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Th article and lecture discuss about the negative photographic usage.

The author states that is just

use by Ansel Adams due to three reasons. However, the lecturer disputes these arguments. In the
following both ideas are summarize.
According to the reading passage, the pine tree using in negative images illustrates that is done
by Anel Adams, On the other hand, the lecture opposes this by saying that pine trees were not
random but plenty so other people were familiar with pine tree.
Secondly, the author argues that hand writing on the envelopes similar to Ansel Adam. In
contrast, the lecturer contends this and said that other photographers miss the words for negative
image using on envelop which also used by other photographer.
Finally, the article posits that negative images which has damaged by fire that Ansel Adams
studio has fire location. Unlike, the lecture repudiates this and claims that other photographer use
chemical for damaging the negative images that was very dangerous. Therefore, these arguments
demonstrate that negative photographic usage was common.
Knowing about a country has different ways one of them is museums. In my opinion museum is
best way to learn about a country. I think this way for two reason which I will explore in the
To begin with, museum has ancient staff about to define the history of a country, In fact,
museum is rich about the antiquities of landscape. For example, Afghanistan has multiple
museums which includes different empire cultural heritage like the Qala-e- Ikhtayroding
museum has storage of ancient thing from two thousand year ago. Hence, it helps to know about
Afghanistan history from that time which convenient and fast way gain the knowledge about
Afghanistan's past events and heritage. It means that museum convey the information of country
in one place within few time for visiting.
Secondly, the museum has different committee and history and culture specialization persons
that can share exact information about every available equipment. Evidently, this contributes to
obtain information about history and cultural events accurately. However without this would not
be able to find clear information about a nation. For instance, when I went to India for while I
visited the Taj mahal museum personal that can describe every aspect of the museum exist tool. I
feel like to sit in the live history class. Thus, museum stuff gives the idea about the country
history same to history live class with practical skill to memorize something for long term.
In conclusion, in my point of view seeking information about the nation ancient stories one way
is the museum that can gain knowledge at once and clearly give the concept of some thing with

Writing a motivational essay for studying abroad at a university often

confuses students. What to write in a motivation letter? How to write a
motivation letter according to all the rules?

Below we will tell you all about the rules for writing an excellent motivation
letter, the contents of which will be to the taste of the admissions committee
of any foreign university.
What is a motivation letter?
A motivation letter is an essay 1 page A4 long that a student attaches to other
documents when entering a higher education institution. Depending on the
university, the presentation of a motivation letter may be needed at the
undergraduate, graduate and even doctoral levels. Depending on the
institution, the list of entry requirements may also be referred to as “statement
of purpose” or “personal statement”.

In the essay, the student should write about himself, talk about his merits,
talents and why he should be enrolled in the course. It is on the basis of a
motivation letter that the selection committee can judge the identity of the
applicant, its goals and its advantages.

When submitting documents to a university for the first time, most students
are faced with the need to write an essay about themselves, so they often
make mistakes. In this article, we will talk about the basic principles of
writing a motivation letter and how to maintain the desired style and semantic
balance in our text.
Motivation letter structure

The classic motivation letter is divided into three parts – the introduction, the
main part and the conclusion.

Pay special attention to writing the introduction and conclusion, they will
remain in the memory of the host committee and help you make the right first

All three parts of a motivational essay should be clearly structured. In order

for your letter to be interesting and informative, it may contain answers to the
following questions:

 How and why did you become interested in the selected subject or
 How can you demonstrate this interest?
 Why did you choose this particular institution?
 Why did you choose to study abroad?
 What career prospects are you considering?
 Have you had to overcome difficult situations and obstacles (financial,
social, physical) to achieve your goals?
 What skills and personal qualities do you have?
 What are your achievements and experiences?
 How do you show the strengths of your personality in life?
 What should make a person who reads hundreds of such texts daily
remember and distinguish you?
Samples of motivation letters to the university

As we have already noted, a good motivational letter for a university must

meet several criteria at once, so it is important to pay attention to the
competent preparation of this document. On the one hand, the letter should
reflect your motivation, and on the other hand, motivate the university to
accept you for study.

We suggest you study a sample of a motivation letter to a foreign university:

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying a Bachelor’s
Degree in Design at ABC University. I am interested in beginning a career in
design and I am certain that this degree will help me to fulfil myself in both
professional and personal contexts.
Currently, I am finishing my last year of high school, where I have spent a lot
of time and effort learning arts and drawing, among other subjects. While
studying in high school, I also attended art and design school courses, which
clearly reflects my preferences and interests. In recent years, with the
support of my school, I participated in a number of cities and regional design
competitions where I often ended up in prize-winning places. Examples of my
prize-winning works are presented in my portfolio.
My current goal is to start my career in design. After doing some research I
realised that a Bachelor’s Degree in Design at ABC University is the best
choice for me for a number of reasons.
First of all, this program covers a number of topics that interest me the most,
such as Interior Design, Art History, Contemporary Design Concepts,
Design Software, etc. As a future designer, I must be an expert in these fields.
I am certain that the numerous traineeships and workshops I will take part in
during my studies will help me to gain the necessary knowledge and skills.
Secondly, my attention was attracted by a highly international environment
of ABC University. Looking at my future, I understand that I want to become
a successful designer working in an international context. At your university,
one of the most international universities, I will learn how to communicate
with people from different backgrounds to achieve the best results which I
believe will be the next big step in my development.
Thirdly, studying at ABC University will significantly improve my English
skills. As one of the most important languages in the world, English will help
me to form new connections and expand my social network to a global level.
Finally, a Bachelor’s Degree in Design at ABC University will help me to
develop myself as a team player. The program will help me to establish
strong international relations and to meet a lot of famous and influential
people from the global design industry. Besides, I am attracted by the
possibility of doing an internship during my studies. This great opportunity
will give me the valuable professional experience necessary to build a
successful career in modern competitive conditions.
Overall, I believe I will make the most of the knowledge and experience
gained through the study program at ABC University. I hope to contribute
my talents and efforts to your university and become a worthy member of the
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive
Yours faithfully,
Sasha Petrov
As you can see, a good motivational letter to the university is by no means a
short text, which consists of several thematic parts. The above sample
contains both the student’s story about himself and his strengths, as well as
an explanation of why he chose this particular curriculum and university.
Tips for writing a motivation letter

So, here is a monitor with a clean sheet of Word and the need to write an
essay. Follow our tips, and your letter of motivation will certainly be
successful and will attract the attention of the university admissions
Make an essay informative
Before writing a motivation letter, collect all the information about yourself
that is worth knowing the admissions committee. Remember that your essay
should be as informative as possible, otherwise it may seem superficial, and
you – a person who is inattentive to details. Do not forget to carefully select
the information, because you should cause positive emotions in people who
do not know you personally.
Meet the interests of the institution

Some universities publish questions on their websites that students are asked
to answer in a motivational essay. Do not ignore them! In your letter of
motivation, try to give the admissions committee all the information that it
wants to receive.
Take into account the requirements of the university

A number of educational institutions have specific requirements for students’

motivation letters. For example, you may be asked to send a handwritten
essay, mentioning even the ink (black or blue) with which it should be
written. Follow the recommendations of the university!
Place accents correctly

Correct semantic accents are the key to a successful motivational essay.

Regardless of the requirements of the institution, in your text focus on three
critical issues:

 Why do you want to study on this course?

 Why do you want to study at this university?
 Why do you want to live and study in this country/city?
 Your answers will demonstrate your personal and academic goals and
help the commission understand why it is worth accepting for your
Do not be afraid to praise yourself

In fact, your main goal when writing an essay is to show your candidacy in a
favourable light. Do not hesitate to praise yourself, tell about your merits and
talents, but do not be boring and monotonous! Tell us about your advantages,
as well as how you would like to improve, and how the chosen course will
help you with this.
Write in a beautiful and fairly simple language

Without being a native speaker, writing on it can be quite difficult. A

motivational essay should be written in a competent, but relatively simple
language. Do not overload him with long sentences and abstruse words, avoid
conversational vocabulary and do not try to demonstrate on one sheet your
knowledge of all revolutions of a foreign language! Remember that
everything written by you should be clear and appropriate in meaning.
Be careful with your personality.

Each student, due to his motivation letter, seeks to stand out from hundreds of
other applicants. You can do this by maximally showing your personality.
However, do not overdo it – do not add pictures, photos, videos and graphics
to the essay if this is not required. Do not try to joke or come up with an
original format, all this may be inappropriate. A much better recommendation
will be given to you by a structured and competent essay containing
important information and written in the correct style.

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