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COMPUTER NETWORKS 2.6.1. Overview : > Computer networking is a most important part of the information technology. Communication means to an exchange of information between two or more computers and it can be exchange in a variety of way that might be in the form of word, letters, messages drawing, body movement or any other symbols. > A computer network is a group of computers connected to each other electronically. This means that. thé to each other and that every computer in the network can send-iaformation to tlie computers: can “talk” others. > A computer network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data, In a computer network the individual station is called “node”. Scanned with CamScanner 2,63 Types of Networks he three major categories into which communication networks are classified as shown in figure beloy, ‘Types of Networks ——— ES ed Local Area Network. | | Metcopolitan Asea Network | ~| Wide Area Network 5 (LAN) 7 qvan) \ VAN) Ka “ MAN (265.1, Local Area Network(LAN) Local Atea Networks (LANs) are most often described as privately owned networks that offer reliable high speed communication channels optimized for connecting information" processing equipment in a limited geographical arca, namely, an office building, complex of buildings, orcampus, > ALLAN is a form of local (limited-distance), shared packet network for computer communications. LANs interconnect computers and peripherals over a common medium in order that users might share access to host computers, databases, _ files, applications, and peripherals. \>ffe_main_users of LANS include business organizat $ “7 Zresearchand development groups in science and engineering, Figure 251: LAN Architecture cindustry, educational institution. The electronic or paperless - office concept is possible with LANs. : \2TANs offer raw bandwidth of 1 Mbps to 100 Mbps or more, Advantages of LAN ; \J1File and Program Sharing: It permits sharing of software. It provides the sharing of the software, rogram, or les i & common Tocation where every user cam hive access and work on it. pee \ Py Sharing of Printers: Workstations can share peripheral devices like printers. This is cheaper than buying! “printer for every workstation. . mee , ee \y=Low Cost: With the’ advances in communication technology LAN are proving to be cost-effective. TH offer an inexpensive method of connectivity by relatively low cost per connection through thé usérof of Scanned with CamScanner ye data transfer rates, of LAN is generally quite high of the order of 1-10 mbps (mill nt high speed is desirable in bulk data transfer, high resolution color graphics ee non is si cit yy to maintain network makes the network quite simple for the end users, ddvantage of LAN Disaliabilty: With a single LAN, a service interruption, even of short duration, could result in a ‘major distuption for users. y Capacity: A single LAN could be saturated asthe number of devices attached to the network grows over, time. 5) Complex Setup: Networks ae dificult to setup and need tobe maintained by skilled technicians, $y Low Security: It is difficult to make the ‘system secure from hackers, 2650. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) ’A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is one of a number of types of networks, The network size falls intermediate between LANs and WANs, A MAN typically covers ari area of between 5 and 50 km diameter. Many MANS cover an-area the size of a city, although in some cases MANS rey be as small ‘as a. group of buildings or as large asthe entire city, et often acts as a hi network to allow sharing of pace a Tegional resources (simallar to a aes LAN), It is algo frequen igure. $2: Meteopoian Ares “Used 10 provide a shared connection fo other nebworks using a Ii “ie ese neat arene WAN. - en Advantages of MAN 1) Accommodates large number of clients. 2) Moderate error rates Disadvantages of MAN 15, Large space requirements 2) Slower data access 3) More expensive equipment, aK. ss Area Network (WAN) > AWANis a data communications network that covers a relatively broad geographic area and that often uses transmission facilities provided by common carriers, such as telephoue companies. Da rovides tong distance transmission of dala, voice image and video information over | seogephical areas that may comprise a county, a continent oreven eon ole world. — “Advantages of WAN . ‘i 1) Covers large geographical ara so lorig distance businesses can connect on the one network 2) ‘Shares software and resources with connecting workstations . 3) Messages can be set very quickly to anyone else on thé network. These messages can have pictures, Sounds, or data included with them. peaanies of WAN : 3 ae Space requirements at different locations 7 ve ‘AN are expensive and generally slow.” ¢ ‘expensive equipment * . 4) Highest ercor rates “ : . “slnsrabl to backers or ier side thes wo canned with CamScanner 26.3.4. Difference between LAN, MAN and WAN. Basis LAN __ [MAN WAN ] sane [Diameter of not more than a few] a | Coverage ieee [Diameter covers a town or a city, |Span entire countries ca 1. ae 7 ere ‘A total data rate of atleast 10 10] 3) data cate is variable Date rate more than | Mbps 400 Mtps. ((Megabits per second). Ownership ‘Complete ownership by a single Complete ownership Jcollectively held by few (3 -4) jjOwned — by ——_amuipl ri org _ [organization pattie! [organization Error Rate | Very low error rates. [Low error rate. een a ‘Topology [Symmetrical topology, ring, bus. | Topology of bus or star. Beet Ciena, [Standard uses IEEE #02 standard, ruses EEE 902 standard. Ituses ITU standard. Scanned with CamScanner 13.1, Introduction > Sottware gives intelligence to the computer. The hardware alone cannot perform any calculation or manipulation without being instructed exactly what to do and how to do it, These sets of instruction$ or programs are equally important as hardware to run thie computer system, These programs are also called software, : oftware refers to a program that makes the computer to do something meaningful, It is the planned, step-by-step instructions required to turn data into information. > Hardware and software are two necessary’ parts of computer system which together forms a complete computer system, Any of them will not be of any use if it is single, Without software, any compitter is just a metal box: If is only with the help of software one can store, retrieve and solve different types of problems on a computer. It is the software on computer which creates user-friendly environment for software development. Ns Types of Software The software used by the computer can be classified into two categories: ‘Types of Software ‘Application | System Software Software Figure 1.29: SAW Categories, 13.2.1. ‘System Software ? These are also known gs system packages, A package is a computer application consisting of one or more programs éreated to perform a particular type of work. : >, System software is sets of one ot more programs that are basically designed to control the operation of a computer system. : Pe . > System software’ consists of all the program, languages an locumentation supplie on: the computer, These prograiys allow the user-to. communicate with the computer ted Pie the ‘e ‘own prograni’, ; ene way > sytem Software makes the, machine easier to’ use and. makes an efficie, hardware possible. Co > Systems software held permanesitly on a:rhachine, which relive the ‘Programmer from mundane tasks and improve resource utilization. . > -System software's provide support to thé following: * i) Running of other software, at use of the resources, of the Scanned with CamScanner ii) Communicating with peripheral devices like printers, disk and tape devices etc, Development of other software. . iv) Monitoring the use of various hifdware resources such as memory,CPU etc. > System software makes the computér functiorial. They provide basic furictionality like file mangement, visual display, ‘and keyboard input are used by application software to accomplish these functions, 1¢ examples of system software are: , oes System’ Operating systems are the system software that-makes the hardware usable, Operating systems are responsible for everything from the control and allocation of memory to ecognizing input from external devices and transmitting output to computer displays or output devices, For example, Windows, LINUX; UNIX OS. Le Device Drivers: Device drivers are system programs, which are responsible for proper functioning of devices. Every device, whether it is a printer, monitor,’ mouse or keyboard, has a driver program associated with it for its proper functioning. Whenever a new device is added to the computer system, a new device ‘driver must be installed before the device is used. : ii iil) Language Translators: Language ttanslators help in converting programming languages into machine language. Depending on the programming language used, language translators are divided into three major categories: : : © Compilers, © Interpreter, and * Assembler. iv) System Utilities: System utility programs perform day-to-day tasks related to the maintenance of the computer system. They'are used to support, enhance, and secure existing programs and data in the computer system, They are generally small programs, having specific tasks to perform: File Management Backup Data Recovery Virus Protection Disk Management Firewall Disk Cleanup Application Software . ication software is also known as application packages, : Application software is the sets of one or more programs designed to carry out the operations for a specified application, For example, every month’ a payroll package produces the pay stip for the workers of an Grzanization, Similarly, the inventory package may produce the list of different parts or the equipments available in an organization. 3 % Hence, application software is the progrim employed by the user to perform the specific funet > Traditionally, the application. software is limited to the general purpose function of ee schedule, seteral Ledger, and general accounting packages. Since there'is a great demand for the Beneral purpose > sofvare there is ever increasing development of this type of software, ~ pecial purpose packages have also been developed for the it ing, hospit inistratic incomes mate eeo pe areas like banking, hospital administration, ‘Types of Application Software Application software is basically of two types: ‘Types of Application ? ere a Software * < ‘eae’ i OfFthe Shelf soe . Software igure 1.30; Types of Application Software sarees Scanned with CamScanner_ 1) Proprietary Software: Proprietary application software addresses a 5 conpany. This type of software may be developed in-house by th sersnnel ort may be commissioned from a software vendor. pecific or unique business need for 2 © organization's information systems 2) Offshe-Stelf Software: Off-the-shelf application software can be purchased, leased, or rented from @ vendor that develops programs and sells them too many organizations. 13.23, Difference between System Software & Application Software Table 1.3 shows the major difference between system and application software. Table 1.3: System Software vs. Application Software Basis System Software { Application Software ei] Convenience | Offers convenience to application programmers | Requires help of the system software to interface and computer users for its execution. | | Effort Allows application softwares to be run on the ‘The effort related on their execution is dependant computer with less effort on system software and complexity of application itself. Development { Development of system software ts complex task | Development of the application software is that requires extensive knowledge and considerable | comparatively easier and can be done in-house specialized training in computer by the internal professionals Provided by_| System software are generally provided by the | Application softwares are purchased or system manufacturers developed by the organization Cezample [Operating System like Windows Payroll System Scanned with CamScanner OPERATING SYSTE 1.5.1. Definition > Operating systems are the system software that makes the hardware usable, Hardware provides “raw computing power”. Operating system makes the computing power conveniently available to users, by managing the hardware carefully to achieve good performance, : > It is considered the backbone of a computer, managing both softivare and hardware resources, Operating systems are responsible for everything from the control and allocation of memory to recognizing input from external devices and transmitting output to computer displays or output devices. >. “An operating system is 2 program that acts as an intermediary between 2.user of a computer and the computer hardware. The purpose of operating system is to provide au environment in which a user can execute programs.” Scanned with CamScanner 2 : ; to interact With the computer to performs various tasks. User gives commands (0 > User interface is use Mr ialo computer, These are examples of user interfacing, The operating Wystem computer and en fmtefacing between user and computer. The input devices like keyboard and mousé plays the mal ed for giving commands to computer. ie commriou opemtion systems, some of them ae listed below: i) MS-DOS i) LINUX OS iil) Windows OS jv) Macintosh W) Android <~ Components of Operating System Peon ie operating system comprises a set of software packages that can be-used to manage interactions with the hardware. The following elements are generally included in this set of software: © 1) Kernel: Performs the very basic functions required by the computer installation. Kernel represents the operating system's basic functions such as management of memory, processes, files, main inputs/outputs and communication functionalities, 2) Shell: Allowing communication with the opetating system via a control language, letting the user control the peripherals without knowing the characteristics of the hardware used, management of, physical addresses, etc, It is a portion of an OS. It defines the interface between the OS and its users. ‘Types of Shell | ; i) Textual Interface: (Bome sell, C shell, Kom shell in Unix and MS-DOS command fine for Microsoft Windows). G ii) Graphical User Interface: (Window manager in Unix and WinXP, Mac). 3) File System: The filesystem, allowing files to be recorded in a tree structure. Operating systems are responsible for providing essential services within a computer system: > Initial loading of programs and transfer of programs between secondary storage and main memoty. Operating Systems Services Inia Loading of Programs Process Managernent Functions [|_Memory Management Functions "| Device Management Functions File Management Functions Secondary Storage Management Functions | Network Management Functions Jo] Protecion and Secusiy] J 7] Management Functions . Functions of Operating System , , initial Loading of Programs: When a computer systémis switched on o “baited an operating sytem is atiomataly lated. For xan iy ‘or Example: A PC running under MS-DOS toads the following programs: Tosvs ‘controls input/output devices ~ MSDOSSYS Joads MS-DOS. CONFIG.SYS "| configures the device drivers ‘ AUTOEXECBAT™ |) [ses the procedures the nase se ie wants (the. PC to perform | automaticall; when it is booted, Scanned with CamScanner iputer ang Cpe cement Functions: A process can be thought ime-shared user program is a process. Introduction to Com . 2 of as a program in execution. Typically, a ‘A system task, such as spooling output t0 2 printer,also is 2 process. in resources, including CPU time, are either given to the inputfoutpot devices, to esta memory, files, and input/outpot a elish pre These resources e process when it is created, or allocated to it while itis running. A process is a unit of work in a system. operating system processes (those that execute user c0¥ concurrently by multiplexing the CPU among them. ‘The execution ofa process must progress in a sequential manner. The CPU executes one instruction of the process after another, until the process completes. Further at any point in time, at most one instruction is ‘executed on behalf of the process. Thus, although two processes may be associated with same program, they are nevertheless considered two separate execution sequences. 27 Memory Management Functions: Main memory is central to the operation of the modem compute system. Main memory is a large aay of words or bytes, ranging in size from hundred of thousands to ‘hundreds of millions. Each word or byte has its own address. . There are different memory management schemes. Selection of a memory management scheme for a specific system depends on many factors especially on the hardware design of the system. Each algorithm Such a system consists of a collection of process some of which are de). All these procesees can potentially execute requites its own hardware support. “The operating system is responsible forthe following activities in connection with memory management: i) Keep track of memory what parts are in the use and by whom? What parts are not ia use (free)? ii) If multiprogramming, decide which process gets it and how much. iii) Recover memory when process no longer reeds it or has been terminated. \ Dada tions: One of the purposes of an operating system is to hide the peculiatities of. ‘specific hardware devices from the user. For example, as in UNIX. ~ - Components of Device Handler of OS . i) Amemory management component including buffering, caching and spooling. i) A general device driver interface. : ve iii) Drivers for specific hardware devices. Only the device driver knows the peculiarities of the specific device to which itis assigned. ae iv) Keep track of devices, channels and control units (I/O traffic controller). a v) Decide an éfficient way to allocate a résouircé (device). Decides whether it is-shared or dedicated: device. In the case of shared devices, who gets it and how much. This function is also known as VO scheduling. : . vi) Allocate the resource device) and initiate UO operation, . vii) Reclaim resource in most cases /O-terminates automatically, ile Management Function: File management is one ofthe most visible comy 7 corner can store information on several different types of physical media. Mapneti oan and optical disk are the most common media. For eénvenient use of the computer system the operating system provides a uniform logical view of information storage, The operating system abstracts hom the physical properties ofits storage devices to define'a logical storage unit, the file. The operating system makes files onto physical media, and accesses these file via the storage devices. ° md 9 Gecondary Storage Management Fuottioiis: The main i iso. exoenin | a ‘purpose ‘of a-computer''system is to.execute / rogans. These progrms, the data they access, must ‘be in’ main memory (primary storage) during . Because main memory is too small to accommodate all data-and programs, and-its data. aie lost : ‘when power is lost, the computer system must provide secondary storage to:back-tip main niemory. Most it i s ont beet ne compilers; assembles, sort routines, editors and Trieste stered'on a disk ony. Hence the proper management-of-disk storage is of céitfl importaiicé to a computer system. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Ans. Data Base System § integrated group of files th . It is an integrate collection ingle operationa WIS he data base, itis possi h file, update the contents g on data held within multip, those files and cross 1 ; 'd in independ fe ‘i reviously stored 1n independent file, files. It consolidates records P: ly orm be assessed by mal i t it serves as a common pool of da’ 2 toon application programs. Data bases are evolved to provide an organized access to a collective group of files and to avoid the waste of duplicate files, repeated data handling and unplanned growth. The data solved in a data base 1s independent of the computer programs using it and of the type of secondary storage devices on which it is stored. A data base system is an integrated collection of related files along with the details of the interpretation of the data contained therein. Data base systems are designed to manage large bodies of both the definition information. The management of data involves of structures for the storage of information and the provision of mechanisms for the manipulation of information. In addition, the data base system must provide for the safety of the information stored, despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorised access. If data are to be shared among several users, the system must avoi possible anamolous results. Objectives of Data Base System : The main goal of an organisational data base system is 1 collect the data necessary for running the enterprise and makiné that data accessible to those who have a legitimate need for it. The same data often is useful to many people both inside and outside # organisation, and if so, access to that data should be shared. Scanned with CamScanner ‘i A - objectives of ns System can be summarized as : 1. That the users ova me fee base establish their views of the vad its structure regard to the actual physical storage ta. ifthe at the data base establishe, p 2 and consistency. Validation S$ 8 uniform hi, igh level of Tules are applied by the 1 at Data should be availab at and future) and by queries, 4, That data items Prepared b al applications or queries. No application. 5. That the data base can ey; query needs. Elements Of Data Base System : The elements of data base systems are : 1, Data Bases 2. People 3. Data base planning and design technique 4. Computer hardware and software. 1, Data Bases : Data bases are the data banks and is an {| Important constituent of any information system. Data bank for a cmputerised information system jis organised in the form of a 4 ‘llection of files stored on secondary storage media. A file is a | ‘illection of records one for each entity in the system. The record ing a collection of data items representing the attributes of an | it Modern data banks are however, organised in the form of ases which is a comparatively recent concept. A large number Detware Packages called Data Base Management System BMS) are currently available in the market. 7 tivige People : The people involved with data base ee Uren to two groups. Those who use ers system it ose who design, develop, an eee eer Simperatstt@ base system is to be of value to oer Lg tive that it be designed to support the nee le for use by applications (both y one application are available to data items are owned by an olve as application usage and F ent and sige People responsible for the design, dover as data se aqiation of data base systems are often rete rretnistrator 18 By qitistrators, The position of data base ai erial position. wa iellenging and should be a high level Joped skis in both ter ‘anager must possess well develope’ on anagement, Managerial aspects of information Scanned with CamScanner hy because they are the primary liaison between the communi, | users and the systems, development staff. Vy The personne] responsible for developing data base system, information analysts or data base analysts. In formation analy work closely with users of information to carefully dep! information requirements and to structure these requirements ing a logical form. Data base analysts use data base technology’! design systems satisfying those requirements. Fs | , 3. Data Base Planning & Design Technique : Since day, base systems involve people from all parts of the organisation Wig, a variety of information needs, the development and Operation tt data base systems: must be very carefully planned and Manages The data bases themselves must be carefully designed to Provig, efficient excess to information required by the various users, The first step in converting to a data base approach should be the development of (1) a master plan that specifies in general terms th, various applications and data bases to be included in the overai system and (2) a schedule for detailed design and implementation of these applications and data bases. Detailed data base design consists of three major phases ; information requirements analysis, logical design, and physical design. Information requirements analysis is work done with users to define information needs, Logical design is the development of schema and sub-schema definitions. Physical design establishes exactly how the data will be organised and stored on the storage devices, 4. Computer Hardware & Software : Computer hardware and software are two different elements of a data base system or environment. Hardware and software form the technological foundation for data base systems. oN 5 Software for information management can be separated into two groups :! Application software and Data base Managemen! Systems, Data-base Management Systems (DBMS) are commercial software packages designed to Provide the basis for building dat@ base systems, Many such packages are on the market today, a2 thousands of organisations use them. These packages are part 0 the technology of organisations, management and usually depe" heavily on the operating system for many of their basic functions. Organisations acquire data base management system 4M develop or acquire applications software to satisfy their particula! data base processing requirements. Scanned with CamScanner - 201 scope Of Data Base System : The application areas tha include : 1 Medical Services with patient records, disease histories, problem classification treatment effectiveness data. , 2. Economic models with production and consumption data for allocation and planning. 3. Officers who are automating their document management. 4. Libraries cataloging abstracts and indexes of their holdings. 5. Manufacturing with inventory management, bills of material processing, and production equipment, scheduling. 6. Financial institutions with lists of service capabilities and allocation schedules. 7. Scientific research with collection of previously gathered data used to determine future research directions. 8. Government, at all levels with records of tax paying individuals and property. 0 Oe aa t can employ data base system Scanned with CamScanner pECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM . 10.1. What is decision . sparacteristics of decision support wenn sete te . : . or , Bee cyttem. the essential characteristics of Decision Ans. Decision Support System : A decision support system is that system which helps the management in taking the business decisions. It is a system which allow human-machine interface whereby, the decision-maker possess control throughout the decision making process. It has one primary objective that is to provide the managers with the necessary information for making intelligent decisions. This approach not only helps in bringing decision-making information directly to the executives, but also goes one step further than typical management information systems by allowing decision-maker to interact with the computer. In this way, the computer is simply a tool, which helps the executives in evaluation of the alternatives so that they may reach on an effective decision. The ability of an individual to retail control over the decision making process is not only useful to solve well structured problems but also helps in solving semi structured and unstructured problems. Thus, Decision Suppor’ ay lesigned to support an executives 3 cisi making i.e. problem identification, selecting relevant data, picking th «n decision making and evaluating the the approach to be used in decision DB alternative courses of action. A decision support system must tives may i i vn such a form that execu! decane cnt at atime: formation is needed and Underst; t a time when such an in! ! Place the Senator! under the direct control of the ea Thus, the DSS enables the business executives to take the efficient, | effective and economic decisions. + System (DSS) is a specialized MIS skills at all stages of decision 190 Scanned with CamScanner ay 4 ' ‘il o aracteristics Of Decision Support er : } Features/C haracteristics of decision suppor system are, Features & dl to organize information intended for Use | (a) It is a ar envelope the use of a database for a Speci decision-making: rocess. A decision support system does ,,! decision making P! tion performed on data nor simply proy; automate transforma’ porter it eupports fie détision unt output in the form on bee ra " em Ss Ba . : ; | Prot DSS allow the decision-maker to interact in @ natury manner due to the careful design of the nee on tp sup (c) Decision support systems are eae anise oe jsions that are formulated as semi structured, complex problem, See prublems remain resistant to complete See | (a) A DSS may be constructed to support ones ie si those that are infrequent, however, the pa a _ aa opportunity best addressed through use of a i a ires human judgment. , | 6 A aca Scan system is typically designed for ae particular decision-maker or a group of decision-makers. This |. allows the system designer to customize important system features to adapt to the type of representations. () Rather than building a specific DSS from scratch, a system analyst can use a package of interrelated hardware and software called a DSS generator. (gy A decision support system is best conceptualized as ay process instead of a product. Q. 10.2. What do you understand by Decision Support System! Discuss the components of Decision support system. or List and explain the components of the Decision Suppo" system, Ans, Decision Support System : Refer Question No. 10.1 Page 123. Components of Decision Support System : \ Decision making in organizations occurs at three main levels the strategic, the managerial, and the operational. Many of th? decisions required on the operational level can be thoroughly Successfully automated. The same can be said for any routin® managerial decision. When problems and opportunities cannot totally structured and human judgment and experience *, | required to make a decision, traditional MIS is often conside™™ |) J 1 ‘ Scanned with CamScanner equate for the task. It is in the solution of semi-structured, ade" problem that DSS can be of use, This kind of problem often rs 0D the strategic and managerial level. ‘The use of wi 18 not limited to middle and upper-level pan agers ee re Geen they most often are the primary gsers. THEY Te , D em differing needs, and differing levels of nistication. *ne SS designer needs to consider specific gecision-making attributes so that it is possible for the user to jnteract successfully with the DSS, es DSS Generator Model Base Mgt. Dialogue generation Management Data Base Management Management Workstation Fig. 10.1 Components of decision support system. Basically, there are the following components of a decision Support system : (a) Hardware Resource (b) Software Resource _/ (c) Data Resource (d) Model Resource (e) People Resource ® Decision Support System Packages. (a) Hardware Resource : Executive workstations, connected h ugh networks to other computers provide the primary _Brdware resource for the DSS. Personal computers can be used as cont tnd-alone basis or connected through network to larger ™mputer system to access DSS software. - Dgel®) Software Resource : DSS software packages ar® called 8enerators. They contain models of databases, model, and Scanned with CamScanner Executive Information System (EIS) Executi 8 i ; ive Su ‘an Executive Information System (EIS) is a type of management ee (Ess) and support the information and decision making needs of senior eae i ystem intended to facil goth internal and external information relevant to-meeting the strategic eid aoe casy access to commonly considered as a specialized form of a Decision Support System (DSS). ae > eae eee are information systems that: combine many of the features of ‘manag a system: cision support systems, When they were first developed, their focus + as on meeting the strategic information ‘needs of top management. Thus, the first goal of executive information systems was to provide top executives with immediate and easy access to information about a firm's critical success factors (CSFs), that is, key factors that are critical to accomplishing an organization’s strategic dbjectives..For example, the executives of a retail store chain would probably consider factors such as its E-commerce versus traditional sales results, or its product fine mix to be critical to its survival and success. 1 > Insome cases, and EIS, also calléd Executive Support Systems (ESS), supports Boasd of decision making of members of the board of directors, who are responsible to rectors stockholders. These top level decision making strata are shown in figure 3.10. > According to Meall, “EIS is.a resource tool; « system that delivers rapid aocess a to the selected key information executives. need for their decision-making, (hse should need no IT or keyboarding skills. Access is more likely to be via ion ae a mouse ‘or a touch screen, than a keyboard. Data is presented with: the help 0} a”. color and graphics, in a form which is highly structured and easy 0 mai > dscording to Matthews and ShoeBridge, "EIS is acompuersesl NIP delivery and comimunication system designed to SEPPOr executives”, stem’ that integrates tate _ Fonctional area _ vice presideats > According ‘to Mi —Mawhinney, “EIS. is © 7st Oe 10: Layersof ifrition from 4 eel and extemal data SoUves e0abhG eg ee é ; eto them Wi Monitor and request information of key importance tee Presentation formats”... : : Scanned with CamScanner 10.3.1. Features of EIS ‘The main features of exccutive information system are as follows: : cat ene 1) Deill-Down Capabilities: This capability of an E1S allows the executives to look for details on any specific information. g.. declining corporate sales in a particular region. Hypertext-style connections are used for accessing information, required by executives, in systems that support graphical user interface. Each level of detail that is accessed by the user may involve submenus if the system (or parts of it) is menu-driven. 2) Designed with Management's Critical Success Factors in Mind: Every organization has certain critical factors that are important for achieving the organizational goals. These factors can be at the organizational level, departmental or division level, and individual level. 3) Status Access, Trend Analysis, and Exception Reporting: This feature allows executives to access the current (latest) data on any key variable, The timing and relevance of information is very important. Trend analysis allows the executives to examine data across desired time intervals. Exception reporting allows the executives to highlight variances from established norms in a company. A brief description explaining the variance may also be provided. 4) Personalized Ani This capability of an EIS allows executives to use built-in functions to analyze problematic situations. These functions allow the executives to specify the date that is required for processing the analysis and the format in which results are displayed. 5) ‘Navigation of {nformation: This feature allows the executives to access large amounts of data in a quick and efficient manner. Examples would include forward and backward path access, skipping screens while accessing a selected part of the system, etc. 6) Presents Graphical, Tabular, and/or Textual Information: The information that is displayed on the terininal for executive users can be in several forms, such asygraphical, tabular, and/or textual information., Functions of EIS 1) Executive information systems perform the conceptually simple task of informing senior executives on ‘matters relevant to their organisational responsibifities. 2) Unlike traditional MIS functions that focus on the storage of large amounts of information, executive information systems focuseé on the retrieval of specific information and on status access. 3) ‘In executive information systems emphasis is on reducing the time and effort that the executive user must expend to obtain useful information for making the organisation more competitive and its employees more productive. a 4) Executive information system can be defined in. its broadest sense as one that deals with all of the information that helps executive make: strategic and competitive decisions, keeps track of the overall business and its functional units, and cuts down on the time spent on routine tasks performed by an executive, 5) Executive information system is eapable of providing an executive with the right information inthe ri format, fast enough to enable the individual to make the right desisene, een ee 3.110.335. Advantages of EIS 1) Easy/for upper-level executives to use, extensive comp 2) Ability o analyze trends 3) Augmentation of managers’ leadership capabilities . 4). Enhiancéd personal thinking and decision making 5) Contribution to strategic control flexibility ‘) Enhanced organizational competitiveness in the market place T) Ease access to existing information 8) Instruments of change 9) Increased executive time horizons 40) Better reporting system 11) Improved mental model of the business for executives 12) Help improved consensus building and communication : 13) Improve office automat efficiency timeliness and ucciracy wuter experience is not required in ‘operations Scanned with CamScanner 14) Reduce time for finding and integrating information 15) Eatly identification of company gerfornaarice 16) Detailed examination of critical success factors 17) Better understanding of enterprise ‘operations 18) Time management and team coordination can be enhanced, allowing users to be more productive 19) Increased communication capacity’ and quality Disadvantages of EIS 1) Functions are limited, cannot perform complex calculations 2) Hard to quantify benefits and to justify implementation of an EIS 3) Executives may encounter information overload 4) System may become slow, large, and hard to manage 5) Difficult to keep current data 6) May lead 16 less reliable and insecure data : 7) Small companies may encounter excessive costs for implementation Scanned with CamScanner yee ne - - vesornesy WOrLd, ype expert System : An expert system is the highest form of management ating office automation which allows the communication and on ulation of documents. Decision support systems aid in lem solving by allowing for manipulation of data and models. fr pert systems gO beyond traditional manipulation of this type as ie allow experts to ‘teach’ computers about their fields so that the m may support more of the decision making process for less xpert decision makers. In this sense, an expert system is software hat contains a knowledge base of facts and relationships and has jie ability to make inferences based on that knowledge base. An expert system is a computer based information system in vhich knowledge is represented in data, in which the processing of the knowledge is directed primarily by computer programs. Expert systems represent one of the most advanced facts of information technology. That is, they aid people in some of the most wmplex and least understood human information handling tasks, ie, decision making, problem solving, diagnosis and learning. They do this by storing a large amount of factual information on a subject area, together with lines of reasoning employed by human ‘perts in that area. Most of this material is supplied to the Program at the time it is written, but it also has facilities for adding ‘o this base of information as it is applied in new situations. The Subject expertise is provided initially by interviews and ‘servations of successful practioners of the subject. Scanned with CamScanner Advantages/Benefits Of Expert Systems To The User : ‘Advantages, benefits and uses of expert system to the usep arg follows : . Pat Fi as ol It improves quality by providing consistent advice and } . making reduction in the error rate. 2. Expert systems are reliable and they donot oy relevant information and potential solutions. 3. It leads to cost reduction as the human expertise is Cost} 4. Expert system also has educational benefits as it Biveg training, provides experience & explanation facilities that can he used as a teaching device. 5. It increases output as an expert system works faster than the human beings. As the expert system is computer based system it requires fewer people and hence reduce the cost. , 6. Expert system makes complex equipments to work, 7. It enhances problem solving as top expert’s judgement is allowed into the analysis in enhancing the problem solving & increases the user’s understanding through explanation. 8. Expert system is compatible with many manager’s decision styles because of their use of judgement. 9. It is not subject to stress. 10. An expert system can out perform a single human expert in many problem situations as it is faster & consistent. erlogk Scanned with CamScanner imitations Of Expert Ss Limitations, proble a : slows * Merits of jn It is hard, even fon ts of an expert system are ; ahi a ational assess. Ighly gkj sins Expert systen ne he ‘eat Fe emer to abstract good an perf @ pressure. werational ene analytical taske Well with specific types of 3. e designin, : expert engineers, they ao anyetion of expert system require an expert system very costly, nd expensive. This limitation make 4. Expert system ex, T : cel only i i i problems in a limited domain of Paowiades Bee ee 5. The vocabulary that ex f i i perts use for expressing facts & relations is frequently limited. ‘pressing facts Ystem . 313 MS a as 6. Another limitation is that most experts have no independent means of checking whether these conclusions are reasonable or not. 7. The approach of each expert to the assessment of the situation may be different, yet it may be correct. 8. Expert system are comparatively costly to develop and maintain. Scanned with CamScanner

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