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Theme: Basa, Bayan, Bukas

What comes in to your mind when you hear the word reading? Well, we all know that reading
is one of the essential things when it comes in learning. How will you understand something
if you don’t even know how to read? How will you able to comprehend an utterance, phrases,
or problems if you can’t read even just a single word?
Reading is where the learning starts. Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that the world needs
innovation, the world needs progression and solutions to any social and environmental issues.
And if we are able to read and comprehend, we can accomplish it.
Reading is the torch of knowledge; it enlightens us in the midst of complex and gloomy
world of today. In our journey towards success reading our companionship, it is our weapon
in fighting some difficulties that is happening currently and to find solutions that are needed.
In our ventures of making a living, whether in other country or in the vicinity of our nation,
we always carry the knowledge brought to us by reading. When it comes to communication,
we, Filipinos are the forefront of that and excellent in it, whether it's a foreign language or
our own, because even foreign language is taught to us
Reading develops language skills and vocabulary.
Reading is the sword in our pakikipaglaban, pakikipagsapalaran, pakikipatalastasan
Reading is about exploring new things
Reading leads us in to innovation and progression
Knowing how to read is someone’s treasure.
Not all children are provided with an equal chance to read. If you are fortunate to be a good
reader, you can try to help other children in need. Hold a fundraiser or raise money for a
charity like Reading is Fundamental, Booktober or FirstBook
Volunteer to read to younger students in your school or donate your old books to a local
charity, preschool, library or hospital
Think about what you can do to improve your own reading? Consider using this worksheet
to set some goals for yourself
When you hear the word "reading," what comes to your mind? Well, we all know that
reading is one of the most essential things when it comes to learning. How will you
understand something if you don’t even know how to read? How will you be able to
comprehend an utterance, phrases, or problems if you can’t read even a single word? Did you
know that there are 800 million people around the world cannot read or write? Judges, Ladies
and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages a pleasant day to all of you, we all know that the
world needs innovation, the world needs progression and solutions to any social and
environmental issues. And if we are able to read and comprehend, we can accomplish it.

In today's complex and dismal world, reading is the torch of information that illuminates us.
Reading is essential and serves as a fundamental building block for learning in all academic
subjects, including language arts and math. The need to read everyday items like street signs
and prescription drugs demonstrates the importance of reading as a life skill.
Furthermore‚ reading is our tool in the fight against some current challenges and in the search
for necessary solutions as we travel the path to success. We constantly carry the knowledge
gained from reading with us in our endeavours to make a living, whether they take us abroad
or just nearby. We Filipinos are at the forefront of communication and thrive at it, whether it
be in our own tongue or a foreign one because even foreign languages are taught to us.

My dear friends, let me ask you‚ how can someone who cannot read learn to read? How will
we be able to teach? Contrary to popular belief, learning to read is not a process that just
happens naturally. It's a challenging task that calls for the effective instruction of several
abilities and techniques, including phonics and phonemic awareness. When children are
taught phonological and alphabetic skills and learn to apply that knowledge to decoding
words, they are much more likely to succeed in reading. The ability to convey information
accurately, clearly, and as intended is an important skill and a way of teaching people to read,
so it should not be overlooked.

During trials, it is important to read books, articles, etc. to know and be aware of events
happening in the world we live in. Do you like reading books, articles and news during the
pandemic and lockdown? All over the world, children’s lives have been completely upended
— the majority of them living in countries with some form of restricted movement or
lockdown. Those wonderful books helped them to understand and navigate new landscape
and learned how they can take small actions to become the heroes in their own stories. At that
time, I learned how important reading is and how it can change not only ourselves and our
countries, but the whole world.

Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages a pleasant day to all of you

When you read a book to a child or hold a book in your hand, you are telling that child an
infinite variety of life news. You are an awakener.

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