Efficient Hydrogen Supply Through Catalytic

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international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026

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Efficient hydrogen supply through catalytic dehydrogenation

of methylcyclohexane over Pt/metal oxide catalysts

Anshu A. Shukla a, Priti V. Gosavi a, Jayshri V. Pande a, Vanama P. Kumar b,

Komandur V.R. Chary b, Rajesh B. Biniwale a,*
Environmental Materials Unit, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440020, India
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Hyderabad 500 607, India

article info abstract

Article history: This paper describes the results of experiments on dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane
Received 14 October 2009 over Pt supported on metal oxides (Pt/MO) and Pt supported on perovskite (Pt/Per) catalysts.
Received in revised form The reaction is being considered as a means for delivery of hydrogen to fueling stations in
1 February 2010 the form of more easily transportable methylcyclohexane. Among Pt/MO catalysts, the best
Accepted 2 February 2010 activity as determined by the hydrogen evolution rate was observed over Pt/La2O3 catalyst
Available online 19 March 2010 at 21.1 mmol/gmet/min. Perovskite-supported catalysts exhibited relatively higher activity
and selectivity, with Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 giving the best performance. This Pt/Per catalyst had
Keywords: an activity of ca 45 mmol/gmet/min with nearly 100% selectivity towards dehydrogenation.
Hydrogen delivery The catalysts were characterized using XRD, CO-chemisorption and SEM-EDXA techniques.
Dehydrogenation The present study reports catalysts that minimize the use of Pt and explores tailoring the
Pt over metal oxide properties of the perovskite structure.
Perovskite ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pulse spray reactor

1. Introduction equipment such as Lorries [1,5–10]. Additionally, the

advantages of using the cycloalkanes as a hydrogen carrier
Developing hydrogen storage media having relatively high include the supply of hydrogen without carbon-monoxide
capacity on weight and volume basis is one of the major and the recyclable aromatic products [1–3,5–7,11–15].
challenges as the hydrogen economy is facing today for its Accordingly, catalytic dehydrogenation of cycloalkanes has
real launch. The various materials being pursued for been reported in several studies as an option for delivery of
hydrogen storage include metal hydrides, alanates, boranes, hydrogen [1–3,16].
carbon nano-tubes and chemical hydrides. Organic liquid Pt based catalysts are the most widely reported catalysts
hydrides such as cyclohexane, methylcylohexane and dec- for dehydrogenation of cycloalkanes [1–3,13]. However, from
alin have relatively high hydrogen content, 6–8% on weight economic point of view there is a specific interest to minimize
basis and ca. 60–62 kg/m3 on volume basis [1–4]. Due to the use of Pt [1–3,17]. We have earlier reported Ni/C as efficient
high boiling points, liquid organic hydrides provide poten- catalysts for dehydrogenation of cyclohexane and discussed
tial media for transport of hydrogen using simple transport synergistic effect of addition of a small amount of Pt to Ni–Pt/C

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 712 2249885x410, þ91 9822745768 (mobile); fax: þ91 712 2249900.
E-mail address: rb_biniwale@neeri.res.in (R.B. Biniwale).
0360-3199/$ – see front matter ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026 4021

catalysts [2]. It has been reported in the literature that addition The catalysts were characterized using powder X-ray
of metal oxide results in promoting activity of Pt catalysts [13]. diffraction (XRD, make RIGAKU, Miniflex II X-RAY Diffrac-
Metal oxides promote the activity and selectivity of Pt cata- tometer), scanning electron microscopy-electron diffraction
lysts through strong metal–support interaction [17]. X-ray analysis (SEM/EDXA, make JEOL 2300) and CO-
Mixed metal oxides such as perovskites, having definite chemisorption techniques.
chemical structure, could be good candidates for supporting
Pt. The ABO3 type perovskite oxides are being used in various 2.2. Experimental methods
applications due to its tailoring properties. The substitution at
A or B site with various elements creates valences and The details of experimental setup are depicted in Fig. 1. The
vacancies, which are responsible for activity in different experiments for catalytic dehydrogenation of methyl-
applications [13]. For example, ferromagnetic nature of Ni cyclohexane were carried out using a spray-pulsed reactor.
enhances magnetic moment at surface of its bulk which helps Atomized spray of reactant was fed to the reactor in pulsed
to reduce magnetic ordering of Ni. This helps in dehydroge- injection mode using a fine nozzle fitted at the top of the
nation reaction mechanism [18]. It is reported by Pernifguez reactor. A frequency generator was used to control the pulse
et al. [17] that when a perovskite LaNiO3 is used in reducing injection frequency and pulse width. The pre-treatment of
atmosphere the Ni migrate from LaNiO3 and forms Ni metallic catalyst surface was performed using nitrogen flow at 300  C
particles resulting in Ni/La2O3 phase. Re-oxidation results into with flow rate of 100 mL/min. The catalyst activation was
recuperation of the LaNiO3 Qiao and Bi [20] also reported using performed in the flow of hydrogen with the flow rate of
XPS analysis of LaNiO3 and Pt/LaNiO3 that Ni exists in two 75 mL/min at 400  C following a defined heating cycle. All the
oxidation states Ni3þ and Ni2þ. They have further investigated reactions were performed at atmospheric pressure under
the effect of presence of Pt on reducibility of Ni in perovskite nitrogen flow. In each experiment about 0.3 g of catalyst was
and concluded that the Pt do not interfere with reducibility of used. Pulse injection frequency and pulse width was kept
Ni. The presence of Ni along with Pt on the surface of catalyst constant as 0.33 Hz (pulse injection of methylcyclohexane at
promotes formation of more active sites for dehydrogenation. every 3 s) and 10 ms respectively. The temperature of the
The presence of small amount of Pt inside the perovskite surface of the catalyst was maintained at 350  C by a PID
structure or as co-catalyst, promotes the activity of temperature controller. The product from the reaction was
perovskite. separated using a condenser to condense toluene and
In this work, platinum promoted metal oxides were unreacted methylcyclohexane. The gaseous products from
studied as catalysts for dehydrogenation of methylcyclohex- reactor were continuously monitored by using a TCD-GC
ane. The aim of this study is to find better support for plat- (SHIMADZU, with porapak-Q column, 3 m).
inum in terms of improved catalytic activity and selectivity of
the catalyst. Selected metal oxides from transition, lantha-
nides, and metalloids series were used to support Pt. With 3. Results and discussion
a view to improve activity, we have used perovskite with La at
A-site and Ni at B-site as support for Pt. Further, the perovskite 3.1. Characterization of catalyst
was modified by partial substitution of Y to La at A-site.
All the catalysts were characterized using XRD method. The
commercial metal oxides (La2O3, Al2O3, CeO2, MnO2, TiO2,
2. Materials and methods Fe2O3 and ZrO2) were found to be crystalline in nature. The
XRD patterns for 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3, LaNiO3, 1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3-
2.1. Synthesis and characterization NiO3 and La0.7Y0.3NiO3 catalysts are depicted in Fig. 2. Presence
of platinum in case of 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3 and 1 wt% Pt/
Commercial metal-oxides namely La2O3, ZrO2, TiO2, CeO2, La0.7Y0.3NiO3 was confirmed by XRD peak corresponding to Pt
Fe2O3, Al2O3 and MnO2 were used as supports for Pt catalyst. (JCPDS card no. 87-0640). The elemental composition of the
Platinum was loaded by wet impregnation method using PtCl4 catalyst was confirmed by SEM/EDXA analysis (Figs. 3 and 4).
solution. In addition to XRD, EDXA data also confirms the presence of Pt
Perovskites, LaNiO3 and La0.7Y0.3NiO3 were synthesized on supports. The elemental compositions of 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3
using co-precipitation method. In synthesis of LaNiO3, and 1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 are reported in Table 1.
lanthanum nitrate hexa hydrate solution (HIMEDIA, India)
was added to nickel nitrate solution (MERCK, India) in stoi- 3.2. Dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane over
chiometric ratio. The mixed nitrate solution was precipitated different Pt/MO catalysts
in 50% ammonia solution. Resultant solution was stirred for
1 h and complete precipitation of nitrate solution was ensured The rates of hydrogen evolution observed during dehydroge-
by adding excess of ammonia. Precipitate was allowed to nation of methylcyclohexane over various Pt/MO type cata-
stand for 24 h, filtered and dried in oven at 110  C for 6 h. The lysts are depicted in Fig. 5. Although, Pt loading was equal i.e.
resultant hydroxide precursor was calcined at 800  C for 12 h 3 wt% on each metal oxide support namely, La2O3, Al2O3,
following a specific heating cycle. Similarly, La0.7Y0.3NiO3 was CeO2, MnO2, TiO2, Fe2O3 and ZrO2 the catalysts exhibited
synthesized using respective nitrates in required stoichio- different catalytic activity in terms of hydrogen evolution
metric proportion. Further, Pt/Per catalysts were prepared by rates. This may be because of difference in their surface area
wet impregnation method. and platinum dispersion over the supports. The supports used
4022 international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026


0-200 cc/min


Catalyst TC 1


Fig. 1 – Schematic of experimental setup with spray-pulsed reactor.

for Pt can be ranked according to hydrogen evolution rate

(at 90 min) observed for each Pt/MO catalysts as follows;

La2O3 >> TiO2 > Al2O3 > MnO2 > Fe2O3 > ZrO2 > CeO2

At 90 min from the start of the reaction, the rate of hydrogen

evolution during dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane over
3 wt% Pt/La2O3 catalyst was 21.1 mmol/gmet/min. The reaction
over two catalysts 3 wt% Pt/TiO2 and 3 wt% Pt/Al2O3 exhibited
nearly the same hydrogen evolution rates of 9.7 and 7.6 mmol/
gmet/min respectively at 90 min. However, the trend for
hydrogen evolution rates in case of 3 wt% Pt/La2O3 and 3 wt%
Pt/Al2O3 catalysts was similar. The catalytic activity as

Intensity (a.u)



20 40 60 80

Fig. 3 – SEM and EDXA pattern of catalyst 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3
Fig. 2 – XRD patterns for various catalysts (a) 1 wt% (a) Scanning Electron Micrographs for 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3
Pt/LaNiO3, (b) LaNiO3, (c) 1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 and catalysts and (b) EDXA pattern for 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3
(d) La0.7Y0.3NiO3. catalysts.
international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026 4023

Hydrogen evolution (mmol/g met /min)



30 60 90
Time (min)

Fig. 5 – Hydrogen evolution rates over various catalysts at

350 8C. (a) 3 wt% Pt/La2O3, (b) 3 wt% Pt/TiO2, (c) 3 wt% Pt/
Al2O3, (d) 3 wt% Pt/MnO2, (e) 3 wt% Pt/Fe2O3, (f) 3 wt% Pt/
ZrO2 and (g) 3 wt% Pt/CeO2.

estimated by CO-chemisorption method. Table 2 lists the

hydrogen evolution rates and particle diameters of Pt for
various Pt/MO catalysts. The active particle diameters of Pt in
case of 3 wt% Pt/La2O3 and 3 wt% Pt/MnO2 were estimated as
9.8 and 9.2 nm respectively. The activity of 3 wt% Pt/MnO2
catalyst in terms of hydrogen evolution rate was less than the
former. This indicates that in addition to the active particle
Fig. 4 – SEM and EDXA pattern of catalyst 1 wt% Pt/ diameter of Pt, metal–support interaction has an effect on
La0.7Y0.3NiO3 (a) Scanning Electron Micrographs 1 wt% catalytic activity. In the case of catalysts namely 3 wt% Pt/
Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 and (b) EDXA pattern for 1 wt% Pt/ Fe2O3, 3 wt% Pt/CeO2 and 3 wt% Pt/ZrO2 the lower catalytic
La0.7Y0.3NiO3. activity may be due to weak metal–support interaction
wherein Pt may be in higher oxidation state [12]. When elec-
tronic configuration of La (5d1 6s2) is considered, in La2O3, one
determined by hydrogen evolution rates using 3 wt% Pt/MnO2, electron from 5d1 orbital is available for reducing Pt. This leads
3 wt% Pt/Fe2O3, 3 wt% Pt/ZrO2 and 3 wt% Pt/CeO2 catalysts was to more active sites on the catalyst surface. Moreover, the
observed as 3.7, 3.97, 1.5 and 0.89 mmol/gmet/min respectively dehydrogenation reaction is a reversible reaction wherein it is
at 90 min. During first 5 min from the start of the reaction important to desorb hydrogen and limit the reverse rate of
hydrogen evolution rates using 3 wt% Pt/La2O3 and 3 wt% Pt/ reaction. Reduced state of Pt may favor hydrogen spillover
TiO2 catalysts were similar. While the hydrogen evolution rate phenomena over catalyst surface. The role of the support for
over 3 wt% Pt/Al2O3 was relatively low. metal catalysts has been explained in the literature for
Accordingly, among the various Pt/MO catalysts used in hydrogen spillover with migration of hydrogen atom over
this study, 3 wt% Pt/La2O3 was found to be most active for supports such as carbon and metal oxides. A hydrogen spill-
dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane. Therefore, La2O3 over phenomenon in metal oxides is well studied with mate-
may be the best support for Pt under the conditions used in rials such as MoO3 and WO3 [19]. According to a report, in
this study. metal oxides hydrogen spillover is favorable because of the
The trends of activity observed for different catalysts can thermodynamic and small energy barrier [18]. This can be
be explained based on active particle diameter of Pt and ability attributed to easy migration of H atoms from catalyst to
of support to keep Pt in reduced state. The active particle support and subsequent proton diffusion in the bulk. In case
diameter of Pt supported on various metal oxides was of carbon based materials energy barrier is low however,

Table 1 – Elemental analysis of catalysts using SEM-EDXA.

Composition Mass% Atomic%

Catalyst La Ni O Pt Y La Ni O Pt Y

1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3 84.6 7.47 7.24 0.64 – 51.16 10.62 37.95 0.27 –
1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 72.3 6.16 8.83 1.33 11.3 39.73 8.0 42.03 0.52 9.72
4024 international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026

Table 2 – Hydrogen evolution rate of all catalysts and their particle size.
Sr No. Catalysts Particle size (nm) Metallic surface area Hydrogen Evolution
as estimated by rate at 350  C at
CO-chemisorption 90 min in
(m2/g) (mmol/gmet/min)

1 3 wt% Pt/La2O3 9.81 0.85 21.11

2 3 wt% Pt/TiO2 2.07 4.04 9.7
3 3 wt% Pt/Al2O3 4.84 1.74 7.6
4 3 wt% Pt/Fe2O3 3.36 2.49 3.97
5 3 wt% Pt/MnO2 9.23 0.90 3.7
6 3 wt% Pt/ZrO2 2.87 2.91 1.5
7 3 wt% Pt/CeO2 2.67 3.13 0.8
8 1 wt% Pt/La2O3 9.94a – 24.08
9 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3 5.15a – 17.79
10 1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 2.53a – 45.76

a The particle size have been calculated using Scherer’s formula from XRD pattern.

proton diffusion would be energetically difficult if H atoms get The kinetics of reaction can be well explained by differ-
chemisorbed. The role of metal oxide support and hydrogen ential equation, in terms of rate law as follows:
spillover effect is also evident form improved kinetic rate  
constant for Pt/La2O3 as compared to Pt/AC. The reported ln  ¼ klnCnA
value for kinetic rate constant for dehydrogenation of meth-
ylcyclohexane over Pt/AC [6] is 1.16 per min (k ¼ 6.5 mmol/ where, CA is the concentration of hydrogen (mmol/min), k is
min, volume of reactant 0.7 mL) at 300  C using alternate wet- rate constant (per min). The reaction of dehydrogenation of
dry conditions. The Pt/La2O3 catalyst in the present study has methylcyclohexane is of zero order with rate constants as 6.3
exhibited better rate constant of 6.3 per min indicating better per min for 1 wt% Pt/La2O3. Thus, reactions are not concen-
hydrogen spillover and strong role of support. tration dependant.
The active particle diameters of Pt in case of 3 wt% Pt/Al2O3
and 3 wt% Pt/TiO2 catalysts were estimated as 4.81 nm and
2.07 nm respectively. The active particle diameter of Pt in 3.3. Selectivity towards hydrogen formation
3 wt% Pt/Al2O3 was larger but the catalyst exhibited lower
activity with relatively low hydrogen evolution rates. As The mechanism of dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane
reported for TiO2, when it interacts with noble metals such as may be similar to reported mechanism for dehydrogenation of
Rh and Pt, It has tendency to reduce Ti4þ to Ti3þ [1,5,12,13]. Ti3þ cyclohexane. This involves the adsorption of methyl-
ions are fixed in surface of lattices of anatase titania. cyclohexane, with either simultaneous or rapid subsequent
A temperature of 400  C maintained during pre-treatment of dissociation of hydrogen atoms. The aromatic structure
catalysts was favorable for anatase form of titania [15]. Thus, formed is bonded through pi–electron interaction with metal
the hydrogen evolution rate was found to be relatively better d-orbitals. The adsorbed hydrogen atoms then form mole-
with 3 wt% Pt/TiO2 than 3 wt% Pt/Al2O3. cules and desorbs from the surface [9]. Toluene if not desorbed
Accordingly, choice of support, due to difference in metal–
support interaction, has effect on dehydrogenation of meth-
ylcyclohexane. Fig. 5 amply depicts the stability of catalyst up CH4
to 90 min; leading to the conclusion that 3 wt% Pt/La2O3 has 0.04 C7H8
relatively better stability compared to other Pt/MO catalysts in 0.04 C6H6
Products (mmol/min)

this study. 0.03


Table 3 – Catalytic activity of various catalysts for 0.02

dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane at 350 8C at 0.02
150 min.
Sr Catalysts H2 evolution Methane formation
No. (mmol/gmet/min) (mmol/min) 0.01
1. 1 wt% Pt/ 12.47 0.0009
2. 1 wt% Pt/ 30.30 0.0020 Catalysts
3. 1 wt% Pt/ 45.26 BDLa Fig. 6 – Rate of various products at 90 min over different
La0.7Y0.3NiO3 catalysts (A) 1 wt% Pt/La2O3, (B) 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3, (C)
La0.7Y0.3NiO3, (D) 1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3. Rate of hydrogen
a BDL ¼ Beyond detectable limit by gas chromatograph.
production is not shown.
international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026 4025

quickly then undergoes further dissociation. Although the we selected La at A-site and Ni at B-site in ABO3 structure,
various metal oxides as discussed above are good supports for since Ni is reported as a good reforming catalyst. In fact, as
Pt to design dehydrogenation catalysts, selectivity towards reported for perovskite, B-site is catalytically active site. In
hydrogen formation is an important issue. Along with order to compare the catalytic activity of only perovskite with
hydrogen, methane was observed in the product gas during Pt/Per catalysts the dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane
reaction over a few catalysts, indicating hydrogenolysis was carried out over catalyst LaNiO3 and 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3.
reaction. It is reported that on well dispersed Pt catalysts Only LaNiO3 catalysts did not exhibit activity for dehydroge-
dehydrogenation reaction prevails whereas relatively higher nation. As reported by Pernifguez et al. [17], using XPS anal-
grain size leads to hydrogenolysis reaction. Methane forma- ysis of LaNiO3 and reduced LaNiO3, the reduced sample shows
tion was observed for catalysts, 3 wt% Pt/Al2O3, 3 wt% Pt/ a profile characteristics of a La2O3 phase indicated by
MnO2, 3 wt% Pt/Fe2O3 and 3 wt% Pt/La2O3. No methane a doublet at 833.2 eV (3d5/2) and 850.0 eV (3d3/2). This report
formation was observed over 3 wt% Pt/TiO2, 3 wt% Pt/ZrO2 and suggests that the Ni migrate from LaNiO3 and forms Ni
3 wt% Pt/CeO2 catalysts. It is evident that the La2O3 exhibits metallic particles resulting in Ni/La2O3 phase. Re-oxidation
higher activity and stability; however, it has relatively low results into recuperation of the LaNiO3. Accordingly, Ni
selectivity towards dehydrogenation reaction. In this study migrates on the surface from the perovskite. Qiao and Bi [20]
when metal surface areas for various catalysts were compared also reported using XPS analysis of LaNiO3 and Pt/LaNiO3 that
no direct correlation was found with catalytic activity. This Ni exists in two oxidation states Ni3þ and Ni2þ. They have
indicates that metal support interaction has major effect on further investigated the effect of presence of Pt on reducibility
catalytic activity. When considering same support (same of Ni in perovskite and concluded that the Pt do not interfere
metal oxide) higher dispersion may result into better activity. with reducibility of Ni. Similar effect is expected in our cata-
lysts wherein Ni migrates on the surface and provides more
3.4. Improving selectivity towards dehydrogenation active sites by co-existence of Pt and Ni under the reducing
reaction conditions [19]. From above results, it can be observed that
there is a role of support in this reaction either for dispersion
In order to improve the selectivity and stability of Pt/La2O3 we of Pt or as a co-catalyst. In the case of perovskite, it is widely
have used two different approaches namely, reducing the Pt reported that activity of B-site element can be improved with
loading from 3 wt% to 1 wt% over La2O3 and use of LaNiO3 partial substitution at A-site to create defects in the structure.
perovskite instead of La2O3 as a support. Reducing Pt loading In-fact this is generally achieved by partial substitution
may improve the dispersion of Pt on support and therefore at A-site or B-site with metal having different valences such
may exhibit better selectivity towards dehydrogenation reac- as 2þ or 4þ. Nevertheless, partial substitution at A-site with
tion. In another approach the addition of second active metal different metal loading leads to higher catalytic activity. We
to oxides or using perovskite was expected to have synergistic have used La0.7Y0.3NiO3 catalyst that exhibited a comparable
effect on activity. Further, partial substitution of La by Y in activity with 1 wt% Pt/La2O3 and 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3. Also
LaNiO3 perovskites has been explored for designing active and selectivity was observed to be enhanced as there was no
selective catalysts for dehydrogenation. formation of by products like CH4 and C6H6 with La0.7Y0.3NiO3
The methylcyclohexane was dehydrogenated over 1 wt% (Fig. 6). In order to examine effect of co-existing Pt and
Pt/La2O3. The feed rate of the reactant was kept constant as perovskite, we have used 1 wt% Pt with La0.7Y0.3NiO3. The
3.38 mmol/min with pulse injection frequency of 0.33 Hz and catalyst exhibited highest activity as compared to other
pulse width of 10 ms. The experiments were carried out for catalysts in this study.
a period of 150 min to observe stability of the catalyst.The It is evident that the use of perovskite La0.7Y0.3NiO3 in place
temperature of the catalyst surface was kept constant at of La2O3 as support for Pt resulted in the improved catalytic
350  C. As listed in Table 3, the hydrogen evolution rate over activity. This may be attributed to possible migration of Ni
1 wt% Pt/La2O3 was 12.47 mmol/gmet/min at 150 min. In terms from perovskite and then exhibiting behavior of Ni–Pt bime-
of hydrogen evolution rate at 90 min (Table 2), the perfor- tallic catalyst as explained in above discussions. When Y is
mance of 1 wt% Pt/La2O3 is relatively better than 3 wt% Pt/ substituted at La site of the perovskite it provides low energy
La2O3. The catalyst was modified using LaNiO3 perovskite as sites due to difference in electronic configurations of La and Y.
support for Pt, to increase the efficiency and stability of the The lower energy sites of outer most orbital of 4d1 of Y
catalyst. Hydrogen evolution rate over 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3 was provides more access for Pt loading. This is evident from the
observed as 30.3 mmol/gmet/min at 150 min, however, SEM-EDXA data in Table 1, wherein higher loading of Pt was
formation of methane was also observed with 1 wt% Pt/LaNiO3 observed in case of Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 as compared to Pt/LaNiO3.
as listed in Table 3. Yttrium was used for the partial substi- With improved loading of Pt, the activity of the catalysts Pt/
tution of La in LaNiO3. Hydrogen evolution rate of about La0.7Y0.3NiO3 was relatively higher.
45.3 mmol/gmet/min at 150 min was observed using 1 wt% Pt/ In the case of the catalysts, wherein, Pt is supported on
La0.7Y0.3NiO3 with no methane formation. La2O3, and LaNiO3 side reaction of hydrogenolysis of methyl-
From the above discussions, it can be observed that there cyclohexane was observed in addition to dehydrogenation
is a role of support in catalytic activity and using a mixed with formation of methane. It is important to avoid side
metal oxide can be an option for supporting Pt. Perovskite reaction to maintain the quality of hydrogen to be supplied to
type mixed metal oxides having a definite structure and fuel cell applications. Thus, 1 wt% Pt/La0.7Y0.3NiO3 which
excellent tailoring possibilities have been reported for many found to be highly selective towards the dehydrogenation may
catalytic reactions. While selecting perovskites composition, be the most promising catalyst.
4026 international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 4020–4026

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