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Reinforced Concrete Design | 117 Example 6.1 Design ofa simply supported rectangular beam page 1/6 Ref. Calculations Output SPECIFICATION wkN/m e h Effective span, L = 8.25 m Characteristic Actions: | Permanent, g, = 15 kN/m_ (Excluding selfweight) Variable, ¢ , 9. kKN/m Design life _=|__50/Years (Table 2.1 EN 1990) = Fire resistance I XCI R60 __Cniform Building by Law) Table 4.1 Exposure classes ele { | | MATERIALS | | 3.1.2(3) Characteristic strength of concrete, fa | 20 N/imm?|(Table F.1 EN 206) 3.2.22) _| Characteristic strength of stech fy. ___500| N/mm? : Characteristic strength of link, fy, = 500 N/mm? 2 Unit weight of reinforced concrete i 25|kN/m? (Table A.1 EN 1991-1} Assumed: D var ] 20mm_ | a T Pur? - “| 16mm | | ie es - 7 ee ee eae Gio 1 _ SIZE - Overall depth, = 1 / Use: 6 xh Width, 6 = 04h = 250 x 650mm Table 4.2 | _ Min. cover with regard to bond, Crsins_ Table 4.4N| Min. cover with regard to durability, “ Min, required axis distance for R60 fire resistance, - Tay =| 30+10= 40 |mm_ 7 “|Min. cover with regard to fire, DURABILITY, E_& BOND REQUIREMENTS _ 20\mm _ 15mm Cmin = 4a ~ B tink ~ 8 a! | | =| 40 - 6- 0.5(20)) [r= 24\mm | Allowance in design for deviation, AC yey 10|mm | | "Nominal cover, | | |_| user! Crom =Cmint ACgey = | 24+ 10 = 34\mm. Loom 35 mm. I { | { | i { sy ‘09 Scanned with CamScanner 118. | Design of Beams Example 6.1 Design of a simply supported rectangular beam page 2/6 Ref. Calculations Output frable A128 |: EN 1990 LOADING & ANALYSIS Beam selfweight (0.25 x 0.65) x 25 Permanent load (Excluding selfweight) ‘Characteristic permanent action, g x Characteristic variable action, = 9.00 kN/m Design action, wa =1.35g,+15q, = 1.35 (19.06) + 1.5 (9.00) = 39.23 kN/m wa = 39.23 kN/m E 8.25 m Shear Force, V = wal = 161.8 KN [eis — M = wal8 M 333.8 KNm 61 MAIN REINFORCEMENT Effective depth, 4 d = h~Coom ~ Prink ~ 9 bar ~ 0-59 par = 579mm. d= Crom + $ ink + ral = 49mm Design bending moment, Mgg = 334/kNm K M/bd"fa. - 334 x 10°/ (50x 579° x 20) = 0.199 Redistribution 0.% Redistribution ratio, 5 = 1.0 Koa 0.454(5 - kk» - 0.182((6 - k y/o? 0.363 (5- k 1)- 0.116 (5 - ky)” 0.167 | Ki? Rea Compression reinforcement is required Zz = -d [05 +/0.25 - Kya/l-134) | 082d = 082x579 = 475. mm x= (d-2)/0.4 = 259.5 mm ax 49/ |259.5 0.19 < 0.38 ==> The compression steel will have yielded Lee = 0-8 te Using : Ay EC2 0.44 1.25 msy ‘09 Scanned with CamScanner Example 6.1 Reinforced Concrete Design | 119 Design of a simply supported rectangular beam page 3/6 Ref. (Calculations Output 9211 Area of compression steel [ As. (K - Kou) faba? / O87 a(d - |(0.199)-0. 167) x (20 x, 250 x __|0.87 x/500 x (S79 - 235mm | a Area of ten: ion steel As [Kya fabd? / O87. 2 oa [0.87 x, 500 x | 475.2 | =| 1588|mm? | Minimum and maximum reinforcement area, Asmin| = lo, 26 cemlf yx) ba = | 0,167/x @0x_ 250x |579 aie a. 15797) {49) Use: 6H 20 | (1885|mm?) 62 6.2.3 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT. Design shear force, Ving = 161.8kKN Concrete strut capacity Vramm = (0366 wAfal~ fx/250)/ 60% 8 + tan 0) | (0.36 x} 250 x ‘STO x. 20¢ (ot 0+ tan 0) Veena. aa : => Therefore angle 0 =< (29° “1618 3 10" 9° 18x) 250x579 x:20(1 - BOBS) |msy 09 Scanned with CamScanner 120. | Design of Beams Example 6.1 Design of a simply supported rectangular beam page 4/6 Ref. Calculations Output Shear links Argyl 8 Vig! 0.78f yd cot O = 161.8x 10° /(0.78x 500x 579x 2.48) = 0.290 H6 Ag = 57mm? s = $7/0.29 = 195 mm Use : 9.2.2 (6) Max. spacing, Snax = | 0-75d = 0.75 x 579 = 434mm H6 - 175, 9.2.2(5) | Minimum links : | Aw!) = 0.08 4'7bu/ Syn = 0.08 x (20)'? x 250/500 = 0.179 ‘Try link : H6 Agy = 57mm Spacing, 5 57/ 0.18 Use = = 316 mm <_0.75d5 434mm H6 - 300 Shear resistance of minimum links 7 Cc - Vonin A./s \0.78df yp, cot 8) feos : (57/300) x (0.78 x 579x500 x2.5)| ‘ = 105 kN i es Links arrangement l (162 - 105)/ 39.2 i Z 162kN| H6 - 175 H6 - 300 175 _ 144m 5.37 m 44m 6.2.3(7) Additional longitudinal reinforcement | Additional tensile force, AF wy OSVyycotO | S$ Meama/Z O.5x 162x 2.48= 200 KN - Med.max/Z 334 x 10° / 475.2 L_=!703|ken { - 1 1 f i i 5 msy 09 Scanned with CamScanner Reinforced Concrete Design | 121 Example 6.1 Design of a simply supported rectangular beam page 5/6 Ref. { Calculations | _ ___ Output Additional longitudinal reinforcement, { Ay = AF a / 087 | MTo be added to the 200 x 1 A 0.87 x | [4 , near support | (after (= 460 mm? | t curtailment) | | [| _6olmm? | —|___| _feurtati TA |DEFLECTION _ il { - { Percentage of required tension reinforcement, P=! Agreg/bd = 1588 |/250x) 579 Retiree reinforcement ratio, | tl =\Fad'? x 10° = (20) || 10°) = 0.0045 | 2! = As rq /bd = 235 |/250x| 579 | = |Table 7.4N. |Factor for structural system, K = 1.0 el > pe Use equation! =a[iis oy So mt ee 1.0,(11+ 3.21 + 0.22) | ‘span = 7/825 | = | 0.85, [Modification factor for steel area provided, A spro/A sq = 1885)/ 1588 /= 1.19 S ‘Therefore allowable span-effective depth ratio, [C/A )attowabie = 14.4) x 0.85) x 1.19) _ Actual span-effective depth (W/)cua = _|_8250,/ 579 { 73; {CRACKING Table 7.1N| [Limiting crack width, W max Steel stress, yf tng G,+0.30,- gs aseh *@35G, aol ipo 5 =) G00/1.15) x [49.14 ©. 3x 9.0))_/39.2) __X (1588/1885) |x 1.0 T 203 N/mm? Scanned with CamScanner 122 | Design of Beams Example 6.1 Design of a simply supported rectangular beam \ page 6/6 Ref. Calculations Output DETAILING —=—= 650. Esx20_ E3H20 6250 \Note: |A grog Rear Support is 25 % A, nq at midspan = 0.25x 1588 = 307 mm? Add. A , for longitudinal shear 460 mm? (Total Ag nq near support == ‘857 mm” 3H 20 (943 mm?) ~exHie=175 | imsy ‘09 | Scanned with CamScanner

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