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The nature of financial intermediation,

, Information economies,

Why do banks exist?

Theories of financial intermediation,

The benefits of financial intermediation

Origin-Types-Banking and management-Importance.

Overview of Banks and Their Services:

The Services Banks Offer the Public & Trends Affecting All Banks.

What Is a Bank

The word Bank has derived from the Italian word ‘Banco’ used in the Bank of
Venice in 1157. Some economists believe that the word ‘Bank’ originates from the
German word ‘Banck’ meaning a joint stock firm. The other view believes that the
word ‘Bank’ has been derived from the word ‘Bancus’ or ‘Banque’ which denotes
a bench.

According to section-5 of Bank Company Act-1991, a company can work as

‘bank’ if it deals with ‘business of banking’ i.e. –Banks accept the deposit of
money from the public–Banks use the deposit of money for the purpose of lending
or investment–The deposit of money isrepayable on demand or otherwise
withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise

The role of banks

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