BG11 RABINO CIFP101 IgnatianQuote

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Name: Remedios C. Rabino
Date: October 26, 2021

A. My BEST pick from among Ignatian quotations is:

"Teach us to give and not to count the cost."

1. What is the significance of the statement of Ignatius to me?
- The statement is significant and essential to me as a person because it is
something that would always remind me to be compassionate. To have
compassion towards people who need help. This quote reminds atenean to help
marginalized people without hesitations, we who are capable of giving help
should lend a helping hand towards people in need.

2. How will this quotation help define myself as a person?

- This quotation strengthens my character as a person, it is a contributor to my
development as a person, human being, and as an individual in our society. In
today’s context of our society where poverty, hunger, and crimes are prevalent.
Let’s not contribute to the problem, we should be part of the solution. We should
be someone who is part of the solution. Thus, the quote by St. Ignatius reminds
us to give what we are capable of without counting the cost.

3. How will this quotation help me understand and find God operating me and in all things? 
- The quotation reminds me that goodness and kindness could guide us to God.
Letting God inside your life will make you do good things and reflect on those.
God wants us to be someone with a purpose, every person has purpose in life.
And this purpose given to us is something that is fulfilling once we achieve and
experience it. God always tells us to be kind and help those in need. Having the
presence of the Lord in my life guides me to do good things and effectively fulfill
the things that God tells us to do.

C. If given the opportunity to talk with God, what do you want you to talk about? 
- If given the opportunity to talk to God, I would ask for his continuous guidance to
me, my family, my loved ones, and to those people who are in need of guidance
and help. Guide us in our life that we should be able to fulfill our purpose and find
the meaning behind everything. To always have good health and a fruitful
blessings that we would be able to share to those in need. Guide us to be a
better person so that we could also be someone who helps people to be better.
Give us the wisdom and courage to continue living our life based on our and you
purpose dear Lord.

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