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Quiz Test
BBA Program (Batch- 22, 23, 24, 25 & 26), Total Marks-10
A. True/False (.5*5) =2.5

1. The Law of Contract deals with agreements which can be enforced through courts of law.
2. Every agreements is an contracts but all contracts are not agreements.
3. A promise to do an impossible things can be enforced.
4. Wagering agreements are void agreements.
5. When the parties perform their obligations immediately is called Executory Contract.

B. Fill in the graphs (.5*5) =2.5

1. All Contracts are bilateral or ………………………
2. A mere ………………………………………………. is not an offer.
3. An offer may be……………………………………………….
4. An offer can be revoke after ……………………..of reasonable time.
5. An offer made to a definite person or a definite class of person is called

6. Short Question (5*1) = 5

Define Contract

Point out the essentials elements of a contract.

An offer may be conditional.-Give an example on it.

How can an offer revoke?

Define Express offer and Implied offer.

1) Differentiate between HRM and Personnel Management (at least 2).

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2) Define HRIS-

5) Write down the elements of internal and external environment?

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