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Dear students,

The much awaited summer vacation is here and it

is time to unlock the days creatively while also
strengthening family bonds and learning new
skills. Lend a helping hand and learn the skill of
shared responsibility. Plant a sapling, adopt a
flower, bake a cake or compose a song; do things
your heart yearns for and emerge brighter and
The Holiday Homework has been designed to
foster curiosity, develop creativity, enhance
knowledge and instill the joy of learning among all
the students. It has been planned to help you to
not only revise the concepts learnt but also to
explore and expand your knowledge. So enjoy and
learn as you complete the tasks set for homework.
Submit the Holiday Homework to your
respective subject teachers as per the following


English and Art July 04, 2023

Mathematics and Social July 05, 2023


Science July 06, 2023

Third Language and Co-Scholastic

Subjects as per the time table.

• Keep yourself hydrated to beat the heat, eat lots

of fruits and exercise.
• Minimise the use of gadgets.
• Spend time with your parents and grandparents;
their rich experience will help you overcome
challenges with ease.
• Follow a schedule during holidays and be a good
time manager.
• Read a newspaper daily and stay updated with
current affairs.
• Do the homework independently, only seek
assistance and guidance from your parents.
• Pursue your hobby.
• Watch some entertaining educational TV shows
such as discovery kids, animal planet and make the
learning interesting.
• Practice the Art of Giving. Find time for
community service. Visit an orphanage, old age
home or a healthcare centre. It will help you grow
with love and humility.

Eat well, sleep well and stay

happy! See you in July!

Reading is an integral part of learning. The school has prescribed a supplementary reader-The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
1. Read ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain and answer the questions.

a) Which adventure of Huck did you like the most and why?

b) Pick out five new words from each of Huck’s adventures and write their meanings.

c) Imagine you were Huck in the Chapter, Huck and his Friends. You felt stifled and ran away from
Mrs. Douglas’s home. Write a diary entry about your feelings in about 120 words.

2. Posters are generally illustrations that are both eye-catching and informative. It includes both tex-
tual and graphic elements. Make a poster on the given topics. (Use coloured A4 sheets)

a) Water is precious (Roll No. 1-5)

b) Save Trees ; Save Environment (Roll No. 6-10)

c) Prevention is better than Cure (Roll No. 11-15)

d) Road Safety: Drive Safe (Roll No. 16-20)

e) Books are our Best Friends (Roll No. 21-25)

f) Save Earth (Roll No. 26-30)

g) Each One, Teach One (Roll No. 31-35)

h) Save Wildlife Save Future(Roll No. 36-40)

i) Save and Educate a Girl Child (Roll No. 41 onwards)

3. Be creative and let your imagination run wild. Write a short story/poem/article on any topic of your
choice like nature, visit to a certain place etc. for your school magazine. Remember to include an in-
troduction, plot, characters, climax, and resolution in a story.

(NOTE: Q1 & Q3 to be done in ruled A4 sheets and submitted in a folder)

Suggested Readings:
 Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

 The Three Musketeers by A. Dumas

 Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

क्रियात्मक कायय
ु मकां 1-10 तक)
1.(क) अपनी मनपसांद ह द
ां ी लघु कथ क चित्र कोल ज A3 स इज़ शीट पर बन इए l
ु म ांक 1-20 तक)
(ख) उपन्य स सम्र ट मश
ुां ी प्रेमिांद क स ह त्ययक एवां जीवन पररिय A3 स इज़ शीट पर चित्र सह त ललखखए l
ु म ांक 21-30 तक)
(ग) इस वर्ष क ह द
ां ी पांि ांग/ततचथ पत्र तैय र कीत्जए | (ह द
ां ी ततचथ पत्र की लांब ई×िौड़ ई =
42 सेमी०×28 सेमी० ोनी ि ह ए l)

(हदए गए चित्र की स यत ली ज सकती ै |)

ु म ांक 30 से अांत तक)
(घ) ग्रीष्म वक श में ककसी प्रलसद्ध लेखक की पस्
ु तक पहिए और A4 स इज़ शीट पर
ु तक की समीक्ष ललखखए l
2. स्वरचित स्य कववत अथव लशक्ष प्रद स्वरचित क नी A4 स इज़ शीट पर ललखखए l
शैक्षिक कायय
1. अपनी स यक पस्
ु तक 'अमत
ृ सांिय' की क तनयों क प ठन करें l
2.एक अलग अभ्य स पत्ु स्तक में 10 पष्ृ ठ सल
ु ेख व 10 शब्द श्रुतलेख प्रततहदन कीत्जए। श्रुतलेख करने के ब द उसक
ु र क यष भी कीत्जए l
3 प्रततहदन ह द
ां ी सम ि र पत्र पिें और दै तनक रूप से 10 कहठन शब्दों को िन
ु ें और उनक अथष भी ललखें l
4 कक्ष में पि ए गए प ठ्य क्रम को दो र एँ एवां हदए गए अभ्य स पत्र को पर्
ू ष करके ल एँ

ROLL NO 1-10
Paper weaving is a way of taking strips of paper and placing them either "over" or "under" the base piece of paper. The
weaving is created in different colors and patterns to create artwork. Make a paper bag or basket by paper weaving. Also
find the area of sheet required to make the bag or basket.
ROLL NO 11-20
Lamps and lanterns are made of different shapes and sizes. Not only do they beautify the space around them but also
reminds us about application of geometry in our day-to-day lives. Make a lamp or lantern using mathematical shapes (eg

ROLL NO 21- 30
Use an A3 sized sheet and draw and color rangoli using mathematical shapes
Roll No 31- last
(Survey – to be done in a file)
Visit at least five families in your neighborhood and collect the following data :
Number of members living in the family and amount of water consumed daily

Calculate per member daily/weekly water

consumption for each family and complete the
following table.
Represent the above data graphically.



1. Make a 3 D model using a cardboard of A3 size as the base material on any one organism belonging to the
given group of microorganisms. (According to your roll number).

2. You may use beads, pulses, wool, thread or any waste material available at home (Use of thermacol is not

3. Label the various parts in bold letters using flags made of toothpicks.

 (Roll Number 1-10)

Protozoa (like Amoeba or Paramaecium)

 (Roll Number 11 -20)

Fungi (like Rhizopus or Penicillium or Aspergillus)

 (Roll Number 21-30)

Algae (like Chlamydomonas or Spirogyra)

 (Roll Number 31 onwards)

Bacteria (like Streptococcus, Pseudomonas) OR Virus (like HIV, Bacteriophage)

You may refer the following sites to get an idea for making models of above organisms.
Social Science

Theme: International Year of Millets

Millets have been an integral part of our diet for centuries. In addition to a plethora of health benefits, millets are also
good for the environment with low water and input requirements. With the aim to create awareness and increase
production and consumption of millets, United Nations, at the behest of the Government of India, declared 2023 the
International year of Millets. To commemorate this, each one of you is required to make a project on the millet mentioned
against your roll number.The project work will be done individually.

Roll number: 1-10 (Jowar)

Roll number: 11-20 (Bajra)

Roll number: 21-30 (Ragi)

Roll number: 31 onwards (Sorghum)

The project is a creative compilation of holiday homework done by each student in the form of a project file. The project
should contain the following sub-headings:

 Index
 Millets: The powerhouse of nutrients
 Climate conditions required for the cultivation of millets.
 Collect data on the production and yield of millets in India from the year 2010 to 2020 and present that data in a
tabular form.
 “Millet Recipes- A healthy choice”: Write one recipe using millet.
 On a political map of India locate and mark the areas where the millets are grown.
 Make a poster on the topic “India’s wealth, Millets for health”.
 Register yourself on and take “Poshak Anaj Se Poshan” pledge and also write it.
 Design a logo to promote millets.
 Write a poem creating the awareness about millets.

 You can add your headings too.

 Paste pictures and drawings.

 The project should be done on A4 size sheet. Make it colourful and presentable with suitable cover page.

ROLL NO. 1-10

- On an A3 size sheet, write 4-5 lines about any 5 main holidays in France and paste pictures to make it attractive.

ROLL NO. 11-20

- Make a book cover with any French cartoon character on it. You can also add some speech bubbles of them.

ROLL NO. 21-30

-On an A4 size sheet, paste the pictures of any three celebrated French authors and write a few lines about them and their

ROLL NO. 31-40

-Students to prepare any French recipe and document the process on an A4 size sheet (steps and

ingrediants). They also have to cook the same dish and take pictures.

Play & Practise :



1. Let the imagination of the child take the lead to do the assigned task.
2. While doing the Homework ensure that it is informative, detailed as well as attractive. Make sure that the
information is both in German as well as English.
ROLL NO 1-10 Students will make Flash Cards about Germany and its Culture.

ROLL NO 11-20 Students will make Table Calendar about different Professions in Germany.

ROLL NO 21-30 Students will make a comic strip about Healthy and Unhealthy food.

ROLL NO 31-45 Students will make a travel brochure of famous places in Germany.

(तनम्नललखखत क यष A4 size पेपर पर करें ।)

1. “अस्म कां जीवने वक्ष

ृ र् ां म ययवम ्” इतत ववर्ये दस-व क्य तन ललखत । (चित्र सह त) (Roll no.- 1 – 10)

“ म रे जीवन में वक्ष

ृ ों क म ययव” ववर्य पर सांस्कृत में दस व क्य ललखें । (चित्र सह त) (Roll no.- 1 – 10)

2. “मम पररव रः” इतत ववर्ये दश-व क्य तन ललखत । (चित्र सह त collage बन एां) (Roll no.- 11 – 21)

“मेर पररव र” ववर्य पर सांस्कृत में दस व क्य ललखें । ( चित्र सह त collage बन एां) (Roll no.- 11 – 21)

3. “मम ववद्य लयः” इतत ववर्ये दश-व क्य तन ललखत । (चित्र सह त collage बन एां) (Roll no.- 21 – 31) “मेर
ववद्य लय” ववर्य पर सांस्कृत में दस व क्य ललखें । (चित्र सह त collage बन एां) (Roll no.- 21 – 31)

4. “मम दे शः” इतत ववर्ये दश-व क्य तन ललखत । (चित्र सह त collage बन एां) (Roll no.- 31 – 45) “मेर दे श” ववर्य पर
सांस्कृत में दस व क्य ललखें । (चित्र सह त collage बन एां) (Roll no.- 31 – 45)

निम्िलिखित श्िोक का प्रनतदिि वाचि करें । -

यस्य न त्स्त स्वयां प्रज्ञ श स्त्रां तस्य करोतत ककम ् ।

लोिन भ्य ां वव ीनस्य दपषर्ः ककां कररष्यतत ॥
अथष - त्जस मनष्ु य में स्वयां क वववेक, िेतन एवां बोध न ीां ै , उसके ललए श स्त्र क्य कर सकत ै । आँखों से ीन
अथ षत ् अांधे मनष्ु य के ललए दपषर् क्य कर सकत ै


Make a poster on A3 size sheet explaining the following topics according to your roll no.

Roll_Nos Topic

1-10 Cyber Security and safety

11-20 Importance of Cloud Computing

21-30 In computing, the relationship between privacy and data security

31-40 White hat and black hat hackers


Image Classification Activities

With MIT App Inventor, students can learn about AI and machine learning to identify objects within images.
Students learn about common image classification techniques while exploring data collection and developing their
own image classification app. The Introduction to Machine Learning: Image Classification activities consist of
several lessons that students can complete to explore the LookExtension in MIT App Inventor and create an app
that they can download on an Android device. Video: WhatIsIt Tutorial


Decorate a vase or bottle or any object available at your home with a stencil and acrylic colour which
you have used for coaster design in art activity


Collect five pictures of Round Plates with flowers designing using palette knife technique and make a collage on A4 size


Yoga refers to the integration of body, mind, and soul, and is considered to be a healthy way of living. It is important for
developing one's strength, stamina, endurance, and energy. To live a meaningful and disease-free life, it is recommended
that we practice yoga daily.

For Class 8th students, yoga is described as an art and science of healthy living that aims to bring harmony between the
mind and body. The recommended daily routine includes performing 3 rounds of Suryanamaskar, practicing simple
Pranayama or deep breathing for 5-6 rounds, and meditating every morning and night for 3-5 minutes. Additionally,
students are encouraged to perform any 8 Asanas with their family members, take pictures of each asana, paste them onto
a scrapbook, and write down the physiological effects on their body.


Vocal Music
Learn all 5 prayers by heart with correct lyrics and tune. Lyrics are available on moodle.
Practice one prayer daily.
Listen some good Indian songs daily .. patriotic / motivational / inspirational/ devotional songs.
Choose 5 patriotic songs. Write their singers, lyricists and music directors on A 4 sheet
Do warm up exercise with music. It keeps us healthy.
Learn first 10 samyukt hast mudras.
Prepare one dance using these mudras.
Bagpipers will do finger exercises daily for at least 10 to 15 min.
Drummers will take 2 sticks and practice Side drum exercises.
Do practice every day :
Congo : Pattern (1) 4/4 beat cycle (1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3), Hands movement ( L L R L L LRR )
Pattern (2) 4/4 beat cycle. (1 1 2 1 1 3 2222), Hands movement ( L L R L LR LRLR)
Pattern (3) 4/4 beat cycle. (1 1 1 22222), Hands movement (L L L RLRLR )
Guitar : All major/ minor chords. Prapere one song of your choice.
Keyboard : All major/ minor chords. Prepare one tune of your choice.
Tabla: Teentaal and basic kayada
Watch and listen any Indian classical instrumentalist on YouTube

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