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READING TEST questions as possible within the time allowed. test book, PART 5 the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading teet will last 75 minutos. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many ferent types of You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark 101. Individuals with high cholesterol levels must 104. be ------- examined by a physician to avoid serious illnesses. (A) regular ()reguiarity (© regularly (0) regularize 102. The lease contract may be terminated by 105. the unit owner or the tenant with at least three months’ notice. (A) that (8) either (©) neither (0) both 103. At yesterday's press conference, Good 106. ‘Morning New York! host Alice Shannon said she has no ------- of leaving the show. intention (©) intents (©) intended (D)intening 046 Mr. Baron was forced to search for a new office space ------- because his assistant had already resigned. Whim (8) himsett (his (he For ------- customers, Broadloom is giving ‘@ 20% discount on all carpet cleaning and repair services until the end of May. (A) resided (8) residential (C) residence (0) reside Dentists at Smile Clinic are available ~ consultation from Monday to Sunday between 9 A.M. and 6 PM. (Aon (8) for (Chas (©) within 107. Ms. Chua is recommended to wear eyeglasses with a higher lens grade so she may be able to see clear (8) clearable (©) cleared (0) clearly 108, Penny Bank guarantees that —----- newly launched online banking services are 100% ‘safe and reliable. (A) themselves (B)itsett (©) they its 108, The new intern at the human resources office has already received his initial from the training supervisor. (A) assigned (B) assignment (assigning (D)assigns The architectural team plans a design proposal to the client by the end of the week. (A) will submit (8) submitted (C) submit (0) to submit those who present their admission tickets at the main entrance will be allowed to enter the theme park. 1A) Only (8) While oir (0) Even 113, 14, 115. 116, Hilton University were not passable to light vehicles yesterday due toa flood brought by heavy rains. W surrounds (B) surrounded (©) surrounding (D) surround Make sure that your work e-mail signature contains the correct details, as it will appear inall- (A) correspond (8) corresponds (©) correspondence (©) are corresponding ‘Twenty lightweight laptops will be ------- to supervisors and regular employees at the marketing department tomorrow, (A) distributed (B) converted (C) devoted (0) imported traffic jams caused by an accident ‘on West End Drive, organizers were forced to delay the start of the concert, A) Once (8) Whereas (C) Until (0) Due to Milan Daily has ------- several short stories written by high school students over the past four months, A expressed (8) stated (C) complied (©) published GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ———— 047 z01s3L 117. Although rumors about West Telecom's bankruptcy have spread throughout the business sector, the company has ~ give confirmation. (A previously (8) yet (©) already (O)not 118, adjustments to the lease contract were made to make sure that the apartment would not be subleased by the tenant. (A) Steep (8) Virtual (C) Significant (0) Reluctant 119, Before ------- the writing assignments for the magazine's next issue, the editor introduced some interns to the staff. (A) announced (8) announcing (©) announcement (©) announcer 120. Coolduet air conditioning units are sold more than thirty countries across Asia and Latin America. with in (C) over (0) up to , the manager of Southampton Soccer Club decided to accept the sponsorship offer from Sports Gear. (A) Commonly (8) Unanimously (©) Uttimatoly (0) Timely 048 122. 123, 124. 125, 126. renovation work on the sixth floor has been completed, the employees of the accounting department may go back to their workspaces. (A) Now that (8) Even though (©) In particular (0) Because of Some online courses offered by the university are specifically for professionals who wish to pursue postgraduate studies. (A) completed (8) concluded (C) designed (0) informed ‘According to a detailed from the logistics department, using energy-efficient lights will allow the company to save on power costs. (A) proposal (8) invoice (C) procedure (0) commitment Some members of the board suggested that the acquisition of JMG Foods due to the company's financial problems. (A) were postponed () be postponed (C) should postpone (0) has been postponing ‘The waste segregation policy was an important ordinance that the government to reduce non-biodegradable waste in the city, (A) implementing ) implements (©) implement (©) implemented 121. 128, pastry chef applying for a job at Silver Spoon should have at least five years of professional experience in the culinary industry. (A) Several (B) Little ()any (D) All Some tailors working with a limited budget go to Silk House because of the ------ of Its sewing supplies. (A) accountability, (8) probability (0) affordability (O) liability 129, 130, Employees who plan to be away from their desks for Periods of time should turn off their monitors first. (A) acknowledged (©) expanded (©) certified (O) extended a 8 ‘Some senior employees in the human resources department assist Mr. Lewis in evaluating applicants necessary. (A) whomever (8) whether (©) whenever (0) themselves GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE —— 049

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