Green Fuel Scandal in Paradise China's Biodiesel Dilemma Luke Sweeney 3 2023

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13/05/23, 20:36 Green Fuel Scandal in Paradise: China's Biodiesel Dilemma

Green Fuel Scandal in Paradise: China's Biodiesel

Written by Luke Sweeney

Posted May 10, 2023


I’ve always heard the phrase “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” 

If that saying holds true on a global scale, China has repeatedly told the world what it stands for. 

Whether it's lead paint in kids toys or cancer-causing chemicals in talcum powder, shoddy
manufacturing is the risk that comes along with dirt-cheap prices. 

The nation’s most recent scandal luckily doesn't involve anything meant for kids, but it’s arguably
just as dangerous. 

The Chinese resort island of Hainan is at the center of a massive green fuel scandal that has left its
eco-obsessed European customers in a frenzy. 

Hainan, known for its sun-soaked beaches and picturesque landscapes, has been the hub for
nearly a third of China's biodiesel exports. Hainan-registered companies exported a whopping
498,000 tons of biodiesel during 2022, making up 28% of China's total outbound shipment,
according to Bloomberg. 

Their share of exports jumped to 31% in the first quarter of 2023, with total exports for the quarter
reaching as high as 205,000 tons. Nearly all of these cargoes were bound for the Netherlands, a
large consumer market and home to major European ports.

But there's one glaring issue: The island has no capacity to convert used cooking oil, the most
obvious choice for feedstock, into biodiesel. 

So what's going on here?

Industry insiders, speaking anonymously at a recent Singapore conference, suggest Hainan might
be serving as a black market transshipment hub. 

The alleged scheme involves mixing fuels with cheaper non-renewable feedstock and then
mislabeling the product to qualify for European green incentives.… 1/3
13/05/23, 20:36 Green Fuel Scandal in Paradise: China's Biodiesel Dilemma

The problem is it's incredibly difficult to check what's blended into biodiesel, making it easier for
China to get away with this for years. 

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And while the Netherlands may take its green commitment seriously, other nations are more than
happy to take China’s word for it and collect whatever subsidies their government is willing to dish

If true, this scandal could result in greater scrutiny, quality inspections, and even punitive tariffs on
Chinese products, hurting the entire industry. Producers from both China and Europe are
understandably worried, as non-compliant cargoes could undercut their businesses and diminish
the credibility of green energy initiatives worldwide.

The Solution Is Obvious: CHECK YOUR SOURCES!

When it comes to green energy, it's crucial to trust the nation that is producing it. After all, why pay
the green tax on a product that isn’t green?

China makes up for its lack of trustworthiness by offering the best prices in the industry, but it turns
out that might not be enough for the world anymore. 

That's why our tiny company is a breath of fresh air — almost literally. 

The team that has landed on our short list is currently developing cutting-edge generators that
create green fuel from water and nitrogen found in the atmosphere. 

This groundbreaking technology eliminates the need for sketchy sources. Why trust China’s terrible
track record when you can create your own in-house? 

Europe's market for biofuels has become increasingly attractive thanks to a new wave of incentives,
hence the reason China had already sunk its claws into the market.… 2/3
13/05/23, 20:36 Green Fuel Scandal in Paradise: China's Biodiesel Dilemma

Our partner's innovative generators provide an alternative that's both clean and politically
neutral. We’re one step away from ditching fossil fuels entirely.

My only advice? Don't be left behind in the green energy revolution. Investment has increased
dramatically in recent years, but there is still a long way to go.

This incredible company is currently trading for under $1 but has the potential to surge much higher.

Let me show you exactly what I’m talking about.

To your wealth,

Luke Sweeney… 3/3

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