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Total The acquisition dates of the subsidiaries are J anuary 1, 20x1 for S 1 and December 31, 20x1 for

S 2. Goodwill and NCI on

, 20x1 for S 2. Goodwill and NCI on each of S1 and S2 shall be computed separately on their respective acquisition dates. Their pre-acquisi
cquisition dates. Their pre-acquisition and post-acquisition reserves are also calculated from these dates. The controlling interests and NC
s. The controlling interests and NCI’s are summarized below: S 1 S 2 Owners of P 80% 48% NCI 20% 52% Total 100% 100% Step 2: Analysis
Total 100% 100% Step 2: Analysis of net assets S1 S 2 Acqn. Cons. Net Acqn. Cons. Net Share capital 3 Date 0 3 Date0 20,00 20,00 change
ate 0 3 Date0 20,00 20,00 change Date 200,000 Date change Ret. earnings 120,000 208,000 112,000 112,000 Totals at carrying amts. FVA
2,000 Totals at carrying amts. FVA at acquisition date 440,000 - 528,000 - 312,000 - 312,000 - Depreciation of FVA NIL - NIL - Net assets at
ion of FVA NIL - NIL - Net assets at fair value 440,000 528,000 88,000 312,000 312,000 - Step 3: Goodwill computation Consideration tran
l computation Consideration transferred (given) 400,000 200,000 Indirect holding adjustment (₱200,000 x 20%) (40,000) Less: Prev. held
0 x 20%) (40,000) Less: Prev. held equity interest in the acquiree - - Total 400,000 160,000 Less: P's proportion

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