3RD COT Chepie English 4

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Teacher CHERRY S. ACERO Learning Area ENGLISH

Teaching Dates Quarter THIRD


A.Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of the various forms and conventions of

non-print, and digital materials
B.Performance Evaluate effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various
Standards viewing texts

C.Learning Identify adjectives in the sentences.


II. CONTENT Identifying adjectives in the sentences.

( Subject Matter)


1.Teachers Guide pages

2.Learners Material Pages

B. Other Learning Charts, PowerPoint presentation, activity sheets, tag boards



A. Reviewing previous Teacher shall activate pupils’ prior knowledge of the topic.
lesson or presenting
the new lesson Ask:
How do you understand adjective?
Give me an example of adjective.

B. Establishing a purpose Strategy: Remember Me This Way

for the lesson
Divide pupils into three groups. Teacher shall direct them to
remember the words on the special tag board. When the teacher says
“freeze”, each group shall write all the words that they remember
from the tag board. The group which has many adjectives written

Ask: What are the words that each group has written?

C. Presenting Say: Today, you are expected to learn adjectives used in the
examples/instances of sentences.
the new lesson
Reading of the story –The Philippine Tarsier (see attached copy)
Strategy: DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity)
The story shall be read by pupils. Teacher shall ask questions at
different points of the reading activity.
- Do you have pets at home?
- How do you show your love and care towards them?
- List all the adjectives you found from the story
ESP Integration: Appreciating God’s creation
Teacher shall briefly discuss the importance of preserving animals.
One day, you and your family went to the farm to harvest some sweet
potatoes. On your way, you saw an injured dog. What will you do?

D. Discussing the new Strategy: Explicit Instruction

concepts and
practicing new skills I Do (Modelling)
#1 Using PowerPoint presentation, teacher shall discuss the topic on
adjectives using the springboard story.
What are the adjectives used in the story?
E. Discussing the new We do (Guided Practice)
concepts and
practicing new skills # Strategy: Show and Tell
Show chart with sentences on it. Have pupils identify the adjectives
from the sentences. Have them encircle the adjective found in the

F. Developing mastery You do (Independent Activity)

Strategy: That’s the Word

Teacher shall show sentences on a chart. Have them encircle the

word in column B that best describes the word in column A.

(Please see attached copy)

G. Finding practical Differentiated Activity

applications of
concepts and skills in Group 1 : Read the selection properly and write all the adjective
daily living you find.

Group 2 : Underline the adjectives in the sentences.

Group 3 : Read the selection and answer the given situation.

1. Describe the kitten

2. Describe the couch
3. Describe the bed

H. Making generalizations What is an adjective?

and abstraction about
the lesson/Application Give me an example of a sentence using adjective.
- Identify the adjectives in the given sentences.
(Power point Presentation)
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Underline the adjective in each sentence.

1. The elephant is big.

2. Marian is a beautiful lady.
3. Ana’s hair is long.
4. My mother is pretty.
5. The rain is heavy.

J. Additional activities for Have pupils write five (5) sentences using adjective in their small
application or English notebook.
V. Reflection

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked and Observed by:

Master Teacher II
Name: ________________________________________________

Directions: Identify whether the given image is real or make-believe, fact or non-
fact. Encircle the correct answer.

1) 2)

3) 4)


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