheses, and a verb from the list. go have play read sit watch 1A Canthave—apen?(l) B Yes. Take one. 2A ice-skating on the lake? (we) B_No.I'stoowarm today. 3A TV? (we) B_ OK. What's on today? 4A Excuseme. here? (I) B Sorry, no. That's my friend's seat. SA golfon Saturday? (you) B Yes. What time? 6 A Look. I's postcard from Sarah. B Really? i ()) PRONUNCIATION ‘e/ and /0/; rhythm What sound does can have in these sentences?Gireld) the correct picture. sentence 1 Canwe take photos? 2 Youcan swim here. When can we talk? 4 You can’t walk here AGIERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. VOCABULARY common verbs 2 Look at the pictures and complete the phrases. 1 usethe Internet 5 ch m 2e ph 6s 3 7 dr 4 cr 8 co 4 READING a Read the text and number the pi 1b Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False), Life on the International Space Station ‘Some people dream of going to SBHES. However, life in space is not very easy. Here are some of the problems that people on the International Space Station (ISS) have. 11 Having lunch on the ISS is very difficult because there is no gravity in space, and things never stay where you put them. The food is in plastic containers because it cant stay on a plate. 2 When they go outside, people wear special ‘clothes, because there is no atmosphere in space. Itis also very cold in space. Inside the ISS, people ‘can wear ofdinary clothes. 3. You can't take a shower in space because the water doesn't stay in one place. People wash with ‘a sponge with water and so 4. People on the ISS can't sleep in ordinary beds because their bodies don't stay in the beds. They Use special sleeping bags on the wall. I you want to take a vacation in space, remember that life there is very different from lfe at home. And if you don't like it, you car't take a train or bus home! 1 Youcan eat food on aplate,_F 2. You can eat food froma plastic container. 3 You can wear a'T-shitt inside the ISS. 4 Youcan take a shower in the ISS. 5 You can wash with a sponge. 6 Youcan sleep in an ordinary bed. € Look at che HHIGHEED words. What do you think they ‘mean? Check with your dictionary. ssin the correct order, 5 LISTENING STR Listen. Chuckisa tourist in New Orleans. ‘What can he do today? Check (7) Can or Can't. Can Cant phy golf ¢ takea boat trip go tothe art museum - walkin the park gotothe aquarium - buy aticket here buy food at che aquarium - buy food here USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. space Ispets gravity forevat plate ‘ples clothes /klooz atmosphere /sctmaste ‘ordinary />rdacri sponge ‘span sleeping bag /slipin beg What else? “wat el ‘open /ouponi closed /klovre aguazium /'kweriam Practical English (a 1 MONTHS 3 SAYING THE DATE Write the months. CRAHM March YMA ERRFABUY TOBOCRE UTGASU EMDBECRE, NURAJAY UEN] 9 SMEBRETEP 10 PAILR 11 EONBMERV 12 LUJY 2 ORDINAL NUMBERS a Complete the ordinal numbers. a Match the dates. 12/19 fa July ewenty-firse 1 Qna second 292 bb November seventh 37/21 © January eleventh 2 20m wo ayn a May sixth 5 4127 © October eighth 3 31s i of, 6 10/8 f February nineteenth 45a ie 7 56 g Aprilewenty-seventh 8 ur Ik September second 5 Om at D_ Cover a-hand just look at 1-8. Practice saying asa t the dates. Write the answers 712th tw _ Write th 1A What's the date today? (3/9), s 8n eg B _Marchninth b> Write the next ordinal number. 2 ; poss ce eaend ee 1 first, second 3 A What's the date tomorrow? (6/2) 2 tenth, e 3 seventeenth, 4° When's your friend’ birthday? (2/18) 4 fourteenth, 8 5 twenty-third 5 A WherisHelloween? (10/31) 6 fifteenth, Bo 6 A When's your sister's birthday? (74) 8 ing in the rain... 'm happy aga From the American movie “Singing inthe Rain” § A—What are they doing? 1 GRAMMAR present continuous a Complete the chart with the ing form of verbs in thelist. drive watch run get make play sit study swim work use write ee watching double consonant +i running 'b Complete the sentences with the verbs from exercise a in the present continuous. Erica _isrunning — atthe gym. 1 2 you the Internet? 3 They in the lake, 4 Is 7:00am. here.1 upnow 5 The students down in class, 6 Peter his mother's car. 7 Lisa Spanish, 8 he atthe office? 9 They ‘TV atthe dinner table. 10 Luis, breakfast n Maria ‘an email to her boyfriend? 2 you computer games? 2 PRONUNCIATION (, /u/, and /y/ a Write the words under the correct sound. blue book — do food good woman look new school sugar g ee b GPRD Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words © Gre five more words with iy. want Gomig> change wee Swe, Gian” ie Sng England” ston tong ating d) Q@PRG) Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 3 VOCABULARY verb phrases Write the verbs. ww. 2s inatene 5 c____bags the bill 7 m___ new people Bp 4 LISTENING GET) Listen to the phone conversation and choose a orb. 1 What kind of party is Nick having? a anoffice party b_afamily party 2 Whatis the party for? a Iessomeone's birthday. b- Someone is moving 3. What is Nick eating? vegetables and fruit b fishand vegetables, 4 Why does Nick say, “I'm sorry?” a Because Tonya can’t come to the party. b_ Because everyone is working today. b SER Listen again. Check (7) the things Nick and his family are doing. 11 eating grtted meat (12 makinga salad 13 playingennis 114 eatingacake C5 singing song 0 6 working hard USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. neighborhood view (n) vy guide(n) gad guest (gest comfortable indoor /indot jetlag Ma5et keg family party "emi ‘port cffice party. /o!9s ‘parti everyone forget ineiborhud kamftorbl Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Albert Einstein, scientist 54 5 SetfelereNa elnicicvale 1 VOCABULARY the weather 2 GRAMMAR present continuous or simple present? (Gireldthe correct form. Business travel today Weather from around the world ye apis * 1() ually work) 'm usually working atan office downtown, Today I (2) work /’m working at home. Penny rain a) Pa aed Por rea Ke) Dubai ya Ke} aS Co ee CN * Gat CHAS We usually (3) go / is going to school on Tuesday, but today is different, Our class (4) visits /is visiting the art museum. We (5) learn "re learning about Spanish painters sip] cold in Los Anges. 1 2 es hot raining in Seattle 3 Its snowing | rainingin Toronto 4 ls windy / cold in Moscow: 5 les warm | cloudy in London We (6) study /'re studying outside today! We (7) 6 le’shot / windy in Dubai usually do re usually doing our homework inthe 7 Weswindy | rainingin Bejing library. Bu today is different. We (8) enjoy / re enjoying the sunny weather. 'b_ Complete the dialogues. Use the present continuous ‘or simple present. A f 1A Hi,can you talk right now? B. Sorry, | can't. !m making dinner. (make) 2A you in Ri? (live) B_Yes,1 do. It’s big, beautifulcity. 3A Are you busy right now? B Nol {not do) anything special. 4A What Tom today? (wear) B Asuit. 5A you the newspaper now? (read) B_No,youcan have it. 6 A How's Tracy's job? B Busy. She late every evening. (work) 7 A What you 2 lay) B_ Anew computer game called Blur, 8 A How you to work? (go) B Usually by bus. 3 PRONUNCIATION (9, fou’, and ‘ev’ a Greld four more words with fe, sssistant bad have waitress tory b Q@EZEY Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. ¢ GED he word wit diferent sound 1 office cat 2 snow — lawyer window CD) 2 smat ots long LISTENING ED Listen to the dialogues. What is each person doing now? Check (7) the correct picture 1 Amy A 0) Listen again, Who says these things? Which job are they talking about? Person Job 1 “Lwork on the street.” 2 “Irs hard work.” 3 “It's very interesting.” 4 “It isn't my dream job." USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. bed and breakfast /bed «nd ‘brektast rious. kyorios career ks‘ 00: B | 4 August October November phone GGT Listen and check. Then listen again and. repeat the words. dream (drim vet's office (vets of professional _pro'fefanl nD t's a jungle out there. ‘A popular idiom in English QA—if the jungle in Guatemala 1 VOCABULARY hotels 1b Complete the sentences with words from the list a Complete the crossword. levator gift shop parkinglot_——_gym reception restaurant swimming pool _ yard Clues across > (5) é Youeanase the —eleatar_o go upstairs a ‘You can swim in the Youcan have dinnerinthe Youeanbuya presentinthe You can exercise in the You can park your carin the ‘You can pay at the 2 GRAMMAR there's / there are a Lookat the picture. Complete the sentences, ici [=I 3] [> [ola] =[e]s] _There’sa_bed There aresome pillows. lamp. table. chair. 1 3 4 a 5 _ towels 6 7 8 books. 1b Write negative(=]sentences. 1 There's gym in the hotel. (spa) —Thereisn'taspa inthe hotel ___ 2 There are some pillows. (owels) There aren'tany towels 3 Thereare some lamps. (chairs) 1 ieatiarocad ca Gog 5 There's swimming pool. (hot tub) 6 There are some pens in the room. (bool © Write questions and answers. Welcome to Star Hotel! Snel Pe) ed eo or ene TCM ecticis ets Cee 6th floor 1 restaurants Are there any restaurants? Yes, there are. 2 spa Isthere a spa? No, there isn't 4 swimming pool gift shops 6 elevators gym 8 hottub 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘er, tr, and /o/ a Write the words nexe to the correct sound here there airplane we're hair upstairs wear year hear near ef | there chair Ap) |-ree b AUTRTD Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. ¢ GirclOthree more words with /v. 4 GUE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING Are there any elevators? x Isthere an ocean view? Istherea TV in the room? Are there any books? Isthere a restaurant? 6 Istherea gym? Are there any drinks in the room? fe shop? Isthere USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. modern madors take off iteik af land _sleend mattress 'matrs) present 'prezni airplane /erplew upstairs /ap/storz drink (n) /drmk Inthe future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. ‘Andy Warhol, American artist QOB=Béfore they were stars .. . 1 GRAMMAR simple past: be a Rewrite the sentences in the past. 1 P'matwork now: —Lwasat work yesterday, 2. They aren'tat home today: They weren'tat home __ yesterday 3. He’sata party tonight. lase night. 4 Wearen'tar school today. yesterday 5 Are you downtown now? lase night? 6 She's at the airport this morning. yesterday afternoon. 7 Ishe late today? yesterday? 8 T'mnot ina hurry this morning, yesterday morning, 1b Write questions and answers. 1 Picasso /a painter (7) Yas Picasso. painter 2 Yes, he wa 2. the Beatles | from the United States (X) No, they weren' 3 Princess Diana | American (X) 4 Charles Dickens and Jane Austen / writers (7) 5 Carmen Miranda / Brazilian (/) 6 Monet and Matisse { singers (X) b 7 Michael Jackson J awaiter (x) 8 Steve Jobs and’Thomas Edison | Ameri a) Complete the dialogues with was | wasn't or were | weren't. 1 A Were you at work last week? B Yes,!_was 2 A Where you lastnight? BI ata party. 3A your friend at school yesterday? B No,she an your children on vacation last week? B No, they 5A When your brother in Boston? B He there last year. 6A you at the museum yesterday? B No, we , PRONUNCIATION or/and was / were What sound do the bold words have in these sentences? 4a ary 1 Where were you? ts 2 She wasn’tan actress. 3. Were they in Boston? 4 Yes, they were. 5 Was she at school? 6 Noy she wasn't. IED Listen and check. Then repeat the sentences, jisten again and 3 READING a Read the text. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). 1 Vincent van Gogh was famous during hislife. FE 2. Vincent was from Germany. 3. Theo van Gogh was Vincent's father. 4 Vincent was good student. 5. Vincent was happy person. 6 Vincent's paintings weren't popular in his life Today the HAE Vincent van Gogh is very famous, but he was never famous during his fe, Vincent was Dutch. His family was from a small iA in the Netherlands. His brother, Theo, was a very important person inhis life. Vincent was usually [BBE but his brother was always there to help him, Vincent was interested in school, but he wasn't a very good student. He was always good at painting, but he wasn't a painter at first. He was a teacher 5 LISTENING and an assistant in a bookstore. After the age of 27, santa aes Hs only, bat he wos GTR Listen tothe conversations. Choose a or b. He was never really happy, and he was often TA famous person was atthe When he was only 37, he ended his life a gym supermarket When Vincent was IMB, he wasnt famous and his 2."The woman was on vacation paintings weren't Bipillaf. Today his pictures are a atthe beach, b inthe mountains very expensive, and you can see them in museums 3 James was yesterday, allavey tie Ward, a inschool b atthe movie theater 4 The man wasin Paris a forwork bonvacation USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. 4 VOCABULARY in, at, on: places Where were these people yesterday? Write sentences " painter with in, at, or on and a word from the list. a train street work boat beach the park xillage vii poor /por successful /sk’sesfl sick (sik alive law popular /'papystor lucky "iki clean ‘lin Learn these words and phrases. "pemtari Practical English 1 ASKING WHERE PLACES ARE Look at the map and answer the questions. 1 Where's the park? It’s_onthecorner of Park Road and Main Street. 2. Where's the Mexican restaurant? Ie’s the pharmacy and the museum. 3. Where's the hotel? les the bookstore. 4 Where's the movie theater? e's the bank. 5 Where's the train station? Irs Main Street and Station Road. 6 Where's the bookstore? les the museum and the Italian restaurant. 7 Where’s the hospital? Its the pharmacy. River Street Station Road fly = Park Rosa = me i a bank near here? 2 ASKING FOR AND GIVING DIRECTIONS Look at the map. The people are atthe hotel (2). Complete the places and directions. 1A Excuse me. Where's the trainstation_? B Turnright, go straight ahead, and it's on the right, Excuse me. Where's the post office? ‘Turn right, and go straight ahead, and then turn Go ahead, and it’s on the next tothe school 3A. Excuse me, Where's the park? B 2A B ‘Turn right, and go straight sand then. turn Go straight ahead, and it'son the von the of Park and Main, 4 A Excuse me. Where's the P B Turn right, go straight ahead, and it'son the across from the train station. 5 A. Excuse me. Where's the bank? B Turn left, and go straight ahead, and then turn Turn again, and it’s on the next to the movie theater, b AGIE) Listen and check your answers. Then listen ‘again and repeat the dialogues. ‘Supermarket Main Street Only can change my life. No one can doit for me. j Carol Burnett, American actress 50 fs Sehmrolat-lpiieel an alice 1 GRAMMAR simple past: regular verbs 7 Max cooked fish for dinner (meat) a Complete the sentences with the simple past ofthe verbs. 8 Selena learned how to say hello (goodbye) Order the words to make questions. 1 learn | Where | you / French {id Where did youlearn French 2 you | school [Did to / walk 1 We wilhed_inthe 2 They in Hawaii 3 in Brazl/ you did / When Jarrive parkon Sunda. (walk) yesterday morning arrive) ? 4 greet] How /the weacher [they |i ? 5 the door | Did lose Joe 6 in school | What Tearn you did yesterday 7 they [to talk Did jhe teacher 3 Lisa workearly 4 Thecar atthe ? today. (start) red light (stop) 8 start) your class What time / did Complete the questions with the verbs. ‘amive cook greet help laugh like miss move travel try the fish. 5 Cara alor 6 April during the movie. (cry) (like) 1b. Write negative(=Isentences using the words in parentheses. 1 Robert talked to Bill. (Tony) Robertdidn't talk to Tony 4 iced loonie} tee 3 Howdoyou____your 4 Whar time did you 6 The movie started at 8:20. (7:50) friends? 4 LISTENING {GET Sam studied in Nepal last year. Listen to an interview with Sam and choose a orb. 5. Didyou atthe 6 Doyou soccer? 7 Doyou toschool_ 8 Doesshe her by mororeycle? baby? 1 Helived a inahotel b witha host family 2 Hestudied a Nepali language and customs b Nepali language and history 9 Didyou anyone 10 How oftendo you Biiblsecncd dean yesterday? new food? hee b Nepaliare 3 PRONUNCIATION regular simple past 4 —— school endings b by motorcycle a QED Listen and repeat the words. Practice 5 He visited saying the simple past endings. uals “d 6 Herried ote iid/ a Nepali pizza dog Tshirt b adrink with fruitand yogurt learned cooked visited moved stopped started traveled laughed cnded USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES 1b Gireowo more simple past forms where -edis Learn these words and phrases. pronounced /id). on foot fon fu ‘asked finished liked listened looked Geeded> ee eel played started talked used wanted worked tlelclows ss © STEP Listen and check. Then listen again and terrifying /terofam repeat the words. friendly frend Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. EQB=What did you do? From the song "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles 1 VOCABULARY daily routine verbs ‘Complete the sentences with do, get, go, or have. Put the verb in the correct form. E 1 They always_get_up early. F or. inthe morning, E V_ tothe gym She acoffeeat about 10:30. ‘They sometimes dinner ata restaurant. ‘They never to bed before 12:00. Inthe evening, they housework. He usually to ‘work at 8:00 in the morning 2 GRAMMAR simple past: do, get, go, have ‘a Complete the paragraph with the simple past of do, get, g0,0r have. Yesterday‘ _got_upearly,*__a coffee, and® to the gym. After the aym, I* breakfast and *___towork by bus. For lunch, ‘assandwich with afriend, After work,I7 shopping at the supermarket, then I® home. my family, then my wife and that, I to bed early. Iwas tire dinner with housework. After Write negative sentences or questions. 1 Iwenttoa movie on Friday. [=] ; eng 2 Isobe! had lunch with Tony.[2] Did sobel have lunch with Tony? 3 Marisa did housework on Sunday. [=] 4 You got up late this morning [7] 5 Thad breakfast voday.[=] 6 Alison got up early yesterday. [=] 7. You did your homework last night. 8 Peter went the gym on Tuesday [7] ‘Complete the questions and answers. 1A What did you _have_for lunch today? BI ‘sandwich anda salad. 2A you. to the gym after work? B No! dinner with a friend, then! 3A What time Tim. home yesterday? BHe home late, about 8:30 or 9:00. 4A Kim herhomework? B Yes, she She bus this morning, 5A What: you B Nothing special. gym, and! BA your son B No he: home, her homework on the con the weekend? up late,! tothe housework. upearly yesterday? He up at 1:00 pm! 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress AGEEVED Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1 What time ci you get up this morning? 2 Did you go to the gym today? 3 Who did youhave lunch with? 4 When did you do housework? 5 Did your friend have dinner with you? 6 Where did you go shopping? 4 READING Jessica isan artist in New York City. Read a blog about her day and complete it with the correct form of the verbs. People always say, "You're an artist. That's What do you do all day?” teresting! Yesterday was a typical day for me. What did 1° do_? (do) First, 1° (get) up very early, around 6:30. |B a lot of light to paint, and the ight is great in the morning. (rave) a coffee, but |° {not have) breakfast. At about 7:30, (g0) to work. | have a BEUBIB near my house. A lot of artists work there. After afew hours of work, (see RR 1 (have) a croissant, some fruit, and another coffee. Around 12:00, 1° (go) to my friend's studio and we® (have) lunch together at a cafe. After lunch, (go) to the park. | love the IHRE there. inthe park, 1 (et) anf for a new painting so | (go) to the studio again! (a0) home at about 8:00 in the evening (have) dinner and (do) housework. (go) to bed around 10:00. | was very tired! 'b_ Read the blog again and number the pictures in order from 1-4. A 8 Look at che BGBHGHRE words. What do you think they mean? Check LISTENING EUTEED Listen to Helena and her husband Steve CircloHelena or Steve. 1 Who had a good day? Helena j Steve 2 Who had a bad day? Helena j Steve STAT Listen again ‘Write Helena or Steve. 1 didn’t goto an important meeting. hhad funch at ice restaurant 3 didn't rave hunch, 4 finished ‘work very late 5 gora message 6 cooked soup. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these wordsand phrases. need nid finally tal important hangri’ call al message studio studiou hungry flowers idea (ar'dia’ im'portnt ‘flavarz, imesids) The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions. James Russell Lowel, American poet 41 AaWhat do you think of it? 1 GRAMMAR object pronouns: me, him, etc. 2 VOCABULARY opinion words a Complete the sentences with an object pronoun. Complete the sentences with opinion words. That's Ms. Jones. Do you know _her_? Paul loves his wife and she loves Toften call Rob but he never calls We visited Chicago and we loved Thave glasses but Inever wear 6 Can you hear me? I can hear I don't usually see my sister during the week, 288 but saw yesterday 8 My brother and1 visi our parents every month, batthey never visie b Complete the dialogue. Cirelethe correct word. 3 , 1@ 5@@ 6@@ ‘A. Do youtike Enrique iglesias, Emma? 706 B_No,|dont tke ‘it AhimyAnd you? A He's / I's 0K. B_ What do you think of Shakira? ’ 1 Tove Justin Timberlake. He's great! A. I really like *her / she. What about you? ra i ® "t ‘ : 2 Justin Beiber isaw. Ton’ like him. B I“love /love her. She's / Her great ee en ‘A. OK, what about groups? Do you like The Black Eyed Peas? ‘Amy MacDonaldis p. -¥ good. [Tike her eyecare 4 U2isOK.They'ren b B I'don't like / don’t like them. ‘Them / They're terrible! 5 Radiohead is great! I r y like them. Love her. Lady Gaga. She's terrible. By 3 READING a Read the article and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False) Will Champion plays the guitar. FE The band started in university mein 1996, They changed their Their first album wasn’t popular. 5 Their second album won a Grammy 6 X&Y didn'twin any Grammy awards. ‘The band doesn't sella lor of albums, COLDPLAY ‘The members of Coldplay are from Britain. The singer is Chris Martin. Jonny Buckland plays the lite, Guy Berryman plays the BaSSiBuifa, and Will Champion plays the QM. Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland started the band in 1996 when they were students at a University in London. At frst their name was Pectoralz, then Starfish, but they changed it to Coldplay in 1997, They became famous in 2000 with the song "Yellow." Their first BBM, Parachutes, won a Grammy in 2002. Their second album, A Rush of Blood to the Head, won a Grammy in 2003, The song “Clocks” also won a Grammy in 2004. They made three more albums: @Y in 2008, Viva la Vida in 2008, and Mylo Xyloto in 2011. Vivala Vida won three Grammy EWG, Coldplay has sold more than 55 million albums. They are famous all over the world and you can. hear their songs on the radio almost every day. b_ Look at the GHIGHREA words. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. PRONUNCIATION strong stress GGT) Listen and repeat the dialogues. Give extra stress tothe bold words 1A Listento this. Do you like it? Hove it.1r’s fantastic! Yeah. Love it What do you think of Katy Perry? I can't stand her. She's awful, A. Really? Ithink she’s great. LISTENING B A A B GTR Gia and Rob are singers ina pop music ‘group. Listen to the interview. Check (/) the music Giallikes. Gia Rob 1 Lady Gaga v 202 “ 3 Bono 4 rockmusic 5 hip hop music 6 ‘The Black Eyed Peas GID) Listen again and check (7) the musie Rob likes. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. guitar /ar'tar bassguitar /beis gitar drums (drams song. (691 album /‘elbom award s'word Eat and drink with your relatives; do business with strangers. Greek proverb £1.B=Strangers on a train 1 VOCABULARY common verbs 3 Write the verbs. 2 GRAMMAR simple past: more irregular verbs Write the past tense. buy hough drive find give leave say see send 10 tell 11 think 3 VOCABULARY irregular verbs a Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs, in parentheses. 1 1__said__ hello to my friend in the street yesterday. (say) 2 Luis anew suit last week. (buy) 3 We tothe beach for vacation. (drive) 4 Paula workearly today. (leave) 5 My friend ‘me abook for my birthday. (give) 6 Emi anew apartment yesterday. (find) 'b_ Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in parentheses, Use the Vocabulary Bank in the Student Book to help you. 11 ry pencil. Can Tuse yours? (break) 2 About 20 people tomy birthday party. (come) 3 Tara the answers to all the questions. (know) 4 Marco delicious dinner last night. (make) 5 Mr. Gomez for ourmeal. (pay) 6 Paul ‘a movie staron the street. (see) 71 an interesting book last month. (read) 8 We French during our trip to Paris. (speak) 4 PRONUNCIATION silent consonants a GIFTED Listenand repeat the words with silent consonants would could Februery knew two what who wrong 1b GirelOsix more words with silent consonants. fathe green thought send news Wednesday sandwich white why wrote swam ¢ QGIERED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 5 LISTENING a GGTRED Listen to anews story abouta burglar {a person who goes in a house and takes things). What was the burglar’s mistake? Circle, b, or. a He wrote his address. bb He went home by taxi © Helleft his wallet in the house. 1b GUURED Listen again and write T (true) or F (false) 1 The burglar took laptops from an office 2 The burglar didn't have a car. 3 Thedriver drove White tothe police station. _ 4 The police found more laptopsin White's house. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. burglar borglor mistake /o'stetk: jail (det) Practical English 1 OFFERS AND INVITATIONS accepting and dectining Order the lines to make dialogues. 1 A Would you lke to come for dinner tomorrow? B Yes, 7:30 is good for me. Can | bring somethi A Great. Is 7:30 OK? ‘A Oh, OK. Wauld you like to come an Sunday? B Yes, Id love to. Thanks! AA Yes. Bring something to drink. B Sorry, can't, Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. ‘A Hi, John! Come in. Wauld you like something to drink? BB Uh..No, thanks. I dont like soda ‘A OK, Would you like juice? B Thanks. What do you have? ‘A Ihave soda. Would youlike a soda? __B Yes, please. Juice is good. Thanks! 2 PRONUNCIATION linking: would you AEERTD Listen and repeat the sentences. Would_you like a soda? Would_you like to come for dinner? Would _you like something to drink? Woutld_you like to goto amovie? Would_you like to play soccer tomorrow? Would_you like salad ora sandwich? ? 3 KINDS OF PARTIES Complete the invitations. Choose from the words below. ee Bei od ae oe Ee oe YVYYVV CometoMast8* bith pat When: Saturday, May 8th, 7:00 p.m. Where: Mark’s House, 18 West Street What: Music and dancing! We'll also drink ‘and eat pizza and birthday cake. Don't bring presents, please. Just bring a birthday’ __. ot 8 ae . fae ee 8 Dear Lara, Maria and Tom moved to their new house last week. It's very nice, Would you like to go to their* party with me? It’s on Saturday evening at 8:00. Let me know! Talk to you soon, Chris PS. Don't worry about presents. Just bring something tot Lisa Yu: Hey Jen, do you like burgers and hot dogs? Come to my © fon Sunday afternoon! | Oh, and can you bring potato 1? {A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arrivir +2Aonip of a lifetime 1 GRAMMAR future: be going to. 3 going she / How jtravel to a Write affirmative or negative sentences. 4 you] tj czy [going | What visi] are 1 Paul | visit Paris| Pais going to vst Paris 5 are [come home [they [to | When | She / goto work today =] seamen TNS TONNE, 6 dol ‘en { What | to / going [is 3 They { go shopping downrown!| © Lookat the pictures. Answer the questions in b. 4: I/ getup early tomorro 1 They'regoing toga toi 5 Liz [use her laptop todayL=] 2 3 6 Rodrigo /movetoa new house this yea 4 5 7 We/ go to the gym onight(=] 6 4d Complete the dialogue. Matt Bella, would you lke to see a movie next weekend? Bella Idovetto, but! can't. '_Imnat going tobe {not be) 1b Order the words to make questions. here next weekend. 8 I make dinner ronight(=] 1] fag 4 Matt Where? you gor? Bella To Boston. ts my friend's wedding Matt Oh. Who? (he / marry? Bella A guy from her office. don'tknov him. Matt Where (you / stay? (stay) in a hotel {you / fiy) there? (not go) by plane. ary We'___{take) the train ey) Matt When’ __ (you / leave)? Natta Bella On Thursday night. 1" (oot 9) co to work on Friday. Matt When" (you / come back? Bella We™ {ome back) Sunday night: Matt Well what * (doy? Bella. Idor't know. See a movie? 1 are / go / going | Where /to | they Where are they going to go ? 2 leave jis / going | What time | the train J to 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a QTE) Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1 I'm goingto go by train. 2 Wearen’t going to go w work. 3 They're going ro visit Paris next week. 4 Sheisn’t going co travel alone. 5 He's goingto buy a house in he city. 6 Youaren’t going olike this b GUS Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm, 1 Where are you going to go for vacation? Are they going to visit the museum? ‘What time are you going to leave? Isshe going to be chere tomorrow? 5 How longis he going to stay? 6 Are we going co be late? 3 VOCABULARY future time expressions tonight next week 1 today next yar 1b Complete the sentences with an expression froma. Anita's calendar > Today May 16 B-lla.m. ‘Study for exam! 8pm Marta’ birthday party Moy 930am. English exam last examt May 23 lam. ‘Shopping with Lara June 16 Sam. Go to museum 1 Today _ Anitais going to study for an exam, 2 She's going to go toa party 3 she's going to take her last exam, 4 She's going to go shopping 5 she's going to go toa museum, she's going to visit Peru. LISTENING Se SETAE Listen to the dialogues and choose a orb. 1 Their trip is going to take about months, a six b seven 2 The womanis going to for vacation. a gotothe beach b rakeaclass 3 The woman going to visit her boyfriend in China ais b isn’t 4 The people are going to havea party. housewarming b birthday USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. guy (oa fly flay exciting problem blog biog penguin climb /klarmy ik’sartny voleano /valkernou! 56 1 GRAMMAR review of present, past, and future ‘Complete the dialogue with the past tense form of the verb. ‘A What’ did you do last weekend? (do) B 1?__ {see} amovie and! isit) my parents. A oh! you have) @ good time? B Yes, We: have) anice dinner and® (watch) TV. How? (be) your weekend? ‘A Good. On Saturday © (not do) ‘anything special. 1° (get up tate and" (Fead) the newspaper. B. What about Sunday? you (0) tothe gym? aw (not go) to the gym, but my wite ‘andi® __{walk)n the mountains. B Really? How for * you (walks? ‘A tmnot sure. We” {leave} at 9100 and” (Come) home at 2:00 p.m. B That's long walk. ‘A. Iknow,.tm very tired today, Slow and steady wins the race. From the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” 4:2B=From start to finish b_ Complete the blog with the simple present, present continuous, or going to form of the verbs. Posted by Amanda at 4:30 p.m. Hi everyone! 1m writing (write) this at my office, so I can't write a long post. We can't write blogs at my job. But my boss = {not look) right now! Anyway, 1 (want) to tell you about my vacation plans. I* (take) a “staycation’ next week. * you (know) this word? A staycation® vacation, but you stay at home. | usually” beach for vacation, but not this year. Instead, | ® (stay) at home for a week and relax. |" (get up) late every day. Also, (cead) alot of books. My friend Susan a (take) a staycation next week too. We * (make) a big dinner every night. (be) (gc) tothe Right now, 1" (get) ready for my staycation. |" {buy) books online. |= (not pack) my suitcase and 8 (not buy) an expensive plane ticket. It” {be) great! Uh-oh, my boss (all me. Byel 2 PRONUNCIATION review of sounds §ETETD isten and repeat the words and sounds. | | x train | egg | boot | phone | cat tree make |help | do 0 have | see play send you snow relax | speak b Gireldthe word with a different sound. 1 vain Ga same bread meat 3 blue sugar juice 4 one open hotel 5 can sandwich take 6 tea breakfast leave {GD Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 3 VOCABULARY review of verb collocations a Cross out the wrong word or phrase. 1 HAVE — dinner /omvzeation | children 2 PLAY — thepiano /soccer ja shower 3. TAKE —amistake/an umbrella /a photo 4 GET sports /up/atext message 5 GO _home/ my girlfriend | ro work 6 MAKE dinner friends | photo 7 DO housework / basketball / homework 8 LEAVE abath/ the house J your wallet on the bus 'b Complete the sentences with the correct form of averbina, Doyou usually ‘The students sometimes English, but it’s OK. ashower ora bath? 1 Lusually _leave home at about 7:30 a.m. 2 We housework on the weekend. 3. Their children ‘the guitarand the drums. 4 Lalways coffee at about 10:30. 5 Did you ‘my email? There isn’t class today. 6 Weusually ‘on vacation in January. 7 8 mistakes with their 4 LISTENING a GULTD Listen to the answers to an interview with ‘amovie star. What are the questions? Number the questions 1-6. (Ca Whatare you wearing right now? (Eb You're a famous star now. Are you enjoying it? (5c Wharare you going to study? [a Whatdid you do before you were famous? [Ee Areyou going to get married soon? EE Were youa good student? b KGS Now listen to the interview with questions ‘and answers. Check your answers toa. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. special 'spofl Pmnotsure. faim nat for boss bas’ stead /in'sted online /on'lain get married (get ‘merid Listening aa) 1 Helo ony 2 Youareninmy ls, 3 Tmnorastuene 4 Areyoutn umber? 5 Sony what'your name? 6 Youteinclass2 ae) 1A Whereareyou fom? B Fm feom Mexico 2A Whereis Sio Paulo? B iesinBrail 3 A Where's she fom? B She’sfom Peru 4 Ashe from Korea? B No,heisn 5 A sitgood? B Yesirogreat, 6 A Aceyou from Vietnam? 7A Wheeeshe from? B He's from London, 8 A Where’ Bilbao? B Iesin Spain. a) 1 A Areyouon vacation? B Yes,lam, [A Great! Where are you from? B in from Osaka in pan, 2. A Mmmm, Look. I's pho! BB Pho? Whats? Ales Vietnamese food, Andis very good 3 A Look. Coldplay! B "Theyre ood. Arethey American? A Nowthey arent B Oh. Where arethey from? A Vhey'e British, 2p) 1A What'syouraddress? B Myemail? A No, what's your address? B Ob, OK, [es 48 Lake Street A 48 Lake Street. B Righe. A Great. Thanks, 2. A What's your number? B Myhomenumber or my cell phone ‘umber? A.Uh, your cell phone number. B e's 203-868-5174, AA Sorry, can you repeat that, please? B Yes. I's 203, A203, B 808. A. Uh-huh BSI74, ‘A 203-868 74. Thanks. 3A Excuse me, Mr. Wang, what's your first name? B My firstname? AYes. B Uh.’ Shuhao, A Ob, how doyou spell it? B S-ILU-LAO. ASHUHAO. B Righe, 4A Welcometo Phone House, How are B Good, thanks. A phone card, please. A-OK. What's your zip code? B My zipcode? A Yes. What's your zip code, please? B Uh,it's 12345, A 12345. Really? B Yes, realy @a\) TA Look. They'e great B Yes, they are But uh, what are they? A They're gloves. B Ob, OK. Yes, they aregreat! 2 A Excuseme,mafam, What'sin your bag? B Excuse me? My bag? A Yes. Open your bag, please, B OK. Alapeop, a phone, a wallet, and pens, A Thankyou. 3 A Hi, Robert. Happy birthday! B Isie forme? Thanks! What sit? A Sitdown and open. B Awatch! Thanks. I's geeat! 8) 1A Excuseme, Whats this? sita toy? B No, itis l’sa keychain. A Ob, OK. lescute! 2 A Isthat for sale? B Thehat? Yes,that’stwenty dollars AA Isic from Mexico? B Yes, i'sa Mesican hat 3A Arethosesunglasses? B Those? Yes, they'e sunglasses. They're wo dollars. A Two dollars? Are they good? B They aren't good, bur they’ee OK 4A Arethese mapsof the city? B Yes. They A Ten dollars! Thavsa lou! B They're great maps, ten dollars, a) 1A Thar’s.acute picture. Is she your daughter? B No,she isn't. She's my sister's daughter A Oh. How oldisshe? B She’ five, and her name is Pegay: 2 A Hi, Tom. Who's the womanin the picture? B Thav's Elizabeth. She'sin my English class A She's very good-looking Isshe your gilfriend? B Yes,sheis, A Lucky you! 3A Where'smy cellphone? B lesthere—onthe chair. ‘A No, thatisn't my phone. Irs my sister's, B Oh. Isitinyourbag? A Yes itis, 4 A Look: That's Mia'scar B Isthat her husband? A Yeah, His name's Eric BEricLee? ‘A No, that's Mia's lastname, Hislast name isCho. ap) 1A Hie, Jeremy, Hows your new car? B le grea Iesbig, black, and fst. A lsicexpensive? B No,itsnt sano ae 2 A This isa pictureofJesica'snew boyfriend. 1B Wow! He's very tall A Yes. And he's very good-looking, B Ishe American? ‘A No, he isn't He's alian 3 A Istharyourson? B Yes itis ‘A Wow, he's grea B Thanks. He'ssmall, but he's fast a) 1A Doyoulivenearhere ula? B No.l dont. ive downtown AMe,too 2A Doyouhavechildren, Steven? B Yes, Ido. Thavea son anda daughter. ‘A Oh, [havea daughter. he'six, B Really? My daughter is six, too. 3A Bob, do you watch MTV B No,|don'. ‘A Do you watch CNN? B No, don’ Sorry, don't like TV, Tread hooks. A Really? Ike TV and books, 4A Brian, do you ike Mexican food? B No don't ‘A Really? But you speak Spanish B Yes. speak Spanish, but Ldon'teat Mexican food. like Japanese food. 5 A Doyoulike pop music, Liz? B No, don’. Do you? ‘ANo. Idon'like pop music. I'm old! B Wel, listen to classical music. Do you? ‘ANo, Ldn ike Brazilian music, 60) 1A Tony, whatdo you have forbreakfon? B tusually haveroascandcoftee.A ‘ypieal breakfast How about you? {AWell my favorite breakfasfod ispire B Wht? Really? {A Yeah. Coli pizza and coffee. i forbreakfase great 2 A Hi, Lesley Is tha your lunch? B Yes iis, ‘A Wow. A chocolate har and a soda, ‘That's a small nch, B Tknow.r'mery busy, sol don'ceata biglunch, A Do yous eata big breakfast? B Yes, Ido, A Ob, thar’s good. 3A Maritza, whatdo you have for breakfast? B Ihave cereal with aloe of feu. A Mam, like fruit. Do you have coffee B Ihave orange juice A Oh, Do you drink coffee or tea? B No,Idon't 4A Mam, pizza!Isthat your lunch, Bill? B Yes, itis. Cheese pizzaand a soda A Cheese pizza. Do you like pizza with meat? B Yes, Ido, A Doyou eat vegetables? B Ub, no. [don like vegetables. a’) 1A Whatdoyou do, Wendy? Bimatawyer [A That's great. Where do you work? B Iworkinanoffice downtown, A Doyoulke your jo? B No, Ldon'. work Monday to Friday ad Saturday 2 A Areyou hereon vacation, Sonia? B Yes lam. ‘A. Whatdo you do in Boston? B rmavaitress A That’ great B Yes, like it. don't workin the mornings! m Boston, 3A Where do youwork, Brad? B Iworkina school near here. A Oh, Areyoua teacher? B No,T'mnot. 'manassistant A Do you ike your job? B Yes, Ido. The people are great. 4 A Where do you work, Mark? B [work ata hospital downtown, A Oh. Ateyouadoctor? B Well, wh, ma nurse A Oh, OK. That's good, Do you like ie? B No, don't work very latein the evenings 6B) {A Tony, whactimedo you getup weekends? B Lusually get uplate—about ten olock corten-thiry. never get upealy After that, alwaystakea shower and havea big breakfast, A Doyou havecoffecor tea with, breeakfase B Wall actualy, never drink coffee or tea. usually have orange ice. A Whatd you do after breakfast? B Lusually read the newspaper and lisen A Doyou dohousework? B Sometimes But not usualy [A Whatdo you do inthe afternoon? B Nothing special sometimes g010 shegym [A Whatdo you do nthe evening? B Lalwvays go outwith my friends. We tally gotoa party and dance! Listening mn) Re Reporte, R Good morning min New York Cty. Ie January Is soe ner andes od ahouone degree People usslly stay inside on cold days, bur aoe ehese people ‘They swim! Thisis John Carsonand hes inthe PolarBeae Cab J Hello IR John, how cold isthe water today? J The water isabour 8 IR That's very cold water. Whydo you J Wesfunt Welikeit R How many people arein the Polar Bear Club? J About 30 people. We have men, women, children, old people, lot of people How often do you swim in the cold water? J We do thisjust one timea year, on January Ist R J 1g0 oa restaurantand have a hor breakfast and. hot coffe. R see, Thanks, Joba, J You're weleome. nd what do you doafter? mp) ‘A Hello, sit. Welcome to New Orleans. How can Thelp you? B Yes, uh, 'min New Orleans fora day What can Ido here? A Ob,alocof things. You cam play golf, or youcan take boat tip. B Him. Isicexpensive? A Wall, it ise cheap, B OK, Whatelse? Can Igo totheart ‘A.No,youcan't. Wehavea museum butit, isn't open today. B Thar'stoobad. A Yes. You can also walkin the park, or you can gototheaquarium, B Theaquarivm, That'sinteresting, A Yeah. You can see fish, penguins, sea lions, and more B How muchisaticker? A Twenty-one dollars, and youcan buy ticket here, B Great Here's twenty-five dollars A Thankyou. Here's your change. B Oh, can [buy foodarthe aquarium? ‘A.No,you can't. Butyou can buy food here! B OK. Thanks very much. @) N=Nick IN Tonya! Hit We usually dont talkon Saturdays. How are you? T Vmfine, Nick IN That's great. 'm good, too. brother's house and we're having a family party 'T Oh, thar's good IN Yes, everyone ishere. Brothers, sisters, sy parents uncles and aunts. les my father's mother's birthday. T Isee N Wete eating grilled meat, fish and vegetables, and my mom is making sala. (Oh and my aunt is making birehday cake. The children are playing soccer they're very cute T Irsounds ikea great time. N Yes. Now, I'm sorry. Why are you calling? Is everything OK at the office? T Well, Nick, 'mealling because we have work today. IN Really? But it's Saturday. T Wealways goto the office onthe first Saturday ofthe month. Remember? N Uh-oh. Isthattoday? T Yes, itis. Bveryoneishere,and we're working very hard N Oh, n0,Tonya,1'm sorry, ‘T Ws OK. Burdon’ forget next month N OK. promise. Oh, we'e singing "Happy Birthday” now. Talk to you Monday. Socry again T Bye, Nick 0) VA Anyhat do youd? B fmananisant Iworkinan office [ADoyouenoy your job? B Wels OK Batts ny dreamjob A Sowharar jou doing oy? B melpingay father Hi set Asee Andon ist B Great mbebingeatctsand dogs. 2A Whatdo you do, Marcus? € Wel, play soccer. A Youtrea professional soccer player? © That's right A Youalready have a great job! C Well i'shard work. And 'm geting old A Isce, You want anew career, C Yes. After soccer, Iwan t bealawyer, So today, 'm working with lawyer. Tm writing emails and helping her with her papers. I's veryinteresting, 3A Steve, whardo you do? Dr'ma policeman, ‘A Doyou like your job? D Llikeit, burt workon che street. Inthe "ain, in the snow, in the hot weather. ‘Thatisne fun, ‘A And you wantto change yout job. D Yes, I want to make computer games A Really? D Yes. I need ideas so'm playing computer game now. Look, this game is very good. @a)) A Good afternoon, Weleome to Oceanside Hotel Do you havea reservation? B Yes, we do, Our last name is Green. [A Welcome, Mr-and Mrs. Green. You'rein room 304, That'son the third floor. B Great. Where are the elevators? A.Uh, actually we're small hotel. There aren'tany clevators B That's OK. Can we see the ocean from ‘A Yes, there's beautifil view from ‘your room. B Perfect! Istherea TVin our roon ‘A.No, there isn’t, bu there are some books and magazinesin the room, and you can alsouse the Internet, Also,there’saTVin the restaurant B OK. Oh,andistherea gym? A There isn'ta gym. 'm sorry. But you can swim in the ocean, That's good exercise. B That's true. Oh, and are there any drinks inthe oom like juice or soda? |A.No, there aren't. Butthere’sa gift shop on the fest floor. You can buy drinks there B OK. Thanks! op) 1A Tracy, lookat this picture on my phone B Wow, that'sa famous movie star ight? [A Yeah Hewas at the supermarket this, after B Toobad. Iwasatthe gym thisafternoon, ‘A Lguessi'm lucky! He was very nice and friendly 2A How was your vacation? B Terrible! First, we were at the aitport fortwelve hours! AOb,n0, B Our hotel was errible 00, and the beach wasn'rclean. The restaurant was bad, t00. A Tmsorry toheae that, B Yeah, And the weather was cold and windy every day. 3 A Was Jamesar schoo! today? B No, he wasn't. And he wasn't in school yesterday. A. Ob, Maybe e's sick B Buthewas acthe movie theater yesterday evening. A Hime. That's strange. 4 A You weren'tat home last week, Where were you? B IwasinParis, ‘A Patis! Wow. How wasi? B Lewas great. The food was good, and the views were beautifl [A How long was your vacation? B Oh, actually, wasnt thereon vacation, Iwas there for work, 404) {A Sam how was Nepal? B tewasamaring Iwas therefor three tnonths and Tchanged ot [A Where did you ne? B lived inthe city witha hos family They vwerea mother and father anda son. ‘The son wasthe same ages me, so that wakin [A What id you do there? B I studied Nepali language. My clases started at eight lckevery morning and finished at five the afternoon, Labo seed Nepali customs. Teaenedalotof Nepal songs [A Thats great. How did you travelto school? B Ieraveled on foot. My host brother traveled by motoryee but didn want todo that The rafiewas terrifying! [A Didyou visite mountains? B Yes Idd Iwalked in themountain fora wreck. twas very hard work! A How was the food? B Well, he food was OK. Itwas very basie~ rice and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, really missed American pizea! Oh, but tried a delicious drink «alle lai A Whats thar? B Uh, ithas fruitand yoguet init, andie’s very delicious 00) Sieve = es Haar Hy Sewell gou bares pli Ng somal Ohm Why noe Well, firs my rain was late. We had an important meeting this morning, and waste there HO, 'msorry SS How about you? How was your day? H Very good. Thad lunch with my bossaea Really? That's great. H Yes, [had grilled fish, lewas delicious S I dide'thaveunch. Iewasa very busy day and I finished work very late H Tkoow. l’seight-thirty S Sorry. called to tell you. Did you get my message? H Yes I did. Thanks. S$ id you have dinner? HYes,I did. cooked some chicken soup. § Chicken soup? Mmm, Ilove chicken soup, H Tknow. Leookeditfor you. Havesome! S Thanks. My day isn't so bad now, H Hello, thisis ‘Pop Music Today.” My guests are Gia and Roby the singers in a new pop group called Too Cool. Giaand Rob, welvome, G Thanks. R Thankyou HBveryone loves your music, What singers do you like? G Hove Lady Gaga. She's fantastic. R Well G BurRob doesn’ like her. He thinks she's terrible H Really? R Ieserue. | prefer rock music. really ike U2. They're fantastic. H Interesting. Gia, what doyou think of uy G Um, Idon'cike them, actualy. Buc really like their singer, Bono. R Yeah, Bono's great H So Rob loves rock music but Gia hates G Oh, no. Thatisn' right. Hove rock muse. R. Yeah, webboth love it Hi What about hip hop music? G lesfantastic! R Idon'tikeit G What? Really? But you really ike ‘The Black Eyed Peas, That's pop music. Ise hip hop. G Wall, Hove hip hop and trealy like The Black Eyed Peas. Hi Great. Giaand Rob, thank you! R You're welcome, G Any time. Hi Next, les talkt. up) H Good morning This isthe news. A burglar went downtown lastnight and took laptops, cameras, anda TV froma hhouse, But he also made one big mistake, S0 today hes sieting in jail The police say Paul White,age26, went inte'a house on Fourth Steect at about 11:00 lastnight, Hetook two laptops, three expensive cameras, a TV, anda woman's bag. The baghad about dhee-hundred dollaesin i. Noone saw White go into the house orleave the house. But White didn'rhave ‘car Hecouldn'ewalk home and carry allofthe things he took, so he called a istake, The taxi driver drove White to is house. Then he wrote down che address and called the police. The drive, Luis Rodriguez, old ushisstory LL “Iknew he was a burglar, People don't uswally walk around wieh laptopsand TVs aenight. Also, head three cameras in his bagrandiewasa woman's bag! H After they took White tj policemen found more TVs, cameras, ell phones, lapeops, and other things in the burglar's house. Now, to sports. Tonight's basketball game, 2A)) 1A Areyou going. do anythingescitng B Yes, 1am, My wifeandLaregoing ride our bikes cross Canada A Wow! How far isthat? B Iesabout four thousand miles. ‘A Really? How longis it going to take? BB F'mnoesure. I's going to rake about six ‘months, probably. {A Are you going to go anywhere this, B No,T'mnoe A That'stoo bad. Youaren't going to take B Woll,lamgoingto takea vacation, but Vm aoe going to eravel A Oh, [see, Whacare you going to do? B ['mgoingo takean art class inthe city ‘A Really? dida'eknow you likeart. B Wall Ido, loveartand Iwan to bea pincer. 'm going ro have at class every day from nine to three, and after that ‘we'te going to goto the museum and seudy paintings [A Wow, that’s great B Yeah, [usually goto the beach isatvery exciting, A Hey, Jessica, how are you? B OK. Wel, havea problem, A Really? Whatisit? B My boyfriend's going to workin China for ewoyears, A Two years? That's along time. B Tknow. And China is very far from ‘Chicago. Im going to miss hima lo. ‘A Ace you going vist him? B [dontknow. [can't speak Chinese, and plane tickets are expensive [A Wall, Chinas cool. Iwas there last year, Go visit him, You're going eo have ‘great ime. B Yeah, You're right. 'm going to go. Maybe next year A Theparty is going ro startat 7:30 tomorrow night. Is everything ready? B Yes. 'mgoing ro make the cake tonight A Great, And 'm going to buy Joe's present tomorrow morning, B OK, Areyou going to buy thered hat or the blue hae? ‘A Har Joe doesn't wanta hat. We're going to uy a camera for him, B Weare? A Yes, Did you get my email? B Sorry, Ldida't. Uh, isthe camer going tobe expensive? A No, isn’. Don't worry, B Ob, good A Areyou going to geta card? B Yes, 'mgoingto get he card A Thanks. 'm going to getsoda and potato chips and things B Great. See you tomorrow! ‘28)) I=tvervewer, C= Carre 1 T-Carre Gold. Youte avery famous tar now. Are youenjoyingit? Yes, enjoying talot. ls great. rm sweating these beautflclothes and people are raking my picture. Ire great. Frmhaving great ime 2.1 Whatdid you do before you were famous? C Obyalotof things. Iwasan assisantin noffie. was an Eglsh teacher, Oh, andlwasa waitress Lworkedina cafe and made cappoccnoe Thad good time hee 3-1 Your parents are English teachers, Wore you good student? Not was. iked my classes and ny exces but It study hard Tieelbad about it now. Actually, after my nextmovie Pinging take college classes. ° 4.1. Really? Whatare you going tostudy? Vm going to study Englishand art. really like att, but'm nor very good tit. 'malso going to take Spanish ‘lass, Hola! Como ests? 5 1 Youhavea new boyfriend. Are you going to get married soon? No,!'mnnot. I'm going to get married and have children one day, but 'm not {going to get married this year~or next 6 I Onemore question. Your fans want to know this. Whatare you wearing right Vn wearing a beautiful red dress by Oscar Saatchi. Oh, and I'm wearing some Italian shoes by Enzo Pisa,

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