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Graduation Speech

Good morning everyone, before I start my speech I would like to acknowledge the
presence of our loving parents, our very supportive instructor, and also my dearest classmates.
For me, being a college school student is indeed a difficult task since we are now in the stepping
stone for our dreams in life.

When we first entered this very room we, us students has that feelings of excitement,
scared and happy at the same time. I would actually share this to our dear parents that in our first
month here, we all are adjusting to the classmates, teachers, environment, and the pressure of our
subjects, and I know that some of you knew that some of our classmates before transfered to
schools or programs and I would like you to appreciate your child to be able to stand against the
gigantic wave pressures in the first months of our senior college life. I would say that we had
done a perfect job in passing all the obstacles we've encountered in the first year up to now. Each
of us are really adding more efforts in our works simply because we knew that if we will not
excert any amount of effort we will not reach our goal and we really want our parents to be
proud of us.

Just like what we've learned in our accounting, the debit and credit. if we credit hard
work and perseverance then we will debit the fruit of our success then we will have a balance
account in our lives.

As what Mr. Magadan said we all have conficts in our lives, and there are a lot of factors
that made it. I really have to agree with what Mr. Magadan said that we students are facing a lot
of problems in school and some of us can't keep up that's why they surrender but we did not
because we have our Almighty Father with us so with the support of our family and peers.

That would be all, GOD Bless and more power.

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