DLP in English 2

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

English 2

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
A. Demonstrate understanding of familiar words use in the story;
B. Read the content area words confidently;
C. Identify unfamiliar names of community helpers using illustrations; and
D. Name the importance of community helpers.

Love for Community

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Lesson 2 – My Responsibility, My Community
B. References: Dr. Joya, Eden C., and Wright, Amelia D. Math for Life 6, 2020, pp. 226-237
C. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Vocabulary chart, Pictures of character using
illustrations and pictures of commercially made sign.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Let us all stand and feel the presence of the
Lord. Prayer leader, can you please lead us? Lord, help us in our work for this day, give
us concentration, knowledge and wisdom to
understand our topic for today. May we
always remember that You Jesus is always
with us. In Jesus Name. Amen
2. Greetings
Good day Grade 2- Magiliw!
Hello! I am Teacher Jamica, your English Good morning teacher.
teacher for today.

3. Checking of Attendance
Let me check first your attendance, if I call
your name say “I am blessed” I am blessed

4. Setting of Classroom Standards

Before anything else, let us all read what is
our rules in this class for us to be reminded.  Raise your right hand if you want
to answer
 If you don’t understand something,
 Listen and follow directions
 When I say “Grade 2, 1 2” you
will answer “eyes on you”

5. Drill
“Spelling Time”
 Listen carefully of the words that I will say and
spell in correctly.
1) For
2) This
3) To
4) The
5) Have

6. Review

Class, do you still remember your last topic in

English? Yes teacher.

Alright! Who wants to share in the class what

she/he has learned from your previous topic? The students will share his/her ideas.

Very good! can we give him/her a very good

1, 2, 3!
1, 2, 3! 1,2, 3 very good!
1,2, 3 very good!

7. Motivation

Class, can we all close our eyes.

Yes teacher.
Did you all close your eyes?

Okey, now we will imagine that we are all in the


What are the things that we will see in the street?

A car.
Very good, what else?
A people with different agendas.
Correct! How about the others?
A food stalls
Amazing! All your answer are correct.
B. Presentation of the Lesson

Based from question that I ask earlier, what do

you think is our topic for today? My community, my responsibility.

Very good!

Do you have any idea about community? Teacher, this a group of people living in the
same place or having a particular
characteristic in common

Very good! Community is both a feeling and a set of

relationships among people. People form and
maintain communities to meet common needs. In our
community we share common goals, right? And this
are to make our community in a better place. Yes teacher.

Class, I prepared an activity entitled “Guess Me”

All you need to do is to guess the answer for the

riddles that I prepared with the help of the
pictures provided.

Is that clear?

Okey! Let’s start. Yes teacher.

You see me in the streets.

I make sure there’s no traffic.
I am kind to law-abiding drivers.
But I give tickets to irresponsible ones.

What is the answer? The answer is policeman/woman or

Very good! MMDA

Alright! We all know that policeman or MMDA often

see in the streets, right?
Yes teacher.
What do you think are they doing in the street?
They get all the bad drivers.
Correct! Or they maintain traffic rules and enforce
what is good for us.

C. Development of the Lesson

Class, do you know that we have a lot of community
helper in our life?
Yes teacher.
Can someone give one of his favorite community
A street sweeper.
Very good, a street sweeper that swept all the
garbage’s in the street. Okey, I have here a video
about some of community helpers that you will know
and learn. Are you all ready? Yes teacher.

The teacher will present a video


Alright, who are the community helpers mentioned in

This are teacher, doctor, construction
the video?
worker, farmer, police officer, nurse, chief,
soldiers, veterinarian, fast food worker,
fire-fighter, dentist, and security guard.

Very good! we have a lot of community helpers, Yes teacher!


Now, we will read story and this story entitled “Taxi

Ma’am, Sir!”
The character of the story are Ted, and the
Who are the character of the story that we read?
Old man and his Parents.

He calls taxis for people to help his family.

Very good. What is Ted doing in the street?
A taxi.
What mode of transportation was mentioned in the
The old man gives him money and pancit.
What does he get from calling taxi for the old man?

Correct! The old man gives him money and pancit

and offers that if Ted wants to go back to school, the
old man will provide for his study.
Yes teacher.
Did you enjoy the story?

Of course, Ted is very hardworking for him to be able

to provide for his family. The story gives us hope and
believe that in every hard work it will have a

D. Generalization To let them know that we value what they

are doing.
Class, why do we need to follow, respect and
appreciate community helpers?

Exactly! We need to follow, respect and appreciate

areas or barangay helpers to value and give
importance what they are doing in our barangay.
They make life better for the people in the
community, keep the community healthy and safe,
and help it function more efficiently. 

E. Application

Based from the story that we read. Draw the

transportation that Ted called for people who
needs them and by doing that job he can also
provide for his family little by little.

IV. Evaluation

Matching Type.

Instruction: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the
blank before each number.


_____1. A. Doctor

_____2. B. Policeman/woman

_____3. C. Teacher

_____4. D. Street Sweeper

_____5. E. Fire Fighter

Key to correction:

1. B

2. D

3. E

4. C

5. A

V. Assignment

Instruction: Answer the question properly. Give your best answer.

 What is your dream job? And why?

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