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Write a brief analysis of your growth and development incorporating the theories

of Erikson (psychosocial), Freud (psychosexual), and Piaget (Cognitive) in EACH

STAGE. Include your references.

Erikson (psychosocial)

I. Infancy (birth to 1 year)

Erikson (psychosocial) Trust vs. Mistrust

My mother told me that at this age, I was always crying and cannot be
held by other people that’s why in Mindoro (my father’s hometown),
they call me “IYA” short for “iyakin” maybe because I don’t have trust in
them just as I have in my mother.

II. Toddlerhood (1-3 years)

Erikson (psychosocial) Autonomy Vs. Shame and doubt

At this age, potty training was introduced to me. Rather than using
diapers in the morning, they let me pee in my toilet or outside the house
when I want to poop they taught me how to verbalize it. At first
according to them I always cry because I don’t want to pee and poop on
my own without diapers, but they push to be independent on it.

III. Preschool (3-5 years)

Erikson (psychosocial)

At this age where I begin to learn to say No and Yes. My Grandmother

told me that we went to a birthday party, and on the table of food I
don’t see my favorite food to eat and extremely throw my plate and
shouted “SITAW” (my favorite food those days) people laugh at me and
my parents too I was fortunate that they didn’t scold me nor got angry
towards me.

IV. School-age (6-12 years)

Erikson (psychosocial)

At this age as I remembered, getting an honor or praise from other

people is an achievement. Whenever our school held a competition such
as spelling bee, quiz bee, etc. I am always enthusiastic to join and yes I
don’t accept being a loser most of the time even in our simple plays and
probably because the children I played with are also like my age and
they are in this stage of development too.

V. Adolescence (12-20 years)

Erikson (psychosocial)

At this age, I observed that I always tend to ask myself about my

purpose and goals. I tend to have some difficult decisions about what I
totally want and what I need to be In order to be acceptable to society
and to myself.

The Sensorimotor Stage

Ages: Birth to 2 Years

According to my father when I was at this age, I used to do thumb/hand-

sucking reflexes that even my feet can reach my mouth. He told me that
my favorite hand to put in my mouth was my right hand so when I’m in
a “duyan” he tied my right hand into the ropes of it with my lampin
cloth but then I suck my other hand which is my left. And that’s my
parent’s theory why I’m left-handed.

The Preoperational Stage

Ages: 2 to 7 Years
At these ages, I love to talk to my toys a lot, because my sibling is a boy I can’t
play doll with him

The Concrete Operational Stage

Ages: 7 to 11 Years
Our lola makes a choco drink for us every morning because I love it so
much, I always pick a taller but thin mug rather than a small but wider mug for
much as I know it has more choco drink inside.

The Formal Operational Stage

Ages: 12 and Up
And as I study information about concepts I progressively understand
hypothetical ideas and reasoning as well.
Freud (psychosexual)

The Oral Stage

Age Range: Birth to 1 Year

Erogenous Zone: Mouth
According to my father when I was at this age, I used to do thumb/hand-sucking
reflexes that even my feet can reach my mouth. He told me that my favorite hand
to put in my mouth was my right hand so when I’m in a “duyan” he tied my right
hand into the ropes of it with my lampin cloth but then I suck my other hand
which is my left. And that’s my parent’s theory why I’m left-handed.

The Anal Stage

Age Range: 1 to 3 years

Erogenous Zone: Bowel and Bladder Control

At this age my mother no longer let me use diapers in the morning for we live on
mountains for they were missionaries and by that, we need to spend less money.
In the morning, they let me wet my shorts and in time, they taught me to pee
outside our house and sit when urinating until the toilet was introduced to me.
According to my mother, I wouldn’t let her go when I’m on the toilet because I
can’t still balance myself and I’m scared at first. Until they improvised a pale for
me to hold while sitting so I won’t shoot in the bowl.

The Phallic Stage

Age Range: 3 to 6 Years

Erogenous Zone: Genitals

As far as I remember I always want my father than my mother, I was so called a

“daddy’s girl”.

The Latent Period

Age Range: 6 to Puberty

Erogenous Zone: Sexual Feelings Are Inactive

Here, I started friendships and had a crush at school too. This is when friends are
important to me, having other people’s approval and praise has a very effect on
my life.

1. Piaget's 4 Stages of Cognitive Development Explained (

2. 5 Psychosexual Stages According to Sigmund Freud (

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