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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Editorial 01 – 10 – 2021

1) Escalation (Noun) -- वृद्धि 4) Bluff (Noun) – धोखा

Definition: an increase in the intensity or Definition: An attempt to deceive someone into

seriousness of something; intensification. believing that one can or is going to do something.

Synonyms: Rise, Hike, Advance, Growth Synonyms: Deception, Subterfuge, Pretence,

Antonyms: Plunge, Relaxation Antonyms: Diplomatic, Evasive

Usage: An escalation of violence Usage: A big, bluff, hearty man

2) Obfuscation (Noun) – अस्पष्ट 5) Dissuade (Verb) – रोकना या द्धवरत करना

Definition: The action of making something Definition: Persuade (someone) not to take a

obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. particular course of action.

Synonyms: Becloud, Befog, Blur, Cloud Synonyms: Discourage, Deter, Prevent,

Antonyms: Simplify, Streamline and Disentangle Antonyms: Persuade, Encourage

Usage: Pakistan must realise that the time for Usage: To that extent, if the crisis doesn’t escalate

denial and obfuscation is over. any further, Pakistan would have successfully

dissuaded India from altering the status quo.

3) Parley (Noun) – बातचीत या बैठक

Definition: A conference between opposing sides in 6) Proponent (Noun) -- प्रस्तावक

a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an Definition: A person who advocates a theory,

armistice. proposal, or course of action.

Synonyms: Negotiation, Meeting, Conference Synonyms: Advocate, Supporter

Usage: Mr. Zarif’s public resignation was also a Antonyms: Adversary, Antagonist, Opponent

kind of a power play. He was missing in the parleys Usage: A vocal proponent of the use of electric-

between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his powered cars

hosts in Tehran recently.

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

7) Entail (Verb) – आवश्यक होना Definition: An action performed to convey a feeling

Definition: Involve (something) as a necessary or or intention.

inevitable part or consequence. Synonyms: Action, Deed, Act, Move

Synonyms: Necessitate, Make necessary, Require, Usage: The captured IAF pilot, Abhinandan

Need, Demand Varthaman, would be released “as a gesture of

Antonyms: Carry, Comprehend, Contain peace”.

Usage: A lavish wedding entails extensive planning

and often staggering expense Editorial 03 – 10 – 2021

1) Manoeuvre (Noun) -- पैंतरे बाजी

8) Reputation (Noun) -- प्रद्धतष्ठा Definition: A movement or series of moves

Definition: a widespread belief that someone or requiring skill and care.

something has a particular characteristic. Synonyms: Operation, Exercise, Activity, Move

Synonyms: Character, Repute, Standing, Stature, Usage: India’s strikes on a target deep inside

Status Pakistan were coupled with diplomatic manoeuvres

Antonyms: Discredit, Disgrace, Dishonor that ensured no country censured India for the

Usage: It meant clear and present reputational move.

damage for the Imran Khan government as well as

the Pakistan military. 2) Imminent (Adjective) – आसन्न

Definition: About to happen.

9) Retaliate (Verb) -- प्रद्धतशोध लेना Synonyms: Impending, At hand, Close, Near,

Definition: To punish in kind the wrongdoer Approaching

responsible for Antonyms: Remote

Synonyms: Avenge, Redress, Requite, Revenge Usage: In recognition of India’s justification to act

Antonyms: Absolve, Condone, Excuse against an imminent terror threat from the Jaish-e-

Usage: Their retaliatory strike against India was Mohammad.

something they felt compelled to undertake.

3) Dossier (Noun) -- फाइल

10) Gesture (Noun) -- इशारा Definition: A collection of documents about a

particular person, event, or subject.

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Synonyms: File, Report, Case History, Case Study Usage: The abiding structural issues that have

Antonyms: pushed a multitude of farmers into acute distress

Usage: Pakistan announced it would study the nowhere near resolution.

dossier given by New Delhi on Azhar and the JeM.

7) Becalm (Verb) – फं से रहना

4) Incumbent (Adjective) -- अवलंबी Definition: Leave (a sailing ship) unable to move

Definition: Necessary for (someone) as a duty or through lack of wind

responsibility. Synonyms: Stranded, Stuck, Marooned,

Synonyms: Binding, Obligatory, Mandatory Motionless

Antonyms: Optional Antonyms: Aggravate, Heighten, Intensify

Usage: At that level, growth would have slowed to Usage: Most of the sectors comprising the broader

a seven-quarter low, giving the incumbent NDA services basket remain becalmed adds to the

government its slowest pace of annual growth. sense of disquiet.

5) Deficient (Adjective) -- अपयााप्त 8) Paradigmatic (Adjective) -- रूप-द्धनदशान संबध

ं ी

Definition: Insufficient or inadequate. Definition: Constituting, serving as, or worthy of

Synonyms: Lacking, Wanting, Defective, being a pattern to be imitated

Inadequate Synonyms: Definitive, Exemplary, Imitable

Antonyms: Excessive, Perfect Antonyms: Bad, Low-grade, Poor, Substandard

Usage: With rabi sowing showing a shortfall across Usage: A paradigmatic essay in which the writer

most crops after a deficient north-east monsoon. presents his point of view clearly and engagingly.

6) Abiding (Adjective) -- स्थायी 9) Provocation (Noun) -- उकसावा

Definition: (of a feeling or memory) lasting a long Definition: Action or speech that makes someone

time; enduring. angry, especially deliberately.

Synonyms: Enduring, Lasting, Persisting, Long- Synonyms: Incitement, Rousing, Stirring,

lasting, Lifelong, Continuing Stimulation, Prompting, Inducement,

Antonyms: Short-lived, Ephemeral, Transitory Encouragement

Antonyms: Counterincentive, Disincentive

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Usage: A patient man who gets angry only from Synonyms: Reference to, Mention of,

the greatest of provocations. Antonyms: Answer, Solution

Usage: ‘People who live in India but are loyal to

10) Propel (Verb) -- प्रेररत करना Pakistan’, a fifth column that threatens the nation,

Definition: Drive or push something forwards. has been a recurring allusion in Sangh Parivar

Synonyms: Spur, Drive, Prompt, Precipitate politics.

Antonyms: Bridle, Check, Constrain, Contain

Usage: Playfully he propelled his rambunctious 4) Insinuation (Noun) -- आक्षेप

friend into the swimming pool to cool off Definition: An unpleasant hint or suggestion of

something bad.

Editorial 04 – 10 – 2021 Synonyms: Implication, Inference, Suggestion,

1) Faction (Noun) -- गुट Hint, Intimation

Definition: Dissension within an organization. Antonyms: Announce, Declare, Proclaim

Synonyms: Infighting, Dissension, Dissent, Dispute Usage: If that insinuation is not self-explanatory,

Antonyms: Harmony Mr. Modi went a step ahead in the 2017 Gujarat

Usage: The claim of the faction headed by V.K. campaign.


5) Appendage (Noun) -- उपांग

2) Malice (Noun) -- द्धवद्वेष Definition: A thing that is added or attached to

Definition: The desire to harm someone; ill will. something larger or more important.

Synonyms: Spite, Malevolence, Maliciousness, Synonyms: Addition, Attachment, Adjunct,

Animosity, Hostility Addendum

Antonyms: Benevolence Antonyms: Essential, Necessity, Requirement

Usage: I bear no malice towards anybody. Usage: Indian Muslims are often understood as an

appendage of Pakistan.

3) Allusion (Noun) -- संकेत

Definition: An expression designed to call 6) Animosity (Noun) -- शत्रुता

something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; Definition: Strong hostility.

an indirect or passing reference.

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Synonyms: Antipathy, Hostility, Friction, Definition: Angry or bitter disagreement over

Antagonism fundamental issues; conflict.

Antonyms: Goodwill, Friendship Synonyms: Conflict, Friction, Discord,

Usage: compartmentalised and then tightly sealed Disagreement

the Hindu-Muslim animosities. Antonyms: Harmony, Peace, Cooperation

Usage: To turn India into a cauldron of strife like

7) Disengage (Verb) -- पृथक करना Pakistan.

Definition: Separate or release (someone or

something) from something to which they are 10) Traitor (Noun) -- गद्दार

attached or connected. Definition: A person who betrays someone or

Synonyms: Remove, Detach, Disentangle, something, such as a friend, cause, or principle.

Extricate Synonyms: Betrayer, Back-stabber

Antonyms: Attach, Connect Antonyms: Loyalist, Patriot

Usage: Mr. Modi shut Pakistan out of the equation; Usage: He was a traitor to his own class.

disengaged with the separatist groups.

Editorial 06 – 10 – 2021

8) Appeasement (Noun) -- तुष्टीकरण

Definition: The action or process of appeasing. 1) Privilege (Noun) -- द्धवशेषाद्धधकार

Synonyms: Conciliation, Placation, Pacification, Definition: A special right, advantage, or immunity

Propitiation, granted or available only to a particular person or

Antonyms: Provocation, Aggression group.

Usage: The massive violence and dispossession Synonyms: Advantage, Right, Benefit, Prerogative

faced by the Hindus in the Valley at the hands of Antonyms: Burden, Duty, Obligation

jihadis validates the Hindutva notion that the Usage: India must not underestimate the impact of

community is a victim of appeasement of Muslims, the U.S. withdrawal of trade privileges.

which is otherwise impossible to establish.

2) Escalate (Verb) -- तेजी से वृद्धि होना

9) Strife (Noun) -- कलह Definition: Increase rapidly.

Synonyms: Increase rapidly, Soar, Rocket

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Plunge

Usage: India-U.S. trade tensions escalated last 6) Thumping (Adjective) -- बहुत बडा

year when the U.S. took two consecutive decisions Definition: Of an impressive size, extent, or

to increase import tariffs on steel and aluminium. amount.

Synonyms: Extremely, Very, Really, Thoroughly,

3) Retaliate (Verb) -- प्रद्धतशोध लेना Antonyms: Meagerly, Scantily

Definition: To punish in kind the wrongdoer Usage: That, however, did not stop him from

responsible for contesting the 2014 elections, which he won with a

Synonyms: Avenge, Redress, Requite thumping majority, despite being out of action on

Antonyms: Absolve, Condone, Excuse the campaign trail.

Usage: Shortly after, India said it would impose

retaliatory tariffs on imports from the U.S. and even 7) Mockery (Noun) -- मजाक

notified the list of items on which these would Definition: A poor, insincere, or insulting imitation

apply. of something

Synonyms: Caricature, Cartoon, Farce

4) Frustrate (Verb) -- द्धनराश करना Antonyms: Applause, Approval, Commendation,

Definition: Prevent (a plan or attempted action) Praise

from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled. Usage: The military could be making a mockery of
Synonyms: Thwart, Defeat, Foil, Block, Stop, the electoral process by insisting on Mr.

Antonyms: Help, Facilitate Bouteflika’s candidacy, in effect undermining the

Usage: The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad highest elected office.


8) Imply (Verb) -- ध्वद्धनत होना

5) Figurehead (Noun) -- कद्धपपत सरदार Definition: Indicate the truth or existence of

Definition: A nominal leader or head without real (something) by suggestion rather than explicit

power. reference.

Synonyms: Frontman, Cipher, Token, Mouthpiece, Synonyms: Implicit, Indirect

Usage: Islamist insurgents and the military, has Antonyms: Explicit, Direct

remained a figurehead in recent years.

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Usage: For the U.S., ‘denuclearisation’ is frontend Synonyms: Odious, Wicked, Evil and Atrocious

loaded, implying complete, verifiable and Antonyms: Admirable

irreversible disarmament that requires North Korea Usage: It is possible that the heinous nature of the

to bring nuclear military activity to a halt. crime had influenced the outcome of the case.

9) Queer (Verb) -- द्धबगाडना या बबााद करना 2) Condign (Adjective) -- लायक़

Definition: Spoil or ruin (an agreement, event, or Definition: Being what is called for by accepted

situation). standards of right and wrong

Synonyms: Spoil, Damage, Impair, Harm Synonyms: Competent, Deserved, Due, Fair

Antonyms: Apathetic, Casual, Cool, Detached Antonyms: Undeserved, Undue, Unfair, and Unjust

Usage: The pitch was queered by intelligence Usage: The belief that condign punishment is

reports surfacing that in addition to the principal necessary for rendering complete justice could be

nuclear facility (Yongbyon). behind courts brushing aside discrepancies or

improvements in the evidence provided by

10) Vulnerable (Adjective) -- जो सहज में घायल हो सके witnesses.

Definition: Exposed to the possibility of being

attacked or harmed, either physically or 3) Redound (Verb) – योगदान देना

emotionally. Definition: Contribute greatly to (a person's credit

Synonyms: Endangered, Unsafe and Unprotected or honour)

Antonyms: Well protected, Invulnerable, Resilient Synonyms: Pan Out, Result

Usage: With economic troubles at home and Antonyms: Backfire. Fizzle

hardliners in Seoul accusing him of being over- Usage: His latest diplomatic effort will redound to

optimistic and naive, he is vulnerable. his credit.

Editorial 07 – 10 – 2021 4) Discrepancy (Noun) -- द्धवसंगद्धत

Definition: An illogical or surprising lack of

1) Heinous (Adjective) -- जघन्य compatibility or similarity between two or more

Definition: (of a person or wrongful act, especially a facts.

crime) utterly odious or wicked. Synonyms: Inconsistency, Difference, Disparity

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Similarity, Correspondence

Usage: The belief that condign punishment is 8) Blunt (Verb) – सुस्त होना

necessary for rendering complete justice could be Definition: Weaken or reduce the force of

behind courts brushing aside discrepancies or (something).

improvements in the evidence provided by Synonyms: Dull, Deaden, Dampen

witnesses. Antonyms: Intensify, Sharpen

Usage: Nevertheless, the sharp edge of this socio-

5) Detached (Adjective) -- अलगाया हुआ political movement was gradually blunted,

Definition: Separate or disconnected. especially during the final few decades of the 20th

Synonyms: Disconnected, Disengaged century.

Antonyms: Connected

Usage: A detached collar 9) Veritable (Adjective) -- द्धवश्वसनीय

Definition: Used for emphasis, often to qualify a

6) Heyday (Noun) -- उमंग का समय metaphor.

Definition: The period of a person's or thing's Synonyms: Authentic, Classic, Genuine and Real

greatest success, popularity, activity, or vigour. Antonyms: Doubtful, Dubious and Equivocal

Synonyms: Prime, Peak, Height, High point Usage: nder M.G. Ramachandran, and later

Antonyms: Low point Jayalalithaa, this party promoted a different style of

Usage: In its heyday, the ruling political ideology in patronage distribution, which has come to be

Tamil Nadu was dominated by anti-Delhi, anti- recognised as “benevolent populism”, driven by an

Brahmin, anti-Hindi sentiment. all-powerful leader worshipped as a veritable

political god.

7) Legatee (Noun) – लाभाथी, द्धनरीक्षक, वाररस

Definition: A person who receives a legacy. 10) Stitch (Verb) – एक साथ जोडना

Synonyms: Beneficiary, Inheritor, Heir Definition: Manipulate a situation so that someone

Usage: As the legatee of ‘Periyar’ E.V. Ramasamy is placed at a disadvantage or wrongly blamed for

and C.N. Annadurai, the late M. Karunanidhi, something.

president of the DMK until his passing in August Synonyms: Sew, Baste, Tack, Seam


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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Usage: The party also stitched together a broader Usage: The Supreme Court has squandered the

inter-caste coalition as the base for its campaign chance to rein in an increasingly powerful Central

strategies, and arguably that heralded its executive.

successes through the turn of the century and

beyond. 4) Scrutiny (Noun) -- संवीक्षा

Definition: Critical observation or examination.

Synonyms: Inspection, Survey, Scan, Study

Editorial 08 – 10 – 2021 Antonyms: Glance, Cursory look

1) Censor (Verb) -- आद्धधकाररक तौर पर जांच करना Usage: Its Rafale and Central Bureau of

Definition: Examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and Investigation judgments were subjected to intense

suppress unacceptable parts of it. scrutiny, and continue to be.

Synonyms: Blue-pencil, and Unpublished

Antonyms: Approve, Authorize, Sanction 5) Consign (Verb) – प्रेषण करना

Usage: The Official Secrets Act can’t be an Definition: Deliver (something) to a person's

instrument to censor embarrassing media keeping.

revelations. Synonyms: Assign, Allocate, Place, Put

Antonyms: Acquire, Draw, Earn

2) Hazardous (Adjective) -- खतरनाक Usage: Consigned the prisoner to the dungeon.

Definition: Risky; Dangerous.

Synonyms: Dangerous, Risky, Unsafe, Perilous 6) Crucial (Adjective) -- महत्वपूणा

Antonyms: Safe, Secure, Certain Definition: Decisive or critical, especially in the

Usage: Political will is integral to the tackling of success or failure of something.

India’s hazardous air pollution. Synonyms: Pivotal, Critical, Key, Climacteric

Antonyms: Unimportant

3) Squander (Verb) -- अपव्यय करना Usage: This affected a crucial element of our

Definition: Waste (something, especially money or constitutional structure: bicameralism.

time) in a reckless and foolish manner.

Synonyms: Waste, Misspend, Misuse, 7) Deliberative (Adjective) -- अद्धधकारहीन

Antonyms: Manage, Save

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Definition: A careful weighing of the reasons for or Definition: Induce (someone) to do something

against something through reasoning or argument.

Synonyms: Account, Advisement, Consideration Synonyms: Coax, Convince, Make, Get

Antonyms: Short shrift Antonyms: Dissuade, Discourage, Deter

Usage: The basic idea is that law-making is a Usage: The executive can effectively rule by

balanced and deliberative process, not an exercise decree, as it is in no threat of losing a vote if it fails

in pure majoritarianism. to persuade its own party members.

8) Gloss (Verb) -- द्धिपाने की कोद्धशश करना Editorial 11 – 10 – 2021

Definition: Try to conceal or disguise (something 1) Reiterate (Verb) -- बारम्बार दोहराना

unfavourable) by treating it briefly or representing it Definition: say something again or a number of

misleadingly. times, typically for emphasis or clarity.

Synonyms: Conceal, Cover up, Hide, Camouflage, Synonyms: Repeat, Say Again, Restate, Retell,

Disguise Recapitulate

Antonyms: Disclose, Exaggerate Usage: She reiterated that the government would

Usage: Raising concerns that may have been remain steadfast in its support.

glossed over or evaded in the Lower House.

2) Inclination (Noun) -- प्रवृद्धि

9) Defection (Noun) -- पररत्याग Definition: A person's natural tendency or urge to

Definition: The desertion of one's country or cause act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

in favour of an opposing one. Synonyms: Tendency, Propensity, Proclivity,

Synonyms: Desertion, Absconding, Decamping Antonyms: Aversion, Disinclination

Usage: It was decided that the only way to combat Usage: John was a scientist by training and

party defections was to disqualify members who inclination.

voted against the whip, except under very tough

conditions. 3) Bleak (Adjective) -- अप्रमाद्धणक

Definition: (of a situation) not hopeful or

encouraging; unlikely to have a favourable

10) Persuade (Verb) -- राजी करना outcome.

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Synonyms: Unpromising, Unfavourable,

Unpropitious, Inauspicious 7) Invincible (Adjective) -- अजेय

Antonyms: Promising, Hopeful Definition: Incapable of being defeated, overcome,

Usage: He paints a bleak picture of a company that or subdued

has lost its way he paints a bleak picture of a Synonyms: Bulletproof, Impregnable, Indomitable

company that has lost its way. Antonyms: Defenseless, Helpless, Powerless,


4) Discerning (Adjective) – समझदार Usage: An invincible wrestler who has never lost a

Definition: Having or showing good judgement. match.

Synonyms: Discriminating, Selective, Judicious,

Tasteful 8) Cumulative (Adjective) -- संचयी

Antonyms: Undiscerning, Indiscriminate Definition: Increasing or increased in quantity,

Usage: The brasserie attracts discerning degree, or force by successive additions.

customers. Synonyms: Increasing, Accumulative

Antonyms: Decremental, Decrescent

5) Reinforce (Verb) -- सुदढृ बनाना Usage: The trigger for a series of developments

Definition: Strengthen or support (an object or that cumulatively pose a challenge to his bid for a

substance), especially with additional material. second term at the Centre.

Synonyms: Strengthen, Fortify

Usage: The helmet has been reinforced with a 9) Shunned (Adjective) -- अनदेखा करना

double layer of cork. Definition: Persistently avoid, ignore, or reject

(someone or something) through antipathy or

6) Aura (Noun) -- आभा caution.

Definition: The distinctive atmosphere or quality Synonyms: Avoid, Evade, Eschew,

that seems to surround and be generated by a Antonyms: Accept, Seek, Welcome

person, thing, or place. Usage: Aspirants are being shunned by each

Synonyms: Atmosphere, Air, Quality, Aspect, party, resulting in a pool of disgruntled local actors

Character, Ambience now scurrying for shelter in other parties.

Usage: Mr. Modi’s aura of invincibility.

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

10) Granular (Adjective) -- दानेदार Definition: The transfer or delegation of power to a

Definition: Resembling or consisting of small grains lower level, especially by central government to

or particles. local or regional administration.

Synonyms: Powder, Powdered, Powdery, Grainy Synonyms: Decentralization, Delegation, Dispersal

Antonyms: Dusty, Fine, Floury, Powdery Antonyms: Centralization

Usage: Yet, there is uncertainty at the granular Usage: Devolution of power and redistribution of

level. resources.

Editorial 12 – 10 – 2021 4) Afflict (Verb) – पीद्धडत करना

1) Resolute (Adjective) -- कृ त-द्धनश्चय Definition: (of a problem or illness) cause pain or

Definition: Admirably purposeful, determined, and trouble to; affect adversely.

unwavering. Synonyms: Trouble, Bother, Burden, Distress

Synonyms: Determined, Purposeful, Purposive Antonyms: Comfort

Antonyms: Irresolute, Half – hearted Usage: This is not to overlook the various maladies

Usage: The resolute trust that the founding fathers that have afflicted the country’s democracy.

of the Republic put in the parliamentary democratic

system has been substantially proven wise. 5) Corrode (Verb) -- खुरचना

Definition: Destroy or damage (metal, stone, or

2) Fragility (Noun) -- भंगरु ता other materials) slowly by chemical action.

Definition: The quality of being easily broken or Synonyms: Erode, Abrade, Consume, Dissolve

damaged. Antonyms: Freshen, Recreate, Refresh

Synonyms: Frailty, Flimsiness, Weakness, Usage: The corroding influence of money and

Delicacy muscle power in elections, and divisive

Antonyms: Robustness majoritarian tendencies.

Usage: India did make some dangerous turns and

show signs of fragility, especially during the 6) Sustenance (Noun) -- द्धनवााह

Emergency in the 1970s. Definition: Food and drink regarded as a source of

strength; nourishment.

3) Devolution (Noun) -- द्धवचलन Synonyms: Nourishment, Food, Nutriment

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October Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Candy, Fluff, Pablum Definition: Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction;

Usage: The Election Commission of India has over uninspired or uninspiring.

the decades evolved itself into a fine institution and Synonyms: Uninspired, Uninspiring, Unimaginative

plays a critical role in the sustenance of Antonyms: Inspired, Brilliant

democracy. Usage: No excuses were made for the team's

lacklustre performance.

7) Disregard (Verb) – अवहेलना करना

Definition: Pay no attention to; ignore. 10) Deteriorate (Verb) -- और द्धबगड जाना

Synonyms: Ignore, Take no notice of, Take no Definition: Become progressively worse.

account of Synonyms: Worsen, Get worse, Decline

Antonyms: Heed, Pay attention to Antonyms: Improve

Usage: The stakes are high for all contenders this Usage: As economic conditions in Europe and Asia

year, and Indian politics has reached a level of begin to deteriorate, central banks have been quick

competitiveness where ground rules of to turn more dovish.

engagement are routinely disregarded.

Editorial 13 – 10 – 2021

8) Persistent (Adjective) -- दृढ़ 1) Salient (Adjective) -- मुख्य

Definition: Continuing firmly or obstinately in an Definition: Most noticeable or important.

opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or Synonyms: Important, Main, Principal, Major

opposition. Antonyms: Unimportant, Inconspicuous

Synonyms: Tenacious, Persevering, Determined Usage: It succinctly covered all the salient points of

Antonyms: Irresolute the case

Usage: In fact, many have argued that the gradual

but persistent raising of rates may be the reason 2) Backlash (Noun) -- संघषा

behind the slowdown in U.S. growth and the Definition: A strong negative reaction by a large

lacklustre inflation numbers. number of people, especially to a social or political


9) Lacklustre (Adjective) -- द्धबना चमक का, उदासीन Synonyms: Counterblast, Comeback, Recoil

Usage: A public backlash against racism

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3) Bifurcation (Noun) -- द्धद्वभाजन 6) Shattered (Adjective) – बहुत परे शान

Definition: A movement in different directions away Definition: Very upset.

from a common point Synonyms: exhausted, tired out, worn out, weary,

Synonyms: Divarication, Divergence, Divergency, dog-tired, bone-tired

Separation Antonyms: Fresh as a daisy, Raring to go

Antonyms: Accord, Agreement, Likeness, Similarity Usage: Victory in Baghouz will also mean the IS’s

Usage: Andhra Pradesh has faced acute fiscal territorial caliphate is shattered.

concerns after bifurcation.

7) Forefront (Noun) -- सबसे आगे

4) Reassure (Verb) – आश्वस्त करना Definition: The leading or most important position

Definition: Say or do something to remove the or place.

doubts or fears of (someone). Synonyms: Vanguard, Van, Spearhead, Head,

Synonyms: Encourage, Hearten Lead,

Antonyms: Alarm, Unnerve Antonyms: Rear, Background

Usage: The TDP government would be keen to Usage: Syrian Kurdish rebels have been in the

reassure voters over concerns about the State’s forefront of the war.

8) Insurgent (Noun) – द्धवद्रोही

5) Straddle (Verb) – समान होना Definition: A person fighting against a government

Definition: take up or maintain an equivocal or invading force; a rebel or revolutionary.

position with regard to (a political issue). Synonyms: Rebel, Revolutionary, Revolutionist,

Synonyms: be equivocal about, be undecided Mutineer, Agitator

about, be non-committal about Antonyms: Loyalist

Usage: It is basically an insurgent-jihadist group.

Usage: The Islamic State, which at its peak

controlled territories straddling the Iraq-Syria 9) Shrinking (Adjective) -- अनुबध

border of the size of Great Britain, is now fighting Definition: Becoming smaller in size or amount.

for half a square kilometre in eastern Syria. Synonyms: Contract, Diminish, Lessen, Reduce

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Antonyms: Expand, Increase Usage: Their lack of manners scandalized their

Usage: It has established cells, especially in Syria hosts

and Iraq, which have continued to carry out terror

attacks even as IS territories kept shrinking. 3) Outright (Adjective) -- एकमुश्त

Definition: Absolute, Complete, Utter, Downright,

10) Mindful (Adjective) -- सावधान Sheer, Stark,

Definition: Conscious or aware of something Synonyms: total; wholly and completely.

Synonyms: Aware of, Conscious of, Alive to, Antonyms: Partial

Sensible of Usage: There is no legal provision for an outright

Antonyms: Heedless, Oblivious ban on it.

Usage: The Syrian government and other

stakeholders in the region should be mindful of the 4) Adverse (Adjective) -- द्धवपरीत

geopolitical and sectarian minefields. Definition: Preventing success or development;

harmful; unfavourable.

Editorial 14 – 10 – 2021 Synonyms: Unfavourable, Disadvantageous and

1) Contempt (Noun) -- अवमान Inauspicious

Definition: The feeling that a person or a thing is Antonyms: Favourable, Beneficial, Positive and

worthless or beneath consideration. Friendly

Synonyms: Scorn, Disdain, Disrespect Usage: Taxes are having an adverse effect on

Antonyms: Respect production.

Usage: The contempt law must not be used, or

seen to be used, to stifle dissenting views. 5) Tendentious (Adjective) -- पूवााग्रह

Definition: Expressing or intending to promote a

2) Scandalize (Verb) -- आघात पहुुँचाना particular cause or point of view, especially a

Definition: Shock or horrify (someone) by a real or controversial one.

imagined violation of propriety or morality. Synonyms: Bias, Favor, Non - objectivity, One-

Synonyms: Shock, Appal, Outrage, Horrify, Disgust sidedness

Antonyms: Impress Antonyms: Calm, Detachment, Dispassion

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Usage: While there may be a need to curb Usage: A judgeʼs reputation for lenience towards

tendentious criticism of the judiciary and self- first-time criminals

serving comments on ongoing proceedings in

mainstream and social media. 9) Sparing (Adjective) -- द्धमतव्ययी, ककफायती

Definition: Moderate; Economical.

6) Stifle (Verb) -- दम घुटना Synonyms: Thrifty, Economical and Frugal

Definition: Make (someone) unable to breathe Antonyms: Extravagant, Lavish

properly; suffocate. Usage: Physicians advised sparing use of the

Synonyms: Suffocate, Choke, Asphyxiate ointment.

Antonyms: Cold, Chilly

Usage: There is a compelling case to use the

contempt law sparingly, and avoid the impression 10) Umbrage (Noun) -- अपकार

that it is being used to stifle free speech or dissent. Definition: The feeling of being offended or

resentful after a slight or indignity

7) Detached (Adjective) -- अलगाया हुआ Synonyms: Dudgeon, Huff, Miff

Definition: Separate or disconnected. Antonyms: Satisfaction, Appeasement

Synonyms: Unfastened, Disconnected, Usage: It is a moot question whether the court

Disengaged, ought to have taken umbrage at this remark or

Antonyms: Connected ignored it

Usage: Lenience, not anger, ought to be the

primary response of a detached judiciary. Editorial 15 – 10 – 2021

1) Persuasive (Adjective) -- प्रेरक

8) Lenience (Noun) -- उदारता Definition: Good at persuading someone to do or

Definition: The fact or quality of being more believe something through reasoning or the use of

merciful or tolerant than expected; clemency. temptation.

Synonyms: Charity, Clemency, Forbearance Synonyms: Convincing, Effective, Cogent,

Antonyms: Mercilessness, Pitilessness, Antonyms: Unconvincing, Weak

Ruthlessness Usage: Its decision on Masood Azhar is shocking

— but India must keep up persuasive diplomacy

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Definition: (of conduct or an event) giving rise to

2) Dossier (Noun) -- फाइल regret; undesirable; unwelcome.

Definition: A collection of documents about a Synonyms: Undesirable, Unfortunate, Unwelcome

particular person, event, or subject. Antonyms: Desirable, Welcome

Synonyms: File, Report, Case History Usage: China’s stand is regrettable and

Usage: It reached out to several governments, and condemnable, and it has been consistent on this

shared a dossier on Azhar with each member of issue.

the Security Council, who are all members of the

1267 ISIL and al-Qaeda sanctions committee. 6) Coercion (Noun) -- अवपीडन

Definition: The action or practice of persuading

3) Foil (Verb) – द्धवफल करना someone to do something by using force or

Definition: Frustrate the efforts or plans of. threats.

Synonyms: Thwart, Frustrate, Counter, Oppose, Synonyms: Force, Compulsion, Constraint

Antonyms: Assist Antonyms: Persuasion

Usage: From 2016 to 2018, India’s proposals to list Usage: New Delhi must now consider whether it

Azhar, with evidence of JeM involvement in the wishes to accept this as a fait accompli, or confront

Pathankot airbase attack, were also foiled by Beijing to try to persuade it to change its stand by

China. means of incentives or coercion.

4) Emanate (Verb) -- द्धनगात होना 7) Concerted (Adjective) -- सद्धम्मद्धलत

Definition: originate from; be produced by Definition: Jointly arranged or carried out;

Synonyms: Emit, Evolve, Exhale, Expel, Expire coordinated.

Antonyms: Absorb, Inhale, Synonyms: Joint, United,

Usage: China is unwilling to align itself with India Antonyms: Separate, Individual

on its concerns on cross-border terrorism Usage: This is a challenge, as any kind of

emanating from Pakistan. concerted international pressure from the Western

countries in this regard has in the past only served

5) Regrettable (Adjective) -- पितावा करने योग्य to be counterproductive.

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8) Unravel (Verb) – हल करना Editorial 16 – 10 – 2021

Definition: Investigate and solve or explain 1) Stark (Adjective) -- द्धनरा

(something complicated or puzzling). Definition: Unpleasantly or sharply clear.

Synonyms: Solve, Resolve Synonyms: Blunt, Bald, Bare, Simple

Antonyms: Complicate Antonyms: Disguised

Usage: The agency must swiftly unravel the sexual Usage: The sixth edition of the Global Environment

assault and blackmail racket that has victimised a Outlook from the UN Environment Programme has

number of young women. come as another stark warning.

9) Piteous (Adjective) – दयनीय 2) Mortality (Noun) -- मृत्यु-दर

Definition: Deserving or arousing pity. Definition: The state of being subject to death.

Synonyms: Sad, Pitiful, Pitiable, Pathetic, Synonyms: Impermanence, Temporality,

Distressing Transience

Usage: Sourced from the phones of those who Antonyms: Immortality

were arrested, it had a woman piteously pleading Usage: This causes ill-health and premature

with her abusers to leave her alone. mortality, and affects the quality of life, particularly

for those unable to insulate themselves from these

10) Accentuate (Verb) – प्रमुख बनाना

Definition: Make more noticeable or prominent. 3) Curb (Verb) -- द्धनयंद्धत्रत करना

Synonyms: Highlight, Spotlight, Foreground, Definition: Restrain or keep in check.

Feature Synonyms: Restrain, Repress, Suppress

Antonyms: Mask, Divert attention from Antonyms: Release

Usage: Given the timing, with the Lok Sabha polls Usage: That would mean curbing the use of fossil

and critical Assembly by-elections around the fuels and toxic chemicals across the spectrum of

corner, the political glow on the case is likely to be economic activity.


4) Consensus (Noun) -- मतैक्य

Definition: A general agreement.

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Synonyms: Agreement, Harmony, Concord Usage: Water protection gets low priority, and

Antonyms: Disagreement, Minority view State governments show no urgency in

Usage: Aggressive monitoring of air quality in cities augmenting rainwater harvesting.

through scaled-up facilities would bring about a

consensus on cutting emissions of greenhouse 8) Perspective (Noun) -- पररप्रेक्ष्य

gases. Definition: A view or prospect.

Synonyms: View, Vista, Panorama, Prospect

5) Impetus (Noun) -- संवेग Usage: With the catastrophic consequences of a

Definition: The force or energy with which a body hard Brexit option thus foreclosed, from Britain’s

moves. perspective at least.

Synonyms: Momentum, Propulsion, Impulsion

Usage: Hit the booster coil before the flywheel 9) Respite (Noun) -- राहत

loses all its impetus Definition: A short period of rest or relief from

something difficult or unpleasant.

6) Imperative (Adjective) -- आज्ञाथाक Synonyms: Rest, Break, Breathing Space

Definition: of vital importance; crucial. Antonyms: Bustle, Commotion

Synonyms: Indispensable, Exigent, Pressing, Usage: The weekend provided a nice respite from

Urgent; the pressures of her job.

Antonyms: Unimportant, Optional

Usage: In the case of water, the imperative is to

stop the contamination of surface supplies by 10) Delusion (Noun) -- ग़लतफहमी

chemicals, sewage and municipal waste. Definition: A conception or image created by the

imagination and having no objective reality

7) Augment (Verb) – आगम करना Synonyms: Misconception, Misunderstanding,

Definition: Make (something) greater by adding to Mistake

it; increase Antonyms: Actuality, Fact, Reality

Synonyms: Increase, Enlarge, Expand, Extend Usage: Developments this week have dealt a huge

Antonyms: Decrease blow to hardline eurosceptics in the U.K., whose

narrow nationalist delusions have made them

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impervious to the economic cost of Synonyms: Constant, Continuing, Continual,

disengagement. Ceaseless

Antonyms: Temporary, Mild

Usage: Beyond such acute disasters, there is the

Editorial 18 – 10 – 2021 chronic toll of eight people, on average, dying

1) Irony (Noun) -- व्यंग्य every day on the city’s railway tracks.

Definition: The expression of one's meaning by

using language that normally signifies the opposite, 4) Mollify (Verb) -- शमन करना

typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Definition: Reduce the severity of (something).

Synonyms: Sarcasm, Sardonicism, and Dryness, Synonyms: Allay, Assuage, Alleviate, Mitigate

Antonyms: Sincerity Antonyms: Inflame, Aggravate

Usage: The pedestrian bridge that collapsed at Usage: some civic body officials. Such steps may

Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus serve to mollify public anger, and no one would

underscores the irony of India’s race to argue against efforts to fix accountability for

development on creaking urban infrastructure. lapses.

2) Rickety (Adjective) -- अद्धस्थर 5) Prolonged (Adjective) -- दीघाकालीन

Definition: (of a structure or piece of equipment) Definition: Extend the duration of.
poorly made and likely to collapse. Synonyms: Lengthen, Make Longer, Extend

Synonyms: Shaky, Unsteady, Unsound, and Antonyms: Shorten

Unsafe Usage: It has also closed several busy footbridges,

Antonyms: Brand-new, Fresh, and New virtually confirming prolonged neglect of

Usage: There was a stampede at Mumbai’s maintenance.

Elphinstone bridge that left at least 23 people dead

An incident that officials blamed on heavy rain and 6) Distortion (Noun) -- द्धवकृ द्धत

overcrowding on the rickety structure. Definition: The action of distorting or the state of

being distorted.

3) Chronic (Adjective) -- द्धचरकारी Synonyms: Warp, Twist, Contortion

Definition: (of a problem) long-lasting.

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Usage: Distortions in urban policymaking in recent Synonyms: Meticulous, Punctilious, and

years are all too evident, marked by support for Conscientious

loosely defined smart cities and personal vehicles. Antonyms: Slapdash

Usage: The rigorous testing of consumer products.

7) Fatigue (Noun) -- थकान

Definition: Extreme tiredness resulting from mental

or physical exertion or illness. 10) Doughty (Adjective) -- द्धहम्मती

Synonyms: Tiredness, Weariness, Exhaustion Definition: Brave and persistent.

Antonyms: Energy, Vigour Synonyms: Fearless, Dauntless, Determined, and

Usage: The manifesto and the symbols he carried Resolute

suggest that he was influenced by far-right Antonyms: Timid

terrorists and their anti-Muslim, anti-immigration Usage: The Congress’s doughty veteran and chief

and anti-Semite ideology. He came in military of the Delhi Congress, Sheila Dikshit.


Editorial 19 – 10 – 2021

8) Fringe (Noun) -- सीमांत 1) Enact (Verb) -- अद्धधद्धनयम बनाना

Definition: The outer, marginal, or extreme part of Definition: Make (a bill or other proposal) law

an area, group, or sphere of activity. Synonyms: Pass, Approve, Ratify, Validate

Synonyms: Unconventional, Unorthodox, and Antonyms: Repeal

Offbeat Usage: It was finally enacted as a law in 2013, and

Antonyms: Mainstream and Middle came into effect on January 16, 2014.

Usage: Right-wing racist terror, which has largely

been on the fringes in the post-War world, is 2) Stern (Adjective) -- द्धनष्ठु र

emerging as a major political and security threat, Definition: (of an act or statement) strict and

especially in white-majority societies. severe.

Synonyms: Strict, Severe, Stringent, Harsh,

9) Rigorous (Adjective) -- करठन Drastic,

Definition: Extremely thorough and careful. Antonyms: Lenient, Lax

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Usage: Ultimately, it was the court’s stern 6) Patchy (Adjective) -- खंडयुक्त

ultimatum to appoint a Lokpal within a timeframe Definition: Not of the same quality throughout;

that worked. inconsistent.

Synonyms: Fragmentary, Deficient and Inadequate

3) Verdict (Noun) – अद्धधमत या द्धनणाय Antonyms: Complete and Comprehensive

Definition: A decision on an issue of fact in a civil Usage: The BJP is acutely aware that its presence

or criminal case or an inquest. has been patchy across regions and social groups,

Synonyms: Judgement, Adjudication historically.

Usage: In a verdict in April 2017, the Supreme

Court rejected the excuse and said there was no 7) Sophistry (Noun) – कु तका , अडचन

legal bar on the selection committee moving ahead Definition: The use of clever but false arguments,

even if there was a vacancy. especially with the intention of deceiving.

Synonyms: Sophism, Casuistry, Quibbling,

4) Pertain (Verb) – से संबद्धं धत होना Equivocation

Definition: Be appropriate, related, or applicable to. Usage: The Hindutva party’s foray into the

Synonyms: Concern, Relate to Northeast in the past often involved legal sophistry

Antonyms: Irrelevant, Inappropriate and manoeuvring.

Usage: One amendment pertained to including the

leader of the largest party in the Opposition in the 8) Saturated (Adjective) -- संतप्त

selection committee. Definition: Holding as much water or moisture as

can be absorbed; thoroughly soaked.

5) Unrealistic (Adjective) -- अवास्तद्धवक Synonyms: Soaked, soaking

Definition: Not realistic. Antonyms: Bone dry

Synonyms: Impractical, Impracticable and Usage: With its strength saturated in its

Unworkable strongholds, the BJP has compulsions to look for

Antonyms: Realistic, Pragmatic and Lifelike fresh terrains to grow but its efforts in the

Usage: It may be unrealistic to expect any dramatic Northeast are significant for more long-term

impact on the lives of the common people. reasons.

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9) Strident (Adjective) – कठोर Meaning: a false, absurd, or distorted

Definition: (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating. representation of something.

Synonyms: Harsh, Raucous, Rough, Grating Synonyms: misrepresentation, distortion,

Antonyms: Soft, Dulcet perversion, corruption

Usage: In its efforts to woo the Northeast, here the Antonyms: seriousness

party has soft-pedalled its strident cow protection Usage: "the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty

agenda that has a sharp anti-minority edge. of justice"

10) Debate (Noun) -- बहस 3) Heinous (adjective) -- जघन्य

Definition: Argue about (a subject), especially in a Meaning: of a person or wrongful act, especially a

formal manner. crime) utterly odious or wicked.

Synonyms: Ponder, Deliberate, Reflect, Synonyms: Odious, wicked, evil, atrocious,

Contemplate monstrous, disgraceful

Antonyms: Short shrift Antonyms: delightful, Friendly, good

Usage: The fundamental contradiction between the Usage: "a battery of heinous crimes"

ethnicity-oriented politics of the region and the

BJP’s religion-inspired politics is visible in the 4) Hostile (verb) -- शत्रुतापूणा

debate on the Bill. Meaning: showing or feeling opposition or dislike;


Editorial 22 – 10 – 2021 Synonyms: antagonistic, aggressive,

1) Acquittal (noun) -- दोषमुद्धक्त confrontational, belligerent

Meaning: a judgment or verdict that a person is not Antonyms: friendly, hospitable, nonantagonistic,

guilty of the crime with which they have been nonhostile, sympathetic

charged. Usage: "a hostile audience"

Synonyms: absolution, clearing, exoneration

Antonyms: conviction 5) Detonators (noun) -- एक द्धवस्फोट करने के द्धलए

Usage: "the trial resulted in an acquittal" इस्तेमाल ककया जाने वाला उपकरण या िोटा संवद
े नशील चाजा
Meaning: a device or small sensitive charge used

2) Travesty (noun) – गलत बयानी to detonate an explosive.

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Synonyms: ball of fire, Fuse, human dynamo Meaning: (of a clock or watch) not wound or wound

Usage: Among these were one who removed a up.

mobile phone from the body of Sunil Joshi, a prime Synonyms: loosen, Unfurl, unravel

accused in the case who was murdered in Antonyms: twist, agitate

December 2007, and another who bought mobile Usage: "Ella unwound the long woollen scarf from

phones and electric detonators. her neck"

6) Archipelago (noun) -- द्वीपसमूह

Meaning: an extensive group of islands. 10) Harmony (noun) -- समरसता

Synonyms: sland, terra firma, Ground, Land, dry Meaning: the combination of simultaneously

land. sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing

Usage: "the Indonesian archipelago" effect.

Synonyms: euphony, polyphony, consonance

7) Grappling (verb) – मपलयुि करना Antonyms: confusion, disorganization, dissonance

Meaning: engage in a close fight or struggle Usage: "the piece owes its air of tranquillity largely

without weapons; wrestle. to the harmony"

Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle;

Antonyms: concord, harmony, peace

Usage: "passers-by grappled with the man after Editorial 23– 10 – 2021
the knife attack" 1) Contender (noun) -- प्रद्धतयोगी

Meaning: a person or group competing with others

8) Plunge (verb) – डु बकी लगाना to achieve something.

Meaning: jump or dive quickly and energetically. Synonyms: applicant, applier, aspirant,

Synonyms: thrust, stick, ram, drive, jab, stab campaigner, candidate, expectant, hopeful,

Antonyms: jump, leap prospect, seeker

Usage: "our little daughters whooped as they Antonyms: noncandidate

plunged into the sea" Usage: "a presidential contender"

9) Unwound (adjective) – उतारना 2) Ballast (verb) – संतल

ु न देना

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Meaning: give stability to (a ship) by putting a 6) woo – ररझाना

heavy substance in its bilge. Meaning: seek the favour, support, or custom of.

Synonyms: equilibrium, balance, brace, bracket Synonyms: seek the support of, seek the favour of,

Antonyms: instability try to win

Usage: "the vessel has been ballasted to give the Antonyms: stay in place, linger

necessary floating stability" Usage: "the party wooed voters with promises of

electoral reform"

3) vis-à-vis (preposition -- के संबध

ं में

Meaning: in relation to; with regard to. 7) Virulence (noun) -- गंभीरता या हाद्धनकारकता

Synonyms: "many agencies now have a unit to Meaning: the severity or harmfulness of a disease

deal with women's needs vis-à-vis employment" or poison

Usage : "many agencies now have a unit to deal Synonyms: acidity, acidness, acridity

with women's needs vis-à-vis employment" Antonyms: harmless, healthful

4) doomed (adjective) – बदककस्मत Usage: "the proportion of birds which die depends

Meaning: likely to have an unfortunate and on the virulence of the virus"

inescapable outcome; ill-fated.

Synonyms: ill-fated, wrecked, bedeviled 8) Formidable (adjective) -- दुजय

Antonyms: blessed, intact Meaning: inspiring fear or respect through being

Usage: "the moving story of their doomed love impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

affair" Synonyms: intimidating, forbidding, redoubtable

Antonyms: calming, comforting, consoling

5) churn (noun) -- मथनी Usage: "a formidable opponent"

Meaning: a machine for making butter by shaking

milk or cream. 9) Foe – दुश्मन या शत्रु

Synonyms: stir, agitate; Meaning: an enemy or opponent.

Antonyms: abate, calm, subside Synonyms: enemy, adversary, opponent, rival

Usage: "the fresh creamy milk sat in a churn in the Antonyms: buddy, chum, compadre

kitchen" Usage: "his work was praised by friends and foes


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Synonyms: antagonistic, aggressive,

10) Endemic (adjective) -- स्थाद्धनक confrontational

Meaning: (of a disease or condition) regularly Antonyms: friendly, hospitable, no antagonistic

found among particular people or in a certain area. Usage: "people are very hostile to the idea"

Synonyms: aboriginal, autochthonous, born,

domestic, indigenous, native 4) Gratify (Verb) -- कृ ताथा करना

Antonyms: no indigenous, nonnative Meaning: give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction.

Usage: "complacency is endemic in industry today" Synonyms: please, gladden, give pleasure to,

make happy

Editorial 25 – 10 – 2021 Antonyms: bridle, check, constrain

1) Hooliganism (Noun) -- गुंडागदी Usage: "she was gratified to see the shock in Jim's

Meaning: Violent or rowdy behavior by young eyes"

troublemakers, typically in a gang. 5) Allegiance (Noun) -- द्धनष्ठा

Synonyms: bully, gangbanger, gangsta Meaning: loyalty or commitment to a superior or to

Usage: "the problems of football hooliganism" a group or cause

Synonyms : loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, obedience

2) Derail (verb) -- पटरी से उतरना Antonyms: alienation, disaffection, estrangement,

Meaning: cause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks separation

accidentally. Usage: "those wishing to receive citizenship must

Synonyms: agitate, ail, alarm (also alarum), bother, swear allegiance to the republic"


Antonyms: calm, compose, quiet, settle 6) Fraternity (Noun) -- भ्रातृत्व

Usage: "a train was derailed after it collided with a Meaning: a group of people sharing a common

herd of cattle" profession or interests.

Synonyms: brotherhood, fellowship, kinship

3) Hostile (adjective) -- शत्रुतापूणा Usage: "members of the hunting fraternity"

Meaning: showing or feeling opposition or dislike;

unfriendly. 7) Feud (verb) – संघषा करना

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Meaning: be engaged in a prolonged and bitter Usage: "someone tampered with the brakes of my

quarrel or dispute. car"

Synonyms: quarrel, fight, argue, bicker, squabble

Antonyms: accord, agreement, calm Editorial 26 – 10 – 2021

Usage: "Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades" 1) Enact (verb) - -- अद्धधद्धनयम बनाना

Meaning: make (a bill or other proposal) law/put

8) Assailants (noun) -- हमलावरों into practice (an idea or suggestion).

Meaning: A person who physically attacks another. Synonyms: execute, depict

Synonyms: attacker, mugger Antonyms: fail, miss

Antonyms: ally, friend Usage: "the pressure group's aim was to see the

Usage: "the police have no firm leads about the proposals enacted"

identity of his assailant"

2) Underlie (verb) -- बुद्धनयाद रखना

9) Shied (Verb) -- लजाना Meaning: (especially of a layer of rock or soil) lie or

Meaning: nervous or timid in the company of other be situated under (something)/ be the cause or

people. basis of (something).

Synonyms: avert, bypass, dodge, escape Synonyms: basic, elemental, hidden

Antonyms: face, meet Antonyms: secondary

Usage: The High Court has noted that among the Usage: "limestone underlies much of the site"

eye-witnesses who shied away from deposing in

favour of the prosecution were Dinakaran’s own 3) Incur (verb)- ककया गया

reporters Meaning: become subject to (something

unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one's own

10) Tamper (verb) -- हस्तक्षेप करना behavior or actions.

Meaning: interfere with (something) in order to Synonyms: acquire, Arouse, earn

cause damage or make unauthorized alterations. Antonyms: forfeit, lose

Synonyms: interfere, monkey around, meddle, Usage: "I will pay any expenses incurred"


Antonyms: improve, leave alone 4) Precision (noun)- -- पररशुिता

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Meaning: the quality, condition, or fact of being Meaning: discourage (someone) from doing

exact and accurate. something by instilling doubt or fear of the

Synonyms: exactness, exactitude, accuracy consequences.

Antonyms: carelessness, disregard Synonyms: put off, discourage, dissuade

Usage: "the deal was planned and executed with Antonyms: encourage, persuade

military precision" Usage: "only a health problem would deter him

from seeking re-election"

5) Bode (verb)- एक द्धवशेष पररणाम का एक द्धहस्सा होना

Meaning: be a portent of a particular outcome. 9) Diligently (adverb) -- पररश्रमपूवक

Synonyms: augur, presage, portend, foretell Meaning: in a way that shows care and

Usage: "their argument did not bode well for the conscientiousness in one's work or duties.

future" Synonyms: assiduous, attentive, careful

Antonyms: unenthusiastic, unscrupulous

6) Lopsided (adjective) -- समद्धमत Usage: "he spends his nights diligently working on

Meaning: with one side lower or smaller than the his dissertation"


Synonyms: asymmetrical, unsymmetrical, uneven 10) Predicament (noun)- -- करठन पररद्धस्थद्धत

Usage: "a lopsided grin" Meaning: a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing


7) Incumbents (noun) -- अवलंबी Synonyms: difficult situation, awkward situation,

Meaning: the holder of an office or post. mess

Synonyms: holder, bearer, occupant Antonyms: advantage, agreement, benefit

Antonyms: chosen, discretionary Usage: "the club's financial predicament"

Usage: "the present incumbent will soon be

retiring" Editorial 27 – 10 – 2021

1) Gimmick (noun)-- नौटंकी

8) Deter (verb)- -- हतोत्साह करना Meaning: a trick or device intended to attract

attention, publicity, or trade.

Synonyms: publicity device, stunt, contrivance

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Antonyms: frankness, honesty

Usage: "it is not so much a programme to improve 5) Inherent (adjective) -- अन्तर्नाद्धहत

services as a gimmick to gain votes" Meaning: existing in something as a permanent,

essential, or characteristic attribute.

2) Shore up (verb)-- टेक लगाना Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in

Meaning: to support (something) or keep Antonyms: adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic

(something) from falling by placing something Usage: "any form of mountaineering has its

under or against it inherent dangers"

Synonyms: bear, bolster, brace, buttress

Antonyms: undercut, undermine, weaken 6) Ameliorate (verb) -- सुधारना

Usage: They shored up the roof Meaning: make (something bad or unsatisfactory)


3) Spur (verb)-- प्रोत्साद्धहत करना Synonyms: improve, make better, better

Meaning: urge (a horse) forward by digging one's Usage: "the reform did much to ameliorate living

spurs into its sides/give an incentive or standards"

encouragement to (someone).

Synonyms: stimulate, give the incentive to, act as a 7) Agrarian (adjective) -- कृ द्धष संबध
ं ी

stimulus/incentive to Meaning: relating to cultivated land or the

Antonyms: counterincentive, disincentive cultivation of land.

Usage: "her sons' passion for computer games Synonyms: agricultural, rural, countryside

spurred her on to set up a software business" Antonyms: nonagricultural

Usage: "Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian

4) Disincentives (noun) -- हतोत्साहन economy"

Meaning: a factor, especially a financial

disadvantage that discourages a particular action. 8) Fillip (noun) -- प्रोत्साहन

Synonyms: deterrent, discouragement, dissuasion Meaning: something which acts as a stimulus or

Antonyms: advantage, aid boost to an activity.

Usage: "spiralling house prices are beginning to Synonyms: stimulus, stimulation, stimulant, boost

act as a disincentive to development" Antonyms: damp, dampen, deaden, dull, kill

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Usage: "the halving of car tax would provide a fillip 2) Imperiling (verb)-- संकट में डालना

to sales" Meaning: put at risk of being harmed, injured, or


9) Dole (noun) -- बेकारी द्धहतलाभ Synonyms: endanger, jeopardize, risk, put at risk

Meaning: benefit paid by the state to the Antonyms: guard, protect, shelter

unemployed Usage: "they advised against tax increases for fear

Synonyms: unemployment benefit, state benefit of imperilling the recovery"

Antonyms: forfeit, hurt

Usage: "I was on the dole for three years" 3) Prod (verb) -- उिेद्धजत करना

Meaning: stimulate or persuade (someone who is

10) Prudent (adjective) -- द्धववेकी reluctant or slow) to do something.

Meaning: acting with or showing care and thought Synonyms: spur, stimulate, stir, rouse, prompt

for the future. Antonyms: discourage

Synonyms: wise, well judged, judicious, sagacious Usage: "they attempted to prod the central bank

Antonyms: careless, heedless, incautious, rash into cutting interest rates"

Usage: "no prudent money manager would

authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose" 4) Nosedive (verb)—अचानक द्धगरावट होना

Meaning: a sudden extreme drop

Editorial 28 – 10 – 2021 Synonyms: descent, dip, dive, down, drop, fall,

1) Brink (noun) -- कगार plunge

Meaning : the extreme edge of land before a steep Antonyms: ascent, climb, rise, rising, soaring,

slope or a body or water/a point at which upswing, upturn

something, typically something unwelcome, is Usage: stock prices took a nosedive

about to happen; the verge.

Synonyms: verge, edge, threshold, point 5) Truant (noun) -- अनुपद्धस्थत रहना

Antonyms: middle Meaning: a pupil who stays away from school

Usage: "the country was on the brink of a without leave or explanation.

constitutional crisis" Synonyms: absentee, non-attender, awol

Antonyms: attentive

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Usage: "if my daughter had been truanting from the product of an industrial or refining process.

school I would have been informed" Synonyms: mud, muck, mire, ooze, silt

Antonyms: spotlessness

6) Tentacles (noun) -- स्पशा-सूत्र Usage: "the dumping of sewage sludge"

Meaning: a slender, flexible limb or appendage in

an animal, especially around the mouth of an 10) Perished (verb)—मारे गए

invertebrate, used for grasping or moving about, or Meaning: die, especially in a violent or sudden

bearing sense organs. way.

Usage: "trailing tentacles of vapour" Synonyms: die, lose one's life, be killed, fall, expire

Antonyms: breathe, live

7) Fugitive (noun) -- भगोडा Usage: "a great part of his army perished of hunger

Meaning: a person who has escaped from captivity and disease"

or is in hiding.

Synonyms: escapee, escaper, runaway, deserter, Editorial 29 – 10 – 2021

refugee, renegade 1) Blowing up (noun) -- उडाते हुए

Antonyms: permanent, long-lasting Meaning: the violent shattering or exploding of

Usage: "fugitives from justice" something.

Synonyms: flare (up), flip (out)

8) Recalcitrant (adjective)-- आज्ञा न माननेवाला Antonyms: calm (down), simmer down

Meaning: having an obstinately uncooperative Usage: "the blowing-up of several apartment

attitude towards authority or discipline. blocks"

Synonyms: uncooperative, obstinately disobedient,

intractable, unmanageable 2) Smithereens (noun)-- िोटो-िोटे टुकडे

Antonyms: acquiescent, agreeable, amiable, Meaning: small pieces.

cooperative, deferential, obliging Synonyms: chip, flake, fragment

Usage: "a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds" Antonyms: chunk, hunk, lump

9) Sludge (noun) -- कीचड Usage: "a grenade blew him to smithereens"

Meaning: thick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous

mixture of liquid and solid components, especially

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3) Accentuate (verb) -- अद्धधक ध्यान देने योग्य या प्रमुख Meaning: think, speak, or write at length about (a
बनाना particular subject, especially one that is a source of
Meaning: make more noticeable or prominent. unhappiness, anxiety, or dissatisfaction).
Synonyms: focus attention on, bring/call/draw Synonyms: linger over, mull over, muse on, brood
attention to, point up about
Antonyms: de-emphasize, play down Antonyms: bail, bail out, bug out, buzz (off)
Usage: "his jacket unfortunately accentuated his Usage: "I've got better things to do than dwell on
paunch" the past"

4) Deterrence (noun)—बाधा 7) Goad (verb) -- उकसाना या नाराज करना

Meaning: the action of discouraging an action or Meaning: provoke or annoy (someone) so as to
event through instilling doubt or fear of the stimulate an action or reaction.
consequences. Synonyms: provoke, spur, prick, sting, prod
Synonyms: disincentive, hindrance Antonyms: counterincentive, disincentive
Antonyms: assistance, help. Usage: "he was trying to goad her into a fight"
Usage: "nuclear missiles remain the main

deterrence against possible aggression" 8) Warmongering (adjective) -- आक्रामकता की वकालत

Meaning: encouraging or advocating aggression

5) Surmise (verb) -- अंदाजा लगाना towards other countries or groups.
Meaning: suppose that something is true without Synonyms: hawk, jingo, jingoist, militarist, war
having evidence to confirm it. hawk
Synonyms: guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce Antonyms: dove, pacifist, peacenik
Antonyms: demonstrate, document, establish Usage: "a nation controlled by a bloodthirsty
Usage: "he surmised that something must be warmongering madman"

9) Amiss (adjective) -- अनुद्धचत

6) Dwell (verb) -- ध्यान के द्धन्द्रत करना Meaning: not quite right; inappropriate or out of


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Synonyms: wrong, awry, faulty, out of order, Meaning: the action or practice of persuading

defective, unsatisfactory someone to do something by using force or

Antonyms: appropriately, aptly, correctly threats.

Usage: "an inspection revealed nothing amiss" Synonyms: force, compulsion, constraint, duress

Antonyms: agreement, approval, consent

10) Plank (verb) -- बलपूवक

ा या अचानक नीचे रखना Usage: They used coercion to obtain the

Meaning: put or set (something) down forcefully or confession.


Synonyms: flop, flump, plop 4) Intensive (adjective) -- गहन

Antonyms: untie, lower. Meaning: concentrated on a single subject or into a

Usage: "Ned planked the glasses in front of him" short time; very thorough or vigorous.

Editorial 30 – 10 – 2021 Synonyms: thorough, in-depth, concentrated,

1) Hostage (noun) – बंदी rigorous

Meaning: a person seized or held as security for Antonyms: light, moderate, soft

the fulfilment of a condition. Usage: "she undertook an intensive Arabic course"

Synonyms: captive, prisoner, detainee, internee 5) Grossly (adverb) -- स्थूल ढ़ंग से

Antonyms: captor Meaning: in a very obvious and unacceptable

Usage: "they were held hostage by armed rebels" manner; flagrantly.

Synonyms: extremely; excessively

2) Evidently (adverb) -- जाद्धहर तौर पर Antonyms: clean, decent, G-rated, nonobscene,

Meaning: in a way that is clearly seen or wholesome

understood; obviously. Usage: "you have grossly insulted a member of the

Synonyms: obviously, clearly, plainly community"

Antonyms: improbably, unlikely

Usage: "a work so evidently laden with 6) Ramp up -- बढ़ाना

significance" Meaning: A ramp up is an increase in the amount

of products or services a company sells, usually by

3) Coercion (noun) -- अवपीडन expansion into new markets or geographic regions.

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Synonyms: accrue, accumulate, amass Usage: "she shook her head vigorously"

Usage: Pratt faces some significant headwinds on

this ramp-up. 9) Inevitably (adverb) -- अद्धनवाया रूप से

Meaning: as is certain to happen; unavoidably.

7) Uninspiring (adjective) -- उबाऊ, नीरस, Synonyms: naturally, automatically, as a matter of

Meaning: not producing excitement or interest. course, necessarily

Synonyms: boring, dull, dreary, drab, unexciting Antonyms: unnecessarily

Antonyms: amazing, astonishing, astounding, Usage: "inevitably some details are already out of

awesome date"

Usage: "an uninspiring game that United scarcely

deserved to win" 10) Shunning (verb) – बच द्धनकलना

Meaning: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject

8) Vigorously (adverb) -- कमाठता से (someone or something) through antipathy or

Meaning: in a way that involves physical strength, caution.

effort, or energy; strenuously. Synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew

Synonyms: strenuously, with great vigour, strongly Antonyms: accept, admire, allow

Antonyms: dull, lethargic, listless, sluggish, torpid Usage: "he shunned fashionable society"

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