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Name: Cristian Chavez

Level: 92I
Date: Monday

a) Match the sound of the letter with the sound of the word.

A Day
E Me
I Hi
O No
U You
R Car
G Tea
J Day
Q You
Y My
Z Bed

b) Read the sentences and identify who says.

You should try to make friends with people from the country. (C)

You should try to learn the local language too. (T)

You shouldn’t forget your family back home. (O)

c) Choose the correct answer to complete the rules.

1) You should means:

a) you have to do it b) it’s a good idea.

2) After should and shouldn’t we use:

a) to + infinative b) infinitive without to.

c) Match the problem with the suggestion.


I´m working 16 hours a day.

I can´t sleep.

My ex-boyfriend´s getting married.

I´ve had a terrible toothache for weeks.


Don´t drink coffee at night.

Go to the dentist. Don´t wait.

Don´t go to the wedding.

Talk to your boss.

d) Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets and should or shouldn’t.
1 A: He feels tired all the time.
B: He should go (go) to the doctor.
2 You ___should drink___(drink) a lot of water when you run.
3 You ___ shouldn’t bring____ (bring) a lot of books. We’re only going for three days.
4 You ___ shouldn’t drive___ (drive) all night. Stop and get some sleep.
5 It’s going to be cold so you ___should take___ (take) some warm clothes.
6 The children ___should come___ (come) into the house – it’s getting dark.
7 We ___ shouldn’t pay____ (pay) for the meal. The food was horrible.
8 I ___ should say____ (say) sorry to him. I broke his cup.

e) Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. money / much / take / should / I / how ?
How much money should I take?
2. museum / we / go / a / should / to ?
should we go to a museum?
3. clothes / should / what / wear / I ?
what clothes should I wear?
4. I / later / come / should / back ?
should I come back later?
5. we / local / the / should / eat / food ?
should we eat the local food?
6. we / should / time / arrive / what ?
what time should we arrive?
7. we / where / stay / should ?
where we should stay?
8. for / should / ask / who / we / advice ?
who should we ask for advice?

f) Read the advice about living abroad. Change the verbs in blue by adding should or
2. you should try to visit new place every weekend. You shouldn`t wait until the last few weeks
of your stay.
3. you should read about the country before you go there.
4. you shouldn`t get angry when things go wrong
5. you should remember that things work differently in other countries.

g) A trip to your city or town someone wants to come for vacation to your city or town.
What advice can you give about …?
When to come? I should come any month
Where to stay? I should stay at my house
Places to visit should visit laguna de cuicocha, its leather goods, its pools
Things to do/things not to do I should go out riding a bike, I must go to try the ice creams of
paila. I shouldn't just go camping
Clothes to bring should bring sportswear, sport shoes (trainers) and swimsuits for the pools
Food to eat I should eat carnes coloradas.

h) Give advice to people with these problems.

My car's making a funny noise.
I think you should go to the mechanics.
A boy in my class is bullyng me.
I think you should tell your teacher.
I've got an important exam tomorrow, and I'm really nervous.
I think you should have a tea to calm down.

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