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Present: Sri Utpal Misra (JO Code:WB00659)

Judge, Commercial Court at Alipore

Title Suit 14/2022
CNR no. WBSP18-000109-2022
Order no. 12
In the matter of :
Suit for An Application Under
section 27,28 of the Trade
Marks act, 1999 and Sec. 55
and 62 of Copyright Act, 1957
valued at Rs. 5,00,000,00/-

In the matter of :
TATA Consumer Products Limited

In the matter of :
Samrat Sea Brines Private Limited
& 2 ors.

Today is fixed  for hearing on the point of acceptance of the Ld.

Local Commissioner’s Report and objection, if any, by the Defendant
nos. 1 and 2 to the Ld. Commissioner’s report. 
Today   also   for   hearing   of   the     application   being   I.A   No.
Today for fixing of the date of hearing of the application under

Order VII Rule 11 of Cpc being I.A. No. 08 of 2022. 
Today   for   filing   rejoinder,   if   any,   to   the   objection   to   the
application being I. A no 09/2022 and I. A no 11/2022.
Today for hearing of the application being I. A no 10/2022.
Plaintiff files hazira .
Defendant no.  1 also files hazira.

Defendant   no.   2   files   a   petition   praying   for   time   to   file   the
written objection to the acceptance of the Ld. Commissioners’s report.
Copy served. 
Heard , Considered and prayer is allowed. 
However an application under order 7 rule 11 CPC being I. A
no   08/2022   is   pending.   Accordingly   the   application   under   order   7
rule   11   CPC   being   I.   A   no   08/2022   should   be   heard   first   before
dealing with other pending applications and the point of acceptance
of the Ld. Local Commissioner’s Report.
Fix  18.05.2023   at   11.00   a.m.  for   filing   written   notes   of

argument to the application under Order VII Rule 11 of CPC being
I.A. No. 08 of 2022 by the parties.
Todate for filing objection on the point of acceptance of the Ld.

Local Commissioner’s Report by the Defendant nos. 1 and 2 .
To date also for appearance of the Proforma Defendant.

Written Statement within statutory period.

I.A. no. 15/2023

Plaintiff further files an application supported by an affidavit
for extension of the ad­interim order of injunction dated 01.08.2022.

Let the same be marked as I.A. no. 15/2023. Copy served and objected

Considered and prayer is allowed.
Let   the   ad­interim   order   of   injunction   dated   01.08.2022   be
extended till the next date fixed.
Accordingly, the instant I.A. is also disposed off.

Both parties are to act on the basis of the downloaded copy of
the ordersheet from the Website / Ecourts­App.
Dictated and corrected by me,
Sd/- Sd/-
Judge, Commercial Court at Alipore, Judge, Commercial Court at Alipore,
For South 24 Parganas, Purba Midnapore, For South 24 Parganas, Purba Midnapore,
Paschim Midnapore & Jhargram Paschim Midnapore & Jhargram

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