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What is Globalization?
Is a process of inetreaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of
differenet nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided byinformation

Impacts of Globalization on Communication

1. Visual Intereactions - globalization has introduccced virtual communication and collaboration as a

major part of academic and workplace dynamics
2. Cultural Awareness in Speech - we need the ability to catch subtle nuances of people’s manner of
speech when communicating across cultures.
3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language - understand acceptable speaking distances, conflict styles,
eye contact and posture in different cultures.
4. Time Differences - the need to communicate and share information with people across several time

Impacts of Globalization on Global Communication

1. Availability of Information
2. Business Conduct
3. Social Awareness


The Global Community

MacLuhan anticipated the arrival of a global village where everyone on this planet earth could feel
himself to be a citizen of a village.MacLuhan’s vision was inspired by the tremendous development of
radio and television broadcasting.

The superhighway of information or global network of intelligence, allows us now to globally share
information, communicate instantly and work together to develop robust and sustainable economic
progress, promote democracy suitable to our different cultures, improve our environment, health and
education and just world society.

Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

Cultural Awareness is knowing that there are multiple different cultures - based on religion, ethnicity,
nationality - that have different attitudes and outlooks.

Cultural Sensitivity is being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist
without assigning them a value. It refers to a set of skills that allows you to learn about and
understand people whose cultural background is not the same as yours.

Gender Sensitivity
Refers to the aim of understanding and taking account of the societal and cultural factors involved in
gender-based exclusion and discrimination in the most diverse spheres of public and private life.
Gender-sensitive language is the realization of gender equality written and spoken language.

Political Correctness is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid
offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups or individuals in society.

Language Varieties
The term variety is used to refer to any variant of a language which can be sufficiently delimited from
another one.

Several varieties of language:

1. Pidgin is a new language which develops in situations where speakers of different languages need
to communicate but don’t share a common language.
2. Creole is a language when children started learning a pidgin as their first language and it becomes
the mother tongue of a community.
3. Regional dialect is not a distinct language but a variety of a language spoken in a particular area of
a country.
4. Minority Dialect is used by a particular minority ethnic group which they use as a marker of
5. Indigenized varieties are spoken mainly as a second languages in ex-colonies with multilingual

LAnguage Registers

Register is defined as the way a speaker uses language differently in different circumstances.
LAnguage register is the level and style of one’s writing.

Five Distinct Registers:

1. Frozen or sometimes called static register because it refers to historic language or communication
that is intended to remain unchanged.
2. Formal is less rigid but contrained, it is used in professional, academic, or legal settings where
communication is expected to be respectful, uninterrupted, and restrained.
3. Consultative is used in conversation when they are speaking with someone who has specialized
knowledge or who is offering advice.
4. Casual is the register people use when they are with friends, close acquaintances and co-workers,
and family.
5. Intimate is the register reserved for special occassions, usually between only two people and ofter

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