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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Cebu
City of Talisay


Poblacion, City of Talisay, Cebu
1st Semester, A.Y. 2022 - 2023


Grade 8- Pisces
(Grade/Year & Section)

I. Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives):

Through varied teaching-learning activities, the students should be able to:

a. Recall and identify classes of nouns;

b.Classify and arrange the word in the correcr order to form a complete
c. Construct sentences using classes of nouns (Proper Nouns, Common
Nouns, and Collective Nouns;
d. Display mastery of the lesson through using nouns(words) in sentences.

II. Learning Content:

Subject Matter: Classes of Nouns

References: “Classes of Nouns” English Studies for College, by Maximo Ramos

et al., Maximo D. Ramos, Nila B. Gal, Avelina J. Gil
Values: Cooperation and Collaboration

Instructional Materials: Multimedia Presentation and Audio-Visual Presentation

III. Learning Experiences (Procedure: 4As)

Daily Routines: (the teacher will begin the class with these following routines.)
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Motivation
Direction: Arrange the jumble letters to form the correct words. Write your answers to the
space provided.

S E C L A S F O O U N N S =

P E R P R O O U N N =_______________________________________

O O C M M N O U N N =________________________________________

T I V C O L E E C T L O U N N = _________________________________
Answer Key:
1. Classes of Nouns
2. Proper Noun
3. Common Noun
4. Collective Noun

A. Activity:
Activating Prior Knowledge
(Through an engaging activity, the students are encourage to participate and answer the

Task: 4 Pics 1 Word

Direction: Identify the word in each item presented in the four pictures shown as a clue. Write your answer
to the blank boxes.
Answer Key:

1. Noun
2. Proper Noun
3. Common Noun
4. Collective Noun

B. Analysis

The students are required to answer the guide questions below.

1. What is the difference between proper noun and common noun?

2. What is the difference between proper noun and collective noun?
3. What is the difference between common noun and collective noun?

C. Abstraction
The beginning of the lesson proper, wherein teacher will introduce and discuss the classes of


- a noun is a word that is used to classify or identify a person, place, ideas, objects, events
and etc.

What are the classes of nouns?

- use to name a specific person, place, things. Proper nouns begins with capital letter.
Ex. South Korea, Kimberly

- use to name people, places, and things in general. It refers to the class or type of person or thing
(without being specified)

Ex. boy, plant, animals, house, food

- refer to a set or group of people, animals or things. They are often followed by OF+plural noun.

Ex: A team, a bunch of flowers, a club, a family.

D. Application
( The students will answer an activity to determine if the lesson has been applied.)

Direction: Underline a noun in the sentence and identify what classes of noun it is.

1. The audience applauded the vocalist.

2. The navy is going to take part in the war games.
3. Dr. Jose Rizal was exiled in Dapitan.
4. Colonies had invaded Philippines for a hundred years
5. The students went to the auditorium.
6. The Gonzaga family plan to spent summer in Palawan.
7. The farm was filled with bunches of flowers.
8. A soccer team in Spanish won the game.
9. The month of April is known for an “Happy April Fool’s Day”
10. A teen girl loves to explore makeups.

Answer Key:

1. The audience applauded the vocalist. = Common noun

2. The navy is going to take part in the war games. = Common noun
3. Dr. Jose Rizal was exiled in Dapitan. = Proper Noun
4. Different colonies had invaded Philippines for a hundred years. = Common Noun and Proper
5. The students went to the auditorium.= Common Noun
6. The Gonzaga family plan to spent summer in Palawan. =Proper Noun
7. The farm was filled with bunches of flowers. = Collective Noun
8. A soccer team in Spanish won the game. = Collective Noun and Proper Noun
9. The month of April is known for “Happy April Fool’s Day” .= Proper Noun
10. A teen girl loves to explore makeups. = Common Noun

IV. Assessment:


Task A: Identification
Direction: Underline nouns in the sentence and identify what classes of nouns it is.

1. In Monday, the jury appeared in the court.

2. My sister love to have a puppy for Christmas.
3. The foods at Talisay City are delectable.
4. I love to stay around the house.
5. Lisa went to a centre mall at Manila
6. The doctor worked long hours at Memorial Hospital to help contain the spread of the common
7. My favorite newspaper is the Washington Post.
8. Thea was praised by her teacher.
9. He is teaching English in School
10. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift.

Answer Key:

1. In Monday, the jury appeared in the court.= Common Noun

2. My sister love to have a puppy for Christmas. = Common Noun
3. The foods at Talisay City are delectable.= Common Noun
4. I love to stay around the house.= Common Noun
5. Lisa went to a centre mall at Manila. = Proper Noun
6. The doctor worked long hours at Memorial Hospital to help contain the spread of the common
cold.= Common Noun
7. My favorite newspaper is the Washington Post. = Proper Noun
8. Thea was praised by her teacher.= Proper Noun
9. He is teaching English in School= = Common Noun
10. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift. = Proper Noun

Task B: Identification
Direction: Identify the type of the underlined noun used in each sentence. Write your answers after the

1. The florist arranged flowers.

2. There are five fingers in one hand.
3. A butterfly sips nectar from flower.
4. The lady brough a bread from a bakeshop.
5. He went to El Nido to unwind.
6. I’ve been leaning on the table for 30 minutes.
7. Sam bought a small cake.
8. The cheese platter contains various foods.
9. He went cycling around the village.
10. The ballerinas interpret the story the Swan Lake through body gestures, postures, and facial

Answer Key:

1. The florist arranged flowers.= Proper Noun

2. There are five fingers in one hand.= Common Noun
3. A butterfly sips nectar from flower.= Commoun Noun
4. The lady brough a bread from a bakeshop.= Common Noun
5. He went to El Nido to unwind.= Proper Noun
6. I’ve been leaning on the table for 30 minutes.= Common Noun
7. Sam bought a small cake.= Common Noun
8. The cheese platter contains various foods.= Common Noun
9. He went cycling around the village.= Common Noun
10. The ballerinas interpret the story the Swan Lake through body gestures, postures, and facial
expression.= Proper Noun

Task C. Classification
Direction: Classify words in the box on its types of nouns. Write your answer on the table below.
family engineer ministry Philippines
Quiapo army Andres Bonifacio choir
jury William Shakespeare company factory
dog banana tree Holiday city



Task I: Direction:Arrange the word in the correct order to form a complete sentence. Underline nouns..

1. Mount Everest highest mountain in the world the is.

*The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. = Proper Noun
*Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

2. watch video the netizens love to.

* The netizens love to watch videos.= Common Noun

3. a tulip flower beatiful is.

*Tulip is a beautiful flower.= Proper Noun

4. The majority/ animals/ Africa/ most these/of are/ seen/ India in and.
* The majority of these animals are seen in India and Africa. = Proper Noun

5. with the great driver observing road concentration is.

*The driver is observing road with great concentration.= Common Noun
*The great driver is observing road with concentration.= Common Noun

6. learn I swimming must holiday before.

*I must learn swimming before holiday.= Common Noun

7. ourselves sweaters we warm keep wore to.

*We wore sweaters to warm ourselves.= Common Noun
8. on vacation went a the family.
* The family went on a vacantion.= Common Noun

9. her math homework did yesterday Freya.

*Freya did her math homework yesterday.= Proper Noun

10. to London ago three years they moved.

* They moved to London three years ago.= Proper Noun

Task II:
Direction: Create a sentence using classes of nouns. Each classes of nouns must have at least 2


Sentence 2:_________________________________________________________________________


Sentence 1:________________________________________________________________________
Sentence 2:_________________________________________________________________________


Sentence 1:_________________________________________________________________________
Sentence 2:_________________________________________________________________________

E. Assignment:

The (class) students are divided into 3 groups, they are assigned to perform a jingle performance in a
theme of classes of nouns.(Collaborative Work)

Adapted from Tuason, J. D. L. (2015, January 12). Writing A Jingle Rubric 2 .
Adapted from Alvarez, D. M. (2017, April 1). Rubric for Jingle Presentation Grade 10 .

Prepared by:
Demonstrators' Name:

Lyre Diamond B. Abaquita

Florabel T. Mag-aso
Krisha Mae G. Maguate

Approved by:

Ms. Rachel Jane Casquejo

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