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Consideration transferred (cost of investment in sub.

) xx Previously held equity interest in the acquiree - Total xx Less: Paren

he acquiree - Total xx Less: Parent's proportionate share in the net assets of subsidiary (xx x 80%) (xx) Goodwill attrib. to owners of pare
Goodwill attrib. to owners of parent - acquisition date xx Less: Parent's Parent's share in goodwill goodwill impairment impairment - Good
will impairment impairment - Goodwill attrib. to owners of parent xx Fair value of NCI [(5,000,000 ÷ 80%) x 20%] 1,250,000 Less: NCI's pr
%) x 20%] 1,250,000 Less: NCI's proportionate share in net assets of subsidiary (6,000,000 x 20%) (1,200,000) Goodwill attributable to NCI
000) Goodwill attributable to NCI - acquisition date 50,000 Less: NCI's share in goodwill goodwill impairment impairment - Goodwill attrib
ment impairment - Goodwill attributable to NCI – current year 50,000 Goodwill, net – current year xx 9. C Solution: Total consolidated c
9. C Solution: Total consolidated current assets before elimination 320,000 Unrealized profit on purchases from Kent (48K x 60/240) (12,0
es from Kent (48K x 60/240) (12,000) Consolidated current assets 308,000 No elimination is made on the transaction with Dean because C
e transaction with Dean because Clark does not control Dean, and therefore, Dean is not con

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