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Lesson Title: Correlative Conjunctions Date: Grade and Section: 10- VIRGO
Parts of Speech Workbook pp. 31-32

 PowerPoint Presentation
 Cartolina
Target Competencies a. Identify the correlative conjunctions.
b. Construct sentences with correlative conjunctions.
c. Appreciate writing using correlative conjunctions.
Knowledge EXPLORE


The teacher will ask questions about previous lesson

1. What are coordinating conjunctions?
2. How do coordinating conjunctions function on the sentence?
3. What are the examples of coordinating conjunctions?

Goal: Acquire and Make Meaning

The learners ... Activity 1: Reading a Poem Engaging Class Activity

 Read a poem with
conjunctions presented by the 1. The teacher will present a poem with conjunctions and let the students
teacher. read it.

Questioning How by Sandra Anderson

With no umbrella how will you stop the rain?

With all the lies how can you stand the shame?
How will the medicine help without the pain?
Can you take a chance without any game?
How can you fall without being pushed forward?
Can you beat a case with so many crimes?
How can you break the code without a codeword?
Can you prove you are patient without time?

How can the world be saved without a hero?

How can you feel the music with no beat?
How can you count without starting at zero?
How can the summer be hot with no heat?
How can you be a winner if you don’t lose?
Why is there a rainbow after a storm?
How do you watch women sing the sad blues?
How can you sit here and read this sad poem?

The learners ... FIRM UP (discussion; give examples; reinforce learning)

 Know and follow the Goal: Acquire
classroom rules given by the Activity 2: Classroom Rules
teacher. Procedure:
1. Listen to the teacher when he/she speaks.
2. Treat others with respect at all times.
3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
4. Be quiet when your teacher or classmates is talking during class.

Activity 3: Matching Phrases

The students will match two phrases to complete the sentences.
The learners ... Input
 Identify the correlative
conjunctions and their Goal: Acquire and Make Learning
Activity 4: Discussion Proper! (20-minutes) Presentation of the
Using the PowerPoint Presentation the teacher will discuss the correlative Lesson
conjunctions to present the lesson.

Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions used to illustrate how two words or

phrases within a sentence relate to each other. Correlative conjunctions
always come in pairs.

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that connect words or

phrases that are the same part of speech or serve the same function within a

Like socks, correlative conjunctions always come in pairs. That’s their

defining characteristic; if a conjunction doesn’t need a partner for its sentence
to make sense, it’s not a correlative conjunction. The most common
correlative conjunction pairs include:

 either/or
 neither/nor
 not only/but also
 whether/or
 both/and

Discussion Sample Questions:

1. In the activity, do you connect phrases?
2. What are the conjunctions in the phrases you matched?
3. Do these conjunctions go in pairs?
4. In the poem, what are the conjunctions that go in pairs?
5. What do you call this type of conjunction?
6. What are correlative conjunctions?
Interactive Discussion
Activity 5: Sentence Completion
Complete each sentences with the correct correlative conjunction. Choose
the answer listed below.
either...or whether...or
neither...nor both...and
not only...but also

1. (Both) Justin (and) Anna applied for the job.

2. I can't decide (whether) I should take French next year (or) take Spanish.
3. (Neither) my sister (nor) my friend can go to the game.
4. (Not only) did Michelle fall Math this year, (but also) Science.
5. (Either) I can go to the movies on Sunday, (or) I can go to the mall.

Activity 6: Group Work

The students will be grouped into three groups. Each group will work on
sentence construction using correlative conjunctions.

The learners... Interactive Sharing of

 Appreciate the Thoughts
Activity 7: Let's Review!
Attitudes importance of correlative
 What are correlative conjunctions?
conjunctions in writing
 How do correlative conjunctions function on the sentence?
 What are the examples of correlative conjunctions?

Values Integration
Activity 8: Valuing! (15 points)
How are correlative conjunctions used? What is the importance of correlative
conjunctions in writing a sentence?
Assignment Enhancing the Day's Lesson:
Instruction: Construct three sentences for each example of correlative conjunctions listed below:
 either...or
 both...and
 neither...nor
 not only...but also
 either...or

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