Test 16

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= mainly
= nearly

Thời gian ko chờ ai

Tính sơ bộ

Chưa cùn
chính xác
Had finished

Was watering

Have been making



(establish) established

WORD FORM impolitely








My sister is feeling under the weather these days
They must come to terms with the fact that……

Some interesting new information has been come to light

Mary passed the exam with flying colors: với kết quả mỹ mãn

We are all in the same boat in solving the task : cùng chung hoàn cảnh

It suddenly dawned on me that they……..

That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of the Mount Fuji

When I bought it I thought it was a beautiful color , but I have gone off it

Is no more

Not nearly as cold as

Line Russia
Until recently, people and businesses were oppressed by the state and this has
affected people’s attitudes. It is not uncommon for laws to be ignored and taxes go->
to go unpaid. In some cases, only contracts between close personal friends are
acknowledged. Therefore, network-> ing is vital for successful business. Presently, the
legal situation in Russia is on-> in a state of flux, with laws constantly being rewritten.
Those who-> that exist are often unenforceable. Most agreements are therefore made
on a trust basis, so it is vital that personal relationships do not break down. The
management style was -> is centralised and directive. Too much debate can indicate a
lack of decisiveness. Subordinates make orders from the ‘big boss’. Many westerners
see this as a lack of initiative on the part of middle managers, but in actual fact, middle
managers have little power. Most delays occur because the question has not been
presented to actual decision-maker. However, things are changing in Russia. The old
regime is gradually being replaced by western business style, and younger managers
will have a much more modern approach than their older counterparts.
Until recently, people and businesses were oppressed by the state and this has affected people’s attitudes.  It is not
uncommon for laws to be ignored and taxes to go unpaid. In some cases, only contracts between close personal friends
are acknowledged. Therefore, networking is vital for successful business. Presently, the legal situation in Russia is in a
state of flux, with laws constantly being rewritten. Those that exist are often unenforceable. Most agreements are
therefore made on a trust basis, so it is vital that personal relationships do not break down. The management style is
centralised and directive. Too much debate can indicate a lack of decisiveness.  Subordinates take orders from the ‘big
boss’.  Many westerners see this as a lack of initiative on the part of middle managers, but in actual fact, middle managers
have little power. Most delays occur because the question has not been presented to actual decision-maker. However,
things are changing in Russia. The old regime is gradually being replaced by western business style, and younger
managers will have a much more modern approach than their older counterparts.

Human activities have had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world.
Some people think that this cannot be changed while others believe actions can be taken
to bring about a change. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Debt means owing money. Many of us have owed money, when we have borrowed it from our
friends, parents, or from a bank. Many people borrow large amounts of money as a mortgage,
to buy a house. Debt is not necessarily a bad thing - borrowing money enables us to do things
that we would not otherwise be able to afford at the time.
When people borrow money they arrange a programme for repaying the money over a
particular amount of time, plus interest that is added as a charge for borrowing the money.
(16) __Problems arise when the amount of debt accumulated is unpayable.___ People may
have taken on too much of a commitment, and be unable to afford the repayments that are
due, or situa-tions may change such as the rate of interest rising, or their income falling. When
individuals become deeply indebted, we draw a line under the debt. (17) _____ Their debts
are written off by law and they are allowed to start again, although it will be hard for them to
borrow money again in the future.
Like individuals, countries may also take out loans to use for various purposes, such as
large-scale projects or improvements to their infrastructure. However, when countries borrow
money which they are then unable to repay there is no such thing as bankruptcy. Countries
remain deeply indebted, diverting all of their resources to debt repayments to satisfy their
lenders. A country will continue to become more and more damaged by unpayable debts.
Public services suffer from a lack of investment and the poorest people go without their basic
On average, debt payments cost many poor countries almost twice what they spend on
education and more than three times the amount spent on the population's healthcare. Poor
people suffer because of a lack of government investment in their country, such as better
roads which would help them travel to market. (18) _____ And when the prices of basic foods
go up, it is the poorest people again who can no longer afford to feed their families.
In 1982, when Mexico became the first country to admit it could not repay its debts, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank stepped in to help. (19) _____ In
return they imposed a system known as 'structural adjustment' on these countries. The aim
was literally to alter the structure of how money in each country was spent. These
programmes consisted of strict measures designed to help a
country repay its debts by earning more hard currency through increasing its exports and
reducing its imports.
(20) _____ Governments were forced to spend their money on debt repayments, rather
than public services for the population. Farmers had to grow cash crops for export, rather than
food to feed their families. The exported cash crops being sold were cheap, but imported
processed goods were costly. The prices of goods went up, and people struggled to survive.
In 1996 the World Bank and the IMF launched a new international debt relief scheme
known as the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative (HIPC). The initiative called for the
reduction of external debt through write-offs by official donors. As of January 2012, 59
countries were receiving debt relief under
The HIPC, unfortunately, has not solved the problem. There are still many countries which
are not receiving help, because they do not fulfil the HIPC criteria. (21) _____
A.That line is called bankruptcy.
B. It is the poorest people who are unable to afford to start paying for schools when fees are
introduced, so their children miss out.
C. Some people claim debt cancellation would just allow corrupt leaders to have more money
for themselves, rather than benefiting the poorest people.
D. They lent money to help Mexico, and other struggling countries, repay their old loans.
E. It is clear that more needs to be done to deal with the growing debt crisis.
F. Problems arise when the amount of debt accumulated is unpayable.
G. Structural Adjustment programmes, however, actually led to a decline in living standards
and deepened poverty.

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